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Our Energy, Our Future: A Dialogue with America Mobilizing co-op consumers to ask their elected representatives tough questions about the future of energy. Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
America Faces a Looming Electricity Crisis • Americans depend on safe, reliable electricity at an affordable price but rates are steadily rising, putting affordable electricity at risk. In the last five years, utility bills have risen 30 percent. • We have maxed out our generating capacity yet America’s economic growth will require 30% more electricity by 2030. • National climate change goals are being set even though America lacks the technology to meet deadlines. • Investments in energy research and development declined precipitously in recent years. Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
Challenges Ahead • Address the issue of greenhouse gases • Increase generating capacity by 30 percent to keep up with projected demand over the next 20 years • Prevent the possibility of an electricity shortage, which could be here as soon as 2011 in some parts of America • Keep electricity affordable Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
The Current Political Landscape • Americans are sensitive to global climate issues • The availability of affordable, reliable power has never been more in doubt • Carbon reductions and new costs are coming, either by legislation or regulation • Many components of climate change proposals will impact electric cooperatives Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
The Legislative Status • The U. S. House passed an energy-climate bill that mandates GHG emission reductions to 17% below 2005 levels by 2020 and 83% in 2050 and a full auction of emission allowances by 2030. • The U. S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee passed a bill that mandates GHG emission reductions to 20% below 2005 levels by 2020. • Neither bill meets the test of keeping electricity affordable for all electric consumers Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
Another Approach • Sen. Cantwell is drafting another approach for the Senate to consider • Eliminates many factors that would raise costs without providing any environmental benefits • Places strong price signals on resources that produce greenhouse gas emissions Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
The Electric Cooperatives Goal • Set CO 2 caps consistent with the commercial availability of technology • Keep Wall Street speculators out of the allowance market • Help Congress develop and pass a simple, affordable, flexible and effective piece of legislation to address the nation’s energy and climate change objectives • Make sure elected representatives remember their obligations to protect the public’s interest in maintaining affordable, reliable electricity Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
To Be Successful We Need to Do It All To meet future demand we must… • Restrain the rate of demand growth through energy efficiency • Increase energy generation from renewable energy sources • Make our current fossil-fueled power plants more efficient • Figure out how to capture and store carbon dioxide from power plants • Increase our reliance on nuclear energy • Bring plug-in hybrid electric vehicles to market • Improve the viability of consumer-generated energy Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
What We Need… • Leadership and sustained commitment by Congress • Public-private partnerships • Our members/consumers in one unified voice demanding legislators strike a balance between our electricity needs and climate change goals Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
Why Electric Cooperatives • We are well-positioned to lead the debate about our energy needs and influence opinion as we have a direct stake in the outcome • Our message is about keeping the lights on and electricity affordable • We are a consumer movement for a balanced responsible energy future • We are speaking for consumers not special interests Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
What We Have To Do • Bring co-op members/owners and their elected officials together to talk about what needs to be done to ensure a reliable and affordable supply of electricity • Urge Congress to work with electric cooperatives to be sure public policy meets your need for affordable electricity. • Now is the time to get involved…later will be too late Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
Join the Campaign Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
Join the Campaign Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
Join the Campaign: www. ourenergy. coop Washington’s Electric Cooperatives
Overview Divider Slide Our Energy, Our Future: A Dialogue with America www. ourenergy. coop Washington’s Electric Cooperatives