Скачать презентацию Oxford University Language Centre 12 Woodstock Road Скачать презентацию Oxford University Language Centre 12 Woodstock Road


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 Oxford University Language Centre 12 Woodstock Road 01865 283360 http: //www. lang. ox. Oxford University Language Centre 12 Woodstock Road 01865 283360 http: //www. lang. ox. ac. uk email admin@lang. ox. ac. uk

 • The Language Centre provides resources and services for members of the University • The Language Centre provides resources and services for members of the University who need foreign languages for their study, research or personal interest. • Two programmes of foreign language courses: Languages for Study and Research (LASR) and the Oxford Programme in Languages (OPAL).

 • The LASR programme is open to all members of Oxford University • • The LASR programme is open to all members of Oxford University • Registration fee of £ 25 per course per term • provides courses in ten languages: French, Georgian, German, Chinese (Mandarin), Modern Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Welsh. • emphasis on general communication or reading • most courses last for the entire academic year • those with proven academic need for classes are given priority (priority forms from LC)

OPAL courses in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish. • Intended for OPAL courses in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish. • Intended for those who are highly motivated, willing to commit to a fast-paced course and wish to obtain a certificate of achievement. • Two hours per week (18. 00 -20. 00, Mon-Thurs, 17. 00 -19. 00 Friday) + independent study • Fee of £ 195 is payable in advance for OPAL courses • Further fee of £ 55 is payable for the examination and supported project work in Trinity Term. • Most colleges have arrangements for partial reimbursement of the fees on successful completion.

 • • • English for Academic Studies Courses intended for those who had • • • English for Academic Studies Courses intended for those who had to meet an English language requirement Registration fee of £ 15 per course per term Academic Writing (2 hours per week) Advanced Communication Skills (2 hours per week) Registration in 0 th Week (on-line or in person). Classes begin in Week 1

Special Courses • German and Italian for Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology • Various Special Courses • German and Italian for Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology • Various languages (eg French, German, Spanish, Italian) for History according to demand • Italian for History of Art • French and German for Oriental Studies • Academic English Skills for Medical Sciences

Library and Independent Study Area • For those who wish to study a language Library and Independent Study Area • For those who wish to study a language at their own pace, the Language Centre has a large library and self-study area. • Language-learning materials in well over 140 languages to help you with your research reading, lab exchanges abroad, overseas site visits and holiday trips. • Inductions daily at 10. 00 and 14. 00

 • Print, audio-visual, CD and CALL materials. Dictionaries, courses, readers. • News (recorded • Print, audio-visual, CD and CALL materials. Dictionaries, courses, readers. • News (recorded each day) in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish • TV reception in 14 languages

The LAMBDA Project • What is the Lambda Project? The Oxford Language Maintenance and The LAMBDA Project • What is the Lambda Project? The Oxford Language Maintenance and Development Project: How learners can best maintain and develop their language skills independently. Our question is "What makes a good language keeper? " • We help staff and students who cannot or do not wish to attend formal classes maintain their French or German language skills. • Who may join? Any member of the University or Colleges who has at least GCSE French or German (or equivalent) may apply to join.

Registration 2010 • English Courses – Mon - Wed Week 0 (Oct 4 -6) Registration 2010 • English Courses – Mon - Wed Week 0 (Oct 4 -6) • LASR Courses - Mon 0 th Week - Wed Week 1 (Oct 413). Courses start in Week 2 • Deadline for LASR priority & lottery places is Wednesday, Week 1, at 5 pm • OPAL Courses – Any time up to Wed, Week 1, at 5 pm • LASR & OPAL courses start in Week 2 • Online registration for LASR and English courses on the Language Centre web site www. lang. ox. ac. uk from 4 th October, when standard registration begins. • Until then, if you need to make a LASR priority application, please contact James Matejtschuk at admin@lang. ox. ac. uk • On-line placement tests in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish

www. lang. ox. ac. uk e-mail admin@lang. ox. ac. uk • • • Opening www. lang. ox. ac. uk e-mail admin@lang. ox. ac. uk • • • Opening Hours TERM WEEKS 0 and 9 Monday - Friday 8. 45 -18. 30 TERM WEEKS 1 -8 Monday - Thursday 8. 45 - 20. 00 Friday 8. 45 - 18. 30 Saturday 10. 00 - 13. 00 CHRISTMAS AND EASTER VACATION Monday - Friday 8. 45 - 13. 00 and 14. 00 - 17. 30 SUMMER VACATION Monday - Friday 8. 45 - 16. 30