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Out-of-the-Box Tools for Citrix Meta. Frame XP Presentation Server David Hart Doug Brown Senior Systems Engineers Citrix Systems, Inc.
Today’s Agenda • Common Administration and Support Issues • Out-of-the-Box Tools for Citrix Meta. Frame XP Presentation Server • Where to Download and Contact Information
Important Disclaimer! Tools, Scripts and Programs discussed in this presentation are NOT official Citrix Systems, Inc. products and are NOT supported by Citrix technical support They are provided “As-Is” without any implied warranty or guarantee to work in your particular environment
Common Administration and Support Issues
Streamline Administration and Support of Meta. Frame XP Presentation Server Several Out-of-the-Box tools exist to facilitate smooth operation of Meta. Frame XP Server Common Administration and Support areas: – Printing Issues – Server Optimizing and Tuning – Meta. Frame XP and Data Store Maintenance – Connectivity and Bandwidth – Administration and Help-Desk
Out-of-the Box Tools for Meta. Frame XP Presentation Server PRINTING ISSUES
Issues Addressed by Out-of-Box Tools Printing Issues – Failed auto-created client printers – Server printer driver replication – Map network print queues by client location
Auto-Create Client Printers Problem… Approximately 9 out of 10 environments suffer from failed auto-created printers In order to auto-create client printers: – Client print driver name must be identical to server print driver name – Corresponding server printer driver must be loaded on server
The Solution? Project Compatibility (PC)! • Enumerates all Meta. Frame XP Servers in farm • Presents failed drivers with recommended compatible driver • View, edit and/or remove existing mappings from IMA • View printer drivers installed on selected Meta. Frame XP Server • View and/or Edit UPD configuration per server • And much, more!!!
System Requirements • PC 3. 0 supports installation on Meta. Frame XP FR 3 servers but monitors all Meta. Frame XP versions • PC 2. 1 supports installation on Meta. Frame XP FR 2 servers but monitors all Meta. Frame XP versions • Meta. Frame XP Farm must be running in Native Mode • Microsoft. NET Framework 1. 0 required on Meta. Frame XP Server where PC 3. 0 is installed and run • PC 3. 0 administrators need full administration rights to Farm and local admin rights to selected Meta. Frame XP servers • Requires Internet access for use with auto database update feature (optional)
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Meta. Frame XP Presentation Server Print Driver Replication Problem… Server print driver does not work after replication or network print server import – Newly replicated server print driver appears in Meta. Frame XP Management Console – Clicking on print driver locks Management Console for period of time – Microsoft Event Viewer displays an error when users session attempts to Auto Create printer with specific driver
The Solution? Data Store Verify (DSVerify. exe) • Multi-purpose Meta. Frame XP Data Store health check and re-indexing tool • Print driver replication occasionally interrupted due to network and/or server communication issues • DSVerify removes erroneous server print driver entries from Data Store Execute from Meta. Frame XP Server where installed via Command Prompt: dsverify printers /purge_replications
Automating Assignment of Client Devices to Network Print Queues without Profiles ICA Client Printer Config • Extends ICA clientname-based printer mapping to include network print queues support • Network print queues and client name mapping stored in an independent database • Streamlines printer mapping by client location rather than storing in Windows profile Requirements • Meta. Frame XP 1. 0 (SP 1) on Windows TSE(SP 6), 2000(SP 2) • Windows Scripting Host 5. 6+ • Grant “Session Enumeration“ privilege to users in MMC * Automated discovery of Client Devices in Meta. Frame XP Farm
Out-of-the Box Tools for Meta. Frame XP Presentation Server SERVER OPTIMIZING AND TUNING
Issues Addressed by Out-of-Box Tools Server Optimizing and Tuning – Meta. Frame XP Presentation Servers set to optimal performance settings – Registry values with the biggest impact – Server tuning “Best Practices”
How can I set Meta. Frame XP Server Registry to Optimal Settings? Meta. Frame XP administrator wants to verify registry settings are set to “Best Practices” – What specific tuning can I apply to Meta. Frame XP server to improve performance? – Meta. Frame XP default installation works fine but would like a snapshot of current registry settings – Manual registry changes consume considerable time and maintenance – What changes are Terminal Services specific and which are Meta. Frame XP related?
The Solution? Registry Checker (RC) • Automated tool reads Meta. Frame XP registry entries and compares to recommended values • Writes changes to Visual Basic Script to be executed on system (manage versions) • Scripts to propagate additional registry changes to default and current users • Provides detail information as to how registry setting change will affect system
System Requirements • Registry Checker must be installed on a Meta. Frame XP 1. 0 (FR 1 -FR 3) server with Windows 2000 Terminal Services • Administrators need local admin rights to selected Meta. Frame XP Presentation Server • Temporarily disable virus protection on server to allow execution of Visual Basic Script or tag as a benign and valid • Will NOT optimize settings for Meta. Frame 1. 8 on Windows NT 4. 0 Terminal Server
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Out-of-the Box Tools for Meta. Frame XP Presentation Server METAFRAME XP AND DATA STORE MAINTENANCE
Issues Addressed by Out-of-Box Tools Meta. Frame XP and Data Store Maintenance – Data Store consistency check – Remove “Dead” servers still appearing within the Meta. Frame XP Farm – SQL Server health check and optimization
Neglecting Meta. Frame XP Presentation Server Data Store… Data Store administration and maintenance is often neglected by administrators – How do I perform a consistency check of Meta. Frame XP Data Store? – Servers that are removed from the Meta. Frame XP Farm still show up in MMC – Is there a way to setup an automated maintenance plan for my SQL Server Data Store – What version of Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) are running on my Meta. Frame XP servers
The Solution - Part 1? Data Store Validation Utility (DSVerify) DSVerify Database agnostic command line utility that checks consistency of data in portion of Data Store and allows for correction/clean-up – Servers – Verify server host record entries in farm and remove orphaned servers from MMC – Applications – Check consistency of published applications and remove erroneous listing – Printers - Removes all error printer replications from the Data Store – Groups - Verifies that all group objects have valid members
DSVerify Command Line Switches Command Line Executable: dsverify. exe /? [SERVERS|APPS|PRINTERS|GROUPS|FOLDERS] Options and Switches: dsverify servers <Server. Name> [Options] (May be left blank-defaults all servers) /Clean - Checks Data Store to correct “host id” errors for the specified server(s) /Force - Specify “/Clean” and servername to delete “Ghost” entry in Data Store dsverify apps [Options] /Verify - Verifies that all published application group objects are valied entries /Clean <Pub. App. Name> - Removes the group object dsverify printers [Options] /purge_replications - Removes erroneous printer replications from Data Store dsverify groups [Options] /Verify - Verifies that all group Data Store objects have valid members /Clean <Group. Name> - Removes the group object dsverify folders [Options] /Clean - Corrects Application Set Folder problems in the data store
System Requirements • DSVerify command utility can be run from any Meta. Frame XP 1. 0 (SP 1) • Dsverify only needs to run from single farm server that has a direct connection to the Data Store • Before using “/clean” option always ensure Data Store recently backed up • Administrators need full administration to Farm and local admin rights to selected Meta. Frame XP • If cleaning a server in the Data Store is best to perform during “off-peak” maintenance hours • Use in conjunction with “queryhr. exe” or “DBCheck” (FR 3) to query Farm servers
The Solution - Part 2? Microsoft SQL Server Optimizing Tools SQL Server Query Analyzer Allows “health check” query and troubleshooting of SQL Server in addition determines Meta. Frame XP servers connected to SQL server – Server/Management/Current Activity/Process Info – Determine high utilization due to single connection or IMA service hanging on ODBC request
SQL Query Analyzer Snapshot Ad-Hoc Meta. Frame XP Data Store Integrity and Consistency Check “DBCC CHECKDB”
Additional Sample SQL Commands in Query Analyzer Display Processes from Meta. Frame XP Servers: Select * from sysprocesses where program_name ='Citrix IMA’ Additional Sample SQL Query Commands: • - SQL Server Activity information • Kill (spid) - Terminates SQL connection on database • sp_helpdb databasename - Shows size information • sp_help - Will list all database objects • sp_helptext sp_name - List stored procedure text • Sp_configure - List and change SQL server settings • Print @@version - Display SQL Service Pack Level – Example SQL version 8. 00. 760 = SP 3
Trace SQL Server Communication… SQL Profiler • Traces SQL Activity • Traces many type of SQL events • Save to file or table • Avoid high CPU load by running on separate machine • One instance of Profiler can create multiple traces • Filters isolate data
Automating SQL Server Data Store Administration… Database Maintenance Plan Wizard Database Integrity • Check allocation and structural integrity of user/ system tables and indexes Update Database Statistics • Resample distribution statistics of indexes created on user tables to optimize navigation through tables during SQL statements Performs Database Backup • Entire database backed up as part of the maintenance tasks
SQL Server Maintenance Plan Setup • Select the database(s) to be included in Maintenance Plan • Reorganize data and index pages to increase performance and reduce search time • Choose specific days & times for each part of a SQL Maintenance Plan via the Schedule section
ODBC Connectivity from Meta. Frame XP Server to Data Store with MDAC IMA Service uses ODBC to contact Data Store MDAC Component Checker • Identifies version of MDAC/ODBC in use on Meta. Frame XP Server • Identifies version mismatches • Register/unregister COM objects Requirements • Windows NT 4. 0, Windows 2000 and Windows 2003
Out-of-the Box Tools for Meta. Frame XP Presentation Server CONNECTIVITY AND BANDWIDTH
Issues Addressed by Out-of-Box Tools Connectivity and Bandwidth – Connections to Meta. Frame Web Interface over WAN and w. WAN – Meta. Frame XP communication via Independent Management Architecture (IMA) – Troubleshoot firewall and server port access – Basic network traffic sniffing and tracing
Connecting to Meta. Frame Web Interface with Clients over Different Network Types… Can I deploy optimized Web Interface Server regardless of client bandwidth connection? – Deployed Web Interface servers based on remote connection types and would like to consolidate – Would be nice to have the option for user to disable ICA session options for low bandwidth – Most of my workforce mobility clients do not need to map printers or enable audio on the road Mobile Office Branch Home
The Solution? Connection Speed (Conn. Speed) Select Client Connection Speed
Conn. Speed and Web Interface System Requirements Provides ICA “tuning” for three connection modes associated with variable types of bandwidth/latency – Users without native ICA client can be prompted to install or automatically default to Citrix Java client Requirements • Internet Information Server 5. 0 (IIS) or later • Web Interface 2. 0 / Web Interface 1. 6 with Project Columbia 6. 01. 37 (Non Java Client fallback) • Administrators need local admin rights to IIS 5. 0+ Web Server(s) • Modify text Connection Speed drop down box by editing CHTMLLogin. vbs
Independent Management Architecture (IMA) Tracing and Profiling Citrix Enterprise Tracer • Enable IMA debugging information to log • Troubleshoot IMA install issues • Pinpoint high resource utilization of IMA service • Low level profiling of Local Host Cache and Data Store Requirements • Meta. Frame 1. x or Meta. Frame XP 1. 0 on Windows NT 4. 0 / Windows 2000 • Only use for debugging issues since high resource utilization • FTP log if Citrix Technical Support Issue opened
Meta. Frame XP Server and Firewall Port Scanning and Troubleshooting… Super. Scan • Powerful connect-based TCP port scanner, pinger and hostname resolver • Attempt connection to servers on network to detail running services • Scan from a range of addresses and ports with logging functionality • Great for troubleshooting IMA(2512), SQL(1433) and Secure Gateway(443) ports Requirements • Windows 98, XP, NT 4. 0, 2000 and 2003 with TCP/IP Stack
Need to Determine and Analyze Network Traffic in Meta. Frame XP Farm Infrastructure… Ethereal • Network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows with “Promiscuous” support • Examine data from a live network or capture file • Analyze traces from 3 rd party protocl analyzers (Net. Mon, LANalyzer, etc. ) • 407+ protocols supported • Refine and save protocol data via display filter Requirements • Windows 9 x, XP, NT 4. 0, 2000 and 2003 * Microsoft Windows NT 4. 0 and 2000 offer limited version of Net. Mon
Out-of-the Box Tools for Meta. Frame XP Presentation Server ADMNISITRATION AND HELP-DESK
Issues Addressed by Out-of-Box Tools Administration and Help-Desk – Streamline Meta. Frame XP Management Console functions – Facilitate Server Maintenance – Meta. Frame XP Farm License Status Thresholds and Alerts – User Shadowing Interface – Un-publish applications – Hide server system drives – Application installs and Registry calls
Streamline manual tasks outside of Meta. Frame Management Console (MMC)… Perform Meta. Frame XP administration process via scripting common functions – How can I un-publish all applications from server before downing for scheduled maintenance? – Log available Meta. Frame XP connection licenses and indicate when critically low – Enforce logoff of specific published application sessions in idle status after particular time limit – Is it possible to remove hung auto-created printers on servers and restart “Spooler”?
The Solution? Meta. Frame COM (MFCOM) • MFCOM script writing to access most Meta. Frame XP server monitoring and management functions • Create tools for tasks frequently performed that would take more mouse clicks if done via MMC • 400+ Farm properties and functions exposed • No need to be a “true developer” to write scripts to access MFCOM
Citrix Server SDK Overview Server Client MFCOM SDK Client Query Licensing Session Query Zones Session Control Accounts Enumeration Virtual Channel SDK Virtual Channel App Publishing ICA Client Object Session Init Sample MFCOM Object Relationship Apps Virtual Channel Processes Servers WFAPI SDK Shadowing Application Sessions Farm Licenses Processes Sessions Virtual Ch Accounts Zones Servers
Scripting MFCOM System Requirements • Any COM-compliant tool or language (VB Script, Visual C++, Visual Basic, etc. ) • Running VB Scripts requires Windows Scripting Host 5. 6 or later • Meta. Frame XP 1. 0 server (SP 1) on Windows NT 4. 0, Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 • MFCOM runs on Meta. Frame XP server as an NT process service - “mfcom. exe” • MFCOM service automatically starts upon server boot and upon connection request • Run VB Script from Meta. Frame XP Server(s) unless using “MFReg. exe”
Sample Administration VB Scripts Using Meta. Frame COM svr. Offline and svr. Online Automate un-publishing of applications before performing maintenance and avoid Load Manager issues – Take Meta. Frame XP server "offline" by svr. Offline script that un-publishes all applications published from server – Published app names are stored to a text file in a path specified in the command line – Server brought back "online" and applications re-published by the svr. Online script Syntax: cscript svr. Offline. vbs <server> <text file path> cscript svr. Online. vbs <server> <text file path>
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Additional VB Scripts Using MFCOM for Meta. Frame XP Server pub. App. Rpt List all published apps and the users/groups assigned to them via command prompt session (Pipe to file via ‘>filename. txt’) cscript pub. App. Rpt. vbs Printer. Cleanup Removes hung auto-created printers and restarts ‘Print Spooler’ cscript Printer. Cleanup. vbs [include text file with servers to clean] MFLicenses Report available and “critically low” Meta. Frame XP server connection licenses to the ‘Application Log’ in event viewer cscript MFLicenses. vbs App. Idle Enforce specific published application idle session logoffs cscript App. Idle. vbs <timeout threshold> <published application> svr. Session. Cnt Display idle, active and total session counts for specified server cscript svr. Session. Cnt. vbs <server name>
Alternative Shadowing Tool for Administrators and Help-Desk Quick. Shadow Lightweight GUI utility allows searching for sessions by username and one click shadow capability without overhead of user enumeration Requirements: – Install and publish Quick. Shadow on Meta. Frame XP 1. 0 (SP 1) Server with Windows NT 4. 0 or Windows 2000 – Will conform to Meta. Frame XP Shadowing Policies
Quick Shadow and Shadow Taskbar Out-of-the-Box Quick Shadow In-the-Box Shadow Taskbar
Hiding Meta. Frame XP Server System Drives from Prying Eyes… Hidecalc Automates setting up registry files, Administrative Templates (ADM), and login scripts for hiding drives within Meta. Frame XP Server – Lock down with NTFS to stop users from doing potential damage to %System. Drive% or incorrect saving of data Requirements: Policy Editor for ADM: Windows NT 4. 0, Windows 2000, Windows 95/98
Troubleshoot Application Installation on Microsoft Terminal Services / Meta. Frame XP Server… Filemon and Regmon • File and Registry utilities used to monitor/trace how applications access file and registry resources • Restrictive NTFS and share permissions may prevent manipulation of files and registry keys • Determine how applications access ‘. ini’ files to propagate in user profiles Requirements • Windows 9 x, Me, XP, NT 4. 0, 2000 and 2003 • Administrator need local rights to server
Where to Download and Contact Information
Awesome Tools & Utilities Download Site www. dabcc. com
Where to Download and Contact Information for Tools Presentation… www. dabcc. com Project Compatibility douglas. brown@citrix. com diego. berea@ozona. es Registry Checker don. morse@citrix. com douglas. brown@citrix. com Data Store Validation Utility (DSVerify) david. hart@citrix. com VB Scripts for MFCOM ronn. martin@citrix. com Connection Speed (Conn. Speed) douglas. brown@citrix. com kevin. castleman@citrix. com Quick. Shadow ICA Client Printer Config Hidecalc ronn. martin@citrix. com sean. hegarty@esoteric-solutions. com
Where to Download and Contact Information for Tools Presentation… www. foundstone. com Super. Scan tools@foundstone. com www. ethereal. com gerald@ethereal. com Ethereal SQL Server 7. 0 / 2000 Optimizing Tools http: //support. microsoft. com Query Analyzer SQL Profiler Database Plan Maintenance (SQL Server Optimizing Tools are included with SQL Server 7. 0/2000) www. sysinternals. com Filemon / Regmon Suite mark@sysinternals. com cogswell@winternals. com
That’s a Wrap!