our first ekzaminatoin seccion.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 7
My exam session started 3 weeks ago. I didn't think it would be so tiering. I mean, i did expect to lose my patience somewhere before the last exam, but obviously i was wrong. Exams this year almost killed my brain cells. >. < Thank God it's finished now. Even before all this started i was getting nervous because i knew my first exam will be at my weakest subject - financial accounting. The night before this exam, i was convinced by my japanese classmates to go out with them and sensei because that was REALLY the only time we will be seeing her before she leaves.
Sensei got a customized calender and a romanian traditional shirt as a present. We went in Manufactura Cafe to drink and then in Lucas to eat. Of course, we took lots and lots of pictures in the process Customized calender With Iza-chan It was a moment I will cherish forever and I hope sensei will come to visit us. Or who knows? maybe we can visit her. My finance& banking classmates made a habit of us going to the cinema after an exam. It was a good idea to keep our mind off the stress graduately building. Anyway, exams came and went, and by the time I reached the marketing exam for which I had to read a book of 600 pages I was. .
When i realized that no matter how much I re-read the same sentences nothing stays stuck in my brain i've started to ask myself: The night before that exam I slept with one eye open. My worst fears were confirmed when seeing the exam questions. My mind went blank and I literally started asking my classmates I passed it, but even the teacher was surprised when he saw my mark book and realized he gave me the worst mark. He felt bad for it, but the mark didn't change.
On T. O. P of all this I had a little argument with another teacher because I dared to question my mark for a subject that wasn't his concern. He asked me: "Is it ok if i give you a 9? Because i saw your little "rebellion" against your mark on X subject. " I was unpleasantly surprised by his question. My first reaction was Was he trying to imply that I was not allowed to ask about my own grade and the grading system used because I clearly remember that all the time we were told to ask for help if we are in need. Plus I was made the leader of the "rebellion Usually, I would go in a rampage for accusations like this one saying
SHUT UP! But in business, diplomacy is needed so i decided to go for a genuine-looking smile and a smart reply like "Oh that one? Well. . . I was just curious how they re-calculated the marks and why some stayed the same, that's all". He looked at me with a youdon't-fool-me-but-I'll-let-it-pass look. I simply ignored him and went fuming out the door. I am still curious why did he think I was responsible for all that because he didn't say anything to anyone else who protested. I must admit that this period was nerve-wrecking and incidents couldn't be prevented, but in the end i was rewarded with a welldeserved holiday.
our first ekzaminatoin seccion.pptx