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Outage Management Roy Hoffman 29 Jan 2001 Page 1 Outage Management Roy Hoffman 29 Jan 2001 Page 1

Outline n Outage Management Basics n Some issues n Standards for Distribution Management Page Outline n Outage Management Basics n Some issues n Standards for Distribution Management Page 2

Definitions A system of computer-based tools and utility procedures to efficiently & effectively - Definitions A system of computer-based tools and utility procedures to efficiently & effectively - • become aware of, • diagnose & locate, • provide feedback to affected customers • dispatch trouble/repair crews, • restore • maintain historical records of • compute statistical indices on electrical outages Page 3

Becoming aware of outages n Customer telephone calls l l n n n conventional Becoming aware of outages n Customer telephone calls l l n n n conventional human communication automatic voice response systems (CTI) Auto outage detection/reporting systems SCADA detection of breaker trip/lockout Ideal: Become aware of outages before the first customer calls in Page 4

Diagnosing & locating n Grouping of customer trouble calls l l reverse tracing of Diagnosing & locating n Grouping of customer trouble calls l l reverse tracing of electric topology determine a common protective device suspected to be open w w l n Take into account automatic feeder switching Compute extent of suspected outage l l n transformer? lateral fuse? recloser? substation breaker? Number of customers affected Highest priority of affected customers Confirm or modify (split/enlarge) based on feedback from crews Page 5

Feedback to affected customers n Timely, accurate feedback is almost as important as fixing Feedback to affected customers n Timely, accurate feedback is almost as important as fixing the problem l l l Telling customer you are aware of his problem Current status of outage response Expected time of restoration Page 6

Crew Dispatch Management n Computer-aided modeling of crews l l l capabilities, tools, equipment Crew Dispatch Management n Computer-aided modeling of crews l l l capabilities, tools, equipment real-time location tracking work load Page 7

Repair and restoration n Simple problems l n Major outages l l n direct Repair and restoration n Simple problems l n Major outages l l n direct repair & restore isolate fault & restore un-faulted portions of feeder OMS tracks partial restorations Automated Fault Detection, Isolation, Restoration schemes with feeder automation are considered desirable outside N. America Page 8

Historical Records n Keep track of all outages l n root cause, number of Historical Records n Keep track of all outages l n root cause, number of customers, duration Provides the data for l l Performance statistics SAIDI, SAIFI, CAIFI, etc Planning / budgeting maintenance activities w Condition based maintenance Page 9

Outline n Outage Management Basics n Some issues n Standards for Distribution Management Page Outline n Outage Management Basics n Some issues n Standards for Distribution Management Page 10

Drivers for current interest in OMS n Customer expectations of reliability l l n Drivers for current interest in OMS n Customer expectations of reliability l l n Momentary outages are also important The plague of electronic clocks! Performance-based rates l More likely a penalty for poor performance than a reward for good performance! Page 11

Data requirements n Distribution Network Model l n Customer data l l n getting Data requirements n Distribution Network Model l n Customer data l l n getting an accurate electronic network model is generally a mammoth under-taking Keeping it up-to-date with construction Real-time representation of switch positions Customer - premise occupancy (business data) critical customers outage history Premise connectivity to Network model (operations data) Timely, reliable feedback to affected customers during an outage Page 12

Impact of De-regulation n Separation of: l l l n n energy provider energy Impact of De-regulation n Separation of: l l l n n energy provider energy delivery (poles & wires) Ancillary services (eg meter reading) Increased interest in performance-based rates Issues: l l Who does the customer call? Proprietary data issues? Page 13

Main Players in OMS n n Business Dept. Customer service representative New trouble calls Main Players in OMS n n Business Dept. Customer service representative New trouble calls Outage management updates n Dispatcher n Trouble/repair crews Operations Dept. Page 14

OMS Suppliers n n “Home-made” systems Stand alone OMS GIS vendors SCADA vendors Page OMS Suppliers n n “Home-made” systems Stand alone OMS GIS vendors SCADA vendors Page 15

Outline n Outage Management Basics n Some issues n Standards for Distribution Management Page Outline n Outage Management Basics n Some issues n Standards for Distribution Management Page 16

IEC TC 57 WG 14: System Interfaces For Distribution Management Liaison Report Contact Greg IEC TC 57 WG 14: System Interfaces For Distribution Management Liaison Report Contact Greg Robinson, Xtensible Solutions, For Further Information E-mail: g. m. robinson@worldnet. att. net

= IEC 61968 Interface Trans Wires Model Information Exchange Model Planning DAC EMS Interface = IEC 61968 Interface Trans Wires Model Information Exchange Model Planning DAC EMS Interface Adapter Dist Wires Model Outage Management VRU Distribution Automation Interface Adapter . . . IEC 61968 Compliant Middleware Services Event History Human Resources Maint. Analysis Diagnostic Tools Work Management CIS GIS Financial

Revised IEC TC 57 WG 14: Interface Reference Model Goal: Reduce Integration Effort By Revised IEC TC 57 WG 14: Interface Reference Model Goal: Reduce Integration Effort By Incrementally Building A Common Language Among The Many Applications Used By Utilities Information: http: //support. ces. com/wg 14

The Next Level Of The Revised IRM The Next Level Of The Revised IRM

WG 14 Teams l l Editor Team Architecture & General Requirements (61968 -1) Glossary WG 14 Teams l l Editor Team Architecture & General Requirements (61968 -1) Glossary Team (61968 -2) Vertical Teams (61968 -3 -10) w Part 3 Team: Network Operations w Part 4 Team: Records & Asset Management w Part 6 Team: Maintenance & Construction Just Formed l Modeling Team (61968 -11) w Supports Vertical Teams With Consistent Model Necessary To Define Information Exchange w Rather Than Inventing Everything, Extensions Are Being Harmonized (WG 13, CCAPI, WG 10/11/12, OAG) Page 21

Discussion & Conclusion Page 22 Discussion & Conclusion Page 22