- Количество слайдов: 143
P 2 P Systems Dan Rubenstein Columbia University http: //www. cs. columbia. edu/~danr@ee. columbia. edu Thanks to: B. Bhattacharjee, K. Ross, A. Rowston, Don Towsley © Dan Rubenstein 1
Defintion of P 2 P 1) Significant autonomy from central servers 2) Exploits resources at the edges of the Internet m storage m CPU and content cycles m human presence 3) Resources at edge have intermittent connectivity, being added & removed 2
It’s a broad definition: r P 2 P file sharing m Napster, Gnutella, Ka. Za. A, etc r DHTs & their apps m Chord, CAN, Pastry, Tapestry r P 2 P communication m Instant messaging r P 2 P apps built over r P 2 P computation m seti@home emerging overlays m Planet. Lab Wireless ad-hoc networking not covered here 3
Tutorial Outline (1) r 1. Overview: overlay networks, P 2 P applications, copyright issues, worldwide computer vision r 2. Unstructured P 2 P file sharing: Napster, Gnutella, Ka. Za. A, search theory, flashfloods r 3. Structured DHT systems: Chord, CAN 4
Tutorial Outline (cont. ) r 4. Experimental observations: measurement studies r 5. Wrap up 5
1. Overview of P 2 P r overlay networks r P 2 P applications r worldwide computer vision 6
Overlay networks overlay edge 7
Overlay graph Virtual edge r TCP connection r or simply a pointer to an IP address Overlay maintenance r Periodically ping to make sure neighbor is still alive r Or verify liveness while messaging r If neighbor goes down, may want to establish new edge r New node needs to bootstrap 8
More about overlays Unstructured overlays r e. g. , new node randomly chooses three existing nodes as neighbors Structured overlays r e. g. , edges arranged in restrictive structure Proximity r Not necessarily taken into account 9
Overlays: all in the application layer Tremendous design flexibility m m Topology, maintenance Message types Protocol Messaging over TCP or UDP application transport network data link physical Underlying physical net is transparent to developer m But some overlays exploit proximity application transport network data link physical 10
Examples of overlays r DNS r BGP routers and their peering relationships r Content distribution networks (CDNs) r Application-level multicast m economical way around barriers to IP multicast r And P 2 P apps ! 11
1. Overview of P 2 P r overlay networks r current P 2 P applications m P 2 P file sharing & copyright issues m Instant messaging m P 2 P distributed computing r worldwide computer vision 12
Millions of content servers Blue NPR ER Star Wars Hey Jude Magic Flute 13
Killer deployments r Napster m disruptive; proof of concept r Gnutella m open source r Ka. Za. A/Fast. Track m Today more Ka. Za. A traffic then Web traffic! Is success due to massive number of servers, or simply because content is free? 14
P 2 P file sharing software r Allows Alice to open up a directory in her file system m m Anyone can retrieve a file from directory Like a Web server r Allows Alice to copy files from other users’ open directories: m r Allows users to search the peers for content based on keyword matches: m Like Google Seems harmless to me ! Like a Web client 15
1. Overview of P 2 P r overlay networks r P 2 P applications r worldwide computer vision 16
Worldwide Computer Vision Alice’s home computer: r Working for biotech, matching gene sequences r DSL connection downloading telescope data r Contains encrypted fragments of thousands of non-Alice files r Occasionally a fragment is read; it’s part of a movie someone is watching in Paris r Her laptop is off, but it’s backing up others’ files r Alice’s computer is moonlighting r Payments come from biotech company, movie system and backup service Your PC is only a component in the computer Pedagogy: just as computer arch has displaced digital logic, computer networking will displace comp arch 17
Worldwide Computer (2) Anderson & Kubiatowicz: Internet-scale OS r Thin software layer running on each host & central coordinating system running on ISOS server complex r allocating resources, coordinating currency transfer r Supports data processing & online services Challenges r heterogeneous hosts r security r payments Central server complex r needed to ensure privacy of sensitive data r ISOS server complex maintains databases of resource descriptions, usage policies, and task descriptions 18
2. Unstructured P 2 P File Sharing r Napster r Gnutella r Ka. Za. A r search theory r dealing with flash crowds 19
Napster r the most (in)famous r not the first (c. f. probably Eternity, from Ross Anderson in Cambridge) r but instructive for what it gets right, and r also wrong… r also has a political message…and economic and legal… 20
Napster r program for sharing files over the Internet r a “disruptive” application/technology? r history: m 5/99: Shawn Fanning (freshman, Northeasten U. ) founds Napster Online music service m 12/99: first lawsuit m 3/00: 25% UWisc traffic Napster m 2/01: US Circuit Court of Appeals: Napster knew users violating copyright laws m 7/01: # simultaneous online users: Napster 160 K, Gnutella: 40 K, Morpheus (Ka. Za. A): 300 K 21
Napster to pull plug in July ‘ 01 r other file sharing apps take over! 8 M 6 M bits per sec r judge orders Napster 4 M 2 M 0. 0 gnutella napster fastrack (Ka. Za. A) 22
Napster: how does it work r Application-level, client-server protocol over point -to-point TCP r Centralized directory server Steps: r connect to Napster server r upload your list of files to server. r give server keywords to search the full list with. r select “best” of correct answers. (pings) 23
Napster 1. File list and IP address is uploaded napster. com centralized directory 24
Napster 2. User requests search at server. napster. com centralized directory Query and results 25
Napster 3. User pings hosts that apparently have data. Looks for best transfer rate. napster. com centralized directory pings 26
Napster 4. User chooses server Napster’s centralized server farm had difficult time keeping up with traffic napster. com centralized directory Retrieves file 27
2. Unstructured P 2 P File Sharing r Napster r Gnutella r Ka. Za. A r search theory r dealing with flash crowds 28
Distributed Search/Flooding 29
Distributed Search/Flooding 30
Gnutella r focus: decentralized method of searching for files m central directory server no longer the bottleneck m more difficult to “pull plug” r each application instance serves to: m store selected files m route queries from and to its neighboring peers m respond to queries if file stored locally m serve files 31
Gnutella r Gnutella history: m 3/14/00: release by AOL, almost immediately withdrawn m became open source m many iterations to fix poor initial design (poor design turned many people off) r issues: m how much traffic does one query generate? m how many hosts can it support at once? m what is the latency associated with querying? m is there a bottleneck? 32
Gnutella: limited scope query Searching by flooding: r if you don’t have the file you want, query 7 of your neighbors. r if they don’t have it, they contact 7 of their neighbors, for a maximum hop count of 10. r reverse path forwarding for responses (not files) Note: Play gnutella animation at: http: //www. limewire. com/index. jsp/p 2 p 33
Gnutella overlay management r New node uses bootstrap node to get IP addresses of existing Gnutella nodes r New node establishes neighboring relations by sending join messages join 34
Gnutella in practice r Gnutella traffic << Ka. Za. A traffic r Fixes: do things Ka. Za. A is doing: hierarchy, queue management, parallel download, … 35
Gnutella Discussion: r researchers like it because it’s open source m but is it truly representative? r architectural lessons learned? r good source for technical info/open questions: http: //www. limewire. com/index. jsp/tech_papers 36
2. Unstructured P 2 P File Sharing r Napster r Gnutella r Ka. Za. A r search theory r dealing with flash crowds 37
Ka. Za. A: The service r more than 3 million up peers sharing over 3, 000 terabytes of content r more popular than Napster ever was r more than 50% of Internet traffic ? r MP 3 s & entire albums, videos, games r optional parallel downloading of files r automatically switches to new download server when current server becomes unavailable r provides estimated download times 38
Ka. Za. A: The service (2) r User can configure max number of simultaneous uploads and max number of simultaneous downloads r queue management at server and client m Frequent uploaders can get priority in server queue r Keyword search m User can configure “up to x” responses to keywords r Responses to keyword queries come in waves; stops when x responses are found r From user’s perspective, service resembles Google, but provides links to MP 3 s and videos rather than Web pages 39
Ka. Za. A: Technology Software r Proprietary r files and control data encrypted r Hints: m m Ka. Za. A Web site gives a few Some reverse engineering attempts described in Web r Everything in HTTP request and response messages Architecture r hierarchical r cross between Napster and Gnutella 40
Ka. Za. A: Architecture r Each peer is either a supernode or is assigned to a supernode r Each supernode knows about many other supernodes (almost mesh overlay) supernodes 41
Ka. Za. A: Architecture (2) r Nodes that have more connection bandwidth and are more available are designated as supernodes r Each supernode acts as a mini-Napster hub, tracking the content and IP addresses of its descendants r Guess: supernode has (on average) 200 -500 descendants; roughly 10, 000 supernodes r There is also dedicated user authentication server and supernode list server 42
Ka. Za. A: Overlay maintenance r List of potential supernodes included within software download r New peer goes through list until it finds operational supernode m Connects, obtains more up-to-date list m Node then pings 5 nodes on list and connects with the one with smallest RTT r If supernode goes down, node obtains updated list and chooses new supernode 43
Ka. Za. A Queries r Node first sends query to supernode m Supernode responds with matches m If x matches found, done. r Otherwise, supernode forwards query to subset of supernodes m If total of x matches found, done. r Otherwise, query further forwarded m Probably by original supernode rather than recursively 44
Parallel Downloading; Recovery r If file is found in multiple nodes, user can select parallel downloading r Most likely HTTP byte-range header used to request different portions of the file from different nodes r Automatic recovery when server peer stops sending file 45
Lessons learned from Ka. Za. A provides powerful file search and transfer service without server infrastructure r Exploit heterogeneity r Provide automatic recovery for interrupted downloads r Powerful, intuitive user interface Copyright infringement r International cat-andmouse game r With distributed, serverless architecture, can the plug be pulled? r Prosecute users? r Launch Do. S attack on supernodes? r Pollute? 46
2. Unstructured P 2 P File Sharing r Napster r Gnutella r Ka. Za. A r search theory r dealing with flash crowds 47
Modeling Unstructured P 2 P Networks r In comparison to DHT-based searches, unstructured searches are m m simple to build simple to understand algorithmically r Little concrete is known about their performance r Q: what is the expected overhead of a search? r Q: how does caching pointers help? 48
Replication r Scenario m Nodes cache copies (or pointers to) content • object info can be “pushed” from nodes that have copies • more copies leads to shorter searches m m Caches have limited size: can’t hold everything Objects have different popularities: different content requested at different rates r Q: How should the cache be shared among the different content? m m Favor items under heavy demand too much then lightly demanded items will drive up search costs Favor a more “flat” caching (i. e. , independent of popularity), then frequent searches for heavily-requested items will drive up costs r Is there an optimal strategy? 49
Model r Given m m objects, n nodes, each node can hold c objects, total system capacity = cn m qi is the request rate for the ith object, q 1 ≥ q 2 ≥ … ≥ qm m pi is the fraction of total system capacity used to store object i, ∑pi = 1 r Then m Expected length of search for object i = K / p i for some constant K • note: assumes search selects node w/ replacement, search stops as soon as object found Network “bandwidth” used to search for all objects: B = ∑qi K / pi r Goal: Find allocation for {pi} (as a function of {qi}) to minimize B r Goal 2: Find distributed method to implement this allocation of {pi} m 50
Some possible choices for {pi} r Consider some typical allocations used in practice m Uniform: p 1 = p 2 = … = pm = 1/m • easy to implement: whoever creates the object sends out cn/m copies m Proportional: pi = a qi where a = 1/∑qi is a normalization constant • also easy to implement: keep the received copy cached r What is B = ∑qi K / pi for these two policies? m Uniform: B = ∑qi K / (1/m) = Km/a m Proportional: B = ∑qi K / (a qi) = Km/a r B is the same for the Proportional and Uniform policies! 51
In between Proportional and Uniform r Uniform: pi / pi+1 = 1, Proportional: pi / pi+1 = qi / qi+1 r r r ≥ 1 In between: 1 ≤ pi / pi+1 ≤ qi / qi+1 Claim: any in-between allocation has lower B than B for Uniform / Proportional Proof: Omitted here Consider Square-Root allocation: pi = sqrt(qi) / ∑sqrt(qi) Thm: Square-Root is optimal Proof (sketch): m m m Noting pm = 1 – (p 1 + … + pm-1) write B = F(p 1, …, pm-1) = ∑m-1 qi/pi + qm/(1 - ∑m-1 pi) Solving d. F/dpi = 0 gives pi = pm sqrt(qi/qm) 52
Distributed Method for Square -Root Allocation r Assumption: each copy in the cache disappears from the cache at some rate independent of the object cached (e. g. , object lifetime is i. i. d. ) r Algorithm Sqrt-Cache: cache a copy of object i (once found) at each node visited while searching for object i r Claim Algorithm implements Square-Root Allocation 53
Proof of Claim r Sketch of Proof of Correctness: m Let fi(t) be fraction of locations holding object i @ time t m pi = limt→∞ fi(t) m m At time t, using Sqrt-Cache, object i populates cache at avg rate ri = qi / fi(t) When fi(t) / fj(t) < sqrt(qi) / sqrt(qj), then • ri (t) / rj (t) = qi fj (t) / qj fi (t) > sqrt(qi) / sqrt(qj) • hence, ratio fi (t) / fj (t) will increase m When fi (t) / fj (t) > sqrt(qi) / sqrt(qj), then • ri (t) / rj (t) = qi fj (t) / qj fi (t) < sqrt(qi) / sqrt(qj) • hence, ratio fi (t) / fj (t) will decrease m Steady state is therefore when fi (t) / fj (t) = sqrt(qi) / sqrt(qj), 54
2. Unstructured P 2 P File Sharing r Napster r Gnutella r Ka. Za. A r search theory r dealing with flash crowds 55
Flash Crowd r Def: A sudden, unanticipated growth in demand of a particular object r Assumption: content was previously “cold” and hence an insufficient number of copies is loaded into the cache r How long will it take (on average) for a user to locate the content of interest? r How many messages can a node expect to receive due to other nodes’ searches? 56
Generic Search Protocol Randomized TTL-scoped search r Initiator sends queries to f randomly chosen neighbors r Node receiving query m m m with object: forwards object directly (via IP) to the initiator w/o object TTL not exceeded: forwards query to f neighbors, else does nothing w/o object and TTL exceeded: do nothing r If object not found, increase TTL and try again (to some maximum TTL) r Note: dumb protocol, nodes do not supress repeat queries f=3 57
Analysis of the Search Protocol r Modeling assumptions: m Neighbor overlay is fully-connected • queries are “memoryless” – if a node is queried multiple times, it acts each time as if it’s the first time (and a node may even query itself) • Accuracy of analysis verified via comparison to simulation on neighbor overlays that are sparsely connected m m Protocol is round-based: query received by participant in round i is forwarded to f neighbors in round i+1 Time searchers start their searches: will evaluate 2 extremes • sequential: one user searches at a time • simultaneous: all users search simultaneously 58
Search Model: Preliminaries r Parameters m N = # nodes in the overlay (fully connected) m H = # nodes that have a copy of the desired object (varies w/ time) r Performance Measures m R = # rounds needed to locate the object m T = # query transmissions r p = P(Randomly chosen node does not have object) = 1 -(H/N) r Recall: f = # neighbors each node forwards query to r P(R > i) = p^(f+f 2+f 3+…+fi) = p^((fi+1 -f)/(f-1)) r E[R] = ∑ P(R > i) i≥ 0 59
Search Model cont’d N 2, 1 r To compute E[T]: m Create a schedule: Each node determines in advance who to query if a query is necessary m Ni, j is the jth node at depth i in the schedule m Xi, j = 1 if the query scheduled at Ni, j is executed and is 0 otherwise m Xi, j= 1 if and only if both N 1, 1 3 N 2, 4 5 … m N 2, 3 1 5 N 1, 2 • Xi’, j’=1 for the i-1 entries Ni’, j’ along the path from N 1, 1 to Ni, j • Ni, j does not have a copy of the object m N 2, 2 N 1, 3 N 2, 9 P(Xi, j=1) = pi-1 E[T] = ∑ P(Xi, j=1) = ∑ p^(0+f+f 2+…+fi-1) = ∑ p^((fi-1)/(f-1)) i, j i i 60
Analyzing undirected searches during a flash crowd r Scenario: A large majority of users suddenly want the same object r Numerous independent searches for the same object are initiated throughout the network m Nodes cannot suppress one user’s search for an object with the other. Each search has different location where object should be delivered r What is the cost of using an unstructured search protocol? 61
One-after-the-other Searches r Nh = # nodes that initially have object, I = max TTL r Sequential searches, f = 10, terminates when all nodes have object r Analytical Results (confirmed with simulation): m Expected transmissions sent and received per node is small (max is manageable) m Expected # of rounds small (unless max TTL kept small) m Simulation results use overlay graphs where # of neighbors bounded by 100: Note error using full connectivity is negligible 62
Flash Crowd Scalability: Intuitive Explanation r Gnutella scales poorly when different users search for different objects: high transmission overhead r Q: Why will expanding-ring TTL search achieve better scalability? r A: Popular objects propagate through overlay via successful searches m Subsequent searches often succeed with smaller TTL: require less overhead m 63
Simultaneous Searches Model: Start measuring at a point in time where Nh have copies and Nd nodes have been actively searching for a “long time” r Compute upper bound on expected # transmissions and rounds r Details omitted here… r 64
Simultaneous Search Results r Simulation results show upper bounds to be extremely conservative (using branching process model of search starts) r Conclusion (conservative) : m m less than 400 transmissions on average received and sent per node to handle delivery to millions of participants less than 15 query rounds on average 65
Simultaneous Search Intuition r Let h(t) be the number of nodes that have the object after r r the tth round where d of N nodes are searching Each searching node contacts s nodes on average per round Approximation: h(t) = h(t-1) + (d – h(t-1)) s * h(t-1)/N, h(0) > 0 Even when h(t)/N is small, some node has high likelihood of finding object h(t) grows quickly even when small when many users search simultaneously 66
3. Structured P 2 P: DHT Approaches r DHT service and issues r CARP r Consistent Hashing r Chord r CAN 67
Challenge: Locating Content Here you go! I’m looking for NGC’ 02 Tutorial Notes r Simplest strategy: expanding ring search r If K of N nodes have copy, expected search cost at least N/K, i. e. , O(N) r Need many cached copies to keep search overhead small 68
Directed Searches r Idea: assign particular nodes to hold particular content (or pointers to it, like an information booth) m when a node wants that content, go to the node that is supposed to have or know about it r Challenges: m Distributed: want to distribute responsibilities among existing nodes in the overlay m Adaptive: nodes join and leave the P 2 P overlay • distribute knowledge responsibility to joining nodes • redistribute responsibility knowledge from leaving nodes m 69
DHT Step 1: The Hash r Introduce a hash function to map the object being searched for to a unique identifier: m e. g. , h(“NGC’ 02 Tutorial Notes”) → 8045 r Distribute the range of the hash function among all nodes in the network 1000 -1999 1500 -4999 9000 -9500 0 -999 4500 -6999 8000 -8999 8045 7000 -8500 9500 -9999 r Each node must “know about” at least one copy of each object that hashes within its range (when one exists) 70
“Knowing about objects” r Two alternatives m Node can cache each (existing) object that hashes within its range m Pointer-based: level of indirection - node caches pointer to location(s) of object 1000 -1999 1500 -4999 9000 -9500 0 -999 4500 -6999 8000 -8999 9500 -9999 7000 -8500 71
DHT Step 2: Routing r For each object, node(s) whose range(s) cover that object must be reachable via a “short” path r by the querier node (assumed can be chosen arbitrarily) r by nodes that have copies of the object (when pointer-based approach is used) r The different approaches (CAN, Chord, Pastry, Tapestry) differ fundamentally only in the routing approach m any “good” random hash function will suffice 72
DHT Routing: Other Challenges r # neighbors for each node should scale with growth in overlay participation (e. g. , should not be O(N)) r DHT mechanism should be fully distributed (no centralized point that bottlenecks throughput or can act as single point of failure) r DHT mechanism should gracefully handle nodes joining/leaving the overlay m need to repartition the range space over existing nodes m need to reorganize neighbor set m need bootstrap mechanism to connect new nodes into the existing DHT infrastructure 73
DHT Layered Architecture Event notification Network storage DHT TCP/IP ? P 2 P application layer P 2 P substrate (self-organizing overlay network) Internet 74
3. Structured P 2 P: DHT Approaches r DHT service and issues r CARP r Consistent Hashing r Chord r CAN r Pastry/Tapestry r Hierarchical lookup services r Topology-centric lookup service 75
CARP DHT for cache clusters r Each proxy has unique name key = URL = u r calc h(proxyn, u) for all proxies r assign u to proxy with highest h(proxyn, u) if proxy added or removed, u is likely still in correct proxy Internet proxies clients institutional network 76
CARP (2) r circa 1997 m Internet draft: Valloppillil and Ross r Implemented in Microsoft & Netscape products r Browsers obtain script for hashing from proxy automatic configuration file (loads automatically) Not good for P 2 P: r Each node needs to know name of all other up nodes r i. e. , need to know O(N) neighbors r But only O(1) hops in lookup 77
3. Structured P 2 P: DHT Approaches r DHT service and issues r CARP r Consistent Hashing r Chord r CAN 78
Consistent hashing (1) r Overlay network is a circle r Each node has randomly chosen id m Keys in same id space r Node’s successor in circle is node with next largest id m Each node knows IP address of its successor r Key is stored in closest successor 79
Consistent hashing (2) 0001 O(N) messages on avg to resolve query Who’s resp for file 1110 I am 1111 0011 file 1110 stored here 0100 1100 Note: no locality among neighbors 0101 1010 1000 80
Consistent hashing (3) Node departures r Each node must track s ≥ 2 successors r If your successor leaves, take next one r Ask your new successor for list of its successors; update your s successors Node joins r You’re new, node id k r ask any node n to find the node n’ that is the successor for id k r Get successor list from n’ r Tell your predecessors to update their successor lists r Thus, each node must track its predecessor 81
Consistent hashing (4) r Overlay is actually a circle with small chords for tracking predecessor and k successors r # of neighbors = s+1: O(1) m The ids of your neighbors along with their IP addresses is your “routing table” r average # of messages to find key is O(N) Can we do better? 82
3. Structured P 2 P: DHT Approaches r DHT service and issues r CARP r Consistent Hashing r Chord r CAN r Pastry/Tapestry r Hierarchical lookup services r Topology-centric lookup service 83
Chord r Nodes assigned 1 -dimensional IDs in hash space at random (e. g. , hash on IP address) r Consistent hashing: Range covered by node is from previous ID up to its own ID (modulo the ID space) 124 8723 124 874 3267 8654 6783 3267 84
Chord Routing r A node s’s ith neighbor has the ID that is equal to s+2 i or is the next largest ID (mod ID space), i≥ 0 r To reach the node handling ID t, send the message to neighbor #log 2(t-s) r Requirement: each node s must know about the next node that exists clockwise on the Chord (0 th neighbor) r Set of known neighbors called a finger table 85
Chord Routing (cont’d) r A node s is node t’s neighbor if s is the closest node to t+2 i mod H for some i. Thus, m m each node has at most log 2 N neighbors for any object, the node whose range contains the object is reachable from any node in no more than log 2 N overlay hops (each step can always traverse at least half the distance to the ID) r Given K objects, with high probability each node has at most (1 + log 2 N) K / N in its range r When a new node joins or leaves the overlay, O(K / N) objects move between nodes 1 87 86 i Finger table for node 67 0 72 8 1 72 2 72 3 86 4 86 32 72 67 Closest node clockwise to 67+2 i mod 100 5 1 6 32 86
Chord Node Insertion r One protocol addition: each node knows its closest counter- clockwise neighbor r A node selects its unique (pseudo-random) ID and uses a bootstrapping process to find some node in the Chord r Using Chord, the node identifies its successor in the clockwise direction r An newly inserted node’s predecessor is its successor’s 82 former predecessor 1 pred(86)=72 87 86 8 72 Example: Insert 82 32 67 87
Chord Node Insertion (cont’d) r First: set added node s’s fingers correctly m s’s predecessor t does the lookup for each distance of 2 i from s Lookups from node 72 1 i Finger table for node 82 72 32 67 Lookup(84) = 86 1 86 2 86 3 1 Lookup(98) = 1 82 0 86 Lookup(90) = 1 8 Lookup(83) = 86 Lookup(86) = 86 87 86 4 1 Lookup(14) = 32 5 32 Lookup(46) = 67 6 67 88
Chord Node Insertion (cont’d) r Next, update other nodes’ fingers about the entrance of s (when relevant). For each i: m m Locate the closest node to s (counter-clockwise) whose 2 i-finger can point to s: largest possible is s - 2 i Use Chord to go (clockwise) to largest node t before or at s - 2 i 1 87 86 82 82 -23 • route to s - 2 i, if arrived at a larger node, select its predecessor as t m If t’s 2 i-finger routes to a node larger than s • change t’s 2 i-finger to s • set t = predecessor of t and repeat m Else i++, repeat from top r O(log 2 N) time to find and update 8 X 72 23 -finger=86 82 32 67 23 -finger=86 X 82 e. g. , for i=3 nodes 89
Chord Node Deletion r Similar process can perform deletion 1 87 86 82 -23 X 72 23 -finger=82 86 8 32 67 23 -finger=82 X 86 e. g. , for i=3 90
3. Structured P 2 P: DHT Approaches r DHT service and issues r CARP r Consistent Hashing r Chord r CAN r Pastry/Tapestry r Hierarchical lookup services r Topology-centric lookup service 91
CAN r hash value is viewed as a point in a D-dimensional cartesian space r each node responsible for a D-dimensional “cube” in the space r nodes are neighbors if their cubes “touch” at more than just a point (more formally, nodes s & t are neighbors when m m s contains some [<n 1, n 2, …, ni, …, nj, …, n. D>, <n 1, n 2, …, mi, …, nj, … n. D>] and t contains [<n 1, n 2, …, ni, …, nj+δ, …, n. D>, <n 1, n 2, …, mi, …, nj+ δ, … n. D>]) 2 3 1 6 5 4 7 8 • • • Example: D=2 1’s neighbors: 2, 3, 4, 6 6’s neighbors: 1, 2, 4, 5 Squares “wrap around”, e. g. , 7 and 8 are neighbors expected # neighbors: O(D) 92
CAN routing r To get to <n 1, n 2, …, n. D> from <m 1, m 2, …, m. D> m choose a neighbor with smallest cartesian distance from <m 1, m 2, …, m. D> (e. g. , measured from neighbor’s center) • 2 3 1 6 5 4 7 X 8 • • e. g. , region 1 needs to send to node covering X checks all neighbors, node 2 is closest forwards message to node 2 Cartesian distance monotonically decreases with each transmission expected # overlay hops: (DN 1/D)/4 93
CAN node insertion r To join the CAN: m find some node in the CAN (via bootstrap process) m choose a point in the space uniformly at random 10 m using CAN, inform the node that currently covers the space m that node splits space in half • 1 st split along 1 st dimension • if last split along dimension i < D, next split along i+1 st dimension • e. g. , for 2 -d case, split on x-axis, then y-axis m keeps half the space and gives other half to joining node 2 3 X 9 7 1 6 5 4 8 Observation: the likelihood of a rectangle being selected is proportional to it’s size, i. e. , big rectangles chosen more frequently 94
CAN node removal r Underlying cube structure should remain intact m i. e. , if the spaces covered by s & t were not formed by splitting a cube, then they should not be merged together 4 2 5 3 1 6 r Sometimes, can simply collapse removed node’s portion to form bigger rectangle m e. g. , if 6 leaves, its portion goes back to 1 r Other times, requires juxtaposition of nodes’ areas of coverage m m m e. g. , if 3 leaves, should merge back into square formed by 2, 4, 5 cannot simply collapse 3’s space into 4 and/or 5 one solution: 5’s old space collapses into 2’s space, 5 takes over 3’s space 2 4 5 5 3 1 6 95
CAN (recovery from) removal process 4 7 8 9 10 3 2 5 12 11 1 6 14 13 11 13 7 14 12 1 6 3 8 4 9 10 5 2 r View partitioning as a binary tree of m leaves represent regions covered by overlay nodes (labeled by node that covers the region) m intermediate nodes represent “split” regions that could be “reformed”, i. e. , a leaf can appear at that position m siblings are regions that can be merged together (forming the 96 region that is covered by their parent)
CAN (recovery from) removal process 4 3 2 5 1 6 14 13 11 r Repair algorithm when leaf s is removed 1 m Find a leaf node t that is either 3 X 7 12 8 6 • s’s sibling • descendant of s’s sibling where t’s sibling is also a leaf node m m 4 9 10 5 2 t takes over s’s region (moves to s’s position on the tree) t’s sibling takes over t’s previous region r Distributed process in CAN to find appropriate t w/ sibling: m current (inappropriate) t sends msg into area that would be covered by a sibling m if sibling (same size region) is there, then done. Else receiving node becomes t & repeat 97
5. Security in Structured P 2 P Systems r Structured Systems described thusfar assume all nodes “behave” m Position themselves in forwarding structure to where they belong (based on ID) m Forward queries to appropriate next hop m Store and return content they are assigned when asked to do so r How can attackers hinder operation of these systems? r What can be done to hinder attacks? 98
Attacker Assumptions r The attacker(s) participate in the P 2 P group r Cannot view/modify packets not sent to them r Can collude 99
Classes of Attacks r Routing Attacks: re-route traffic in a “bad’ direction r Storage/Retrieval Attacks: prevent delivery of requested data r Miscellaneous m Do. S (overload) nodes m Rapid joins/leaves 100
Identity Spoofing r Problem: m Node claims to have an identity that belongs to other node m Node delivers bogus content r Solution: m Nodes have certificates signed by trusted authority m Preventing spoofed identity: base identity on IP address, send query to verify the address. 101
Routing Attacks 1: redirection r Malicious node redirects queries in wrong direction or to non-existent nodes (drops) locate Y X Y 102
Suggested Solution: Part I r Use iterative approach to reach destination. m verify that each hop moves closer (in ID space) to destination X locate Y Y ? 103
Suggested Solution: Part II r Provide multiple paths to “re-route” around attackers X Y 104
Choosing the Alternate paths: e. g. , a CAN enhancement r Use a butterfly network of virtual nodes w/ depth log n – log n r Use: m Each real node maps to a set of virtual nodes m If edge (A, B) exists in Butterfly network, then form (A, B) in actual P 2 P overlay m “Flood” requests across the edges that form the butterfly r Results: For any ε, there are constants such that m m m search time is O(log n) insertion is O(log n) # search messages is O(log 2 n) each node stores O(log 3 n) pointers to other nodes and O(log n) data items All but a fraction ε of peers can access all but a fraction ε of content 105
Routing Attack 2: Misleading updates Malicious node 86 r An attacker could trick nodes into thinking other nodes have left the system r Chord Example: node “kicks out” other node r Similarly, could claim another (non-existent) node has joined r Proposed solution: random checks of nodes in P 2 P overlay, exchange of info among “trusted” nodes “kicks out” node 82 1 87 86 82 -23 8 82 X 72 23 -finger=82 86 32 67 23 -finger=82 X 86 e. g. , for i=3 106
Routing Attack 3: Partition r A malicious bootstrap node sends newcomers to a P 2 P system that is disjoint from (no edges to) the main P 2 P system r Solutions: m Use a trusted bootstrap server m Cross-check routing via random queries, compare with trusted neighbors (found outside the P 2 P ring) 107
Storage/Retrieval Attacks r Node is responsible for holding data item D. Does not store or deliver it as required r Proposed solution: replicate object and make available from multiple sites 108
Miscellaneous Attacks r Problem: Inconsistent Behavior - Node sometimes behaves, sometimes does not r Solution: force nodes to “sign” all messages. Can build body of evidence over time r Problem: Overload, i. e. , Do. S attack r Solution: replicate content and spread out over network r Problem: Rapid Joins/Leaves r Solutions: ? 109
SOS: Using DHTs to Prevent Do. S Attacks To perform a Do. S Attack: Select Target to 2. attack into accounts Break (around the network) 1. 3. Have these accounts send packets toward the target 4. Optional: Attacker “spoofs” source address (origin of attacking packets) 110
Goals of SOS r Allow moderate number of legitimate users to communicate with a target destination, where m m m Do. S attackers will attempt to stop communication to the target difficult to replicate (e. g. , info highly dynamic) legitimate users may be mobile (source IP address may change) r Example scenarios m FBI/Police/Fire personnel in the field communicating with their agency’s database m Bank users’ access to their banking records m On-line customer completing a transaction 111
SOS: The Players r Target: the node/end- system/server to be protected from DOS attacks r Legitimate (Good) User: node/end -system/user that is authenticated (in advance) to communicate with the target r Attacker (Bad User): node/end- system/user that wishes to prevent legitimate users’ access to targets 112
SOS: The Basic Idea r Do. S Attacks are effective because of their many-to-one nature: many attack one r SOS Idea: Send traffic across an overlay: m m Force attackers to attack many overlay points to mount successful attack Allow network to adapt quickly: the “many” that must be attacked can be changed 113
Goal r Allow pre-approved legitimate users to communicate with a target r Prevent illegitimate attackers’ packets from reaching the target r Want a solution that m is easy to distribute: doesn’t require mods in all network routers m does not require high complexity (e. g. , crypto) ops at/near the target Assumption: Attacker cannot deny service to core network routers and can only simultaneously attack a bounded number of distributed end-systems 114
SOS: Step 1 - Filtering r Routers “near” the target apply simple packet filter based on IP address m m legitimate users’ IP addresses allowed through illegitimate users’ IP addresses aren’t r Problems: What if m good and bad users have same IP address? m bad users know good user’s IP address and spoofs? m good IP address changes frequently (mobility)? (frequent filter updates) 115
SOS: Step 2 - Proxies r Step 2: Install Proxies outside the filter whose IP addresses are permitted through the filter m proxy only lets verified packets from legitimate sources through the filter w. x. y. z not done yet… 116
Problems with a known Proxy Proxies introduce other problems r Attacker can breach filter by attacking with spoofed proxy address r Attacker can Do. S attack the proxy, again preventing legitimate user communication I’m w. x. y. z I’m w. x. y. z 117
SOS: Step 3 - Secret Servlets r Step 3: Keep the identity of the proxy “hidden” m hidden proxy called a Secret Servlet m only target, the secret servlet itself, and a few other points in the network know the secret servlet’s identity (IP address) 118
SOS: Steps 4&5 - Overlays r Step 4: Send traffic to the secret servlet via a network overlay m m nodes in virtual network are often end-systems verification/authentication of “legitimacy” of traffic can be performed at each overlay end-system hop (if/when desired) r Step 5: Advertise a set of nodes that can be used by the legitimate user to access the overlay m m these access nodes participate within the overlay are called Secure Overlay Access Points (SOAPs) User SOAP across overlay Secret Servlet (through filter) target 119
SOS with “Random” routing SOAP secret servlet SOAP ? SOAP r With filters, multiple SOAPs, and hidden secret servlets, attacker cannot “focus” attack 120
Better than “Random” Routing r Must get from SOAP to Secret Servlet in a “hard-to-predict manner”: But random routing routes are long (O(n)) r Routes should not “break” as nodes join and leave the overlay (i. e. , nodes may leave if attacked) r Current proposed version uses DHT routing (e. g. , Chord, CAN, PASTRY, Tapestry). We consider Chord: m m m Recall: A distributed protocol, nodes are used in homogeneous fashion identifier, I, (e. g. , filename) mapped to a unique node h(I) = B in the overlay Implements a route from any node to B containing O(log N) overlay hops, where N = # overlay nodes h(I) to h(I) 121
Step 5 A: SOS with Chord IP address A IP address B To A) ( h Beacon I’m a secret servlet for A SOAP r Utilizes a Beacon to go from overlay to secret servlet r Using target IP address A, Chord will deliver packet to a Beacon, B, where h(A) =B r Secret Servlet chosen by target (arbitrarily) Be my secret servlet To h(A) SOS protected data packet forwarding 1. Legitimate user forwards packet to SOAP 2. SOAP forwards verified packet to Beacon (via Chord) 3. Beacon forwards verified packet to secret servlet 4. Secret Servlet forwards verified 122 packet to target
Adding Redundancy in SOS r Each special role can be duplicated if desired m Any overlay node can be a SOAP m The target can select multiple secret servlets m Multiple Beacons can be deployed by using multiple hash functions r An attacker that successfully attacks a SOAP, secret servlet or beacon brings down only a subset of connections, and only while the overlay detects and adapts to the attacks 123
Why attacking SOS is difficult r Attack the target directly (without knowing secret servlet ID): filter protects the target r Attack secret servlets: m m Well, they’re hidden… Attacked servlets “shut down” and target selects new servlets r Attack beacons: beacons “shut down” (leave the overlay) and new nodes become beacons m SOAP d r Cho secret servlet beacon attacker must continue to attack a “shut down” node or it will return to the overlay r Attack other overlay nodes: nodes shut down or leave the overlay, routing self-repairs 124
Attack Success Analysis r N nodes in the overlay r For a given target m m m S = # of secret servlet nodes B = # of beacon nodes A = # of SOAPs Node jobs are assigned independently (same node can perform multiple jobs) r Static attack: Attacker chooses M of N nodes at random and focuses attack on these nodes, shutting them down r What is Pstatic(N, M, S, B, A) = P(attack prevents communication with target) r P(n, b, c) = P(set of b nodes chosen at random (uniform w/o replacement) from n nodes contains a specific set of c nodes) r P(n, b, c) = n-c n b-c b b = c n c 125
Attack Success Analysis cont’d r Pstatic(N, M, S, B, A) = 1 - (1 - P(N, M, S))(1 – P(N, M, B))(1 – P(N, M, A)) Almost all overlay nodes must be attacked to achieve a high likelihood of Do. S 126
Dynamic Attacks r Ongoing attack/repair battle: m m SOS detects & removes attacked nodes from overlay, repairs take time TR Attacker shifts from removed node to active node, detection/shift takes time TA (freed node rejoins overlay) M = Max # nodes simultaneously attacked πi = P(i attacked nodes currently in overlay) Pdynamic =∑ 0 ≤i ≤M (πi • Pstatic(N-M+i, i, S, B, A)) r Assuming TA and TR are exponentially distributed R. V. ’s, can be modeled as a birth-death process 1 0 2 … 1 μ 2 M-1 M M-1 μM-1 M μM Centralized attack: Distributed attack: i = (M-i) μi = μ Distributed repair: μi = iμ Centralized repair: 127
Dynamic Attack Results centralized attack and repair distributed attack and repair r 1000 overlay nodes, 10 SOAPs, 10 secret servlets, 10 beacons r If repair faster than attack, SOS is robust even against large attacks (especially in centralized case) 128
SOS Summary r SOS protects a target from Do. S attacks m lets legitimate (authenticated) users through r Approach m Filter around the target m Allow “hidden” proxies to pass through the filter m Use network overlays to allow legitimate users to reach the “hidden” proxies r Preliminary Analysis Results m An attacker without overlay “insider” knowledge must attack majority of overlay nodes to deny service to target 129
6. Anonymnity r Suppose clients want to perform anonymous communication m requestor wishes to keep its identity secret m deliverer wishes to also keep identity secret 130
Onion Routing r A Node N that wishes to send a message to a node M selects a path (N, V 1, V 2, …, Vk, M) m m Each node forwards message received from previous node N can encrypt both the message and the next hop information recursively using public keys: a node only knows who sent it the message and who it should send to r N’s identity as originator is not revealed 131
Anonymnity on both sides r A requestor of an object receives the object from the deliverer without these two entities exhanging identities r Utilizes a proxy m m m Using onion routing, deliverer reports to proxy (via onion routing) the info it can deliver, but does not reveal its identity Nodes along this onion-routed path, A, memorize their previous hop Requestor places request to proxy via onion-routing, each node on this path, B, memorize previous hop Proxy Deliverer follows “memorized” path A Deliverer sends article back to proxy via onion routing Proxy Requestor via “memorized” path B Proxy Requestor Deliverer 132
8. Measurement of Existing P 2 P Systems r Systems observed m Gnutella m Kazaa m Overnet (DHT-based) r Measurements described m fraction of time hosts are available (availability) m popularity distribution of files requested m # of files shared by host 133
Results from 3 studies r [Sar 02] m Sampled Gnutella and Napster clients for 8 and 4 day period m measured availability, bandwidths, propagation delays, file sizes, file popularities r [Chu 02] m Sampled Gnutella and Napster clients for monthlong period m measured availability, file sizes and popularities r [Bha 03] m Sampled Overnet clients for a week-long period m Measured availability, error due to use of IP address as identifier 134
Methods used r Identifying clients m Napster: ask central server for clients that provide popular names of files m Gnutella: send pings to well-known (bootstrap) peers and obtain their peer lists m Overnet: search for random IDs r Probing: m Bandwidth/latency: tools that take advantage of TCP’s reliability and congestion control mechanism m Availability/Files offered, etc: pinging host (by whatever means is necessary for the particular protocol, usually by mechanism provided in protocol) 135
Availability r [Sar 02] results: application uptime CDF is concave r [Chu 02]: short studies overestimate uptime percentage m Implication: clients’ use of P 2 P tool is performed in bursty fashion over long timescales 136
Availability con’td r [Bha 03]: using IP address to identify P 2 P client can be inaccurate m m m nodes behind NAT box share IP address can change when using DHCP [Chu 02] results about availability as function of period similar even when clients are not “grouped” by IP address 137
Session Duration r [Sar 02]: 138
File popularity r Popular files are more popular in Gnutella than in Napster r Gnutella clients more likely to share more files 139
Bottleneck Bandwidths of Clients 140
9. Future Research r Specific m Locality in DHT-based systems: how to “guarantee” copies of objects in the local area r General m Using DHTs: To hash or not to hash (are DHTs a good thing)? m Trust: Building a “trusted” system from autonomous, untrusted / semi-trusted collections m Dynamicity: Building systems that operate in environments where nodes join/leave/fail at high rates 141
Selected References r r r r r A. Oram (ed), Peer-to-Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies, O'Reilly & Associates, 2001 David P. Anderson and John Kubiatowicz, The Worldwide Computer, Scientific American, March 2002 Ion Stoica, Robert Morris, David Karger, M. Frans Kaashoek, Hari Balakrishnan, “Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications”, Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM’ 01, San Diego, CA, August 2001. Sylvia Ratnasamy, Paul Francis, Mark Handley, Richard Karp, Scott Shenker, “A Scalable Content-Addressable Network”, Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM’ 01, San Diego, CA, August 2001. Ocean. Store: An Architecture for Global-Scale Persistent Storage , John Kubiatowicz, David Bindel, Yan Chen, Steven Czerwinski, Patrick Eaton, Dennis Geels, Ramakrishna Gummadi, Sean Rhea, Hakim Weatherspoon, Westley Weimer, Chris Wells, and Ben Zhao. Appears in Proceedings of the Ninth international Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2000), November 2000 W. J. Bolosky, J. R. Douceur, D. Ely, M. Theimer; Feasibility of a Serverless Distributed File System Deployed on an Existing Set of Desktop PCs, Proceedings of the international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems, 2000, pp. 34 -43 J. Chu, K. Labonte, B. Levine, Availability and Locality Measurements of Peer-to-Peer File Systems, Proceedings of SPIE ITCOM, Boston, MA, July 2002. R. Bhagwan, S. Savage, G. Voelker, Understanding Availability, in Proc. 2 nd International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS), Berkeley, CA, Feb 2003. S. Saroiu, P. Gummadi, S. Gribble, A Measurement Study of Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Systems, in Proceedings of Multimedia Computing and Networking 2002 (MMCN'02), San Jose, CA, January 2002. Edith Cohen and Scott Shenker, “Replication Strategies in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks”, in Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'02, Pittsburgh, PA, August 2002 r Dan Rubenstein and Sambit Sahu, “An Analysis of a Simple P 2 P Protocol for Flash Crowd Document Retrieval”, Columbia University Technical Report r A. Keromytis, V. Misra, D. Rubenstein, SOS: Secure Overlay Services, in Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'02, Pittsburgh, PA, August 2002 M. Reed, P. P. Syverson, D. Goldschlag, Anonymous Connections and Onion Routing, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications, Volume 16, No. 4, 1998. V. Scarlata, B. Levine, C. Shields, Responder Anonymity and Anonymous Peer-to-Peer File Sharing, in Proc. IEEE Intl. Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Riverside, CA, November 2001. E. Sit, R. Morris, Security Considerations for Peer-to-Peer Distributed Hash Tables, in Proc. 1 st International Workshop on Peerto-Peer Systems (IPTPS), Cambridge, MA, March 2002. J. Saia, A. Fiat, S. Gribble, A. Karlin, S. Sariou, Dynamically Fault-Tolerant Content Addressable Networks, in Proc. 1 st International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS), Cambridge, MA, March 2002. M. Castro, P. Druschel, A. Ganesh, A. Rowstron, D. Wallach, Secure Routing for Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlay Netwirks, In Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI'02), Boston, MA, December 2002. r r r 142
Additional references r r r Antony Rowstron and Peter Druschel, “Pastry: Scalable, Decentralized, Object Location and Routing for Large-scale Peer-to-peer Systems”, Proceedings of IFIP/ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms (Middelware)’ 02 Ben Y. Zhao, John Kubiatowicz, Anthony Joseph, “Tapestry: An Infrastructure for Fault-tolerant Wide-area Location and Routing”, Technical Report, UC Berkeley A. Rowstron and P. Druschel, "Storage management and caching in PAST, a large-scale, persistent peer-to-peer storage utility", 18 th ACM SOSP'01, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, October 2001. S. Iyer, A. Rowstron and P. Druschel, "SQUIRREL: A decentralized, peer-to-peer web cache", appeared in Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2002), Monterey, CA Frank Dabek, M. Frans Kaashoek, David Karger, Robert Morris, and Ion Stoica, Wide-area cooperative storage with CFS, ACM SOSP 2001, Banff, October 2001 Ion Stoica, Daniel Adkins, Shelley Zhaung, Scott Shenker, and Sonesh Surana, Internet Indirection Infrastructure, in Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'02, Pittsburgh, PA, August 2002, pp. 73 -86 L. Garces-Erce, E. Biersack, P. Felber, K. W. Ross, G. Urvoy-Keller, Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Systems, 2003, http: //cis. poly. edu/~ross/publications. html Kangasharju, K. W. Ross, D. Turner, Adaptive Content Management in Structured P 2 P Communities, 2002, http: //cis. poly. edu/~ross/publications. html K. W. Ross, E. Biersack, P. Felber, L. Garces-Erce, G. Urvoy-Keller, TOPLUS: Topology Centric Lookup Service, 2002, http: //cis. poly. edu/~ross/publications. html P. Felber, E. Biersack, L. Garces-Erce, K. W. Ross, G. Urvoy-Keller, Data Indexing and Querying in P 2 P DHT Networks, http: //cis. poly. edu/~ross/publications. html K. W. Ross, Hash-Routing for Collections of Shared Web Caches, IEEE Network Magazine, Nov-Dec 1997 143