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Overview on the relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Russian Federation Moscow, 2009
Historical background XVIII century: first contacts October 1777: Royal Edict (Dahir) of the Sultan Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah: free access for the Russian ships and vessels Suggestion of the Sultan to establish the commercial relations. His main foreign policy approach: General Peace to secure good environment for merchants
1778 -1783: exchange of letters between the Sultan and Catherine II principle of national treatment 1880: Russia joins the Madrid Convention that was considered by the Sultan as the act of recognition of Moroccan sovereignty
On the 20 th of October, 1897: the General Consulate of the Russian Empire is established in Tangier. The head: the Minister Resident – Vassily Romanovitch Bakherakht. The main objective of the Russian Strategy in the region: “constant defence of the Gibraltar Strait and the support as possible of the inviolability and the integrity of the Moroccan Sultan’s Empire”
On the 11 th of July, 1899 – the Ambassador Vassily Bakherakht presents his Credential Letters to the Sultan Moulay Abdelaziz The establishment of the diplomatic relations at the Ambassador’s level. July 1901 – Moroccan diplomatic mission to Saint-Petersbourg headed by Abdelkarim Ben Slimane
In the beginning of the XXth century Morocco represents the contested sphere of interest for main European countries. Spain Germany MOROCCO Great Britain France The Russian Empire, at the contrary, proclaimed always the support of the Moroccan territorial integrity and independence.
Since 1912 – Morocco is under the French and Spanish protectorate. Russia maintains the diplomatic relations with Morocco only through Paris and Madrid. First World War and Russian Revolution contributed to the diplomatic interruption between Russia and Morocco
1956 – the USSR is the first country to recognize the independence of Morocco. The 1 st of October 1958 – establishment of the bilateral diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Soviet Union.
Soviet period Leonid Brejnev visits Morocco in 1961. In its foreign politics Morocco is in general oriented towards the Asian and African countries (usually socialist) significant development of Morocco – USSR bilateral relations despite the prohibition of the Moroccan communist party and the acceptance by Morocco of the American armement
His Majesty Hassan II visits the USSR in October 1966. He condemns the foreign intervention in Vietnam. After the Israel – Arab war in 1967 Morocco praised the soviet support towards the Arab countries. The USSR top statesmen: Nikolay Podgorny and Alexey Kossyguine undertake official visits to Morocco
Juridical base of the bilateral relations several agreements signed in the 60 s: technical and economic cooperation, cultural cooperation, foreign trade, air transport, fishery and others. Creation of the Intergovernmental Soviet – Moroccan Commission for economic, technical and cultural cooperation
Cooperation USSR - Morocco - Foreign trade The part of the USSR in the foreign trade of Morocco progressed till the 80 th. Then some regression marked that sphere: global economic crisis and the passage on the convertible currencies in 1982 Lack of diversification in commercial exchange: Minerals (phosphates) and vegetal products MOROCCO USSR Energy (oil, gas), tractors and equipments
Cooperation USSR - Morocco Jerada Power Plant In 1971 Moulay Youssef Hydro-electric station In 1974 Energy, mining and geology Study and valuation of the bituminous schist minefield in Timahdit and Tarfaya Al Mansour Dahbi Hydro-electric station In 1972 Development of the Meskala phosphate deposit Al Wahda (or Al Majara) Hydro-electric station
Cooperation USSR - Morocco • Technical cooperation Expert exchange in many spheres: oil prospecting, geologic and mining exploration (first of all in the region of Ouarzazate) • Cooperation in cultural and educational sphere In 1991 about 1500 Moroccan specialists are licentiates of Soviet High Schools and Universities
Morocco – Russian Federation Transfer of all the Morocco-USSR agreements on the relations Morocco-Russian Federation. Consolidation of the bilateral relations. New agreements were concluded: 1997 – Agreement on Bilateral and Multilateral Political Consultations sectorial agreements Creation of the Joint Russian-Moroccan Intergovernmental Commission on economic, technical and scientific cooperation double taxation agreement Memorandum on agriculture and food industry
October 2002 – visit of His Majesty Mohammed VI to Russia Declaration on Strategic Partnership
Declaration on Strategic Partnership Principles: • sovereign equality • commitment to the international law • peaceful settlement of disputes • universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms • dialogue between cultures and civilizations
Declaration on Strategic Partnership Main Elements • Political dialogue • Economical, commercial, financial cooperation • Cultural, scientific, technical cooperation
Evolution of the bilateral relations - Exchange of visits After the Royal Visit to Russia in 2002 President Vladimir Putin undertakes the official visit to the Kingdom of Morocco in 2006. Multiplication of ministerial visits
Evolution of the bilateral relations - Regular political consultations on the regional and international subjects of common interest - Joint Intergovernmental Commission for economic, technical and cultural cooperation - Extension of the legal base for cooperation 22 signed agreements, 14 draft agreements 15. 10. 2002 – agreement between Chambers of Commerce and Industry followed by the agreement of 2006 for creation of the Moroccan-Russian Business Council
Evolution of the bilateral relations - Interparliamentary cooperation 2003 – visit to Morocco of President of Douma Guennady N. Seleznev 2004 – visit to Morocco of the delegation of the Council of the Federation 2005 – visit to Russia of the delegation of the Chamber of Counselors of Morocco headed by the President of the Chamber Mustafa Oukacha
Evolution of the bilateral relations - Decentralized cooperation visit to Moscow of large delegation of the region Rabat. Salé-Zemmour-Zaer (cooperation on the field of commerce, investments, tourism, education and culture) As for the bilateral cooperation: the Joint Commission examines all the matters of common interest: traditional fields (foreign trade and sea fishing) new spheres (IT, space, infrastructure, energy and mining, nuclear energy, industrial cooperation, public health, tourism, justice etc)
Foreign trade Morocco – the main partner of Russia in Africa: volume – 2 bln USD Moroccan import from Russia: oil (60%), iron, copper, chemical products, wood, paper, equipments. Moroccan export to Russia: citrus, vegetables, fish meal, fabrics, cork, zinc.
Foreign trade Morocco foreign trade is characterized by the deficit with Russia. It’s necessary to explore others sectors of the Russian market, to expand the general preferences system (due to the commercial agreement of 1994) on other products, for example: textile, footwear, leather, food products.
Tourism In 2005 Morocco cancelled the visa for Russian citizens. In 2006, during the visit of M. Putin, the agreement for tourism cooperation was signed. Morocco participates at annual tourism and travel exhibitions in Moscow. In 2008 about 17000 Russians tourists spent their vacations in Morocco (very modest results in comparison with Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia).
Financial cooperation The USSR granted to Morocco a credit of 100 mln USD (for construction of Al Wahda hydro-electric plant). The agreement fixed the reimbursement through Moroccan export. When the plant was completed, there were still 35 mln euro to spend. Morocco presented a demand for authorization to invest this amount in purchase of barrage facilities (Wigrane, Timkit, Adarouch, Moulay Bouchta). In 2006, during the 2 nd session of the Mixed Commission Morocco proposed to allocate the part of these funds for social projects.
Perspectives - Extension of regular political consultations into the cultural and economical fields. - Despite occasional difficulties in treatment of some economical dossiers Morocco and Russia express the political willingness to develop the strategic partnership. - The Russian market is a very important market for the large array of Moroccan products. - As for investment, the agreement for the Encouragement and Mutual Protection of Investments is in the pipeline.
Perspectives - As for tourism, corollary measures should be undertaken concerning the publicity, marketing and intense contacts in relations with Russian tourism operator. - There is an important potential for diversification of the bilateral commercial relations. - Morocco can use Russian know-how and experience in the following spheres: bituminous shists, phosphates, liquefied gas, electro plants, oil prospection, GPS survey etc). - Opening of the direct flight Moscow – Casablanca
Perspectives - Cultural cooperation (an application program for the agreement on cultural and educational cooperation signed in 2006). - The Moroccan and Russian authorities shall develop the educational program (in schools and universities) to spread Arab and Russian languages in their countries, that would contribute to a better mutual knowledge of both countries and the rapprochement of their peoples.