Скачать презентацию Painter sculptor architect engineer scientist all of Leonardo Скачать презентацию Painter sculptor architect engineer scientist all of Leonardo

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Painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, scientist all of Leonardo da Vinci. Where would such a Painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, scientist all of Leonardo da Vinci. Where would such a person is not treated, his every action is so divine that, leaving behind all the other people, it is itself something freely given to us by God, and not acquired by human art.

This drawn Leonardo da Vinci, which is in the Louvre (Paris, France), one of This drawn Leonardo da Vinci, which is in the Louvre (Paris, France), one of the most famous paintings in the world, which is considered to be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo of Florence, written about 1503 -1505.

"Benois Madonna" and "Madonna with a Flower" (1478 -1480) - an early painting by Leonardo da Vinci, presumably remaining unfinished. In 1914 it was acquired by the Imperial Hermitage Museum, Maria Alexandrovna, wife of the court architect Leonti Benois.

Vitruvian Man - drawing art created by Leonardo da Vinci around the years 149092, Vitruvian Man - drawing art created by Leonardo da Vinci around the years 149092, as an illustration for a book devoted to the works of Vitruvius. Figure accompanied by explanatory inscriptions, in one of his journals.

"Sekret Supper" - Leonardo da Vіnchі, target in 1495 -1497 perіod rokіv chachdral Santa-Maria della Gratsіya in Mіlanі.

Painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, scientist all of Leonardo da Vinci. Where would such a Painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, scientist all of Leonardo da Vinci. Where would such a person is not treated, his every action is so divine that, leaving behind all the other people, it is itself something freely given to us by God, and not acquired by human art. This drawn Leonardo da Vinci, which is in the Louvre (Paris, France), one of the most famous paintings in the world, which is considered to be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo of Florence, written about 1503 -1505. "Benois Madonna" and "Madonna with a Flower" (1478 -1480) - an early painting by Leonardo da Vinci, presumably remaining unfinished. In 1914 it was acquired by the Imperial Hermitage Museum, Maria Alexandrovna, wife of the court architect Leonti Benois. Vitruvian Man - drawing art created by Leonardo da Vinci around the years 1490 -92, as an illustration for a book devoted to the works of Vitruvius. Figure accompanied by explanatory inscriptions, in one of his journals. Sekret Supper" - Leonardo da Vіnchі, target in 1495 -1497 perіod rokіv chachdral Santa. Maria della Gratsіya in Mіlanі.

Живописец, скульптор, архитектор, инженер, ученый Леонардо да Винчи. Где бы такого человека не лечить, Живописец, скульптор, архитектор, инженер, ученый Леонардо да Винчи. Где бы такого человека не лечить, каждое его действие так божественно, что, оставив позади все другие люди, она сама что-то дарованное нам Богом, а не приобретена человеческого искусства. Это обращается Леонардо да Винчи, который находится в Лувре (Париж, Франция), один из самых известных картин в мире, который считается портретом Лизы Герардини, супруги торговца шелком Франческо дель Джокондо Флоренции, написал о 1503 -1505. "Мадонна Бенуа" и "Мадонна с цветком" (1478 -1480) - ранняя картина Леонардо да Винчи, предположительно оставшийся незавершенным. В 1914 году она была приобретена Императорским Эрмитажем, Марии Александровны, супруги придворный архитектор Леонтий Бенуа. Витрувианский человек - рисунок искусства, созданные Леонардо да Винчи около 1490 -92 годах, как иллюстрация для книги, посвященной творчеству Витрувия. Рисунок сопровождается пояснительными надписями, в одном из своих журналов. Секрет вечеря "- Леонардо да Vіnchі, цели в 1495 -1497 perіod rokіv chachdral Санта-Марияделла-Gratsіya в Mіlanі.