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Overview of Commercial Patent Databases Presented by Sunny Wang WIPO Regional Conference on Technology and Innovation Support Singapore, May 2010 1
Disclaimer n Inclusion policy: This document describes services of value in patent searching, patent information, patent documentation, patent document delivery, and patent publishing. It has been assembled largely from input solicited on the PIUG-L email list and wiki, contributions of service providers, and information selected from commercial source websites. n Disclaimer: PIUG does not endorse, sanction, or verify the information that is provided on commercial sites. PIUG has no affiliation with any organization mentioned or described in this document. 2
Agenda n Advantages of commercial databases n Major commercial vendors/suppliers n Lexis. Nexis n Minesoft n Pro. Quest n Questal ® n STN International n Thomson Reuters n Additional vendors/suppliers n Special search & analyze features n Chemical Structure n Bio Sequence n Analyzing tools n Summary 3
Advantages of commercial databases n Commercial providers add value to enhance retrieval and precision n n 4 Provide integrated access to multiple sources of patent and non-patent literature (NPL) Enhance understanding of primary data through enhanced titles and abstracts Include precise indexing to target search Provide online thesauri to develop search Offer unique search tools to find specific or Markush structures and sequence information
Major Providers & Patent Databases Total. Patent. TM Pat. Base Dialog QPAT, Orbit. com STN International, CAS DWPI, Thomson Innovation 5
Lexis. Nexis® Total. Patent. TM Lexis. Nexis® is a leading global provider of content-enabled workflow solutions to professionals in law firms, corporations, government, law enforcement, tax, accounting, academic institutions and risk and compliance assessment. Total. Patent™ - Patent Research Services The Total. Patent™ service, now featuring semantic search technology, is a patent research, retrieval and analysis solution designed with the broadest and deepest collection of online first-level patent information available anywhere. 6
Total. Patent. TM (cont. ) Patent coverage 27 full-text authorities, some dating back to 1800 s including English Machine Translations n Bibliographic and abstract data from 96 authorities n Includes clipped images, citations, legal status (INPADOC/US/Asia), patent families n n 7 70 million searchable compressed PDFs
Total. Patent. TM (cont. ) Features n The Lexis. Nexis. Toolbar is integrated to other Lexis. Nexis services including fulltext non-patent prior art sources, caselaw, expert commentary, analytical content, current news, and other sources on lexis. com n Partnership between Lexis. Nexis Univentio and Asia Online to translate between Asian and European languages; patent documents can be translated in multiple languages within 24 hours after publication in their original language and loaded onto Total. Patent. TM n Lexis. Nexis® Semantic Search powered by Pure. Discovery may help improve search results by adding concepts related to your search query n Includes Court. Link for docketing details for US patents in litigation n Unlimited PDF Downloads at no additional cost, as well as, analytics, reporting, alerts, combination searches, and de-duplication of patent families 8
Total. Patent. TM (cont. ) n Semantic Searching: Identifies key concepts n Once identified, there is the ability to rerank key terms before doing your searching 9
Minesoft Pat. Base Minesoft, founded in 1996, develops patent information services and solutions, linking technical, legal, bibliographic and full text patent information for patent professionals and research specialists. Pat. Base is a searchable patent database covering over 38 million patent families with historical information dating back to the early 1900 s. 10 10
Pat. Base (cont. ) Patent coverage n 38 million patent families early 1900 s–present n 25 million full-text searchable documents from US, EP, PCT, GB, DE, FR, CA, CN, JP, KR and RU patent authorities Over 27 million patent images Updated daily n n 11 11
Pat. Base (cont. ) Features n n n 12 Searchable detailed bibliographic data Keyword searches of abstracts and full text Classification searches provided for IPC, USPC, ECLA, Japanese F-terms, and German Codes (DEKLA) Statistical analysis feature enables users to analyze the frequency of a particular classification, patent assignee, inventor, country or keywords within their set of results Hit view provides additional links 12
Pat. Base (cont. ) Links to: • Citation tree • Family status • Full text • Classification • Esp@cenet • Register • Click to order • PDF Hit View provides additional links 13 13
Pro. Quest Dialog Pro. Quest creates specialized information resources and technologies that propel successful research, discovery, and lifelong learning. A global leader in serving libraries of all types, Pro. Quest offers the expertise of such respected brands as CSA™, UMI®, Chadwyck-Healey™, SIRS®, and e. Library®. n Focus on Engineering and Technology Dialog's premier collection of scientific and technical content supports scientists, engineers, and product managers as they seek to discover and pursue new R&D opportunities. Use Dialog's comprehensive collection of engineering and technology databases to monitor technology advancements, track standards and regulatory information, identify environmental issues, and discover alternative applications for products 14
Dialog (cont. ) Coverage n 470 million scientific literature records n 187 million intellectual property records n 733 million business and news information records 15
Dialog (cont. ) Features n The largest collection of authoritative content accessible through a single search, focused on science and technology, intellectual property, and business and news n Precision search for information professionals and knowledge workers n Robust post-processing tools n Sophisticated analytical and visualization tools 16
Patent Databases in Dialog File 123: CLAIMS(R)/Current Legal Status File 324: GERMAN PATENTS FULLTEXT File 325: Chinese Patents Full. Text File 331: Derwent WPI First View Interfaces supported: File 340: CLAIMS(R)/US Patent • Dialog. Link 5 File 342: Patents Citation Index • Dialog. Classic Web File 344: Chinese Patents Abs • Dialog Alerts File 345: Inpadoc/Fam. & Legal Stat File 347: JAPIO File 348: EUROPEAN PATENTS File 349: PCT FULLTEXT File 351: Derwent WPI File 353: Ei En. Compass. Pat(TM) File 371: French Patents File 447: IMS Patent Focus File 652: US Patents Fulltext File 654: US PAT. FULL. File 670: Lit. Alert 17
Questel Orbit. com Questel has been focusing on its core business, Intellectual Property, for more than 30 years. Our worldwide recognized expertise is the result of privileged relationships with our customers and partners, and a constant integration of their needs in our offering. Our company is the result of the merging 10 years ago of Questel, a European-based company, and Orbit, a US-based company. Both companies also had a solid basis in Asia and Oceania. Orbit. com, the new state-of-the-art online portal applies the most advanced Web technologies to IP information services – all in one place: • Search patents and designs • Manage your portfolio • Watch patents and legal status • Order and Download copies 18
Questel Orbit. com (cont. ) Coverage n 90 patent offices, 1 family-grouped database n Full text for 20 countries including China, Japan, and Korea n Up-to-date classifications: European, U. S. , IPC 8, Japanese FI and F-terms n Citations: AU, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, EP, ES, FI, FR, GB, IT, JPA, JPB, NL, PCT, TR, US publications plus others to come n INPADOC legal status with simplified DEAD and ALIVE indicators n Exclusive PATOLIS-e comprehensive JP legal status n 130 trademark, company, pharmaceutical and domain name databases n 13 design databases 19
Questel Orbit. com (cont. ) Features n n n n 20 Duplicate-free search results Multi-colored dynamic keyword browsing Real-time register information Family details with full- text Instant machine translation for 35 languages Patent. Examiner sorts and filters documents according to user -controlled criteria Analyze documents by date, publication country, priority country, publication country timeline, and priority country timeline using online analyzing tool
Questel Orbit. com (cont. ) 21
STN International CAS, the world’s most authoritative and comprehensive source of chemical substance information, offers the CAS REGISTRYSM - the largest collection of substance information - as well as indexed references from more than 10, 000 major scientific journals, 60 patent authorities around the world, and other reputable web sources. STN is an online database service that provides global access to published research, journal literature, patents, structures, sequences, properties, and other data. STN is operated jointly by CAS and FIZ Karlsruhe worldwide and is represented in Japan by JAICI. 22
STN (cont. ) The unsurpassed collection of essential science and technology databases on STN covers a wide range of topics, including: n. Patent family n n n 23 n Selected Bibliographic n JAPIO n KOREAPAT n RUSSIAPAT CAplus. SM Derwent World Patents Index® n Full-text Patents (DWPISM) n EPFULL IMSpatents – Pharmaceutical n FRFULL focus n GBFULL INPADOCDB n IFICDB/IFIPAT (US) INPAFAMDB n PATDPAFULL n PCTFULL n USPATALL
STN (cont. ) Coverage n Optimal Versions of CAS-Produced databases n CA/CAplus, CASREACT, CAS REGISTRYSM, CHEMCATS, CHEMLIST, CIN, MARPAT, TOXCENTER n The CAplus. SM database focuses on chemically-related content from patents and NPL from late 1800’s to date n More than 32 million records from: n n 60 patent authorities including CN, EP, IN, JP, KR, PH, SG, TW, US, WO More than 10, 000 journals from >185 countries plus conferences, books, dissertations, etc n English language summaries and indexing for documents published in > 50 languages 24
STN (cont. ) Features n CAplus provides controlled vocabulary for comprehensive searching n Detailed concept indexing n n Controlled Terms describing the new and novel aspects of a record CA Lexicon – Thesaurus of chemical indexing n Substance indexing CAS Registry Numbers® (CAS RN) for comprehensive substance retrieval n CAS Role qualifiers for substances (e. g. , Preparation, Therapeutic Use) n STN Ana. Vist – analysis tool n 25
STN (cont. ) Each color in the charts and Research Landscape represents a publication year. STN Ana. Vist provides interactively linked analysis. 26
Thomson Reuters We combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial, legal, tax and accounting, healthcare, science and media markets, powered by the world’s most trusted news organization. Legal: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Thomson Reuters is the world's leading provider of intellectual property solutions. Our offerings are used by professionals across the IP lifecycle to develop, maintain and extract maximum value from their intellectual assets. 27
Thomson Reuters (cont. ) Selected patent related products: n Thomson Innovation: Combines intellectual property, scientific literature, business data and news with analytic, collaboration and alerting tools. n Aureka: IP management and analysis platform that provides a secure, online environment for searching and storing IP information. n Delphion: Patent research and analysis solution covering 40 million patent documents and the analysis and visualization tools to help you make sense of the data. n Derwent World Patents Index: Contains over 18. 9 million unique inventions covering more than 41 million patent documents, with coverage from over 41 major patent issuing authorities worldwide. 28
Thomson Reuters (cont. ) Features n Covers more than 40 million documents from the world's top patent collections to get a comprehensive perspective of a particular technology or industry n Quickly view, download, and print high-quality patent images one at a time or in bulk, order File Histories or extract bibliographic data to make your search more productive and effective n Offers a complete set of analysis and visualization tools that can help you learn about technology or industry trends and track the citation history of an invention 29
Thomson Reuters (cont. ) Derwent World Patents Index® (DWPISM) n Bibliography for 43 patent issuing authorities Detailed member information from 10 authorities Enhanced abstracts and titles Derwent classification and subject indexing Classification codes include reformed IPC, ECLA, ICO, NCL, and F-terms Patent Assignee Codes (PACO) Non-convention equivalents Dates back to 1963 n n n n 30
Thomson Reuters (cont. ) Thomson Innovation (TI) n Easy-to-use interface n Patent coverage includes full-text and valued-added databases n n Derwent World Patents Index (1963–present) Searchable full-text for WO, US, EP, GB, FR, and DE Selected full-text from CN, JP, KR with some English availability INPADOC bibliographies n Translations on demand to major languages n Patent file histories n Analytical and visualization tools including Theme. Scape 31
Other Commercial Databases n Drug. Patent. Watch. com - Provides patent data, sales statistics, industry trends, and comprehensive data on all FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs. Drug. Patent. Watch also offers a free industry dashboard and patent expiration bulletin. n IFI Claims family of US Patent databases. n IP Data Corporation - Truly affordable Patent Image Delivery system, or Full Text Search System with or without images right in your office (on your intranet) with the entire US, EP or PCT inventory, or all three. We also have Full Text and Image collections to build your own. n IP. com - IP. com is committed to helping our customers protect their intellectual property. IP. com enables innovative companies to quickly and easily protect their inventions by offering security services for many aspects of the invention process: from the safeguarding of sensitive information (such as R&D lab notebooks) to the rapid publication and creation of prior art (technical disclosures). 32
Other Commercial Databases n JPDS (Japan Patent Data Service) provides web-based English language search engine "JP-NETe" for Japanese unexamined patents after 1989 including legal status information, and Japanese search engine "JP-NET" for Japanese patents, utility models, designs and trademarks including legal status information, together with US patent data after 1985. n Micro. Patent - Featuring the world's largest commercial collection of searchable full text patent data in Pat. Search® Full. Text, as well as the most timely, complete bibliographic data (from 70+ countries with legal status from 42 of them) in Micro. Patent's Patent Index Database (MPI). n Patents 360 - Provider of complete, accurate, and current U. S. patent data in clean, relational database form. Our data offers a unique, truly contemporaneous source of patent data directly to the public at very affordable prices. Our Data Services team can help you identify the appropriate Scorecards, Custom Data Extracts, Patent Indicators, and USPTO Bibliographic Patent Data to meet your needs. n Raytec PAT-LIST-CN/WEB - A Patent Information Retrieval Web System Specializing in Searching Patent in China 33
Special Search & Analysis Features n In general, most databases can be searched by: Inventor name n Patent assignee name n Filing date, (priority date), publication date n Application number, (priority number), issue patent number n Keywords n IPC, (ELCA), (USPC), (FT) n Citation n 34
Chemical Search Databases n STN n n CA/CAplus CASREACT CAS REGISTRYSM MARPAT n Derwent World Patents Index® (DWPISM) n Questel, Merged Markush Service 35
Sequence Search Databases n Genome. Quest - "The first intranet sequence search engine with percent identity and biological searching. Genome. Quest works similar to premier web search engines, rapidly bubbling relevant records to the top. The software automates the reporting of the most important and relevant matches, minimizing tedious research, while providing advanced search algorithms so no relevant sequences are ever missed. ” n STN n DGENE(Thomson Reuters GENESEQTM): n USGENE® (The USPTO Genetic Sequence Database) n PCTGEN (WIPO/PCT Patent Application Biosequences, the complete collection of e-published sequences from WIPO) n CAS REGISTRYSM (Chemical Abstracts Service REGISTRY, worldwide value-added patent and nonpatent sequence data) 36
Databases with Analysis Tools n STN: STN Ana. Vist n Thomson Innovation: Theme. Scape n Dialog: Innography* n Questel: Intellixir* n Patbase: Viz. Pat & Minesoft INSIGHT PRO 37
For More Information Visit the providers’ websites: n Dialog http: //www. dialog. com/ n Pat. Base http: //minesoft. com/patbase. asp n Questal http: //www. questel. orbit. com/ n STN http: //www. cas. org/support/stngen/index. html n Thomson Innovation www. thomsoninnovation. com n Total Patent http: //lexisnexis. com/ip/totalpatent/ 38
Summary n No one database covers all available information n Each has different coverage n Each has different indexing methods n Each has unique features 39
Thank you Happy Searching! 40