- Количество слайдов: 14
OT Survey I Overview of Historical Books & Joshua
Overview of the Historical Books n The historical books continue the story of God’s covenant people, the nation of Israel: n n n Theocratic Books - Joshua records the conquering and division of the promised land. Judges and Ruth describe the period of theocracy, led by regional judges, before a formal monarchy was established in Israel. The Monarchical Books - Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles record the development and subsequent division of Israel’s kingdom, ending with the captivity of the Southern Kingdom at the hands of the Babylonians in 586 B. C. The Restoration Books - Ezra/Nehemiah and Esther describe God’s preservation of Israel during the exile and the return of a remnant of Jews to their homeland after seventy years of exile.
Integration of OT Books MAJOR PROPHETS Isaiah – Daniel New Covenant TORAH Gen - Deut Patriarchs & Moses Abrahamic, Mosaic, Priestly, & Deut Covenants HISTORICAL BOOKS Joshua - Esther Theocracy to Monarchy, Exile and Restoration Davidic Covenant MINOR PROPHETS (aka THE TWLEVE) Hosea - Malachi
Setting n The book of Joshua takes place in Canaan, the land of promise. The story picks up at the end of Deuteronomy with the death of Moses (1406 B. C. ) and continues until the death of the elders associated with Joshua (1375 B. C. )
Structure n Conquering the Land (Chaps 1 – 12) n n n Preparation and entrance into Canaan (1 – 5) Victory in central Canaan (6 – 8) Victory over southern kings (9 – 10) Victory over northern kings (11 – 12) Dividing the Land (Chaps 13 -24) n n Allotments for the twelve tribes and cities for refuge and Levites (13 – 22) Joshua’s last messages (23 – 24)
Central and Southern Campaigns
Northern Campaign Canaanite Army
Kedesh Golan Ramoth Shechem Bezer Hebron
Major Themes n n n The Faithfulness and Power of God Joshua as Israel’s New Leader The Land – Both Conquered and Remaining (13: 1; 21: 43 -45) The Law (1: 7, 8; 8: 30 -32, 34; 22: 1 -5; 23: 4 -6) Obedience and Disobedience of Israel
Joshua Compared with Moses n n n n Presence of Yahweh Obeyed by Israel Exalted before Israel Miraculous Water Crossing Waters in Heap Crossing on Dry Ground Meets Angel of the Lord Takes off Sandals Passover before Victory Intercession for Sinful Yahweh “Harkened” Yahweh “Hardened” Servant of the Lord n n n n Josh 1: 5; Ex 3: 12 Josh 1: 17; Nu 32: 25 Josh 3: 7; 4: 14; Ex 4: 30 Josh 4: 23; Ex 15: 1 -21 Josh 3: 16; Ex 14: 22 Josh 3: 17; Ex 14: 21 Josh 5: 13 -15; Ex 3: 2 -6 Josh 5: 15; Ex 3: 6 Josh 5: 10; Ex 12: 21 Josh 7: 7; Nu 14: 13 -16 Josh 10: 14; Dt 10: 10 Josh 11: 20; Ex 9: 12 Josh 24: 29; Dt 34: 5
Purpose Statement n Yahweh gave Israel the land by Holy War, fulfilling His original promise to Abraham, and the land was divided to each of Israel’s tribes.
Key Concluding Passage n Joshua 24: 1 -28
Next Time Judges