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Overview of the Florida State Disbursement Unit
The Role of the State Disbursement Unit (SDU) n Operate a single statewide centralized payment and distribution center Providing services to Florida since March 11, 1999 n Initially under contract with the Florida Association of Court Clerks and Comptroller and currently with the Department of Revenue Primary Services Provided under this contract n n n Accept and disburse payment required under court order Provide a customer call center Provide an automated Interactive Voice Response System where the caller can check on payment status 24/7 Printing and mailing services for billing notices, payment coupons and other notices required per federal regulations
Highlighted Statistics – Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2009 n Staffing n n 52 full time ACS 19 Call Center Staff n n Total Disbursements n n n Total Disbursements – 9, 874, 217 19% paper check/81% Electronic Total Disbursed - $1, 901, 450, 891 - 22. 5% by paper check - 43. 6% by direct deposit - 33. 9% by stored value card Other Volumes Indicators n Number of monthly billings to obligors- 3, 569, 546 Employer coupons – 55, 038 Customer Service n n Calls handled by the IVR System – 4, 115, 845 Calls handled by CSR – 574, 209
Submitting Payments to the SDU Successfully n n Payments submitted by check or money order n Payable to the Florida SDU n Mail the payment to PO Box 8500, Tallahassee, Fl 32314 -8500 n Need at least 2 identifiers on the payment n Complete Case number, Year-assigned number-alpha-county EX(01 -0003456 -CA-29) n Obligor social security number n Full name of Obligor or Non Custodial Parent n CSE number – 10 digit IVD number EX(2538881497) Payments submitted electronically n Name, case number, social security
SDU Issues and Solutions n n Unidentified payments n Payments not properly addressed or missing case identifiers n If county code is not known – provide the name of the county (Hillsborough) Payments submitted for multiple cases n Not listing all the cases with proper identifiers Misdirected payments- sent to the wrong address or PO Box n Sent directly to DOR or a PO Box not designated for payments Items rejected n Post dated/stale dated – over 90 days n No address on check – starter checks n Legal line and written line do not match
Who to Contact, What to Do n Employer Website for assistance converting incoming payments to an electronic method - www. floridasdu. com n If further assistance is needed, call 850 -205 -8227 n To view the last five payments received and disbursed– www. myfloridacounty. com n n For general questions regarding payments, call n Employer line 888 -883 -0743 n Call Center 877 -769 -0251 DOR Help Desk 800 -622 -5437
The FACC Resolution Team
Background n n The SDU and the Resolution Team were established in 1998 by Chapter 61 of the Florida Statutes. The main purpose of the Resolution Team is to serve as a research and resolution Help Desk for payments receipted at the SDU.
Responsibilities n n Sometimes payments are receipted at the SDU that are unable to be processed because they are lacking key identifying information and, therefore, are suspended or held. There are many variables that may cause a payment to go into suspense.
Responsibilities n In addition, the Resolution Team provides resolution on escalated issues for state and local government agencies, employers, and the general public.
Results n n The Resolution Team successfully resolves approximately 96% to 99% of suspended payments received in any given month. In the last year, the Resolution Team has received 59, 068 payments and successfully resolved 56, 866 payments, a resolve rate of 96%.
Results The Resolution Team’s resolve rate meets or beats those resolve rates of other SDUs; such as Ohio, California, and Texas, which all have an annual resolve rate of 95%.
Results n n On average, less then 5% of all suspended payments receipted at the SDU were deemed truly unidentifiable and, therefore, remain in suspense. During the 2009 -2010 fiscal year, the Resolution Team was able to put $10, 477, 199 in the hands of Florida’s children that may otherwise still be suspended at the SDU.
Inside the Numbers As of June 30, 2010 Category Amount Number of Payments Interstate New Case $39, 590. 14 214 475 Closed Case $78, 938. 99 $26, 354. 66 Not in SDUR $7, 031. 87 33 Insufficient $116, 149. 30 545 Multiple $4, 903. 48 19 Not in Kidstar $129, 368. 75 726 Total $402, 337. 19 2, 196 184
Other Responsibilities
Escalated Issue Resolution n The Resolution Team also provides customer service resolution on escalated issues concerning child support payments receipted by the SDU for Legislative and Gubernatorial offices, the Executive Office of the Florida Department of Revenue, and most importantly, the constituents of all 67 counties.
Escalated Issue Resolution n n The Resolution Team is unlike any other child support Help Desk. Many of the inquiries the Resolution Team receives are referred by SDU and DOR customer service, because they lack the ability to handle complex escalated issues.
Escalated Issue Resolution n n In the 2009 -2010 fiscal year, the Team had received 25, 535 inquiries, successfully resolving 99%. From January to June 2010, the Resolution Team has received 12, 375 inquiries, successfully resolving 99%.
Value Added Services
Law Community Outreach n n The Resolution Team strives to inform family law attorneys on the latest developments in child support. In 2009, the Resolution Team conducted and/or attended six seminars/conferences in various communities throughout the state.
Special Projects n n The Resolution Team works hard to exceed the expectations of, not only Florida’s constituents but also, our agency partners. For instance, the Resolution Team provides DOR with case maintenance support, researching and updating key pieces of missing data.
Contact Information The FACC Resolution Team sdusupport@flclerks. com Michael Moreno, program manager mmoreno@flclerks. com