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  • Количество слайдов: 62

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Turbulence in earth’s atmosphere makes stars twinkle More importantly, turbulence spreads out light; makes Turbulence in earth’s atmosphere makes stars twinkle More importantly, turbulence spreads out light; makes it a blob rather than a point Even the largest ground-based astronomical telescopes have no better resolution than an 8" telescope! Page 5

Lick Observatory, 1 m telescope Long exposure image Short exposure image Image with adaptive Lick Observatory, 1 m telescope Long exposure image Short exposure image Image with adaptive optics Speckles (each is at diffraction limit of telescope) Page 6

Image is spread out into speckles Centroid jumps around (image motion) “Speckle images”: sequence Image is spread out into speckles Centroid jumps around (image motion) “Speckle images”: sequence of short snapshots of a star, taken at Lick Observatory using the IRCAL infra-red camera Page 7

stratosphere tropopause 10 -12 km wind flow over dome boundary layer ~ 1 km stratosphere tropopause 10 -12 km wind flow over dome boundary layer ~ 1 km Heat sources w/in dome Page 8

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Point focus Parallel light rays blur Light rays affected by turbulence Page 10 Point focus Parallel light rays blur Light rays affected by turbulence Page 10

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No adaptive optics With adaptive optics Note: “colors” (blue, red, yellow, white) indicate increasing No adaptive optics With adaptive optics Note: “colors” (blue, red, yellow, white) indicate increasing intensity Page 15

Intensity Definition of “ trehl”: S Ratio of peak intensity to that of “perfect” Intensity Definition of “ trehl”: S Ratio of peak intensity to that of “perfect” optical system x Page 16

Lick Observatory No AO With AO Intensity With AO Page 17 Lick Observatory No AO With AO Intensity With AO Page 17

Feedback loop: next cycle corrects the (small) errors of the last cycle Page 18 Feedback loop: next cycle corrects the (small) errors of the last cycle Page 18

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BEFORE Incoming Wave with Aberration Deformable Mirror AFTER Corrected Wavefront Page 21 BEFORE Incoming Wave with Aberration Deformable Mirror AFTER Corrected Wavefront Page 21

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Xinetics Page 24 Xinetics Page 24

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Keck Observatory Lick Observatory Page 27 Keck Observatory Lick Observatory Page 27

Uncorrected image of a star Laser Guide Star correction Page 28 Uncorrected image of a star Laser Guide Star correction Page 28

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} “Curvature sensing” systems > 210 journal articles on AO astronomy, to date Page } “Curvature sensing” systems > 210 journal articles on AO astronomy, to date Page 31

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DM Wavefront sensor Off-axis parabola mirror IRCAL infrared camera Page 33 DM Wavefront sensor Off-axis parabola mirror IRCAL infrared camera Page 33

Canada France Hawaii Telescope Fifteen minute integration time 0. 19 arc sec resolution Canada France Hawaii Telescope Fifteen minute integration time 0. 19 arc sec resolution

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200” telescope Page 37 200” telescope Page 37

Summit of Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii: Subaru 2 Kecks Gemini North And at Summit of Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii: Subaru 2 Kecks Gemini North And at other places: MMT, VLT, LBT, Gemini South Page 38

Adaptive optics lives here Page 39 Adaptive optics lives here Page 39

Nasmyth platform Person! Page 40 Nasmyth platform Person! Page 40

Without AO FWHM 0. 34 arc sec Strehl = 0. 6% With AO FWHM Without AO FWHM 0. 34 arc sec Strehl = 0. 6% With AO FWHM 0. 039 arc sec Strehl = 34% Page 41

2. 3 arc sec Without adaptive optics With Keck adaptive optics May 24, 1999 2. 3 arc sec Without adaptive optics With Keck adaptive optics May 24, 1999 June 27, 1999 Page 42

Square root color map Linear color map H band (1. 65 microns) Page 43 Square root color map Linear color map H band (1. 65 microns) Page 43

Visible: Voyager 2 fly-by, 1989 Circumferential bands Compact southern features Compact features such as Visible: Voyager 2 fly-by, 1989 Circumferential bands Compact southern features Compact features such as Great Dark Spot, smaller southern features: probably stable vortices Page 44

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