Скачать презентацию Other Hazards Important in Cinti Flooding Скачать презентацию Other Hazards Important in Cinti Flooding


  • Количество слайдов: 33

Other Hazards Important in Cinti • Flooding • Erosion • Environmental Contamination Other Hazards Important in Cinti • Flooding • Erosion • Environmental Contamination

Flood Hazards When a homesite is too good to be true Flood Hazards When a homesite is too good to be true

A Home by the River. Enjoy quiet country living in California, Ohio, with the A Home by the River. Enjoy quiet country living in California, Ohio, with the river at your doorstep. Watch the river traffic go by from your back deck. This one-level frame house provides 2, 000 square feet of comfortable living space. Asking $85, 000. Call Patrick at Floodplain Properties for a showing.

Cincinnati flooded 1997 Cincinnati flooded 1997

Falmouth KY 1997 Falmouth KY 1997

Newport Levee 1997 Newport Levee 1997

Covington 1997 Covington 1997

Covington 1937 Covington 1937

Spring Grove Ave 1937 Spring Grove Ave 1937

Flood Frequency – the Science T = (N + 1) / M where T Flood Frequency – the Science T = (N + 1) / M where T is the recurrence interval in years, N is the number of years of record, and M is the rank of the event of interest. T is also 1/P, where P is the probability, in percent, that an event of a particular size will occur in the next year.

Flood Frequency – FEMA Application Flood Frequency – FEMA Application

CAGIS sample flood map (http: //hamilton-co. org/pubworks/Narative_GIS. htm) CAGIS sample flood map (http: //hamilton-co. org/pubworks/Narative_GIS. htm)

Flood Resources Sandra Ashba, Flood Plain Manager Unincorporated Hamilton County 946 -4754 or Ed Flood Resources Sandra Ashba, Flood Plain Manager Unincorporated Hamilton County 946 -4754 or Ed Weber, Storm Water Drainage System Division Unincorporated Hamilton County 946 -4753 http: //www. hamilton-co. org/pubworks/narative_sfha. htm http: //www. hamilton-co. org/pubworks/narative_sds. htm Dick Regan, City of Cincinnati Storm Water Management 557 -7131

Erosion Is the prospective property likely to lose ground? Erosion Is the prospective property likely to lose ground?

A few simple precautions can save enormous headaches later • Check the flood insurance A few simple precautions can save enormous headaches later • Check the flood insurance maps • Ask the neighbors • Look for signs of stream bank erosion

Environmental Hazards • Radon • Water Supplies • Lead in Soils Environmental Hazards • Radon • Water Supplies • Lead in Soils

Radon is a natural component of soils and is highly variable from region to Radon is a natural component of soils and is highly variable from region to region and house to house

Actions to Take • Each house needs to be tested separately • Remediation is Actions to Take • Each house needs to be tested separately • Remediation is inexpensive and effective • Better to lose a sale than be accused of disguising a problem

Drinking Water Problems • Copper (Cu) in new construction • Lead (Pb) in old Drinking Water Problems • Copper (Cu) in new construction • Lead (Pb) in old construction

Hamilton Co. water comes from 2 sources: Miller & Bolton. Butler Co. gets some Hamilton Co. water comes from 2 sources: Miller & Bolton. Butler Co. gets some water from Mason.

Source: CWW reports Source: CWW reports

About Lead and Your Drinking Water There is no detectable lead in our drinking About Lead and Your Drinking Water There is no detectable lead in our drinking water as it leaves the treatment plants. It is possible that lead levels in your home may be high because of your home's pipes and plumbing fixtures. Infants and young children are more vulnerable to lead in drinking water. If you are concerned about high lead levels, have your water tested at no charge by Greater Cincinnati Water Works by calling 513 -591 -7700. Flushing your tap for up to two minutes before using the water and using only cold water for cooking are also helpful. http: //www. cincinnati-oh. gov/pages/-297 -/

The major route of lead poisoning is actually soil and paint • Roadside soils The major route of lead poisoning is actually soil and paint • Roadside soils have high Pb • Soils around older homes tend to have high Pb • Dust on window sills can be very high in Pb

Roadside soils (and those near houses with Pb paint) can have dangerous levels of Roadside soils (and those near houses with Pb paint) can have dangerous levels of Pb at the surface.

What to do? § As a developer, soil testing for Pb is cheap and What to do? § As a developer, soil testing for Pb is cheap and can save major headaches later. § As a homeowner with small children, it can be a lifesaver. § The cost of environmental inspection is not trivial, but is very small in proportion to the risk.

A question for the audience What role does the real estate agent have in A question for the audience What role does the real estate agent have in helping the client recognize hazards?