Our topic: Recycling of wastes Our topic question : What are the benefits of recycling?
What is recycling? Recycling is the reprocessing of materials into new products Recycling generally prevents the waste of potentially useful materials, reduces the consumption of raw materials and reduces energy usage , and hence greenhouse gas emissions , compared to virgin production
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Process of Recycling: Collection The first step required for recycling is collecting recyclable materials from communities Families who recycle items such as paper , bottles and cans , place the items in recycling collection bins. These bins usually have the recycling symbol on them Throw out your garbage here
Processing The second step involves processing the recyclable materials. This includes sorting the materials into groups , cleaning them and getting them ready to be sold to manufactures who will turn the materials into new products
Manufacturing is the third in the recycling process. Many items you may see every day are made from recycled materials. Newspapers , paper towels , office paper , plastic bottles and aluminum cans are not only made of recycled materials , but they can also be recycled again
Purchasing The last step , but certainly not the least , involves the purchasing of recycling products. When consumers purchase products that have been made with post consumer material the recycling process has been completed and can then be repeated. If you have the choice to purchase a product made from recycled materials , instead of one that was not , what do you think you should do? It takes education and awareness to remember to recycle and purchase recycled products.
Recyclable Materials § Automobiles § Timber § Textiles § Glass § Plastic § Biodegradable waste § Aggregates & concrete § Batteries § Paper § Ferrous metals § Non-ferrous metals § Printer ink cartridges & toners
Benefits of recycling Ø Recycling is beneficial on two ways: It reduces the inputs(energy and raw materials) to a production system and reduces the amount of waste produced for disposal. Ø A study conducted by the Technical university of Denmark found that in 80% of cases , recycling is the most efficient method to dispose of household waste. Ø Recycling aluminium saves 95% of the energy cost of processing new aluminium. ØRecycling plastics saves 70% of the energy used in creating new plastics, and paper recycling saves 40% of the energy required to make new product.
Conclusion § § § §
Links § https: //www. princeton. edu/~achaney/tmve/wiki 100 k/docs/Recy cling. html § http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Recycling § http: //www. slideshare. net/Pacebutler/what-is-recycling-7 benefits-of-recycling? related=2 § References By Pacebutler (05/05/10) What is Recycling: Benefits of Recycling Retrieved from : http: //www. slideshare. net/Pacebutler/what-isrecycling-7 -benefits-of-recycling? related=2