Скачать презентацию OVERVIEW OF HEALTH REFORM Oliver Fein M D Скачать презентацию OVERVIEW OF HEALTH REFORM Oliver Fein M D


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OVERVIEW OF HEALTH REFORM Oliver Fein, M. D. Professor of Clinical Medicine and Public OVERVIEW OF HEALTH REFORM Oliver Fein, M. D. Professor of Clinical Medicine and Public Health Associate Dean Office of Affiliations Office of Global Health Education Weill Cornell Medical College Medicine Housestaff Conference Weill Cornell Medical Center September 17, 2010

DISCLOSURES Dr. Oliver Fein has no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests Dr. Oliver DISCLOSURES Dr. Oliver Fein has no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests Dr. Oliver Fein is President of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), a non-profit educational and advocacy organization. He receives no financial compensation from PNHP.

PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. History of U. S. Health Reform 2. Macroeconomics of health care PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. History of U. S. Health Reform 2. Macroeconomics of health care 3. Challenges facing U. S. Health Care System 4. Policy options: P-PACA and Single Payer

BEFORE HEALTH INSURANCE BEGAN… Before 1936 • Health care 1% or less of GNP BEFORE HEALTH INSURANCE BEGAN… Before 1936 • Health care 1% or less of GNP • Out-of-pocket payment for physician care • Charity and public hospital care

BEGINNINGS OF PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT-BASED HEALTH INSURANCE 1936 - 1965 • BC is formed in BEGINNINGS OF PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT-BASED HEALTH INSURANCE 1936 - 1965 • BC is formed in 1936; BS in 1946 • WW II: health benefits linked to employment • IRS rules employer contributions tax deductible • Commercial life insurance companies begin selling health insurance to employers

LIMITED GOVERNMENT HEALTH INSURANCE 1965 - 1997 • Medicare for those over 65 years LIMITED GOVERNMENT HEALTH INSURANCE 1965 - 1997 • Medicare for those over 65 years • Medicaid for the poor • U. S. remains the only industrialized nation without universal access to health care

FOR-PROFIT MARKET HEALTH INSURANCE (privatization of Medicare) 1997 – present • Medicare+Choice and Medicare FOR-PROFIT MARKET HEALTH INSURANCE (privatization of Medicare) 1997 – present • Medicare+Choice and Medicare Advantage • Medicare Part D limited to private insurers • Experience-rated premiums (the sick pay more) dominate the market • Non-profit Blues convert to for-profit • Passage of P-PACA: March 23, 2010

Government Guarantees Universal Health Insurance • • • 1945 – Belgium 1947 – Sweden Government Guarantees Universal Health Insurance • • • 1945 – Belgium 1947 – Sweden 1948 – United Kingdom 1961 – Japan 1966 – Canada 1973 – Denmark 1978 – Italy 1986 – Spain 1996 – South Africa 2002 – Taiwan

CONCLUSION #1 Government sponsored Health Insurance is rather young CONCLUSION #1 Government sponsored Health Insurance is rather young

NATIONAL HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURES Billions of dollars (% total for year) Category 1960 2008* NATIONAL HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURES Billions of dollars (% total for year) Category 1960 2008* • Personal Health Care $ 23. 3 (85%) $ 1, 952. 3 (84%) • Public Health Activities $ 0. 4 (1%) $ 69. 4 (3%) • Research and Construction $ 2. 6 (6%) $ 157. 5 (6%) • Other $ 1. 2 (4%) $ 159. 5 (7%) TOTAL NHE $ 27. 5 (100%) $ 2, 338. 7 (100%) Per Capita NHE $ 147 $ 7, 693 NHE as percent of GDP 5. 2% 16. 2% * Data for 2008 from Health Affairs: January 5, 2010

PERSONAL HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURES Billions of dollars (% total for year) Category 1960 2008* PERSONAL HEALTH CARE EXPENDITURES Billions of dollars (% total for year) Category 1960 2008* • Hospital care $ 9. 2 (39%) $ 718. 4 (37%) • Physician services $ 5. 4 (23%) $ 496. 2 (26%) • Dental $ 2. 0 (9%) $ 101. 2 (5%) • Other professional services $ 0. 4 (2%) $ 65. 7 (3%) • Prescription drugs $ 2. 7 (12%) $ 234. 1 (12%) • Other medical products $ 2. 3 (9%) $ 65. 5 • Nursing home and home health $ 0. 9 (4%) $ 203. 1 (10%) • Other $ 0. 4 (2%) $ 68. 1 Total Personal Health Care $ 23. 3 (100%) $ 1, 952. 3 (100%) * Data for 2007 from Health Affairs: January 5, 2010 (3%) (4%)

WHO PAYS FOR HEALTH CARE? 1 Category Billions of Dollars % of Total National WHO PAYS FOR HEALTH CARE? 1 Category Billions of Dollars % of Total National Health Expenditures $ 2, 338. 7 (100%) Private Funds $ 920. 7 (39%) §Private health insurance $ 642. 9 (27%) § Out of pocket payments $ 277. 8 (12%) $ 1, 418. 0 (61%) § Medicare $ 469. 2 (20%) § Medicaid $ 344. 3 (15%) § Other Federal** $ 146. 4 (6%) § Other State and Local*** $ 146. 8 (6%) §Public Employee health benefits $ 140. 3 (6%) §Tax Subsidies $ 171. 0 (7%) Public Funds Tax-Financed ($ per capita) $ 4, 665 *Data for 2008 from Health Affairs: January 5, 2010, using the methodology described in Health Affairs 2002; 21: 88 -98 **Includes VA, DOD, hospital subsidies, federal public health, SCHIP *** Includes Workmen’s Comp. , hospital subsidies, state public health, SCHIP 1 Woolhandler S, Himmelstein, DU. Paying for National Health Insurance—and Not Getting It. Health Affairs. 2002: 21; 88 -98

CONCLUSION #2 We are more than half way to a government financed health care CONCLUSION #2 We are more than half way to a government financed health care system!

CHALLENGES FACING HEALTH CARE REFORM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Declining access CHALLENGES FACING HEALTH CARE REFORM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Declining access Escalating costs Defining of benefits Restricted choice Uneven Quality Lack of primary care How to pay for reform

HEALTH REFORM: OBAMA’S FATEFUL CHOICE • He did not want to “start from scratch” HEALTH REFORM: OBAMA’S FATEFUL CHOICE • He did not want to “start from scratch” • He had two fundamental choices: 1) to build on the public sector (Medicare) or 2) to build on the private sector • He chose to try to reach universal coverage by expanding private insurance

Progress(? ) of US Health Reform Employer mandate Medicare Individual mandate* ? ? * Progress(? ) of US Health Reform Employer mandate Medicare Individual mandate* ? ? * “each eligible individual must enroll in an applicable health plan for the individual and must pay any premium required with respect to such enrollment. ” (S. 1775) Public option** ** “you can choose to enroll in the new public plan”

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PUBLIC OPTION? The original “robust” Plan • Open enrollment: “Medicare WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PUBLIC OPTION? The original “robust” Plan • Open enrollment: “Medicare for everyone who wants it” • Medicare rates, backed by the government • 119 million members (Lewin) The House Plan • Restricted enrollment (only the uninsured) • 6 million members (<2% of the population) • Negotiated rates, self sustaining The Senate Plan • No public option

HEALTH CARE vs INSURANCE REFORM Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P-PACA) March 23, HEALTH CARE vs INSURANCE REFORM Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P-PACA) March 23, 2010 House: For = 219 Senate: For = 60 Against = 212 (No Repubs; 39 Dems) Against = 39 (all Repubs) Health Care & Education Affordability Reconciliation Act (HCEARA) March 25, 2010 House: For = 220 Senate: For = 56 Against = 211 (No Repubs; 38 Dems) Against = 43 (No Repubs; 3 Dems)


The Epidemic of Underinsurance Number of people spending more than 10% of income on The Epidemic of Underinsurance Number of people spending more than 10% of income on health care (Millions) Source: Too Great a Burden, Families USA, December 2007

Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL • Automatic enrollment • Federal guarantee • All residents of Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL • Automatic enrollment • Federal guarantee • All residents of the United States • “Everybody in, nobody out”

HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) • Mandates purchase of private HI (2014) • Expands Medicaid HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) • Mandates purchase of private HI (2014) • Expands Medicaid eligibility to 133% FPL (2014) - single $14, 403; family $19, 378 • Subsidizes premiums up to 400% FPL (2014) - single $43, 320; family $88, 200 • Insurance market reforms: Guaranteed issue; no rescissions; no annual/life limits

Trend in the Number of Uninsured Nonelderly, 2012– 2019 Millions Under Current Law and Trend in the Number of Uninsured Nonelderly, 2012– 2019 Millions Under Current Law and House and Senate Bills Note: The uninsured includes unauthorized immigrants. With unauthorized immigrants excluded from the calculation, nearly 94% and 96% of legal nonelderly residents are projected to have insurance under the Senate and House proposals, respectively. Data: Estimates by The Congressional Budget Office. 26


Insurance Premiums • Workers’ Earnings • Inflation 1999 -2008 Kaiser/HRET Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Premiums • Workers’ Earnings • Inflation 1999 -2008 Kaiser/HRET Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits, 2000 -2008. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index

High Cost of Health Insurance Premiums: It’s Even Too Expensive for the Middle Class High Cost of Health Insurance Premiums: It’s Even Too Expensive for the Middle Class Today National Average for Employer-provided Insurance Single Coverage $5, 049 per year Family Coverage $13, 770 per year Note: Annual income at minimum wage = $13, 624 Annual income of average Wal-Mart worker = $17, 114 Source: Kaiser Family Foundation/HRET Survey of Employee Benefits, 2010

RISE IN PERSONAL BANKRUPTCIES 62% of personal bankruptcies are due to medical expenses and RISE IN PERSONAL BANKRUPTCIES 62% of personal bankruptcies are due to medical expenses and over 75% had health insurance at the outset of their bankrupting illness. * * Himmelstein, et. al. Am J Med, August, 2009

Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL Low Administrative Costs = Single Payer • Administrative cost and Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL Low Administrative Costs = Single Payer • Administrative cost and profit - Medicare: 2 -3 % - Private insurance: 16 -30% • $400 billion* redirected to cover the uninsured and to expand coverage for the underinsured * NEJM 2003: 349; 768 -775 – updated to 2010

Covering Everyone and Saving Money through Medicare for All Additional costs Covering the uninsured Covering Everyone and Saving Money through Medicare for All Additional costs Covering the uninsured and poorly-insured Elimination of cost-sharing and co-pays +6. 4% +5. 1% Total Costs Savings Reduced insurance administrative costs Reduced hospital administrative costs Reduced physician office costs Bulk purchasing of drugs & equipment Primary care emphasis & reduce fraud $B 134 107 +11. 5% 241 -5. 3% -1. 9% -3. 6% -2. 8% -2. 2% -111 -21 -76 -59 -46 Total Savings -15. 8% -313 Net Savings - 4. 3% - 73 Source: Health Care for All Californians Plan, Lewin Group, January 2005

Private insurers’ High Overhead Private insurers’ High Overhead

SINGLE PAYER OFFERS REAL TOOLS TO CONTAIN COSTS • Global budgeting of hospitals • SINGLE PAYER OFFERS REAL TOOLS TO CONTAIN COSTS • Global budgeting of hospitals • Capital investment planning • Emphasis on primary care; coordination of care; alternative ways of paying for care • Bulk purchasing of pharmaceuticals

HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) Saves costs by mandating penalties for Uninsurance (forcing low risks HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) Saves costs by mandating penalties for Uninsurance (forcing low risks into risk pool) 1. Individual mandate (2014) • 2. 5% of income or $695 (singles) to $2, 085 (family)-(2016) 2. Employer mandate (if 50 or more employees) • $2, 000/employee

HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) Leaves many of the undesirable features of employment-based insurance unchanged HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) Leaves many of the undesirable features of employment-based insurance unchanged • Employers can change coverage and plans • Insurers can change provider networks • Employees must accept the employer plan

HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) Offers unproven tools to contain costs • Health Information Technology HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) Offers unproven tools to contain costs • Health Information Technology (HIT) • Chronic Disease Management • Payment reforms (e. g. , medical homes)

Total National Health Expenditures (NHE), 2009– 2019 Current Projection and Alternative Scenarios NHE in Total National Health Expenditures (NHE), 2009– 2019 Current Projection and Alternative Scenarios NHE in trillions 6. 6% annual growth 6. 4% annual growth 6. 0% annual growth $2. 5 Notes: * Modified current projection estimates national health spending when corrected to reflect underutilization of services by previously uninsured. Source: D. M. Cutler, K. Davis, and K. Stremikis, Why Health Reform Will Bend the Cost Curve, Center for American Progress and The Commonwealth Fund, December 2009. $4. 8 $4. 7 $4. 5

CHALLENGE #3 DEFINING BENEFITS • Service Coverage: Doctors, NPs, Hospitals, Rxes; Dental, Mental Health, CHALLENGE #3 DEFINING BENEFITS • Service Coverage: Doctors, NPs, Hospitals, Rxes; Dental, Mental Health, Home care/nursing home • Financial Coverage: Copays and deductibles

Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL Comprehensive coverage - Preventive services - Hospital care - Physician Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL Comprehensive coverage - Preventive services - Hospital care - Physician services - Dental services - Mental health services - Medication expenses - Reproductive health services -Home Care/nursing home care “All medically necessary services” Any exclusions? How decided?

Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL Eliminates Co-Pays or Deductibles • Reduce use of needed and Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL Eliminates Co-Pays or Deductibles • Reduce use of needed and unneeded services equally • Results in under use of primary care services • Not as effective in reducing over use of technology intensive services, as - Eliminating self-referral to MD owned facilities - Reducing defensive medicine

HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) • No Standard Benefit Package mandated • Mandates coverage of HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) • No Standard Benefit Package mandated • Mandates coverage of check-ups and other preventive services • Reduces or eliminates co-pays and deductibles, but only on preventive services

CHALLENGE #4 RESTRICTED CHOICE • 42% of employees have no choice • Private health CHALLENGE #4 RESTRICTED CHOICE • 42% of employees have no choice • Private health insurance limits choice to the network of doctors and hospitals with whom they have negotiated contracts • You pay more to go out of network

Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL Expands Choice for Everyone • No limit to a network Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL Expands Choice for Everyone • No limit to a network of providers • Free choice of doctor and hospital • Delinks health insurance from employment

HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) Creation of HI Exchanges Expands Choice for Some • House: HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) Creation of HI Exchanges Expands Choice for Some • House: National Exchange with State option - Combines individual and small group markets into one insurance pool and one Exchange - National public option • Senate: State exchanges with federal back-up - Separate pools for individual and small groups - No public option • No state single payer until 2017

HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) Restricts Choice when it comes to abortion • House: Stupak HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) Restricts Choice when it comes to abortion • House: Stupak Amendment - Codifies Hyde Amendment - Bans abortion coverage in “public option” - Bans abortion coverage in any private plan that accepts public subside funds - Allows separate abortion “riders” • Senate: Nelson Amendment - Allows states to prohibit abortion coverage in state-run exchanges - If states allow abortion coverage, requires enrollees or employers to send two checks - Insurers must keep abortion coverage money separate from federal subsidies

CHALLENGE #5: UNEVEN QUALITY • In 2008, U. S. was last among 19 industrialized CHALLENGE #5: UNEVEN QUALITY • In 2008, U. S. was last among 19 industrialized nations in mortality amenable to health care. • In 2006, we were 15 th. * Commonwealth Fund (2009)

Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL • National data on health care quality vs. proprietary data Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL • National data on health care quality vs. proprietary data held by private HI • National standards and public reporting • HIT for the nation with patient protections – every patient their own medical record on a “credit” card

HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) • Comparative Effectiveness Research • Innovation Center in CMS to HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) • Comparative Effectiveness Research • Innovation Center in CMS to test new payment and service delivery models (2011) • Value based purchasing – hospital payments based on quality reporting measures (2013) • Readmission penalties (2013) • Reduce hospital payments for hospital-acquired conditions (2015)

CHALLENGE #6: LACK OF PRIMARY CARE • Average medical school debt = $160, 000 CHALLENGE #6: LACK OF PRIMARY CARE • Average medical school debt = $160, 000 • Primary care is under-reimbursed • Medical school graduates going into specialties

Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL • Debt forgiveness for primary care • Malpractice payment for Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL • Debt forgiveness for primary care • Malpractice payment for primary care providers (MDs, NPs and PAs) • Patient-Centered Medical Homes (team based care, open access, coordination of care; phone/internet medicine)

HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) • 10% Primary Care Bonus Payments (20112017) • Increase Medicaid HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) • 10% Primary Care Bonus Payments (20112017) • Increase Medicaid payment to Medicare rates for primary care (2013) • Independent Payment Advisory Board (2014)


Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL • Public funding - Payroll tax - Corporate taxes - Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL • Public funding - Payroll tax - Corporate taxes - Income taxes • No premiums: regressive • No increase in overall health care spending, because of administrative savings

Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL Non-profit/private delivery system under local control - Doctors not salaried Improved MEDICARE FOR ALL Non-profit/private delivery system under local control - Doctors not salaried by government - Hospitals not owned by government - This is not “socialized medicine” A publicly funded-privately delivered partnership

HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) 1. Increased taxes - Excise tax on “Cadillac” health insurance HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM (P-PACA) 1. Increased taxes - Excise tax on “Cadillac” health insurance plans (2018) - Medicare payroll tax increase from 1. 45% to 2. 35% if income $200 -250 K - 3. 8% tax on investment income 2. Savings from Medicare - Advantage: ($132 bill over 10 yrs) - Cut DSH payments ($36 million) - Cut Medicare payments to hospitals ($136 bill over 10 yrs) - Cut payments for home care/nursing homes ($60 bill) 3. Revenue from reduced fraud and abuse

HEALTH REFORM (P-PACA) 1. Expanded coverage, but not universal 2. Cost control by market HEALTH REFORM (P-PACA) 1. Expanded coverage, but not universal 2. Cost control by market means 3. No definition of benefits 4. Choice thru State-based exchanges, but no public option 5. Limits on abortion 6. Primary care/quality pilots 7. Funding: Excise tax on “Cadillac” plans and Medicare cutbacks

Single Payer MEDICARE FOR ALL THE PHYSICIANS’ PROPOSAL (JAMA, August 13, 2003 P. 798 Single Payer MEDICARE FOR ALL THE PHYSICIANS’ PROPOSAL (JAMA, August 13, 2003 P. 798 -805) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Universal coverage/automatic enrollment Low administrative costs=single payer Comprehensive coverage without co-pays and deductibles Maximum choice of Doctor, NP, Hospital Improved quality through nationwide HIT Expanded primary care Publicly-funded/privately delivered MEDICARE 2. 0

Conyers HR 676 Expanded and improved MEDICARE-FOR-ALL “Single Payer NH Care” (86 Co-sponsors in Conyers HR 676 Expanded and improved MEDICARE-FOR-ALL “Single Payer NH Care” (86 Co-sponsors in House of Rep) • • • Automatic enrollment Comprehensive benefits Free choice of doctor and hospital Doctors and hospitals remain independent Financed through progressive taxes Costs contained through capital planning, budgeting, quality reviews, primary care emphasis

Sanders (& Mc. Dermott): American Health Security Act S 703 (HR 1200) 1. Automatic Sanders (& Mc. Dermott): American Health Security Act S 703 (HR 1200) 1. Automatic enrollment 2. Comprehensive benefits 3. Operated by States using Federal standards 4. Free choice of doctor and hospital 5. Doctors and hospitals remain independent 6. Public agency processes and pays bills 7. Financed through payroll taxes

CONCLUSION #3 • A system based on private insurance plans - will not lead CONCLUSION #3 • A system based on private insurance plans - will not lead to universal coverage - will not create affordable insurance • A Medicare for All System - can lead to universal comprehensive coverage, without costing more - has the greatest potential to increase choice, improve quality and expand primary care - can be financed fairly

We Can’t Wait Another 16 Years! We Need Real Health Care Reform Before the We Can’t Wait Another 16 Years! We Need Real Health Care Reform Before the Premium Takes All our Income! Today Source: American Family Physician, November 14, 2005

CONTACTS AND REFERENCES • PNHP National: www. pnhp. org • PNHP-NY Metro: www. pnhpnymetro. CONTACTS AND REFERENCES • PNHP National: www. pnhp. org • PNHP-NY Metro: www. pnhpnymetro. org • Bodenheimer TS, Grumbach K, Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach. Mc. Graw-Hill, 2005 • Fein O, Birn AE. (editors), Comparative Health Systems. Am Jour Public Health 2003; 93: 1 -176 • O’Brien ME, Livingston M (editors), 10 Excellent Reasons for National Health Care. New Press, 2008 • Geyman J, Do Not Resuscitate: Why the Health Insurance Industry is Dying and How We Must Replace It. Common Courage Press, 2008