Скачать презентацию Over The Counter Drugs OTC What is Скачать презентацию Over The Counter Drugs OTC What is


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Over The Counter Drugs (OTC) Over The Counter Drugs (OTC)

What is an OTC drug? ? • OTC drugs – drugs that can be What is an OTC drug? ? • OTC drugs – drugs that can be purchased without a prescription from a doctor Used to relieve signs and symptoms of an illness, but will NOT cure the illness itself. More than 100, 000 OTC drugs are available. Misuse of these OTC products results in 170, 000 hospitalizations each year at an annual cost of $750 million.

Many types of OTC drugs Diet pills Hydroxycut, Dexatrim Cold Remedy Tylenol cold, Alka-Seltzer, Many types of OTC drugs Diet pills Hydroxycut, Dexatrim Cold Remedy Tylenol cold, Alka-Seltzer, Sudafed etc. Sleep Aids Ny. Quil, Tylenol PM

 • Coughing - Dimetapp, Robutussin • Antacids – Pepto Bismol, Rolaids, Tums, Pepcid • Coughing - Dimetapp, Robutussin • Antacids – Pepto Bismol, Rolaids, Tums, Pepcid AC • Laxatives - E-Lax, Correctol • Analgesics (an-el-gee-zics) – Tylenol, Motrin

 OTC drugs must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). OTC drugs must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The FDA mandates that OTC drugs have: 1. Labels with detailed information 2. Name The FDA mandates that OTC drugs have: 1. Labels with detailed information 2. Name of product 3. Amount in package 4. Active ingredient (main ingredient) 5. Inactive ingredients (all other ingredients)

The FDA mandates that OTC drugs have: 6. Purpose of drug Example= suppress your The FDA mandates that OTC drugs have: 6. Purpose of drug Example= suppress your cough, reduce fever, etc. 7. Directions for safe use Example= Age guidelines for dosage, etc.

The FDA mandates that OTC drugs have: 8. Cautions (may be listed as “Warnings”) The FDA mandates that OTC drugs have: 8. Cautions (may be listed as “Warnings”) For certain groups (pregnant, nursing, heart conditions, high blood pressure, etc) 9. Side effects (may be listed as “When using this product” OR “Stop using if you experience…” Examples = headaches, diarrhea, constipation, dizziness, etc.

The FDA mandates that OTC drugs have: 10. Date after which product should not The FDA mandates that OTC drugs have: 10. Date after which product should not be used (expiration date) 11. Name and address of manufacturer

The FDA also makes sure that OTC drugs and Rx drugs: 1. Are safe The FDA also makes sure that OTC drugs and Rx drugs: 1. Are safe and effective -They do what they say they will do 2. What is stated on the label is actually what is in the bottle

When using an OTC drug you, as an informed consumer must do the following: When using an OTC drug you, as an informed consumer must do the following: 1. Read the label! 2. Take the dosage indicated For your age group Amount – ml/teaspoons if liquid, number of tablets 3. Use correctly, follow directions EX: take w/food, time of day etc.

4. Stop use if experience side effects 5. Check expiration dates Expired medicines may: 4. Stop use if experience side effects 5. Check expiration dates Expired medicines may: Not work Change to a different/dangerous substance 6. Check with doctor or pharmacist if taking OTC while using another OTC or Rx drug. (Combining drugs can be life threatening and remember alcohol is a drug also!) 7. Do not use if tamper resistant seal is broken

As an informed consumer, you should know: Supplements - are NOT approved by the As an informed consumer, you should know: Supplements - are NOT approved by the FDA. The FDA does not review these products. There is no way to know if what is on the label is what the company actually puts in the bottle- be careful!

Video Clips OTC Misusehttps: /www. youtube. comwatchv=L 2 Is. Ro. DII 60&index=8&li st=PL 2 Video Clips OTC Misusehttps: /www. youtube. comwatchv=L 2 Is. Ro. DII 60&index=8&li st=PL 2 tax. L 4 Qjxp. R 3 Axj. UXq. Vwlh. L 5 -x 0 RL 9 m. N OTC Abusehttps: //www. youtube. com/watch=mf. UUXMoc. TYc&list=PL 2 tax. L 4 Qjxp. R 3 Axj. UXq. Vwlh. L 5 -x 0 RL 9 m. N&index=11 Legal but Dangeroushttps: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=pazd. VN -4 V 6 Q Documentary https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=e 9 oj 3 E-NPt. I

Supplements Supplements

What is it? Any product intended to supplement the diet that contains 1 or What is it? Any product intended to supplement the diet that contains 1 or more of the following: Vitamin, mineral, protein or amino acid

Supplements Intended for ingestion in pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid form. Not used as Supplements Intended for ingestion in pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid form. Not used as food or as only item of meal or diet

Dietary Supplements Health & Education Act of 1994 FDA can NOT test them! FDA Dietary Supplements Health & Education Act of 1994 FDA can NOT test them! FDA can NOT set cleanliness or sanitation standards Manufacturers do NOT have to give FDA any information on the product before it is marketed! Do NOT have to prove that it is safe or effective!

Dietary Supplements Health & Education Act of 1994 Before the product can be removed Dietary Supplements Health & Education Act of 1994 Before the product can be removed from market it must be proven that is harming people

‘Let the Buyer Beware’ “Proprietary Blend” = ingredients do NOT have to be given ‘Let the Buyer Beware’ “Proprietary Blend” = ingredients do NOT have to be given in order, and they do not have to list the ingredients. • If you see this on a product- do NOT buy it!!

Vitamins Vitamins

Vitamins Categorized as Supplements Not evaluated by FDA Can contain harmful amounts of substances Vitamins Categorized as Supplements Not evaluated by FDA Can contain harmful amounts of substances

More is better, right? No! Do NOT need % over 100, on ANY vitamin. More is better, right? No! Do NOT need % over 100, on ANY vitamin. You get vitamins through the food that you eat.

Types of Vitamins Fat soluble vitamins Water soluble vitamins Types of Vitamins Fat soluble vitamins Water soluble vitamins

Fat soluble vitamins Vitamins (K, A, D, E) are stored in our bodys fat Fat soluble vitamins Vitamins (K, A, D, E) are stored in our bodys fat cells Too much of fat soluble vitamin can be toxic!

Water soluble vitamins are flushed out of the body through the excretory system (urine) Water soluble vitamins are flushed out of the body through the excretory system (urine) You do not need an excess of these vitamins (such as B and C) because most of the excess will be excreted, NOT stored in the body for later use.

How to chose the BEST vitamins 1) Look for the supplement Facts- check for How to chose the BEST vitamins 1) Look for the supplement Facts- check for percentages of 100 or lower ( more is NOT better). 2) Look for the USP (United States Pharmaceutical) statement. “This product is formulated per official USP standards to meet quality, potency and disintegration or dissolution requirements. ”

USP is an individual company that tests purity and potency of voluntary companies. This USP is an individual company that tests purity and potency of voluntary companies. This ensures that what is on the label is what is actually in the bottle!

How do you know If something is FDA approved? ? How do you know If something is FDA approved? ?

Nutrition /Drug facts • Approved by FDA • What is on the label is Nutrition /Drug facts • Approved by FDA • What is on the label is TRUE • All ingredients are tested and in true order by quantity • Safe and effective vs. Supplement Facts • NOT approved by FDA • What is on label may NOT be true • Some ingredients may be missing from label - or placed in wrong order by quantity

Energy Drinks Energy Drinks

Stimulants SIMILAR to caffeine Ephedra Ephedrine Ma Huang All of these are ephedra, just Stimulants SIMILAR to caffeine Ephedra Ephedrine Ma Huang All of these are ephedra, just named differently! These are ALL banned by the NCAA, IOC, NFL Banned by FDA since 2006

Substances SIMILAR to caffeine Ginseng Stimulant effect Interacts with MANY drugs! Alcohol Caffeine Insulin Substances SIMILAR to caffeine Ginseng Stimulant effect Interacts with MANY drugs! Alcohol Caffeine Insulin (diabetics are warned against consuming this substance) Guarana Stimulant Interactions with many other drugs (Check with pharmacist before consuming if on any Rx drug!)

Substances SIMILAR to caffeine Taurine Thought to be a stimulant Studies now showing that Substances SIMILAR to caffeine Taurine Thought to be a stimulant Studies now showing that it also has a depressant effect on the brain – which may account for the “crash” often experienced after consuming energy drinks! Dangerous – stimulant & depressant in body together can cause heart arrhythmia (irregular heart beat = hospitalization!)

Energy Drinks Video Clips 5 Hour Energy Cited in 13 Deaths: https: //www. youtube. Energy Drinks Video Clips 5 Hour Energy Cited in 13 Deaths: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=QDNu 6 f-Wlq. Q Energy Drinks Dangerous Especially To Teens: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=d. W 4 UAFo. Uz 5 o ESPN – Dakota Sailor: http: //espn. go. com/video/clip? id=5730779

Marijuana Marijuana

Directions!!! True/Myth game Each person will receive a statement but is not allowed to Directions!!! True/Myth game Each person will receive a statement but is not allowed to read it! They are to walk around and read each others statements silently. They are then to tell the person if they think their statement is True or a Myth Students should continue to circulate until Mrs. Gasawski has told you to stop Based on the feedback you were given from your classmates, you are to sit in the allotted section of the class depending on if you think your statement is True or a Myth.

Marijuana has both a stimulant effect and a depressant effect. TRUE Marijuana is a Marijuana has both a stimulant effect and a depressant effect. TRUE Marijuana is a difficult drug to classify b/c it causes heart rate and blood pressure to increase (stimulant effect) but slows down reflexes, thinking, etc (depressant effect).

In some states marijuana has been authorized for legal use with certain medical conditions. In some states marijuana has been authorized for legal use with certain medical conditions. True Doctors can give it (most often in pill form) by prescription. Most often used to treat nausea and vomiting that occur with certain cancer treatments. Myths of Medical Marijuana: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Ii. Wp y. Ws. MVPg

Smoking pot is safer than smoking cigarettes. False Neither is good for you. Inhaling Smoking pot is safer than smoking cigarettes. False Neither is good for you. Inhaling ANY smoke into your lungs is unhealthy. In addition, one marijuana joint contains four times more carcinogens as one tobacco cigarette.

There are over 2, 000 chemical compounds in marijuana. True Many people say that There are over 2, 000 chemical compounds in marijuana. True Many people say that pot is harmless because it’s natural. Remember: just because something is natural, doesn’t make it safe (tobacco, poison ivy, E. coli, etc. ).

THC is the drug compound within the marijuana plant. True THC- Delta-9 -tetrahydrocannabinol is THC is the drug compound within the marijuana plant. True THC- Delta-9 -tetrahydrocannabinol is the active ingredient within marijuana.

THC is fat soluble – it is stored in the fat cells of the THC is fat soluble – it is stored in the fat cells of the body True THC can also be stored in the brain, lungs, ovaries & testicles for up to 30 days (which is why it is linked to cancer and sterility problems).

In the 1960’s the THC in marijuana was stronger than it is now. False In the 1960’s the THC in marijuana was stronger than it is now. False THC content is rising. 1960’s –THC level = 1 -5% Today- THC level = anywhere between 20% - 40%

Marijuana is not addictive. False Marijuana is addictive. More teens are in treatment for Marijuana is not addictive. False Marijuana is addictive. More teens are in treatment for marijuana dependence than for all other illegal drugs combined. CNN “Weed” Documentary – watch (18: 30 -19: 36), (21: 0522: 17), & (24: 50 -29: 15): http: //vaccineliberationarmy. com/2014/04/29/weed-1 sanjay-gupta-cnn-weed-2/

Marijuana is considered a ‘Gateway drug’. True Marijuana, along with tobacco and alcohol, has Marijuana is considered a ‘Gateway drug’. True Marijuana, along with tobacco and alcohol, has been identified as a Gateway Drug. This means that if any of them have been used it is more likely that the user will move on to use more dangerous and addictive drugs.

Marijuana can be laced with other drugs. True • Some marijuana is laced with Marijuana can be laced with other drugs. True • Some marijuana is laced with acid (LSD), PCP, heroin, or even chemicals like formaldehyde.

People who regularly get high claim they get “the munchies”. True This does occur People who regularly get high claim they get “the munchies”. True This does occur because THC causes a decrease in blood sugar.

There are no long-term effects from marijuana use. False - There are many short-term There are no long-term effects from marijuana use. False - There are many short-term and long-term effects of using marijuana. Short-term: Short-term memory loss Decreases ability to learn (THC suppresses brain cells) Warped sense of time Increased heart rate Anxiety/panic reactions Impaired vision/perception Red, bloodshot eyes Long-term: Weakened immune system Lung problems (emphysema, lung cancer, bronchitis, etc. ) Possible depression Other cancers (testicular, etc. )

Marijuana cause amotivational syndrome. True Over time, THC builds on a user’s brain cell Marijuana cause amotivational syndrome. True Over time, THC builds on a user’s brain cell membranes, making the user unable to motivate themselves to achieve long-term goals.

Marijuana Video Clips I Smoked Weed & Nobody Died: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=38 Marijuana Video Clips I Smoked Weed & Nobody Died: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=38 Ue. Iv. Q 3 YDY Flat – Anti-Pot: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Rh 8 Gb. Pnoq. CI Cocoon – Anti-Pot: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Q 5 VLk 6 a. S 2 EY Truth About Drugs – Marijuana Clip

Stages of Addiction Stages of Addiction

Stages of Addiction – Stage 1 Curiosity Learn to trust/mistrust drug VERY important! Stages of Addiction – Stage 1 Curiosity Learn to trust/mistrust drug VERY important!

Stages of Addiction – Stage 2 Thinking about drugs Uses when alone Still think Stages of Addiction – Stage 2 Thinking about drugs Uses when alone Still think they are in control

Stages of addiction – Stage 3 Seeks out the high Has confidence drug will Stages of addiction – Stage 3 Seeks out the high Has confidence drug will not hurt them Peer group uses –change Tolerance Resulting from the prolonged or heavy use of a drug or drug family, alcohol tolerance refers to a progressive state where, over time, an individual drinker will need to consume progressively more alcohol to achieve the same "buzz". A person's sensitivity to alcohol's effects is lowered as a result of chronic use, however, it must be noted that while a person's sensitivity to alcohol's effects may be decreased, his/her BAC continues to rise.

Stages of addiction - stage 4 Stage 4 Can no longer get ‘high’ – Stages of addiction - stage 4 Stage 4 Can no longer get ‘high’ – take the drug to avoid being sick “Why Are Drugs So Hard To Quit? ” https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=z. V 6 z. Kmt 7 S 5 E# t=63 “Choices Impacted By Drugs”: https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=3 p. Fi 3 qt h. Hq. A#t=22

“Club Drugs” “Club Drugs”

Just so you know… “Club Drugs” “Date rape drugs” Ecstasy GHB Rohypnol Ketamine Just so you know… “Club Drugs” “Date rape drugs” Ecstasy GHB Rohypnol Ketamine

Ecstasy (MDMA) I am a synthetic (man-made) drug that is sold in pill form. Ecstasy (MDMA) I am a synthetic (man-made) drug that is sold in pill form. I have stimulant (and sometimes hallucinogen) effects on the body and can be laced with other drugs. I am sometimes called the “hug drug” or “Lover’s Speed”. I cause dehydration and trigger a thirst response in users. I cause a dangerous increase in body temperature. I cause muscle spasms (often in the jaw). I have been reported to cause depression and sometimes suicide in users, especially when the effects wear off.

Video Clips http: //www. nbcnews. com/health-news/whatmolly-why-it-dangerous-n 311291 Truth About Drugs- Ecstasy Video Clips http: //www. nbcnews. com/health-news/whatmolly-why-it-dangerous-n 311291 Truth About Drugs- Ecstasy

“Date Rape Drugs” GHB I am a colorless liquid. I have no odor. I “Date Rape Drugs” GHB I am a colorless liquid. I have no odor. I sometimes make beverages taste slightly salty. I can cause carbonated beverages to go flat. I also cause loss of memory, unconsciousness, and inhibit movement.

“Date Rape Drugs” Rohypnol I am a pill that dissolves quickly in beverages. I “Date Rape Drugs” Rohypnol I am a pill that dissolves quickly in beverages. I am often referred to as “Roofies” I cause memory “blackouts” and often loss of consciousness for those who take me. I inhibit movement and speech once ingested.

“Date Rape Drugs” Ketamine I am in liquid, pill or powder form. I am “Date Rape Drugs” Ketamine I am in liquid, pill or powder form. I am sometimes used as a veterinary tranquilizer. I can cause users to hallucinate. I can cause breathing problems and unconsciousness. Wild Bill Stanton: “Watching Your Back” https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=2 udrpu. Nxcm M

Safety Rules 1. Do NOT take drinks (of any kind) from a stranger! 2. Safety Rules 1. Do NOT take drinks (of any kind) from a stranger! 2. Do NOT leave your drink unattended! 3. Don’t drink from open containers (punch bowls), especially at gatherings where you do not know many people. 4. Open all drinks (cans, bottles) yourself. 5. Do NOT consume drinks that taste salty or soda that is flat.

If you think you’ve been drugged 1. Call 911, the sooner a victim gets If you think you’ve been drugged 1. Call 911, the sooner a victim gets help the better the chance of living. 2. Inform the ER doctor that you think you may have been drugged! 3. Ask for a urine test. Many blood tests will miss some of the drugs (including GHB), but it will show up in urine. 4. If you think you have been raped, do NOT shower! This will wash away valuable evidence (DNA from hair, sperm, etc. )