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PARIS “La Ville-Lumière” “The City of Lights” or “La Cité d’amour” “City of Love”
History of Paris • Founded on a small island by the Parisii tribe • Paris is the largest city of continental Europe and is the capital of France, over 2, 000 years old. • Is divided into 20 “arrondissements” or districts • Let’s go learn more at these two websites: • History of Paris, France • Chronological History of Paris, France
Paris – La Rive Seine • La Rive Seine = means “The Seine River” • Dissects Paris into two parts called “La Rive Gauche” (“The Left Bank”) on the south and “La Rive Droite” (“The Right Bank”) on the north side of the Seine • Helps give Paris its romantic feel • Random Bit of Info: St. Joan of Arc's ashes were thrown into the Seine
Le Métro • If you want to get anywhere in Paris fast and efficiently, then Le Métro is your best bet! • Opened on July 19, 1900 An example of one of the Art Nouveau métro entrances designed by Hector Guimard between 1898 -1904 -taken from: http: //www. paris. org/ Metro/
Major Districts in Paris • Quartier Latin • Marais • Montmartre • Ile-de-la-Cité
Plan de Paris (Map of Paris)
Shopping in Paris Les Galéries Lafayette PRINTEMPS Rue de Rivoli
Shopping in Paris (part 2) Châtelet - les Halles La Samaritaine BHV - (located next to L’Hôtel de ville)
Paris Landmarks • La Tour Eiffel • Designed by Gustave Eiffel in 1887 • Completed in 1889 and the Parisians hated it! They signed a petition to have it torn down. • They said it “polluted” their skyline.
Paris Landmarks L’Hôtel des Invalides – also known as “Les Invalides” The red marble casket of Napoleon Bonaparte
Paris Landmarks • Le Musée d’Orsay • Once was a train station but converted to an art museum in 1977 and opened in 1986. • Another major art museum in Paris that houses mostly Impressionist and Post-Impressionist artwork by famous artists like Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, Renoir, and many others
Le “Marais”* et “L’Ile-de-la-cité”** *The “Marais” is the district of Paris known for its expensive shops, boutiques, restaurants, bistros, and apartment housing. **The “Ile-de-la-cité” is the largest of the two tiny islands in the middle of the Seine River and at the heart of the city of Paris.
Paris Landmarks L’Hôtel de ville • Paris’ city hall. Houses the offices of the Mayor of Paris. • Built between 1553 and 1628 • Expanded or enlarged 1803 and again in 1837
Paris Landmarks • La Conciergerie (formerly called “Le Palais de Justice”) • Was first a royal palace but later turned into a high -security prison • Marie-Antoinette was imprisoned here during the French Revolution before going to “La guillotine” • Located on the “Ile-de-la. Cité”
Paris Landmarks • Le Pont Neuf • Means “The New Bridge” • Ironically named since it is the oldest bridge in Paris, begun in 1578 and completed in 1607.
Paris Landmarks • Notre Dame de Paris • Gothic cathedral built between 1163 and 1285 • Site made famous by the novel by Victor Hugo about a hunchback who lived in the bell towers and entitled “Notre Dame de Paris. ” • Located on the “Ile-de-la. Cité”
Paris Landmarks • Les Catacombes
Paris Landmarks • L’Arche de la Défense (also known as “La Grande Arche”) • Is a “ 20 th century version of the Arc de Triomphe” and is in nearly perfect alignment L’Arc de Triomphe, L’avenue des Champs Elysees, Place de la Concorde, and Le Palais du Louvre – This alignment is called “Axe historique” • Was commissioned by President François Mittérand designed by Johann Otto von Spreckelsen
Paris Landmarks L’Arc de Triomphe – “The Arc of Triumph!” • Commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1806, not finished until 1836 to celebrate his victory at Austerlitz
Paris Landmarks • L’Avenue des Champs -Elysées • Literally means “The Avenue of Elevated Fields”
L’Élysée • The French “White House” • The “Élysée” is the palatial home for the current “Président de la République” • You can find the “Élysée” towards the end of the well-known “Avenue des Champs-Élysées” near the “Place de la Concorde”** • (**see next slide)
Paris Landmarks Place de la Concorde** **It was here that “La guillotine” was placed during the French Revolution to execute prisoners.
Paris Landmarks • L’Obélisque Égyptien • was a gift from the Egyptian government to the French government in 1829. • The 3, 300 -year-old obelisk once marked the entrance to the Luxor Temple. • It is decorated with hieroglyphics exalting the reign of the pharaoh Ramses II. *
Paris Landmarks L’Arc de Triomphe de la Carrousel
Paris Landmarks • Le Musée du Louvre – formerly titled “Le Palais du Louvre” • Today it is a famous art museum which houses “La Joconde” or the “Mona Lisa” as we know her! • Paris Pages Musee du Louvre
Paris Landmarks • “Axe Historique” or “Voie triomphale” http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Axe_historique
Paris Landmarks Église de la Madeleine* *means “Church of Mary Magdalene”
Paris Landmarks • L’Assemblée Nationale • Houses the French Parliament • Works with “Le Sénat” to create laws http: //www. assemblee-nationale. fr/english/index. asp
La Grande Salle de l’Assemblée
Paris Landmarks Place Vendôme L’Hôtel Ritz* – also known as “Le Ritz” *see next slide
Paris Landmarks *This is the hotel (*see previous slide) where Princess Diana dined with her boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed on the night they both died in Paris in a horrendous car accident. In the picture above you can see the monument in honor of “Lady Di” (as the French call her) placed near the spot where the accident took place on August 31, 1997.
Paris Landmarks • Le Centre Georges Pompidou • Located in the “Place Beaubourg” • Is a modern art museum • Built between 1977 and 1981 • Designed by Piano and Rogers
Paris Landmarks • Place de la Bastille • Location of the former Bastille prison which was built between 1370 and 1383 • Bastille prison was destroyed between 1789 and 1790 during the French Revolution
Paris Landmarks Opéra de la Bastille
Paris Landmarks • Père-Lachaise Cimétière • Cemetery where many famous people are buried including Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison, Marcel Proust, Yves Montand, Edith Piaf, and many others. • One of the most famous cemeteries in the world and is also the most visited with hundreds of thousands of visitors each year!
Le Quartier Latin
Paris Landmarks • Le Panthéon • Located in the “Quartier Latin” which is the district in Paris most famous for its many universities and college students who live and work there. • Famous mausoleum where many famous people are buried: Victor Hugo, Marie Curie • Paris Pages; Le Pantheon
Paris Landmarks • La Sorbonne – The University of Paris • Located in the “Quartier Latin” • Founded in 1257 by Robert de Sorbon • Was originally part of a group of colleges but eventually separated to become the most prestigious school in Paris • http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/S orbonne
Paris Landmarks Le Jardin du Luxembourg “The Luxembourg Gardens” http: //www. senat. fr/visite/ Le Sénat
Paris Landmarks • La Tour Montparnasse • Finished in 1973 • Has 59 floors • Has restaurants, gift shops, business offices, a train station (underground), an observation deck with the best panoramic view of Paris
“Montmartre”* *Literally means “mountain of the martyr”** and famous for its history of bistros and small cafés where many artists, both famous and unknown, have “hung out” and painted in the streets. **http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Montmartre
Paris Landmarks • La Basilique du Sacré Coeur – also known as “Sacré Coeur” which means “The Basilica of the Sacred Heart (of Jesus)” • Situated on the hill of the district of Paris known as “Montmartre” • Overlooks the city, gives one a grand view of the city! • Built between 1875 and 1914
Paris Landmarks • Le Moulin Rouge - means “The Red Windmill” • Built in 1889 • Houses exotic stage shows day and night with songs, dance, and comedy called “cabarets” with audiences seated at tables instead of theatre seats while they are served food and drinks • Home of the internationally famous French dance called the “Can-can” • located in Paris’ “Red-light” district, also known as “Pigalle”
Paris Landmarks Opéra Garnier *check out this website for more info: http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Palais_Garnier
Paris Landmarks Le Stade de France
More Paris Landmarks… • • Musée Rodin Le Jardin des Tuileries Palais de Chaillot La Sainte Chapelle La Tour St. Jacques Le Palais Royal Au Fouquet’s • Place des Vosges • La Bibliotheque Nationale de France • L’Eglise de St. Eustache • La Closerie des Lilas • Le Café des Deux Magots
History of Paris Landmarks • To learn even more go to this website: • Web. Museum: Paris: History
Sources • *http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Luxor_Obelisk
QUIZ: How well do you know your Paris landmarks? 1. 2. Sacré Cœur La Tour Montparnasse
QUIZ: Paris Landmarks 3. 4.
QUIZ: Paris Landmarks 5. 6.
QUIZ: Paris Landmarks 7. 8.
QUIZ: Paris Landmarks 9. 10.
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