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Overview on Grimm Aerosol Spectrometer for IAQ Part 1 Motivation (dust, health, regulations, …) Principle function (optical light scattering) Models and specifications Part 2 Applications Occupational Health/Research 1 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Motivation: what‘s dust? PM 10 Filter Lienz, 20. 12. 2002 Day-mean PM 10: 57µg/m³ The Hazard potential of airborne aerosols is not alone given by the total mass of the dust. soot (0. 1 -1µm) raod traffic glas spheres (1. 5 -3µm) domestic combustion A further danger proceeds from the size distribution of airborne particles. road salt (4µm) antropogenic Therefore a system should be able to measure both mass and size (with high accuracy and time resolution)! mineral dust (3 -10µm) wind erosion bacteria (app. 1. 5µm) natural, wind erosion 2 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Motivation: Effect on human health, Deposition of dust in the human lung Inhaled dust Inhalable Fraction passing the larynx and getting into the thorax Thoracic Fraction The fine particles, entering the more than 300 Mio. alveolic bubbles Alveolic Fraction 3 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Motivation: legal situation, outdoor and indoor (workplace, IAQ) guideline for workplaces e. g. EN 481 limit values guideline 1999/30/EG since 1. 2005 limit value for PM 10 (year): 40µg/m³ PM 10 (day): 50µg/m³ (50µg/m³ allowed only for 35 days/year!) (MAK, PEL, OEL, . . . ) mostly for 8 h working time Indoor (IAQ) no limit values but recomended values only 40µg/m³ Quelle: Fellner-et-al, Endbericht, Chemische Charakterisierung von PM 10 in Graz 4 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Regulations: mass fractions PMx for environment (outdoor) PM 2. 5 PM 10 5 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Regulations: mass fractions EN 481 for workplaces (indoor) alveolic thoracic inhalable 6 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Regulations: mass fractions indoor and outdoor PM 2. 5 alveolic PM 10 thoracic inhalable 7 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Workplace: limit values The most important standards and rules for the workplaces are: EN 481 (inhalable, thoracic and respirable fraction) ISO 7708 (like EN 481) TRGS 900 (Technical Rules of Dangerous Materials) OSHA Standard No. 1910 (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) DIN ISO 7708 8 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Workplace: example TRGS material CAS No. ppm limit values mg/m³ gaseous E = inhalable A = respirable CAS-Nr. = Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number 9 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Workplace: limit values The limit values are set up and published through: CEN (Europen Committee for Standardization) DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) BGIA (Occupational Institute for Industrial Safety) NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) OSHA (Occupational Safety + Health Administration) 10 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: Grimm Aerosol Technik Indoor Air Monitor Instruments For all applications where particle number concentration or particle mass (according to EN 481, mass distribution or indoor vs. outdoor) is needed, with high time and size resolution and for battery powered portable use! This is the GRIMM Indoor Air Monitoring product line! 11 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Principle: single particle light scattering, Grimm spectrometer principle 12 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Principles of particle detection: Dual! high end spectrometry + gravimetric filter aerosol focusing for gravimetric validation of particle mass Dual technology in one device! Grimm patent! in real time for particle number concentration and size distribution 13 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Principles of particle detection: Dual! high end spectrometry + gravimetric filter particle number concentration and size distribution with high time resolution and size resolution filter chamber, open with 47 mm PTFE filter 14 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Mass size distributions and size fractions PM 1 PM 2. 5 TSP Hi-vol TSP WRAC PM 10 Mass/ log D (µg 3/m 3) (Wilson and Suh, 1996) DIFFUSION SEDIMENTATION Particle Size in (µm) GRIMM AEROSOL SPECTROMETER RANGE – 31 channels 15 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
specification: Grimm spectrometer 1. 109 with 31 size channels and integrated PFTE-filter Specifications Particle counting Dust range [µg/m³] Size Range [µm] Size channels [µm] #1. 109 up to 2 000 P/l 0. 1…>100 0. 25…>32 31 channels counts 32 channels mass (0. 23)/0. 25/0. 28/0. 35/0. 45/0. 58/ 0. 65/0. 7/0. 8/1/1. 3/1. 6/2/2. 5/3/3. 5/4/5/6. 5/ 7. 5/8. 5/10/12. 5/15/17. 5/20/25/30/32 µm Sample air flow rate 1. 2 l/min, volume controlled Power supply battery 12 VDC (up to 8 h) or 110… 230 VAC Weight/Dimensions 2. 4 kg (5. 3 lb) with battery / 24 x 13 x 7 cm Data output Particle concentration in particles/litre, for all size channels ® via Windows or Particle mass in µg/m³, for all size channels software Particle mass fractions in µg/m³, simultaneously according to EN 481 occupational (inhalable, thoracic, respirable) and environmental (PM 10, PM 2. 5, PM 1) 16 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
specification: 1. 129 Sky-OPC with critical orifice, independent of ambient pressure Specifications Particle counting Dust range [µg/m³] Size Range [µm] Size channels [µm] #1. 129 up to 2 000 P/l 0. 1…>100 0. 25…>32 31 channels counts 32 channels mass (0. 23)/0. 25/0. 28/0. 35/0. 45/0. 58/ 0. 65/0. 7/0. 8/1/1. 3/1. 6/2/2. 5/3/3. 5/4/5/6. 5/ 7. 5/8. 5/10/12. 5/15/17. 5/20/25/30/32 µm Power supply 12 VDC external, only Sample air flow rate 1. 2 l/min constant, with critical orifice Weight/Dimensions 2. 915 kg / 25. 5 x 18. 2 x 7. 2 cm Data output Particle concentration in particles/litre, for all size channels ® via Windows or Particle mass in µg/m³, for all size channels. software No filter validation for Particle mass fractions according to EN 481 occupational (inhalable, thoracic, respirable) and environmental (PM 10, PM 2. 5, PM 1) 17 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
specification: 1. 209 Bioaerosol spec. with particle sampling on glass slide (+ microscope) Specifications Particle counting Dust range [µg/m³] Size Range [µm] Size channels [µm] #1. 109 up to 2 000 P/l 0. 1…>100 0. 25…>32 31 channels counts 32 channels mass (0. 23)/0. 25/0. 28/0. 35/0. 45/0. 58/ 0. 65/0. 7/0. 8/1/1. 3/1. 6/2/2. 5/3/3. 5/4/5/6. 5/ 7. 5/8. 5/10/12. 5/15/17. 5/20/25/30/32 µm Sample air flow rate 1. 2 l/min, volume controlled Power supply battery 12 VDC (up to 8 h) or 110… 230 VAC Weight/Dimensions 2. 4 kg (5. 3 lb) with battery / 24 x 13 x 7 cm Data output Particle concentration in particles/litre, for all size channels ® via Windows or Particle mass in µg/m³, for all size channels. software No filter validation for Particle mass fractions according to EN 481 occupational (inhalable, thoracic, respirable) and environmental (PM 10, PM 2. 5, PM 1) 18 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
specification: 1. 320 Nano attachment for 1. 108/1. 109 measures Nano counts and mean diameter Specifications Size Range Size channels Particle counting Sample air flow rate #1. 320 25… 300 nm 1 accumulative >500 P/ccm 1. 2 l/min, via 1. 10 X volume controlled Power supply battery 12 VDC (16 h) or 110… 230 VAC Weight/Dimensions 1. 4 kg / 12 x 7 cm Data output via Windows® software Mean particle concentration in particles/ccm, for whole size range and mean particle diameter in nm. Portable, no butanol, no radioaktive source! 19 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: IAQ and Occupational model 1. 108 and 1. 109 Occupational workplace monitoring EN 481 monitoring and PTFE-filter analysis for heavy metal Nano Counter attachment for Indoor application, model 1320 IAQ (indoor air quality) monitoring laser printer emissions, IAQ mass fractions and counts ventilation efficiency control at workplaces IAQ-research passive smoking, comparison indoor and outdoor (PM, EN 481) emissions of laser printers, with high time resolution Industrial process control isokinetic in stack sampling droplet measurements, size distribution stationary and mobile monitoring of dust with alarm unit 20 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: Filter testing, ventilation control, Wide Range continuing model 1. 108 and 1. 109 Atmospheric research measurements with airplanes, battery powered high time resolution vertical profiling of urban aerosols WRAS Wide Range Aerosol Spectrometer emission control and ambient air monitoring model 1. 129 Sky-OPC, 1. 209 Bioaerosol Spec. Atmospheric research Bioaerosol research and monitoring model 7. 300, 7. 309, 7. 310 an 7. 209 Filter-testing, ventilation control filter test systems, filter test rig online ventilation control 21 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Measurement Results Measured along the highway from Graz to Linz in Austria is a mountainous country in central Europe and thus many highways often pass through many mountain tunnels A car (TDS BMW) ran in front of our car. Spectrometer 1. 109 Gleinalmtunnel (8. 3 km) Speringtunnel 2. 8 km and Klausertunnel 2. 1 km Bolsrucktunnel (5. 5 km) When we passed by some heavy duty trucks (LKW), the instrument showed several subpeaks. 10 th China Aerosol Conference Changchun, July 26 -Aug. 1, 2009 15/20
Applications: Occupational work- place monitoring + PTFE filter for chemistry Work place monitoring in production area, Ecoanalytic, Switzerland, 2008 1. 108 in indoor fibre-glass protection housing, model 164, with sensor for temperature and relative humidity. PTFE filter used for chemical analysis of heavy metal. 23 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: Occupational work- place monitoring + 1320 Nano attachment Grimm Aerosol Technik, 2008 1. 108 or 1. 109 with Nano attachment model 1320 for workplace monitoring of ultra fine particles and dust mass fractions (or counts), with one portable system. 24 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Nanoparticle Exposure during Soldering soldering combustion and decay background 25 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: IAQ Indoor Air Quality monitoring of laser printer emissions 1. 108 online IAQ monitoring for fast results in offices. Emissions of laser printers (IAQ mass fractions and counts in 15 channels). IAQ mass fractions counts (15 channels) IAQ measurement in office, Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz, Magdeburg, Germany, 2008 26 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: IAQ Indoor Air Quality, ventilation control 1. 108 with sampling inlet 1. 111 and sensor for humidity, temperature and velocity model 1. 154. Control of ventilation system at workplaces. IAQ measurement in production area, TECAN, Austria 2006 27 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: IAQ-research Indoor Air Quality, PM values in Pubs Landeskrankenhaus Salzburg, Lungenabteilung, 2006 Online measurement outdoor and indoor with 1. 108 and sampling inlet model 1. 111 acc. to European guideline EN 481, measuring simultaneously inhalable, thoracic and alveolic mass fraction (or PM 10, PM 2. 5 and PM 1 for relative comparisons). 28 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: IAQ-research PM in offices, Scientific research Printing! Measuring particle emission from copy machines and laser printers in offices online with high time resolution with 1. 108. University of Gießen, Germany, 2006 29 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: Industrial process control, isokinetic in stack sampling Model 1. 152 sampling probe for isokinetic in stack sampling with four changeable inlets for air speeds up to 25 m/s and air recirculation with pipe in pipe technology to measure without exerting pressure! 30 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: Industrial process control for solid particles AND liquid droplets LUMI Michelbach, Germany and Grimm Aerosol Technik, 2008 1. 109 with model 1. 152 for isokinetic sampling and model 1. 154 sensor for humidity, temperature and velocity. Measuring of particle size distribution of droplets under various operation conditions. 31 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: Industrial process control, stationary and mobile with alarm unit 1. 108 with acoustical and visual alarm unit (model 1. 147 C), if a dust threshold is exceeded. Specification: 110 d. B sound and flashing light. EADS, Augsburg, 2007 1. 108 with acoustical and visual alarm unit in indoor fibre-glass protection housing, model 164 with T and r. H sensor. 32 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: atmospheric research, airborne particle distribution Airplane measurements with 1. 108 for particle size distribution, online and battery powered! Campaign in Australia, IMK-Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2007 33 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: atmospheric research physical properties and chemistry Spectrometer mounted at a Cessna wing cross beam with a isokinetic inlet for particle sampling inlet during flight. plexiglas wind protection isokinetic sampling probe 1. 108 spectrometer mini-cascade impactors for aerosol particle sampling University of Hohenheim and FU-Berlin, 1998 Engelhardt T. , (2005): Lasermikrosonden-Massenspektrometrie atmosphärischer Aerosolpartikel. Dissertation, Universität Hohenheim, 2004, ISBN 3 -8322 -3598 -1, Shaker Verlag Gmb. H, Aachen. 34 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: atmospheric research vertical aerosol profiling, Milano, Italy 1. 108 spectrometer for vertical aerosol profiling with a balloon With permission of Luca Ferrero, Milano Bicocca University, Italy, presented at EAC, Salzburg 2007 35 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: mobile WRAS for exhaust emissions, 3 locations, Bozen, Italy Exhaust air Thermal waste combustion energy plant WRAS SMPS+C and 1. 108 Highway Background air Sampling system, with permission of Dioxin Monitoring Systems, Kottingbrunn, Austria 36 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: atmospheric research in high altitudes, Sky-OPC model 1. 129 Helicopter carried platform ACTOS with 1. 129 Sky-OPC for measuring submicron particles with 1 second time resolution up to 6 km altitude, independent on air pressure. If. T Leipzig, Germany, 2008 37 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: Bioaerosol research, model 1. 209 Bioaerosol spectrometer In the field: Bioaerosol particles sampled in a stable for animal husbandry. University of Hannover, Institute of Animal Science, Germany, 2007 In the lab: Bio-aerosol wind tunnel for testing emission and impaction of micro organisms. 38 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: Filter testing principles - volume controlled filter test, simultaneous upstream and downstream measurements - continuous filter testing for ventilation control - filter test according to ASHRAE - automobile filter test according to ISO 5011 - and others 39 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: Filter tests, test rigs with Grimm technology inside Filter test system e. g. with Grimm Model 7. 309 (fine) or 7. 310 (coarse) for validation of air filters, e. g. used for cars and automotive industry. Mann + Hummel, Germany published in “Messen und Sensorik” 2008 Filter, used in Audi A 8 40 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Applications: Ventilation control with 7. 209 dual filter tester Online efficiency control of ventilation systems (e. g. electrostatic participators in tunnels) with dual filter tester model 7. 209. Upstream and downstream simultaneously! Data output in counts (31 channels) or mass. Electrostatic participator for 50 m³/sec Airflow Filtrontec, Germany (tunnel project Calle 30, Madrid, Spain), 2007 -2008 41 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider
Grimm instruments measure particle number concentration and particle size and you can obtain particle mass with high time resolution and high accuracy! For indoor AND outdoor application! 42 Dr. Friedhelm Schneider