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OT Survey II The Twelve – Part III
Purpose Review (1 -9) n n n n n Hosea: God’s love for Israel contrasts with Israel’s love for idols; He will love them though they refuse to repent. Joel: Call Israel to repent in light of the coming Day of Yahweh Amos: Call Israel to repent in light of the coming judgment from Yahweh Obadiah: Edom’s lack of mercy will bring judgment to them (and all nations) on the Day of Yahweh Jonah: Israel’s lack of mercy makes them worthy of judgment, especially given the mercy that they have been shown Micah: God will give Jerusalem up to Babylon but His deliverance from Assyria foreshadows His future deliverance Nahum: To declare God’s imminent destruction of Assyria on behalf of His people, Israel Habakkuk: To instruct the righteous who would live during the Day of Yahweh’s wrath to wait in faith for Yahweh’s deliverance. Zephaniah: To announce the nearness and terror of Yahweh’s coming day of wrath and declare the means by which the righteous might survive in the midst of it
Haggai - Introduction n Date: 520 BC 539: Decree of Cyrus allowing Jews to return n 536: Foundation of temple laid n 536 -520: Temple work halted due to opposition and, according to Haggai, lack of devotion n 520: “Then the prophet Haggai and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophets, prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and Jerusalem, in the name of the God of Israel, who was over them. ” (Ezra 5: 1) n n Target – Restored Remnant in Jerusalem
Haggai Ezekiel Haggai Isaiah Jeremiah Map taken from Ezekiel, NICOT, p. xxi 770 Jeroboam II Uzziah 722 Fall of Israel 701 Jerusalem Spared 605 597 First Second Deportation 586 Fall of Judah 539 Decree of Cyrus 516 Temple Rebuilt 445 Jerusalem Rebuilt
Haggai - Structure n 1: 1 -12: August 29, 520 BC n n n 1: 13 -15: September 21, 520 BC n n n Message to Zerubbabel, Joshua, and people (2: 1 -2) BE STRONG Zerubbabel, Joshua, and people (2: 3 -5) Because, God will make latter temple more glorious (2: 6 -9) 2: 10 -19: December 18, 520 BC n n God says He is with the people (1: 13) God stirs up spirit of Zerubbabel, Joshua, and people to build (1: 14 -15) 2: 1 -9: October 17, 520 BC n n Message to Zerubbabel and Joshua (1: 1) People say it is not time to rebuild (1: 2) God has held back agricultural blessings (1: 3 -11) Zerubbabel, Joshua, and people obey (1: 12) Unclean makes clean unclean; clean doesn’t make unclean (2: 10 -13) People are unclean, so is their work (2: 14) God will restore their agricultural blessings (2: 15 -19) 2: 20 -23: December 18, 520 BC n n Message to Zerubbabel (2: 20 -21) Zerubbabel will be God’s chosen ruler (2: 22 -23)
Haggai – Purpose n To encourage Zerubbabel, Joshua, and the people to be strong in light of God’s promise to be with them and bless them (see esp. 2: 4 -6). - There is much work to do, for the people are still unclean! (1: 2 -4; 2: 14) - Remember Isaiah 40 -66: (1) Return from exile (2) Redemption from sin (3) Restoration to glory (removal of the wicked)
Haggai and Earlier Revelation n n Haggai 2: 23: “On that day, ” declares Yahweh of hosts, “I will take you, Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, My servant, ” declares Yahweh, “and I will make you like a signet ring, for I have chosen you, ” declares Yahweh of hosts. Jeremiah 22: 24: “As I live, ” declares Yahweh, “even though Coniah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah were a signet ring on My right hand, yet I would pull you off”
Zechariah - Introduction n Author: Zechariah, a priest (Neh 12: 12 -16) Date: 520 -480 BC Target – Restored Remnant in Jerusalem
Zechariah Ezekiel Zechariah Isaiah Jeremiah Map taken from Ezekiel, NICOT, p. xxi 770 Jeroboam II Uzziah 722 Fall of Israel 701 Jerusalem Spared 605 597 First Second Deportation 586 Fall of Judah 539 Decree of Cyrus 516 Temple Rebuilt 445 Jerusalem Rebuilt
Zechariah - Structure n 1 -6 n n Question; call to repentance; people obey (1: 1 -6) Seven (eight? ) night visions (1: 7 -6: 8) n n n 7 -8 n n n Crowning of Joshua (6: 9 -15) The people have a question about weeping (7: 1 -8) Rememberance of the people’s unwillingness to repent and God’s severe judgement (7: 8 -14) BE STRONG: God is determined to not treat the remnant that way (8: 1 -19) Future honor for Jewish people (8: 20 -23) 9 -11 n n n First and Seventh visions: Four horses patrolling the earth Second and Sixth visions: Israel should leave Babylon; their sin will go there Third and Fifth visions: Sin of priest removed; curse on thiefs, sinners Fourth vision: Zerubbabel and Joshua as the Lord’s anointed Coming king will replace wicked shepherds and restore Israel (9 -10) Coming shepherd will be rejected and thus give sheep up for slaughter; wicked shepherd will instead be raised up (11) 12 -14 n Israel’s future repentance and cleansing from sin; Yahweh’s deliverance of Jerusalem and judgment upon nations.
Zechariah – Purpose n To encourage Israel to be strong and do what is right in light of God’s promises and, in addition, the further judgment which must still come. - Haggai had mentioned the people’s uncleanness, but his future prophecies were wholly encouraging. Zechariah’s early prophesies are as well (1 -8), but he also notes that there will be judgment before restoration since the people are not yet cleansed from sin (914)
Zechariah and Earlier Revelation n Branch n n n Zechariah: “I am going to bring in My servant the Branch” (3: 8; cf. 4: 12; 6: 12) Isaiah: “A shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, And a branch from his roots will bear fruit” (11: 2) Jeremiah: “I shall raise up for David a righteous Branch” (23: 5) Suffering Servant of Isaiah; pierced and rejected shepherd of Zechariah Note his mention of the “former prophets” (1: 4; 7: 7, 12)
Zechariah and the NT 9: 9: “Behold, your king is coming…” (Matt 21: 5; John 12: 15) n 13: 7: “Strike the shepherd that the sheep may be scattered” (Matt 26: 31; Mark 14: 27) n Many allusions to Zechariah in Revelation n
Malachi - Introduction n Date: ~ 450 - 430 BC 539: Decree of Cyrus allowing Jews to return n 516: Temple built n 458: Ezra returns to Jerusalem n 445: Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem n n Target – Restored Remnant in Jerusalem
Malachi Ezekiel Malachi Isaiah Jeremiah Map taken from Ezekiel, NICOT, p. xxi 770 Jeroboam II Uzziah 722 Fall of Israel 701 Jerusalem Spared 605 597 First Second Deportation 586 Fall of Judah 539 Decree of Cyrus 516 Temple Rebuilt 445 Jerusalem Rebuilt
Malachi - Structure n n Yahweh will deliver the righteous, destroy the wicked (1: 1 -5) n Israel cheats Yahweh in their offerings (1: 6 -14) n In past, Levites faithfully served God; now they have turned away (2: 1 -9) n Call to stop being faithless (2: 10 -16) n In future, Yahweh’s messenger will come and purify the Levites (2: 17 -3: 6) n People have robbed Yahweh in their offerings, but God will bless them if they change (3: 7 -12) Yahweh will reward the righteous, destroy the wicked (3: 13 -4: 3) Conclusion: The Coming Day of Yahweh (4: 4 -6) Adapted from Dorsey, Literary Structure of the OT, p. 323
Malachi – Purpose n To call on the people of Israel to not be faithless in light of God’s coming judgment of the wicked and blessing of the righteous. - Haggai mentioned the uncleanness of the people; Zechariah did so as well and also noted that judgment would precede final restoration; Malachi, living decades later, notes Israel’s remaining sin and calls on the people to be faithful to the covenant in light of a FUTURE Day of Yahweh which was coming!
The Three Post-Exilic Prophets – Haggai – – Zechariah – – Malachi –
The Three Post-Exilic Prophets n n The post-exilic prophets (Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi) are already set apart from the other nine inasmuch as they follow the exile whereas the others precede it. Note the following which also seem to tie them together as a group n n Haggai and Malachi both contain six thought-provoking questions/statements (Haggai 1: 4, 9; 2: 3, 12 -13, 16, 19; Malachi 1: 2, 6 -8; 2: 10, 17; 3: 8, 13 -14) Haggai speaks to Zerubbabel, Joshua, and the people of Israel. Haggai 1 -2 ends with the exaltation of Zerubbabel, Zechariah 1 -6 with the exaltation of Joshua, and Zechariah 7 -8 with the exaltation of the people of Israel. Zechariah 9, Zechariah 12, and Malachi 1 are all termed “The burden of the word of Yahweh” “Yahweh of Hosts”
“Yahweh of Hosts” Prophet Frequency Hosea 0 Joel 0 Amos 0 Obadiah 0 Jonah 0 Micah 1 Nahum 2 Habakkuk 1 Zephaniah 2 Haggai 14 Zechariah 53 Malachi 24
A Tentative Structure n n n Haggai 1 -2: n Begins with question, call to repentance, obedience (1) n Center: Call to be strong, finish temple! (2: 4 -6) n Ends with coronation ceremony for Zerubbabel (2: 20 -23) n Zechariah 1 -6 n Begins with question, call to repentance, obedience (1: 1 -6) n Center: Call to be strong, finish temple! (4: 6 -10) n Ends with coronation ceremony for Joshua n Zechariah 7 -8 n Begins with question, call to repentance, people’s sin! (7) n Call to be strong, finish temple! (8: 9 -17) n Ends with exaltation of people of Israel (8: 20 -23) n Zechariah 9 -11 n Begins with “burden of the word of Yahweh” (9: 1) n Vision of what is to come from present until Christ’s coming n Zechariah 12 -14 n Begins with “burden of the word of Yahweh” (12: 1) n Vision of what is to come from Christ’s coming until the Millennium Malachi 1 -4: 3 n Begins with “burden of the word of Yahweh” (1: 1) n Back to the present: The current sin of the people in light of what is to come Malachi 4: 4 -6: Remember the Law of Moses; prepare for the coming Day!
The Twelve
The Twelve Prophet ~ Dates (BC) Subject Hosea 755 – 710 Northern Kingdom, Love (Waiting) Joel 850? Southern Kingdom, Day of the Lord Amos 760 Northern Kingdom, Righteousness Obadiah 850? Southern Kingdom, Mercy and Vengeance Jonah 760 Northern Kingdom, Mercy and Vengeance Micah 735 – 700 Southern Kingdom, Deliverance Nahum 663 – 612 Southern Kingdom, Mercy and Vengeance Habakkuk 609 Southern Kingdom, Righteousness Zephaniah 640 – 610 Southern Kingdom, Day of the Lord Haggai 520 Zechariah 520 – 480 Malachi 450 – 430 Returned Remnant, Encouragement yet still unclean (More waiting!)
The Twelve …as One In [Isaiah’s] days the sun went backward, and he lengthened the life of the king. By the spirit of might he saw the last things, and comforted those who mourned in Zion. He revealed what was to occur to the end of time, and the hidden things before they came to pass. . [Babylon] made [Jerusalem’s] streets desolate, according to the word of Jeremiah. For they had afflicted him; yet he had been consecrated in the womb as prophet, to pluck up and afflict and destroy, and likewise to build and to plant. It was Ezekiel who saw the vision of glory which God showed him above the chariot of the cherubim. For God remembered his enemies with storm, and did good to those who directed their ways aright. May the bones of the twelve prophets revive from where they lie, for they comforted the people of Jacob and delivered them with confident hope. (Sirach 48: 23 -25; 49: 4 c-10 @ ca. 190 BC)
24 Books of the Hebrew Canon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel (1) Samuel (2) Kings (1) Kings (2) Chronicles (1) Chronicles (2) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 The Twelve Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi
24 Books of the Hebrew Canon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel Kings Chronicles 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel 25 The Twelve
24 Books of the Hebrew Canon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel Kings Chronicles 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Ezra/Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel 24 The Twelve
The Twelve Prophet ~ Dates (BC) Subject Hosea 755 – 710 Northern Kingdom, Love (Waiting) Joel 850? Southern Kingdom, Day of the Lord Amos 760 Northern Kingdom, Righteousness Obadiah 850? Southern Kingdom, Mercy and Vengeance Jonah 760 Northern Kingdom, Mercy and Vengeance Micah 735 – 700 Southern Kingdom, Deliverance Nahum 663 – 612 Southern Kingdom, Mercy and Vengeance Habakkuk 609 Southern Kingdom, Righteousness Zephaniah 640 – 610 Southern Kingdom, Day of the Lord Haggai 520 Zechariah 520 – 480 Malachi 450 – 430 Returned Remnant, Encouragement yet still unclean (More waiting!)
The Twelve Prophet ~ Dates (BC) Subject Hosea 755 – 710 Northern Kingdom, Love (Waiting) Joel 850? Southern Kingdom, Day of the Lord Amos 760 Northern Kingdom, Righteousness Obadiah 850? Southern Kingdom, Mercy and Vengeance Jonah 760 Northern Kingdom, Mercy and Vengeance Micah 735 – 700 Southern Kingdom, Deliverance Nahum 663 – 612 Southern Kingdom, Mercy and Vengeance Habakkuk 609 Southern Kingdom, Righteousness Zephaniah 640 – 610 Southern Kingdom, Day of the Lord Haggai 520 Zechariah 520 – 480 Malachi 450 – 430 Returned Remnant, Encouragement yet still unclean (More waiting!)
Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel Isaiah Jeremiah Map taken from Ezekiel, NICOT, p. xxi 722 Fall of Israel 701 Jerusalem Spared 605 First Deportation 597 Second Deportation 586 Fall of Judah “As AFTER 586 of the vine the AFTER 586 wood BEFORE (cont…) “If you the indeed ‘We among I set say, of you …anger andabout that thewill …are going wrath have been "Behold, will to before thein …come trees stay this poured you the so as land, forest, inthenhavetheway the waywhichout land, ’ build sword, of life. Iandwillgiven not stay this I are afraid on “Iinhabitants of fuel, tearhavein willtoup andwho dwellsthis deliverto theand in you so youso to you fire. He not voice of of the overtake you there not death. for Jerusalem, will listen city wrath of I willpouredthe down, andthedie by of out Ithe land your inhabitants given upwill God, saying, My from the be plant you the LORD will handand the this city Egypt; the king about (Ezek and and by which you of on you when you; will are Jerusalem” famine for famine, of uprootyou. Ienter I swordbut Assyria. to the ‘No, not we will go 15: 6) shall of Egypt, where 38: 6) defend relentyou will become Egypt. thiswill follow closely by pestilence; but he who anxious, city. ” (Isa we land And concerning the “Althoughand I have inflicted calamity seehave Egypt; and after not an objectcasthorror, shall you that war or hearto a curse, there in away the goes out I falls of them far sound. Do there. So are the on an. Chaldeans be afraid of you. die not who or youoffimprecation, Gentiles, the among trumpetalla will of a the and “Theand although Ilive, come the timeofandtheirhave see king will surely we besiegingfor Babylon, whom men whoyou will andand reproach; set you mind to hunger bread, will when place no more. ’in the everything inlife that scattered them among not you to have to own your are hethis Egypt his reside do as will staynow fearing; there gowill there’; then The palace, Forspoken to you, the countries, to the shall My be listen of him, ” set be case afraidbyyet I sword, of a. O LORDdieand the that your booty. will has I all word by have declares little have stored with you fatherssanctuary. I forcity. Judah. the LORD, remnant ofup until remnant of“forthis ‘Do not go LORD, against by amthem in famine, and face O Judah, pestilence; for the countries where no to save they and have they Thus says thewill carriedyou harm Egypt!’LORDshould and will for of hosts, this into and not. You good, "off day, you be deliver have gone…I Israel, ‘If from understand will you clearly. God of will I that you survivors or refugees today the his Nothing will be todeclares the LORD. “Italso Babylon. hand. gatherwill from the your the am enter show you compassion, so I be calamity that handgoing really set the LORD. ” (Isa the says into mind to you. ” have testified against of left, givenpeoples, Iassemble thatbringof 42: 10 -19)reside he (Jer them. ’ theyou from. Babylon, For thus to kingwill havein toand he Egypt, and the countries on go compassion 39: 6) where it with fire. ” (Jer on there, then it will… saysyou and restore you the will burn LORD of hosts, to the you have been scattered, soil. But you… your own. Israel, I‘Asif. My… God of and will give 21: 8 -10) you the land of Israel. ” (Ezek 11: 16 -17)
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve Ezekiel Isaiah Jeremiah Map taken from Ezekiel, NICOT, p. xxi 722 Fall of Israel 701 Jerusalem Spared 605 First Deportation 597 Second Deportation 586 Fall of Judah
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve “But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, too little to be among the clans of Judah, From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity. " Therefore, He will give them up until the time When she who is in labor has borne a child. Then the remainder of His brethren Will return to the sons of Israel. And He will arise and shepherd His flock In the strength of the LORD His God. Micah 5: 2 -4 Ezekiel Hosea, Amos, Jonah Nahum Isaiah Obadiah Jeremiah Joel, Micah, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi Map taken from Ezekiel, NICOT, p. xxi 722 Fall of Israel 701 Jerusalem Spared 605 First Deportation 597 Second Deportation 586 Fall of Judah 538 Decree of Cyrus 516 Temple Rebuilt 445 Jerusalem Rebuilt
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve Ezekiel “Remember the law of Moses My servant, even the statutes and ordinances which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel. Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD” Hosea, Amos, Jonah Nahum Isaiah Obadiah Jeremiah Malachi 4: 4 -5 Joel, Micah, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi Map taken from Ezekiel, NICOT, p. xxi 722 Fall of Israel 701 Jerusalem Spared 605 First Deportation 597 Second Deportation 586 Fall of Judah 538 Decree of Cyrus 516 Temple Rebuilt 445 Jerusalem Rebuilt
Canonical Review – Zoomed Out 1) Torah Document God’s Choosing of Israel and Preserve their “Constitution” 2) Former Prophets Document God’s repeated acts of mercy and demonstrate His justice in bringing the covenant curses. 3) Latter Prophets Demonstrate God’s justice in bringing the covenant curses and provide hope for the future. 4) Writings Encourage and instruct the waiting remnant until the day of restoration. 5) New Testament Document God’s Choosing those in the church and Preserve their “Constitution”
Next BBI Class NT Survey I