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Page 1 Religion Periods: 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 Freshmen and Sophomore Exegetes Page 1 Religion Periods: 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 Freshmen and Sophomore Exegetes Student’s Name _________ Cardinal Hayes High School Brother Sherlog, CFC September 2015

I. STARTING POINTS p 2 1. “Chew the Scriptures with the teeth of your I. STARTING POINTS p 2 1. “Chew the Scriptures with the teeth of your mind. ” -- Saint Jerome 2. We are male by birth: men by choice. 3. This is a down to earth class with an academic side and a spiritual side. 4. Exegete: one who studies the Scriptures 5. Exegesis: the study of the Scriptures 6. Lectio Divina: Divine Reading. Slow, repetitive, prayerful reading 7. Psalm 3: 7 is about enemies. 8. Romans 15: 13 is about abounding in the holy Spirit. forever 9. John 6: 66 -68 mentions the first Pope, Peter 10. Mark 1: 9 -11 talks about “ the voice, the “Vox Dei. ”

II. SOME KEY CONCEPTS p 3 • • 1. RTA = Read, think, apply II. SOME KEY CONCEPTS p 3 • • 1. RTA = Read, think, apply 2. HATCH= Hayesman Asking That Christ Help 3. HITCH= Hayesman In Total Control (of) Himself 4. BIBLE= Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth 5. ORANT= Hands raised in Prayer, Our freeze face, focus sign 6. Genesis 1. 27= imago Dei. 7. Matthew 13: 1 -9 God is good… We have great potential to achieve spectacular results. 8 KUSHIYAH – A Hebrew Word– It means “a problem( difficulty) with the text. ”--- See Gen 2: 15 -17 and Gen 3: 1 -3 See Dt. 22: 8 • 9. We solve the KUSHIYAH with Lectio divina and the RTA Approach. • 10. Talmud and Midrash : Jewish Commentaries and exegesis on the Old Testament Scriptures to see what they really mean.

III HAYES FACTS 1. Cardinal Hayes’ first name: Patrick 2. Birthday: Born November 20, III HAYES FACTS 1. Cardinal Hayes’ first name: Patrick 2. Birthday: Born November 20, 1867 3. Died: September 4, 1938 4. Founder of Catholic Charities 5. School Colors: Cardinal and Gold 6. School Motto: For God and Country 7. School Seal: Cross, Bible and Stole 8. School Alumni : 29, 000 p. 4

More Hayes Facts p 4 9. School is 74 years old. 10. Statue over More Hayes Facts p 4 9. School is 74 years old. 10. Statue over front door: Good Shepherd 11. School is a nine sided building 12. There are 232 shields( seals) that surround this building.

Hayes Fight Song March on, loyal sons and true, Hurl our challenge to the Hayes Fight Song March on, loyal sons and true, Hurl our challenge to the sky; We will make The earth's foundations quake. Fight on, do or die. FIGHT! - FIGHT!!!

IV More on the Battle p. 4 • In the Hayes School Song we IV More on the Battle p. 4 • In the Hayes School Song we sing: Fight, fight. What type of battle are we really fighting? Some Hayesmen are fighting with the Mount. Others are fighting with math. Others are fighting against poverty and hunger. In Ephesians 6: 10 -18 Saint Paul says we should put on the armor of God to combat and conquer evil. Loyal sons need a shield and a sword.

Battle Against Evil Battle Against Evil

V. THE BATTLE p 5 1. The Imago Dei Team v. The SIN Team V. THE BATTLE p 5 1. The Imago Dei Team v. The SIN Team 2. SIN = “ See, I’m nobody. ” 3. Theological Virtues: faith, Hope and Love 4. The Cardinal Virtues: Temperance, , Justice, Prudence , Fortitude 5. The Seven Capital Sins: PAGLEGS Pride, Anger, Greed Lust, Envy , . Gluttony, Sloth

VI. THE BATTLE p. 6 E) Yetzer ha’ tov- our inclination to do good– VI. THE BATTLE p. 6 E) Yetzer ha’ tov- our inclination to do good– See Genesis Chapter 18 F) Yetzer ha’ra – our inclination to do evil– Seen Genesis Chapter 18 V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MEN BUILD FENCES Genesis Fence Deuteronomy Fence Holocaust Fence Hayes Fence Jesus Fence VI SAINT JEROME 1. “Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ. ” 2. He translated the Bible from Greek into Latin – the VULGATE 3. Letter 107 is a key primary source

VII Letter 107 p. • • 1. silk, gems, gilding. , Babylonian Parchment, • VII Letter 107 p. • • 1. silk, gems, gilding. , Babylonian Parchment, • arabesque patterns are _______ • 2. Psalter, Proverbs, Preacher, Job, Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles, Prophets are _______ 3. Our enemeis and friends 4. Reason for Jerome’s order

4 of the 232 Seals on the Hayes Fence! 4 of the 232 Seals on the Hayes Fence!


IX. Five Old Testament Books that Point to Jesus p. 11 1. Psalms--- David- IX. Five Old Testament Books that Point to Jesus p. 11 1. Psalms--- David- feelings of lament, praise and thanks! 2. Proverbs--- Solomon-- 3000 wise sayings! 3. Ecclesiastes--- Ec. 3: 1 -8 4. Wisdom -- Wisdom 3: 1 -9 5. Job-- Why do bad things happen to good people? VIII: Take all your FEELINGS to God in prayer! A) UPS: B) DOWNS: IX: BE A MAN OF WISDOM: “STREET SMARTS AND ACADEMICS” A) Proverbs 3. 14 , 3. 16, 22. 22, 26. 11 B)

X: Hayesmen Dealing With Suffering p. 13 A) Job’s situation ( Chapter 1 and X: Hayesmen Dealing With Suffering p. 13 A) Job’s situation ( Chapter 1 and 2) B) Job’s friends ( chapter 2 -37)+ C) God speaks ( Chapter 38+ff) D)Job speaks in 40. 3 -5 and Job in 42. 5 E)The Epilogue G) The sitz im leben: The Babylonian Exile F) RTA Statement:

P. 15 XI: Jesus: A Man of Feelings, Wisdom and Suffering. The Gospel of P. 15 XI: Jesus: A Man of Feelings, Wisdom and Suffering. The Gospel of Mark FEELINGS WISDOM SUFFERING Alone 9. 8 Teacher 12. 32, 9. 31, 7. 7 Cried out 15. 37 Betrayed 3. 19, 14. 10, 14. 21, 14. 44 Taught –astonished Crowns of thorns 1. 21 -22, 7. 37 15. 17 Amazed 6. 6 Joy 11. 9 Preached 2. 2 Stones 13. 2 Insulted Scourged 15. 15 Pity 6. 34 Parable 12. 1, 3. 23 Abused 15. 32 Anger 3. 5, Threatened 14. 1 -2 Immediately knew 2. 8 Mocked 15. 20, 15. 31 Distressed 14. 33, 14. 71 Rebuked 16. 14, 1. 25 Crucified 15. 15, 16. 6

XII THE DESIRE TO KNOW GOD p. 17 • 1. We have a desire XII THE DESIRE TO KNOW GOD p. 17 • 1. We have a desire for God. We have a thirst or craving or need to satisfy our inner longing. • 2. Vocation: a call from God • 3. All the books of the Bible point to Jesus! • 4. Jesus is the fullness of divine revelation. • 5. The Church Fathers : teachers in the early centuries of the Church who chewed the Scriptures and extended the tradition of the Apostles • 6. Doctors of the Church: Saints known for their theological writings • 7. Divine Revelation: God speaks directly to us • 8 Natural Revelation: God makes himself known to us through nature and human reasoning • 9. Salvation History: pattern of specific events in human history when God reveals himself to us

“Grace Builds on Nature” p. 20 • 1. Quote by Thomas Aquinas • 2. “Grace Builds on Nature” p. 20 • 1. Quote by Thomas Aquinas • 2. Fish swim, birds fly. Things give glory to God by doing what they are supposed to do! • 3. The glory of God is a man fully alive ( John 10. 10) • 4. We dissected acorns, discovered larvae from weevils and made comparisons to ourselves • 5. We used John 12: 24 to compare ourselves to the acorn.

XIII: Scholastic Theology p. 19 A. Happened in the Middle Ages B. use philosophical XIII: Scholastic Theology p. 19 A. Happened in the Middle Ages B. use philosophical methods to understand God C. an example of natural revelation D. Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote Summa Theologica – 21 volumes– E. Thomas- “The Dumb Ox” – Five Proofs of Gods Existence 1. The First Mover 2. Causality 3. Contingency 4. Perfection 5. Intelligent being

XIV: Trying to Understand God p. 21 • 1. We experience beauty and goodness XIV: Trying to Understand God p. 21 • 1. We experience beauty and goodness • 2. we use our conscience ( inner voice) • 3. We use our reason • 4. We chew the Scriptures • 5. Prayer and theophany ( manifestations )- like the Burning Bush • 5. Apostolic Succession: the uninterrupted preaching of the gospel from the apostles to the bishops like Pope Francis and Cardinal Dolan • 6. Magisterium: Pope and the bishops -- see Matthew 16. 15 - 20!! • 7. Deposit of Faith: Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition • 8. Dogma: central teachings of the Church– Trinity and Incarnation – The Paschal Mystery ( Jesus died and rose again)

XV How the Bible Was Written p. 23 A. B. People experienced God, talked XV How the Bible Was Written p. 23 A. B. People experienced God, talked about it, wrote it down and stuck it in the canon The Canon: collection of Books that Church recognized as the inspired Word of God C. Catholic Bible has 73 books D. Protestant Bible has 66 Books E. Deuterocanonical Books: Tobit, Judith, First and Second Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch F. These books were written between 900 BC and 150 AD G. Divine Inspiration: The Holy Spirit assists the authors so authors could write in human words what God wanted to communicate h. Biblical inerrancy: the Bible is free from error I biblical exegesis : The Critical interpretation and explanation of the text. J lectio divina: form of prayer: slow , thoughtful , repetitive reading of the Scriptures

XVI: Helpers for Exegetes p. 25 A. Literal sense: the meaning conveyed by the XVI: Helpers for Exegetes p. 25 A. Literal sense: the meaning conveyed by the words B. the spiritual sense : considers what the realities and events signify 1. Allegorical sense=Christological significance 2. Moral sense= how does it teach us to be ethical? 3. Anagogical sense- - how does it relate to heaven? C. Fundamentalist approach: based on literal meaning does not take into account the “sitz-im leben” ( setting of the story) D. Contextualist approach: takes into account the various contexts of history, culture and analogy of faith E. Dead Sea Scrolls F. Nag Hammadi manuscripts G. Flavius Josepheus H. Pliny the Younger

XVII. BUILDING A RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST p 27 A) Matthew 16 15 -20 XVII. BUILDING A RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST p 27 A) Matthew 16 15 -20 1. Caesarea Philippi 2. Pan 3. Herod 4. Simon to Peter 5. The Church B) RTA statement:

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XVIII THE ROSARY p 29 1. A String of Hail Marys 2. A prayer XVIII THE ROSARY p 29 1. A String of Hail Marys 2. A prayer about the relationship between Jesus and Mary. The 20 decades of the Rosary are based on the Gospels. 3. Joyful Mysteries 4. Sorrowful Mysteries 5. Glorious Mysteries 6. Luminous Mysteries

XIX Teresa of Avila p. 31 1) She is a Doctor of the Church XIX Teresa of Avila p. 31 1) She is a Doctor of the Church who helped fix things during the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation. 2) Born in Spain (1515 -1582). She became a Carmelite nun. The Carmelites were a group of hermits that lived in Palestine circa 1200 AD 3) She Wrote Interior Castle, a book about personal prayer. 4) Her writings influenced Brother Edmund Rice ( 1762 -1844), founder of the Christian Brothers. 6) One of her quotes: “There is a time for penance and a time for partridge; this is a time for partridge!”

XX Still Following Jerome’s Letter 107 p. 33 1. After the Gospels, Jerome say XX Still Following Jerome’s Letter 107 p. 33 1. After the Gospels, Jerome say to read the Prophetic Books 2. The Major Prophets A) Isaiah 6: 5 B) Jeremiah 1: 5 -9 C) Ezekiel 2: 1 - 3: 4, Ez. 37 D) Daniel 6: 23 3. God does not choose the qualified, he qualifies the chosen 4. These four books have the Babylonian Exile as their sitz-im-leben 5. The Babylonian Exile: a) 587 BC, Babylonians destroy Temple, enslave the Jewish People b) a time of “Spiritual amnesia” c) People forget their God, their traditions, their values

XXI Isaiah, Old Testament Book, 66 chapters p. 35 1. The Call of Isaiah XXI Isaiah, Old Testament Book, 66 chapters p. 35 1. The Call of Isaiah 6: 1 -8 2. Birth of Emmanuel 7: 14. 3. Rule of Immanuel 11: 1 -9 4. The suffering servant: a servant found in Isaiah who will encounter great suffering and end in glorification 5. servant leadership: leadership based on humble service 6. messianic hope: Jewish belief and expectation that a messiah would come to protect, unite and lead Israel to freedom 7. Suffering Servant Poems 42: 1 -4, 50: 4 -9, 52: 13 - 53: 12

ALL SAINTS AND ALL SOULS p. 37 1. November 1 is All Saints Day ALL SAINTS AND ALL SOULS p. 37 1. November 1 is All Saints Day 2. November 2 is All Souls Day 3. Saint: A person who make it to heaven. 4. Soul: Our spiritual, immortal essence that makes us most like God • 5. Purgatory: a state of final purification which one may need before entering Heaven • 6. Heaven: eternal life and union with God • • • 7. Beatific Vision: directly seeing God in the glory of heaven!

Revelations 7: 9 p. 38 • After this I had a vision of a Revelations 7: 9 p. 38 • After this I had a vision of a great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation, race, people, and tongue. They stood before throne and before the Lamb, wearing white robes and holding palm branches in their hands

THE ROOM 323 LITANY OF SAINTS, p. 39 • • • • • God THE ROOM 323 LITANY OF SAINTS, p. 39 • • • • • God the Father, have mercy on us God the Son, have mercy on us God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Saint Joseph, Saints Gabriel, Raphael and Michael Saints Peter and Paul, Saint Jerome Saint Teresa and Saint Thomas Aquinas Saint Ignatius of Loyola Blessed Edmund Rice Saint Martin de Porres Oscar Romero, Dorothy Day Matteo Ricci, Mrs. Caldara Saint Kizito Saint Katherine Drexel Saint Patrick Pray for us

An Exegesis of Luke 19: 11 -27 p. 41 • The sitz- im-leben: Jerusalem An Exegesis of Luke 19: 11 -27 p. 41 • The sitz- im-leben: Jerusalem • The anagogical sense of the “distant country. ’: Parousia- End of world- Judgment Day • The first and second servants– took chances • The third servant: plays it safe • The KUSHIYAH: Is the King too demanding? • The MIDRASH: the interpretation of the story • The end of the Liturgical Year: Feast of Christ the King • If Christ is the King we are ___soldiers______.

A CSI/COLD CASE Approach to the Resurrection of Jesus P. 43 1. Possible crimes: A CSI/COLD CASE Approach to the Resurrection of Jesus P. 43 1. Possible crimes: Homicide, Grand Larceny, Perjury 2. If the resurrection was a hoax would the apostles have selected unreliable women who were not respected as eyewitnesses? 3. If the body was stolen would not the Jewish Authorities and Roman soldiers have found the corpse? 4. If it were a hoax would the apostles have been willing to die for a lie? 4. If it were a hoax why would the biggest enemy of Christians suddenly become a famous Christian saint, the Super- Apostle, Saint Paul? 5. The Resurrection is either the biggest lie in history or the greatest story ever told

ADVENT 1. 2. 3. 4. p. 45 Four weeks before Christmas We prepare for ADVENT 1. 2. 3. 4. p. 45 Four weeks before Christmas We prepare for the historical birth! We prepare for the End of the World We prepare for Jesus who comes each and every day in ordinary events through ordinary people who are Imago Dei. 5. RTA: Only boring people get bored.

Be Alert p. 46 • Novelist H. G. Wells said, ‘‘I am an historian, Be Alert p. 46 • Novelist H. G. Wells said, ‘‘I am an historian, I am not a believer. But this penniless preacher from Galilee is irresistibly the centre of history. ’’ • 1 Cor. 3: 16: Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? • St. Bernadette Soubirous- Lourdes, France 1858 - Had a vision of Mary, “The Immaculate Conception. ”- Place of Miracles and Healing!

THE ARKS OF ROOM 323 p 47 • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. THE ARKS OF ROOM 323 p 47 • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The ark represents a place of safety, peace, order, goodness The Garden of Eden…… see Genesis 2 : 10 -14 Noah’s Ark…. see Genesis 7 The Rainbow… see Genesis 9: 8 -17 The Ark of the Covenant…. see Exodus 25: 10 - 22 The Temple in Jerusalem…. See 1 Kings 6 also Ezekiel 47 Mary, The Immaculate Conception…. Luke 1: 28, Luke 1: 42 Jesus, The New Covenant see John 19: 34 The Tabernacle for the Blessed Sacrament Every Hayesman…. . 1 Corinthians 3: 16

Confession • • • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. p 49 Sacrament of Reconciliation Confession • • • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. p 49 Sacrament of Reconciliation Examination of Conscience Confess, tell, our sins Receive a Penance Receive Absolution

Seven Sentences p. 50 • • College is imminent, so is the Parousia! Who Seven Sentences p. 50 • • College is imminent, so is the Parousia! Who is your king? In orientation we were taken to the chapel. Is money or God the key to life? Do you know your roots? The Lord is almighty. Where did he get this wisdom?

ERO CRAS– Tomorrow I will be! - O ANTIPHONS p. 51 • • Emmanuel—Imminent– ERO CRAS– Tomorrow I will be! - O ANTIPHONS p. 51 • • Emmanuel—Imminent– Isaiah 7: 14 Rex- Royal- King John 19. 19 Oriens- Orientation- Daystar- Hebrews 12. 2 Clavis- Clavicle- Key– Matthew 16. 19 Radix- Radical- Root--- Isaiah 11. 1 Adonai– Adonis- Lord Exodus 34: 23 Sapiens- Sapience- Wisdom– Isaiah 11. 2=

Apostle’s Creed • • • 1. One God, Father, Creator 2. Jesus Christ, His Apostle’s Creed • • • 1. One God, Father, Creator 2. Jesus Christ, His only Son 3. Conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary 4. Suffered, died, and was buried 5. Descended into Hell, on the third day he rose again 6. He will come again to judge…. . (Parousia) 7. Holy Spirit 8. Holy Catholic Church 9. Communion of Saints 10. Forgiveness of Sins 11. The Resurrection of the body and life everlasting

Beatitudes v Street Attitudes • Matthew 5: 1 -11 Beatitudes v Street Attitudes • Matthew 5: 1 -11

Essay 4 Primeval Stories • • 1. . Found in Genesis 2. Written around Essay 4 Primeval Stories • • 1. . Found in Genesis 2. Written around the time of the Babylonian Exile 3. Theme: God is in control despite the chaos Creation Story– two accounts Original Sin- Expulsion from the Garden of Eden– The Fall The Flood Tower of Babel All of these stories can be read in the literal sense, but also in the spiritual sense. All of them emphasize God’s power, man’s sinfulness and they all give hints about the covenant that is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

How Sacred Scripture Developed • 1. People experienced God • 2. People talk about How Sacred Scripture Developed • 1. People experienced God • 2. People talk about their experience—oral tradition • 3. People write it down– written tradition, guided by divine inspiration • 4. They stuck it in the canon--- these are the 73 official books of the Bible • 5. papyrus scrolls manuscripts Printing Press books

 • 6. Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek are the original languages of Scripture • 7. • 6. Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek are the original languages of Scripture • 7. St. Jerome’s translation into Latin is the Vulgate • 8. c. 1500 translations into the vernacular- the language of the people– Henry VIII– KJV • Martin Luther- in Germany

 • • Ways to use the Bible Memorize key verses Use Lectio divina • • Ways to use the Bible Memorize key verses Use Lectio divina It is a living Word

Religion at Hayes Essay • God is Good. . Ps 25. 8 • The Religion at Hayes Essay • God is Good. . Ps 25. 8 • The Lord is my Shepherd. . Ps. 23 May the Spirit that dwells within you, continue to renew you. Go out and make it a blessed day. 1 Cor 3. 16 Sacred Tradition is Based on Sacred Scripture An undisclosed poem Use the above documents to show a Hayesman can be a person who is male by birth

 • • • SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Conference SLC MLK said NO WAY!!! • • • SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Conference SLC MLK said NO WAY!!! Meditate on the teachings and life of Jesus. Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.