- Количество слайдов: 35
PLANNING MEALS • Meal management involves using resources of skills, money, and time to put together nutritious meals. • A meal manager must plan well-balanced menus; shop for healthful, economical foods; and prepare meals in the time available.
Planning meals • How do you plan great meals? • Cookbooks • Magazines • Food sections of newspapers • Recipe collection
Meals • Five factors when you plan meals • Nutritious and appealing • Suit your cooking skills • Food budget • Available preparation time • Foods you eat provide your body with carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water.
Using a pyramid meal pattern • A meal pattern is a guide that outlines the basic foods normally served at a meal. • Currently pattern is: • Grains 6 oz. • Vegetables-2 ½ c • Fruits 2 c • Milk 3 c • Meat/bean-5 ½ oz.
Using a Pyramid Meal Pattern • Use a meal pattern based on the Pyramid. This will help you make sure you get your total recommended number of servings each day. • Write down everything you ate yesterday. Then evaluate whether or not your meals and snacks followed the meal pattern described in Pyramid Meal Pattern.
Nutrition • Do you eat enough vegetables? • What are some ways you could work more vegetables into your diet? • Fruit drinks and punches are not the same as fruit juice. They may contain much more sugar.
Variety in Meals • Color, flavor, texture, shape, size, and temperature are important points to consider in planning meals with variety. • Attractive meals • Delicious • Choosing foods that appeal to the senses (sight, smell, and taste) will make meals enjoyable.
Variety in Meals • Color adds eye appeal to meals • Garnishes can add color and variety to a meal • Flavor of foods should complement each other • Use well-liked combinations of foods that taste good together • Vary the flavors of food items to avoid repeating one flavor
Variety in Meals • Use your creative flair to • Plan to include foods combine a variety of that differ in shapes and sizes in your temperature as part of meals the meal plan • Texture of foods should offer variety. • Crisp, tender, soft, creamy, smooth, crunchy, and chewy • Serve three textures
Variety in Meals • Variety in colors, flavors, textures, and shapes plays a role in foods of all cultures • Culture and society have been influencing people’s food choices • Regional and cultural influences
When You are the Meal Manager • • • Cooking skills Food budget Energy cost Preparation time Eating schedules • Convenience food are food products that have some preparation steps done to them • Frozen dinners
15 -2 Shopping for Food
Planning and organize a shopping list • Shopping for food is an important part of meal planning • Must decide what to buy, where to shop, and how much will meet you needs • Must be able to evaluate the quality of food product • Shopping list is a detailed list of the kinds and amounts of food you want to buy. • Save three valuable resources time, energy, and money
Preparing a Shopping List • Write shopping list before • Use store ads to write you go grocery shopping a shopping list that • Review all the recipes you will save you money are planning to prepare by taking advantage of advertised specials • Organizing your shopping list according to the grocery store’s layout
Deciding Where to Shop • Most common types of food stores • Supermarkets • Discount supermarkets • Specialty stores • Convenience stores • Supermarkets sell a wide range of food and household products • Lower prices • Services offered check cashing, home delivery
Shopping • Discount supermarket warehouse supermarkets sell foods and household items at discounted prices • Less variety and fewer customer services • Specialty stores specialize in carrying one type of food items • Seafood store • Bakery
Shopping • Convenience stores offer convenient locations, longer hours, and fast service • Selection is limited, and prices are higher • Conveniences are worth the cost • Does the store offer courteous service and helpful employees? • Is the store clean and well maintained? • Are meats, produce and dairy products always fresh?
Shopping • Does the store stock a variety of foods in various package sizes to meet your needs? • Is the checkout fast and efficient?
Deciding How Much Food to Buy • Food budget • Three other factors you will want to consider are: • Serving sizes • Storage space • Shelf life • how have some supermarkets included “specialty stores” within their stores? Why do you think they do this?
Recognizing Quality in Foods • To be a good shopper, you must be able to recognize quality • One way to select the best value in meats is to compare quality. • Look for the quality best suited to your needs • Wise buying includes knowing which quality is best suited to your needs
Quality Foods • National brands are often advertised nationwide • High quality • Cost more • House brand are brands that are sold by a store or chain of stores • Quality is similar to national brand • Generic products have plain labels containing only the names of the products and other required label information
Quality foods • Products are nutritionally equivalent to national and house brands • Often cost less than branded products • Damaged packaging can affect the quality of any food product • For best quality avoid buying damaged packages • Generic products are characterized by their plain labels
15 -3 Buying Information
Buying Information • Resources available to help you get the most for your food dollars • • Resources Unit pricing Open dating Package labeling • Unit pricing shows the cost per standard unit of weight or measure • Unit pricing labels are usually posted on the shelves beneath food items
Unit Pricing • Open dating this • Pull date is often used dating process gives on dairy products and you information about cold cuts the freshness of foods • Is the last day a sore • Four forms should sell the product • Pack date tells you when the food was • Freshness date the processed end of the product’s quality peak, product can be used beyond this date
Unit pricing • Expiration dates appear on products such as yeast or baby formula • Is the last day a product should be used or eaten • Unit pricing allows you to compare prices of various products
Food Labeling • Can learn a great deal about the foods you buy by reading labels. • Food label must include • The common name of the product and its form, such as whole, sliced, or diced • The net contents or net weight • The name and address of the
Food Label • Manufacturer, packer, or distributor • A list of ingredients • Ingredients must be listed in descending order by weight • Food additives are substances that are added to food for a specific purpose • added during any phase of producing, processing • Storing, or packaging • Additives must be proved safe for their intended uses
Nutrition Facts Panel • Designed to help consumers choose healthful diets • Serving size • Servings per container • Calories per serving and calories from fat • Nutrients per serving, including total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrate, dietary fiber, sugars, and protein • Percent Daily Values of nutrients based on a 2, 000 calorie diet
Universal Product Code • This is a group of bars • Other Sources of and numbers that Information contains price and • FDA product information • USDA • Extension agent • FACS teacher • Web sites
15 -4 Storing Foods
Storing Foods • Storing food properly is just as important as selecting it. • Types of foods you buy will determine the proper storage method • Refrigerator • Freezer • Shelf
Storing Foods • Most foods kept in the refrigerator should be packaged in airtight wraps or containers • Frozen foods should be labeled and dated so they can easily identify them and avoid storing then too long
Storing foods • Food rotation store the freshest food at the back of the shelf, use the oldest foods stored at the front of the shelf first • Aseptic packaging in this type of packaging, foods and containers are sterilized separately then the food is packed in the container in a sterile chamber • Retort packaging foods are sealed in foil pouches and then sterilized • Shelf-stable entrees • Shelves for up to six months