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Overseas Visitors Quantitative Research 2008/09 Prepared for Prepared by Ian Mc. Shane & John O’Mahony AUGUST 2009 IMAGE HERE INTO GREY AREA.
Introduction l This report presents the findings for the Overseas Visitor Survey for Fáilte Ireland Horse Racing Ireland. Fieldwork began in June 2008 and concluded in May 2009. l A detailed questionnaire was addressed to overseas visitors at race meetings and 638 interviews were completed in total. l Observation studies also recorded the number of Irish attendees to provide a representational context: Over 6, 000 observation records were made in total. J. 9325 2
Key Objectives l The key objectives for the survey were as follows: v To accurately estimate the number of overseas visitors attending horse racing meetings in Ireland their expenditure; v To establish the profile of these visitors in terms of their; country of residence, gender, age, socio-economic group and, their party size. v To determine the length of stay, accommodation usage and expenditure while in Ireland; v To establish which sources and quality of information prompted them to (a) visit Ireland (b) attend the race meeting that they attended. v To gauge the likelihood of them attending future race meetings in Ireland. J. 9325 3
Methodology l A number of key considerations were taken into account to ensure the representativeness of the data produced. l In brief, these considerations are as follows: v As wide a representation of Irish race meetings as possible were included within the sampling frame, so as to minimize as far as possible statistical sampling error. v The specific race meetings selected for the survey were as representative as possible of the total Universe of race meetings in terms of Type of Meeting, Time of Day, Day of Week (incorporating festivals in appropriate proportions). v A distribution of race meetings across different months of the year was also incorporated to the schedule, particularly as the volume of overseas visitor to Ireland varies from month to month. v Controls were set within this overall sampling frame by individual race course, so as to ensure that those courses which hold more regular meetings are represented to a greater degree than those holding relatively irregular meetings. J. 9325 4
Methodology v Critically, the total Sample Universe was recruited to represent all attendees at Irish race meetings over the survey fieldwork period. The objective was to survey a representative sample of all such individuals as our starting point, with a representative sub-sample of non-Irish visitors emerging naturally from this total Sample Universe. v A systematic method of choosing respondents for interview at each individual race meeting was selected, referred to as the Very Next Person (VNP) technique. Interviewing was conducted at an agreed fixed point and the surveyor approached the very next person passing that point for interview. § If that person was identified as an Irish resident, their basic demographic details were recorded on a contact sheet. § If the person was a non-Irish visitor, the full interview was conducted. v During the later stages of the survey, this approach to recording Irish residents was revised to allow a short interview to be conducted with a small sample of respondents. v The overseas visitor dataset was weighted at analysis stage to reflect individual course attendance figures gathered by Horse Racing Ireland. J. 9325 5
Sample Structure J. 9325 6
Sampling Structure Spread Of Fieldwork 2008 2009 Total Estimated Target June No. of meetings held Interviewing shifts Irish contacts July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 33 37 42 29 30 25 22 15 16 20 30 40 334 (341) 2 7 9 15 18 7 22 10 4 3 15 5 117 (114) 200 5, 837 +809 (6040) 108 385 493 825 990 462 1452 660 264 198 609 =6, 646 Overseas full interviews 14 52 57 87 110 21 127 21 21 10 80 38 638 (800) J. 9325 7
Irish Racecourses J. 9325 8
Sampling Structure Spread Of Fieldwork RACE MEETING DISTRIBUTION 2008 -2009 2008 July Aug Sept 1 2 2 1 3 Clonmel 1 Cork 2 1 3 Curragh 4 2 3 Down Patrick 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 Jan Feb Fairyhouse 1 3 Galway Mar 7 2 2 2 Apr 12 2 May 1 1 Down Royal Dec 4 Dundalk 2 Nov Survey TOTAL 2 Bellewstown Oct TOTAL 5 June Ballinrobe 2009 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 19 7 1 1 2 17 5 1 1 10 1 1 1 11 1 5 4 1 1 2 4 2 23 3 2 3 1 3 2 1 4 22 11 12 5 1 1 2 2 2 17 5 1 1 7 2 3 3 1 9 2 4 3 3 2 Gowran 1 1 2 Kilbeggan 1 1 2 1 4 2 Killarney Laytown 1 Leopardstown 3 3 Limerick 2 2 Listowel 1 Naas 2 Navan 1 2 1 4 2 1 1 21 17 1 2 4 1 1 2 3 2 20 10 8 3 4 2 1 Roscommon 2 2 2 Sligo 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 15 3 1 2 2 1 1 17 6 2 1 2 3 3 16 16 1 9 1 2 8 0 11 3 12 3 0 9 3 1 1 2 2 2 Thurles 2 2 5 1 1 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 2 Tralee Tramore 4 1 2 1 1 5 Wexford 1 1 7 Punchestown Tipperary 1 1 1 2 2 1 TOTAL 34 37 43 29 30 25 22 17 18 20 % 10 11 12 8 9 7 6 5 5 8 2 11 2 30 29 334 117 8 9 J. 9325 9
Irish Racecourse Attendees 2008/09 J. 9325 10
Racecourse Attendees 2008/09 Base: All observations and interviews (n=7, 284) Overseas Visitors Irish Attendees J. 9325 11
Racecourse Attendees 2008/09: Overseas Visitors vs Irish Attendees GENDER Overseas Visitors Base: 638 Irish Attendees Base: 6, 646 Female Male J. 9325 12
Racecourse Attendees 2008/09: Overseas Visitors Vs Irish Attendees Overseas Visitors Base: 638 AGE Irish Attendees Base: 6, 646 -24 -29 25 -44 30 -44 45 -59 45 -64 60+ 65+ Mean: 44 43 J. 9325 13
Racecourse Attendees 2008/09: Overseas Visitors vs Irish Attendees PARTY SIZE* Overseas Visitors Base: 638 Irish Attendees Base: 6, 646 1 2 3+ Reference only – Comparing slightly different questions: Overseas Visitors – “How would you best describe the party you travelled with to Ireland this time? ” Irish Attendees – Observation: Party size. J. 9325 14
Racecourse Attendees 2008/09: Overseas Visitors vs Irish Attendees Type of Meeting Total Mixed Total Flat Total National Hunt Total Festival J. 9325 15
Racecourse Attendees 2008/09: Overseas Visitors vs Irish Attendees Meeting Time Meeting Day Overseas visitors Base: 638 Overseas Visitors Base: 638 Irish Attendees Base: 6, 646 Mon-Wed Afternoon Thurs-Sun Evening J. 9325 16
Racecourse Attendees 2008/09: Overseas Visitors vs Irish Attendees Course Region Overseas visitors Base: 638 Irish Attendees Base: 6, 646 Dublin Rest of Leinster Munster Connacht/Ulster J. 9325 17
Estimated No. of Racecourse Attendances 2008/09 Attendances by Overseas Visitors (9%) Attendances by Irish Attendees (91%) Total: 1, 303, 835 attendances Attendance Figures Source: Horse Racing Ireland J. 9325 18
Irish Attendees J. 9325 19
Residence Base: 737 (March ’ 09 – May ’ 09) Northern Ireland Rep. of Ireland Q. Do you live in ROI or NI? (*This question was added to survey in March ’ 09) J. 9325 20
Nights Away From Home Base: 737 (March ’ 09 – May ’ 09) RESIDENCE Yes TOTAL ROI NI 737 646 91 % % % Yes 13 9 42 No 82 88 37 Don’t know 5 2 21 Base: Don’t know No Q. Have you or do you intend to spend one or more nights away from home either before or after this race meeting? (*This question was added to survey in March ’ 09) J. 9325 21
Overseas Visitors J. 9325 22
Sample Profile: Overseas Visitors Base: All Overseas Visitors (n=638) Gender Class Age -34 Male ABC 1 35 -54 Female C 2 DE 55+ F Mean: 44 Overseas visitors are predominantly Male, 40+ and middle class J. 9325 23
Sample Profile: Month of Attendance Base: All Overseas Visitors (n=638) J. 9325 24
Weighted Sample Profile: Type of Meeting Base: All Overseas Visitors (n=638) TOTAL MIXED Festival Mixed TOTAL FLAT Festival Flat TOTAL NATIONAL HUNT Festival National Hunt TOTAL FESTIVAL J. 9325 25
Sample Profile: Country of Residence Base: All Overseas Visitors (n=638) Spain Taiwan Sweden Mexico Japan Canada Italy Switzerland New Zealand Denmark % 2 1 1 1 1 1 (All others less than 0. 5%) J. 9325 26
Planning the Trip J. 9325 27
Planning the Trip Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) Info. Used Before Trip Info. Used During Trip Q. 2 And before you actually came to Ireland, which of these sources of information, if any, did you use at all in considering or planning this trip? Q. 3 And since you arrived in Ireland, which of the following sources of information, if any, have you used to help you plan your trip? J. 9325 28
Information Sources Used Before Trip Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) TOTAL MONTH COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE Jun-Aug Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-May Any Britain USA Others % % % % Advice from friends/relations in own country 40 46 37 59 22 41 43 38 General Internet Search 23 19 29 13 29 26 15 22 Travel agent 14 14 21 6 7 8 31 19 Discover Ireland website 14 21 11 8 8 11 23 18 Horse Racing Ireland website 13 8 11 17 25 15 9 10 Other Irish travel/tourism website 5 4 7 5 4 3 10 6 Advice from local people 3 0 2 1 11 3 Previous Irish Experience 3 1 1 2 15 5 1 2 Irish Tourism Offices Overseas 2 4 1 1 0 1 2 5 Airplane 1 1 2 0 - 1 - 0 Newspapers/Print 0 - 1 0 1 0 Tourist Information Offices in Ireland - - - - None 8 12 3 6 8 7 9 9 Other 0 - 0 1 1 1 - - Any Internet 46 46 48 36 50 46 43 48 J. 9325 29
Information Sources Used During Trip Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) TOTAL MONTH COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE Jun-Aug Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-May Any Britain USA Others % % % % Advice from local people 36 32 42 49 24 37 38 33 Advice from friends/relations in own country 20 23 21 31 8 18 19 27 Tourist Information Offices in Ireland 15 26 12 1 4 9 17 26 General Internet Search 7 3 12 10 5 6 14 6 Discover Ireland website 7 12 3 3 5 2 12 14 Horse Racing Ireland website 6 7 7 11 2 7 5 5 Travel agent 2 4 2 1 0 2 4 2 Other Irish travel/tourism website 1 2 0 2 - 1 - 3 Previous Irish Experience 1 1 0 - 6 2 - 1 Newspapers/Print 1 - 4 1 1 - Advertising 1 1 0 1 - 0 - 1 None 22 19 17 8 46 30 15 7 Any Internet 21 22 21 25 12 16 31 25 J. 9325 30
Time Spent in Ireland Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) Time Spent So Far Total Planned Duration 5. 0 8. 9 Less than 24 hours 1– 3 days 4 – 6 days At least a week At least two weeks More than two weeks Mean (days): Q. 4 a How much time have you spent in Ireland so far on this trip? Q. 4 b And what is the total planned duration of your current trip to Ireland – from the time you arrived to the time you return home? J. 9325 31
Time in Ireland so far on this trip Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) Country of Residence TOTAL Any Britain USA Others Less than 24 hours 1– 3 days 4 – 6 days At least a week At least two weeks More than two weeks Mean (days): 5. 0 3. 4 7. 7 7. 4 J. 9325 32
Total Trip Duration Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) Country of Residence TOTAL Any Britain Less than 24 hours USA Others 1– 3 days 4 – 6 days At least a week At least two weeks More than two weeks Don’t know Mean (days): 8. 9 6. 6 12. 1 12. 7 Mean (days) when attended: 5. 0 3. 4 7. 7 7. 4 British considerably more likely to be on short breaks J. 9325 33
On Package/Inclusive or Independent Trip Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) Package Independent Q. 12 Are you travelling on a package/inclusive trip, that is, a trip where an inclusive price for fares to/from Ireland at least one other element, such as accommodation, car hire, etc. was paid fully or partly in advance? " J. 9325 34
On Package/Inclusive Base: All Overseas Visitors (n=638) MONTH: REASON FOR VISIT: COURSE REGION: COUNTRY: TOTAL PLANNED DURATION: J. 9325 35
Reasons for Visiting Ireland J. 9325 36
Reasons for Visiting Ireland Base: All Overseas Visitors (n=638) Q. 5 And which of these was the primary reason for this trip to Ireland? J. 9325 37
Reasons for Visiting Ireland Base: All Overseas Visitors (n=638) COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE TOTAL PLANNED DURATION Any Britain USA Others 0 -3 days 4 days – 2 More than weeks 2 weeks % % % % To attend a race meeting(s) 24 35 6 7 59 17 16 Any Other Reason (Summary) 78 66 97 95 43 84 88 J. 9325 38
Reasons for Visiting Ireland for Race Meeting Base: All for whom race meeting(s) is primary reason for trip (n=161) Q. 6 And which of these best describes the reason you visited Ireland to attend a race meeting/meetings? J. 9325 39
Professional Interest or Stake in Industry Base: All Overseas Visitors (n=638) Yes No Q. 7 a And do you or any of your travelling party have a professional interest or stake in the horse racing industry? J. 9325 40
Professional Interest or Stake in Industry Base: All Overseas Visitors (n=638) GENDER: MONTH: AGE: COUNTRY: TYPE OF MEETING: COURSE REGION: J. 9325 41
Influenced to Make This Trip By Stake in Industry Base: All have professional interest in industry (n=117) No influence Minor influence Strong influence Q. 7 b And did the fact that you or someone in your party had such a stake or interest in the industry have a strong influence, a minor influence, or no influence at all on your decision to make this trip to Ireland? J. 9325 42
No. of Days Racing on Current Trip Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) At Current Race Course In Total 1 2 3 4 5 Don’t know Mean (days): 1. 4 1. 8 Q. 8 How many days of racing will you attend at this particular race course during your current trip to Ireland? Q. 9 And in total how many days of racing will you attend in Ireland during your current trip, including any days spent at this race course? J. 9325 43
Total No. Days Racing on Current Trip – Mean Score (days) Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) TYPE OF MEETING: REASON FOR VISIT: COURSE REGION: MONTH: COUNTRY: Those who attend most days racing on any trip are from the USA, travel specifically for racing and attend in the spring. J. 9325 44
Information Sources on Race Meeting Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) Q. 10 Thinking specifically of your visit to this race meeting, which of the following sources of information did you use in finding out about it? J. 9325 45
Likelihood of Attending Future Race Meetings in Ireland Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) Total Reasons for Visit To Attend a Race Meeting(s) Other Reason Very likely 68% Quite likely Neither likely nor unlikely Quite unlikely Very unlikely Don’t know Of those who didn’t visit Ireland primarily for racing, two-thirds (68%) are likely to attend a race meeting in Ireland in the future. Q. 11 Do you feel you are likely or unlikely to attend any more horse racing meetings during further trips to Ireland over the next three years or so? J. 9325 46
Likelihood of Attending Future Race Meetings in Ireland Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) TYPE OF MEETING: MONTH: TOTAL PLANNED DURATION: COURSE REGION: COUNTRY: Those most likely to attend in future are British, visited in the Spring on short breaks and attended in Rest of Leinster. J. 9325 47
Current Trip to Ireland J. 9325 48
No. Adults/Children in Group Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) Adults Children 0 1 2 0 3/4 5 -10 1 2+ 11+ Mean: 4. 4 0. 2 J. 9325 Q. 13 How would you best describe the party you travelled with to Ireland for this trip? 49
Accommodation Types Used Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) 1 in 3 stay in top grade hotel J. 9325 Q. 14 And what type/types of accommodation did you decide to stay in during this trip to Ireland? 50
Accommodation Types Used I Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE MONTH TOTAL Jun-Aug Sept-Nov Dec-Feb Mar-May Any Britain USA TOTAL PLANNED DURATION Others 0 -3 days 4 days – 2 weeks More than 2 weeks % % % Private home with friends/family 34 36 35 54 14 27 43 46 14 30 67 Top grade (4 -5 star) hotel 31 17 42 21 47 36 31 20 52 32 3 Guesthouse/B&B 17 30 11 2 8 11 27 24 7 20 12 Other hotel 15 20 12 13 10 13 24 13 11 17 10 Self catering 8 10 5 3 12 9 7 5 3 8 14 Other 2 4 0 3 - 0 3 1 6 None 2 0 3 0 5 2 1 1 8 1 0 Don't know 1 - 0 4 3 2 - - 5 0 - J. 9325 Top grade hotel users are mainly from UK, on short breaks, visiting in Spring and Autumn. 51
Accommodation Types Used II Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) REASONS FOR VISIT TOTAL COURSE REGION To Attend a Race Meeting(s) Others Dublin Rest of Leinster Munster Conn/ Ulster % % % % Private home with friends/family 34 15 40 47 33 29 32 Top grade (4 -5 star) hotel 31 44 27 27 40 37 13 Guesthouse/B&B 17 7 20 0 8 14 43 Other hotel 15 17 14 13 11 12 24 Self catering 8 6 8 8 10 7 5 Other 2 6 1 6 0 1 3 None 2 5 1 0 4 1 0 Don't know 1 3 0 3 1 2 - Top grade hotel users are more likely to have visited for the racing and attended in Rest of Leinster and Munster. J. 9325 52
Holiday Activities Base: 118 (March ’ 09 – May ’ 09* Overseas Visitors) All others 2% or less Q. 17 Besides visiting horse racing meetings, which of the following have you done or do you intend to do while on this holiday? *This question was added to survey in March ‘ 09 J. 9325 53
Expenditure in Ireland J. 9325 54
How Many Adults/Children Covered By Expenditure Base: Overseas Visitors (n=638) Adults Total Children 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 3/4 1 2+ 5+ Mean: 2. 4 5+ 0. 2 2. 6 Q. 15 a Firstly, how many adults aged 15 years and older, including yourself, will be covered by your expenditure on this trip? Q. 15 b And how many children aged less than 15 years will be covered by your expenditure on this trip? J. 9325 55
Average Spend at end of trip (€) – per total number of adults and children covered by expenditure To estimate annual expenditure is respondents’ spend is divided by the number of adults and children covered by that expenditure. This chart presents this calculation of average per capita spend by key sub sample groups. € TOTAL GENDER Male Female AGE -34 35 -54 55+ CLASS ABC 1 C 2 DE F TYPE OF MEETING Total Mix Total Flat Total Nat Hunt Total Festival 980 909 1108 717 1154 974 871 1254 1107 926 876 1096 1114 € TOTAL MONTH June – Aug Sept - Nov Dec - Jan Mar - May Country of Residence Any Britain USA Others Total Planned Duration 0 to 3 days 4 days to 2 weeks More than 2 weeks Primary Reason for Trip Attend race meeting Others 980 1025 790 912 1263 676 1314 1532 554 822 2489 1117 935 € TOTAL Professional Interest Yes No Total Days Racing Attended 1 2 3+ Total Covered by Spend 1 2 3+ Region Dublin Rest Leinster Munster Conn/Uls 980 1515 887 852 966 1549 1029 1060 789 775 1149 755 1035 J. 9325 56
Estimated Annual Value of Trip Overseas Race Meeting Visitor to the Irish Economy l There were 1, 303, 835 daily attendances across all Irish racecourse meetings over the twelve month period June 2008 – May 2009. l Of these attendances, an estimated 123, 129 were accounted for by overseas visitors. l On the basis that the average overseas racecourse meeting visitor will attend 1. 8 days of racing during their trip to Ireland, we have an estimated 68, 405 overseas visitors to Ireland each year who attend at least one race meeting during their trip here. l When average spend is calculated by individual overseas visitors including the number of adults and children covered (avg. € 980) the estimated annual expenditure is € 67, 036, 900. J. 9325 57
Summary & Conclusions J. 9325 58
Summary & Conclusions l Overseas visitors comprised 9% of total attendees at Irish Race meetings during 2008/09. This translates to approximately 123, 000 attendances from June 2008 to May 2009, with the average overseas racecourse visitor attending 1. 8 days of racing during his/her 9 day trip to Ireland. l Overseas visitors are very similar to Irish attendees in terms of age and gender. They have a slightly greater propensity to attend festivals. l Three quarters of overseas visitors come from either the UK (60%) or the USA (14%). l Over half attend racecourses in Dublin (14%) or the Rest of Leinster (38%). l 85% are independent travellers. l Overseas racecourse visitors typically travel to Ireland in pairs or in small groups (average group size is four adults). There are rarely children in the groups. J. 9325 59
Summary & Conclusions l Personal advice and internet research dominate the sources of information used both before and during trips. v Over 1 in 10 use the Horse Racing Ireland website (13%) and the Discover Ireland website (14%). l Word of mouth is the critical source (61%) of information on the race meetings themselves. However, about 1 in 4 receive their information on the race meetings from a website. l Overseas racecourse visitors typically spend a second day at a race meeting during their trip and visit a racecourse about halfway into their holiday. Those who attend the most days of racing on their visits are likely to be from the USA, visit in the Spring and often attend in Munster. l The total average planned duration of the visit to Ireland is about a week and a half. However, British visitors are far more likely to be on short breaks. J. 9325 60
Summary & Conclusions l About 1 in 4 overseas visitors claim attending a race meeting was the primary reason for their trip. However, half of all overseas visitors now claim they are very likely to attend horserace meetings during further trips to Ireland. v Of those who didn’t visit Ireland primarily for racing, two thirds (68%) now claim they are likely to attend a race meeting in Ireland in the future. l Those most likely to attend a race meeting in Ireland in the future are: British; visit in the Spring; are on short breaks; and attended course in the Rest of Leinster. l While the most used accommodation type is private homes with friends/family, close to 1 in 3 overseas visitors stay in top grade hotels. v These hotel users are mainly from the UK, on short breaks, visit in the Spring and Autumn, and have visited principally to attend race meetings. l The average total trip expenditure by the overseas racecourse visitor (excluding cost of travel) is just over € 2, 000 between roughly 2. 5 people. The highest spenders specifically visit to attend race meetings, often festivals, and most regularly at courses in the Rest of Leinster. J. 9325 61
Summary & Conclusions l On the basis that the average overseas racecourse meeting visitor will attend 1. 8 days of racing during their trip to Ireland, we have an estimated 68, 405 overseas visitors to Ireland each year who attend at least one race meeting during their trip here. When average spend is calculated by individual overseas visitors (avg € 2, 028) the estimated annual expenditure is € 138, 725, 000. When calculated by the number of adults and children covered by expenditure (avg € 980) the estimated annual expenditure is € 67, 036, 900. J. 9325 62
Appendix J. 9325 63
Overseas Visitors Profile x Festivals 2008/09 MEETING Total 13 th to 26 th to Sunday 26 th 29 th Tuesday 28 th 19 th 29 th 12 th-14 th December April 2 nd May September December April Leopardstown Punchestown Listowel Limerick Fairyhouse Overseas Visitors 26 th-29 th June 08 Curragh 27 th July 2 nd Aug Galway 9 12 11 6 9 14 Male 63 57 70 81 68 46 63 71 Female 37 43 30 19 32 54 37 29 Age (Average): 44 40 44 46 41 37 34 47 ABC 1 71 71 67 62 86 69 80 58 C 2 DE 25 21 30 23 14 31 20 38 F 3 7 3 15 1 - - 4 Any Britain 60 36 38 45 46 86 72 92 USA 14 29 19 32 14 14 - 1 Others 26 36 43 23 39 - 23 8 Total Trip Duration Mean (DAYS) 8. 9 10. 1 9. 2 9. 0 8. 7 6. 3 3. 8 5. 8 2028 2153 2455 1994 2152 2202 2319 3743 Overseas visitors % Gender: CLASS: Country of Residence: Total Spend Mean (€) J. 9325 64
Overseas Visitors Profile x Region REGION Total Overseas Visitors Dublin Rest of Leinster Munster Conn/Ulster 9 12 9 9 9 Male 63 74 58 64 64 Female 37 26 42 36 36 Age (Average): 44 41 44 44 46 ABC 1 71 91 69 67 68 C 2 DE 25 9 27 27 30 F 3 0 4 6 2 Any Britain 60 54 65 68 48 USA 14 12 11 15 18 Others 26 34 23 17 35 Total Trip Duration Mean (DAYS) 8. 9 9. 2 8. 0 9. 1 10. 0 2028 1407 2504 1430 2175 Overseas visitors % Gender: CLASS: Country of Residence: Total Spend Mean (€) J. 9325 65
Planning the Trip: Info Used During Trip x Info Used Before Trip PRE TRIP SOURCES USED TOTAL Advice from friends/ relations in own country Travel agent Any Internet Discover Ireland website Horse Racing Ireland website Other Irish travel/ tourism website General Internet Search Irish Tourism Offices Overseas None Other 638 287 65 280 73 85 33 151 14 41 7 % % % Advice from friends/relations in own country 20 39 20 13 50 14 17 6 - Travel agent 2 3 3 2 8 - - 0 1 - - Discover Ireland website 7 4 12 14 35 2 3 8 17 - - Horse Racing Ireland website 6 3 - 13 4 37 14 4 - - - Other Irish travel/tourism website 1 1 3 2 - 2 11 1 - - - General Internet Search 7 6 13 9 0 6 - 16 12 2 13 Advice from Local Irish People 36 40 42 32 42 27 24 27 61 38 6 Tourist Information Offices in Ireland 15 14 33 14 22 5 13 11 8 - - Advertising 1 1 - 0 1 - - 1 3 - 25 Previous Irish Experience 1 - 2 1 - - - Newspaper/Print 1 0 - 1 - 3 - 2 - - 26 None 22 12 9 23 15 24 19 33 1 56 43 Any Internet 21 13 22 36 38 46 28 25 29 2 13 Base J. 9325 66
Thank you J. 9325 67