OWCH Ltd ¡ ¡ Older Women’s Cohousing - An intentional community
Older Women’s Cohousing Future neighbours know each other ¡ Active pursuit of neighbourliness ¡ Mutual support ¡ Self management and control ¡ Active shared space ¡
Older Women’s Cohousing ¡ ¡ ¡ Residents participate in design Design geared to ease of social interaction Design geared to ageing
Older Women’s Cohousing ¡ ‘Community’ doesn’t just happen ¡ Build social cohesion and solidarity ¡ Training in group skills ¡ Policies for living together
OWCH Conditions Over 50 any background or culture ¡ Want to rent, part buy or buy ¡ Prepared to commit to group’s values ¡ Meet eligibility criteria ¡
OWCH Values Respect for diversity ¡ Care and support for each other ¡ Balance of privacy & community ¡ Counter ageist stereotypes ¡ Co-operate & share responsibility ¡ Be part of wider community ¡
Working with Co-Housing Groups Collaborative working The principals of co-housing are to engage and be inclusive Meet the requirements of the co-housing principles A model of housing for older people Promote and offer wider options and choice Carry out focused market research Working with co-housing groups in London, Yorkshire, Gloucestershire and other locations
Scheme Development Co-operation at all levels of the development process Schemes vary in size to fit individual and local needs A detailed cost plan is then produced once the final design The property values are dependant on the final costs Rent are mostly being set to meet local Social rent levels The Service Charge is set and agreed during the feasibility stages Hanover using expertise and experience to procure and deliver schemes The management models are being developed
What Hanover can offer Our partnership approach to delivering housing. Liaising with the local authority, Enabling, Adult Care, Housing and Planners Our status with the HCA Development expertise Financial appraisal Expertise and experience of delivering Housing and Services for older people. Corporate commitment to delivering co-housing schemes