Скачать презентацию Overseas Spanish American War 1898 Reverend Скачать презентацию Overseas Spanish American War 1898 Reverend


  • Количество слайдов: 15

Overseas • Spanish American War 1898 • Reverend Josiah Strong, Our Country 1886 • Overseas • Spanish American War 1898 • Reverend Josiah Strong, Our Country 1886 • Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1890

 • • • Theodore Roosevelt Henry Cabot Lodge William H. Seward “Seward’s Icebox” • • • Theodore Roosevelt Henry Cabot Lodge William H. Seward “Seward’s Icebox” Hamilton Fish James G. Blaine “Pan-Americanism” Somoa Hawaii Richard Olney • Cuba • “Yellow Journalism”

 • Jose Marti • Joseph Pulitzer • William Randolph Hearst • William Mc. • Jose Marti • Joseph Pulitzer • William Randolph Hearst • William Mc. Kinley • U. S. S. Maine

 • Theodore Roosevelt • “Roughriders” • Teller Amendment • Commodore George Dewey • • Theodore Roosevelt • “Roughriders” • Teller Amendment • Commodore George Dewey • Philippines • Puerto Rico • William Jennings Bryan • Platt Amendment • “Open Door Policy” • Boxer Rebellion 1900

Age of Theodore Roosevelt • • • Progressivism William Mc. Kinley Progressive Era Frederick Age of Theodore Roosevelt • • • Progressivism William Mc. Kinley Progressive Era Frederick W. Taylor “Scientific Management” • Henry Ford • Model T 1909 • J. P. Morgan

 • • “Money Trust” Eugene V. Debs Socialist Party I. W. W. (The • • “Money Trust” Eugene V. Debs Socialist Party I. W. W. (The International Workers of the World) • Clarence Darrow • Henry Demarest Lloyd, Wealth Against Commonwealth 1894 • Robert M. La Follette (“Fighting Bob”) • Alton B. Parker • Department of Commerce and Labor 1901 • Bureau of Corporations

 • • • Hepburn Act 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act 1906 Meat • • • Hepburn Act 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act 1906 Meat Inspection Act 1906 National Park System Gifford Pinchot

Height of Progressivism • William Howard Taft 1908 -1942 • Panic of 1907 • Height of Progressivism • William Howard Taft 1908 -1942 • Panic of 1907 • Dingley Tariff • Payne Aldrich Tariff 1909 • Joseph G. Cannon • 16 th Amendment • 17 th Amendment • J. P. Morgan • Progressive Republican League 1911

 • Robert La Follette • Theodore Roosevelt • Progressive Party (“Bull Moose” Party) • Robert La Follette • Theodore Roosevelt • Progressive Party (“Bull Moose” Party) 1912 • Woodrow Wilson 19121920 • Underwood Tariff 1913 • Federal Reserve Act 1913 • Federal Trade Commission • Clayton Act • Samuel Gompers, A. F. of L. • Louis J. Brandeis • Federal Farm Loan Act 1916 • Adamson Act 1916 • William Jennings Bryan

 • Porfirio Diaz • Francisco “Pancho” Villa • John J. “Blackjack” Pershing • Porfirio Diaz • Francisco “Pancho” Villa • John J. “Blackjack” Pershing

 • Booker T. Washington • W. E. B. Du. Bois • N. A. • Booker T. Washington • W. E. B. Du. Bois • N. A. A. C. P. 1909

World War I • • Austria-Hungary Central Powers Allied Powers Woodrow Wilson 1912 -1920 World War I • • Austria-Hungary Central Powers Allied Powers Woodrow Wilson 1912 -1920 • William Jennings Bryan • Edward M. “Colonel” House • Lusitania • Charles Evans Hughes • Zimmermann Telegraph • Bolsheviks • Kerensky • Food Administration • Herbert Hoover • Committee on Public Information

 • • • Sedition Act 1918 The 14 Points 1918 Henry Cabot Lodge • • • Sedition Act 1918 The 14 Points 1918 Henry Cabot Lodge James C. Cox Warren G. Harding 1920 -1923 League of Nations

The 1920 s • “Flapper” • 18 th Amendment (Prohibition) 1919 • Volstead Act The 1920 s • “Flapper” • 18 th Amendment (Prohibition) 1919 • Volstead Act (October 1919) • 19 th Amendment (Women’s Suffrage) • A. Mitchell Palmer • “Palmer Raids” • “Red Scare”

 • Sacco and Vanzetti • Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928 • Ku Klux Klan • • Sacco and Vanzetti • Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928 • Ku Klux Klan • Herbert Hoover • Warren G. Harding 1920 -1923 • Alfred E. “Al” Smith • Calvin Coolidge 19231928 • Robert La Follette • John W. Davis • “Scopes Monkey Trial”