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Paris. Tech en Chine et particulièrement à Shanghai Réunion du CEFI 6 novembre 2006
Paris. Tech in China « 50 Ingénieurs » programmes • 9 collaboration agreements with : Beida, Tsinghua, China Agri U, Nanjing U, South. East U, Nanjing Agri U, Tongji, Fudan, Jiaotong • 70 engineers graduated every year at Paris. Tech Master and MBA programmes Franco-Chinese Institute for Engineering and Management (IFCIM) • Shanghai International Master of Business administration (SI MBA) • Intelligent Transportation Systems (MSc) • New Information Technology (MSc) • Water and Sewerage (MSc) • Industrial Risk Management (MSc) New Msc with Fudan and Tsinghua from 2006 • Math applied to Finances • Nuclear Waste Treatment, etc. Since 2000, about 1000 students have already graduated or are currently training in these programmes
Background : “ 9+9” or “ 50 Engineers Programme” teaching hours/years 1000 Classes préparatoires Licence Master & Engineer diploma 750 500 Sup Spé Grande École French curricula Industry 250 Academic years 1000 336 Chinese students from 2000 Jury + Fr 750 Chinese curricula 500 250 Academic 1 2 Bachelor 3 4 5 Master 6 7 8 9 Doctorate 10 years
Background Master of Sciences teaching hours/years 1000 Classes préparatoires FR Master Licence 750 500 Sup Spé 250 Grande École MS 2 French curricula Industry Academic years 197 Chinese students from 2001 1000 750 french Chinese curricula 500 CN Master MS 1 250 Academic 1 2 Bachelor 3 4 5 Master 6 7 8 9 Doctorate 10 years
Sino French Centre The historical partners Tongji U Finance & manage the building Paris Tech IFCIM Education Chairs Business activities Donations Exhibitions Other Schools Chinese students Scholarships & stages French Entreprises Chinese Entreprises
Sino-French Centre of Tongji demonstrates the quality of cooperation established through IFCIM between partners and their mutual trust. • It will house the education and research programmes developed between Paris. Tech and Tongji University and their new F 6 school. • It will also house an incubator for innovative SME, with assistance from Agence Paris Développement. • It will be also the headquarters of Paris. Tech in China as well as a show-room for all our partners’ activities. Centre First Stone was unveiled by the French Republic President Jacques Chirac on 2004 October 11 th. Centre was inaugurated by Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres on 2006 October 28 th
Ecole Franco-Chinoise d’Ingénieurs de Shanghai EFCIS = "F 6"
F 6 The proposal Formation of bi-cultural polymath engineers Broad-based scientific, technical and technological culture For an evolution towards leadership positions Ready-to-work graduates Requirements for doctoral studies
F 6 Ways and means High level scientific and technical training Fundamental academic disciplines Specialised programmes in close connection with industrial partners Entrepreneurial culture in the professional and social environment Courses in Humanities and Social Sciences (management, law, eco. ) Foreign languages and Communication Internships in factories, laboratories and companies Continuous personal guidance
F 6 F 6: 11 (6) French «Grandes Écoles» , 3 Chinese Univ, 6 majors Mathematical Engineering Fudan EP + others Chemistry Fudan ESPCI, EP &… Mechanics and Materials Jiaotong ENSTA, PC &. . Communication & Information Technology Jiaotong ENST & Civil Engineering Tongji ENPC Urban planning, Environment, Transport Tongji ENPC+others
F 6 Curricula, Diploma Paris. Tech proposal
F 6 A programme in 6 years, divided in 3 cycles of 2 years each Year 1 Year 2 Gao Kao + interviews Year 3 Year 4 Competitive exam Year 5 Year 6 Specialisation French diploma Chinese MSc BSc 3 BSc 4 Chinese BSc
F 6 Year 1 Year 2 Acquisition of the fundamental scientific concepts and tools for the engineer and the researcher Focus on thoughfulness, methodology, rational thought, rigour Programme Sciences: mathematics, computer sc. , physics, electronics, chemistry Languages: French (4 full months + 5 h/wk), English (4 h/wk) Cycle based on Chinese BSc 1+2
F 6 Year 3 Year 4 Acquisition of academic background for engineers General scientific know-how (continued) Methods for application to concrete problems Programme Sciences (general): maths, comp. sc. , physics, mechanics, electronics Sciences (elective): Chemistry, mechanics, info tech, maths, … Human and social science Foreign languages & communication + 22 weeks of internships
F 6 Year 5 Year 6 Specialisation and professionalism Acquisition of tools and know-how for a given engineering sector Courses partly taught by academic professors or professionals from industry +14 weeks of personal project +26 weeks of internships
F 6 Protocole d’accord 7. Calendrier prévisionnel 1. 2. 3. 4. Annexe académique au protocole octobre 06 Signature du protocole, à Paris 1 er décembre 06 Pré-dossier d’habilitation des diplômes décembre 06 Cadre juridique et modèle économico-financier assurant viabilité du Projet janvier 07 Après consultation avec les industriels, contributeurs potentiels 5. Accords général & particuliers à préparer janvier-mars 07 A conclure sous réserve de : • • 6. 7. 8. oct. déc. 06 viabilité financière du projet dûment établie assurances reçues sur la double habilitation des diplômes visés Signature accords Université - Ecoles, à Shanghai 15 mars 07 Nomination chef de projet français et trois codirigeants chinois pour préfigurer puis engager la mise en route de l’Ecole mars-mai 07 Première promotion mi-août 2007
F 6 Summary Duration : 3 x 2 years First admission : mid-august 2007 Cycle 1 -2 (B 1 -B 2) : 15/08/2007 - 30/06/2009 Cycle 3 -4 (B 3 -B 4) : 15/08/2009 - 31/07/2011 Cycle 5 -6 (M 1 -M 2) : 01/09/2011 - 01/10/2013 25 -30 students per major (or 15 -20 per speciality ? ) A french « diplôme d’ingénieur » but also a chinese Msc Part of the programme in France: 6 month to 2 years …
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