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ospewakiye 学ぶ kujifunza 배우다 aprender учиться apprendre ﺗﻌﻠﻢ mälmäd เรยน lernen स खन learn 学习 discite By: Violet Eyanagho, Lori Granado, Rachel Rhodes, and Janae Terry
Violet Eyanagho Materials/Research on Learning Styles Fillmore & Snow, Ellis, Spada Connections Power. Point Preparation Lori Granado Research/Sections on Age Power. Point Preparation Rachel Rhodes Research/Sections on Learning Styles General Beliefs/New Research/Connections Power. Point Presentation Design/Formatting Quick-Write Activity Janae Terry Research/Sections on Motivation Video Component Power. Point Preparation
To discuss, evaluate, and synthesize how age, motivation, and learning styles affect English Language Learners To evaluate original and current research to identify key findings and practices To make connections from the research to valuable classroom practices that enhance ELL learning in the classroom
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On a blank sheet of paper, please answer the following questions. Remember/Recuerde Why is it important to learn a second language? Don’t worry too much about grammar. Just write as much as you can letting your ideas flow. If applicable, what has kept you from learning a second language? (ie: Age, Culture, etc. ) If applicable, what were some difficulties that you had learning a second language? What helps you learn the best?
Age The Critical Age Hypothesis Children are more apt to acquire a second language than adults. § Innate ability to learn § The brain is configured to acquire language more efficiently § Learned under social constructs There are critical points/ages in which students must acquire a second language or fluency in that language will not be developed fully. Motivation Learning Styles Instrumental-Reasons to learn a second language are functional and thus related to career, academic, social factors • Extrinsic-External Influences Learning Styles- “an individual’s natural, habitual, and preferred way of absorbing, processing, and retaining new information and skills” (Kinsella, 1995, p. 171). Integrative-Reasons to learn a second language are more internal. There is positive attitude, a level of empathy, a wish to be assimilated into the language group • Intrinsic-Internal Influences Integrative and Instrumental. Integrative and instrumental were the key types of motivation and the most focused upon by teachers in order to encourage student learning Samad, Etemadzadeh, and Far, 2012, p. 433. Learning Strategies- “Specific mental and communicative processes procedures that learners employ in order to learn and use language” (Wong and Nunan, 2011; Chamot, 2005). Based on a student’s preferred learning style, he/she will use one or more learning strategies to complete an academic task. “It is believed that learners who have developed skills in learning-how-to-learn will be better able to exploit classroom learning opportunities effectively, and will be more adequately equipped to continue with language learning outside the classroom” (Wong and Nunan, 2011).
This is a focus for SLA Educators There are many different ways to characterize or categorize learning styles. Cognitive Style Sensory Style Personality Style Oxford’s Style Guide Field Dependent vs. Field Independent Willing’s Language Learning Styles Visual Extravert vs. Introvert Visual vs. Auditory Communicative Auditory Sensing vs. Intuition Read/Write Thinking vs. Feeling Kinesthetic Judging vs. Feeling Global vs. Particular Holistic vs. Analytic Deductive vs. Inductive Focus on Meaning vs. Focus on Form (Saville-Troike, 2012) (Fleming, 1992) (Myers, 1962) Extroversion vs. Introversion Intuitive/Random vs. Concrete. Sequential Closure-Oriented vs. Open Global vs. Analytic Oxford, 1993 Analytical Authority. Oriented Concrete Willing, 1994
Age may not be a significant factor in hindering secondary language acquisition. Adults have… • Greater analytical ability • More motivation to learn • Greater real-world knowledge • Stronger pragmatic skills Motivation Attitude may be another contributing factor. Thus, new research is being conducted to determine its impact on the motivation to learn. According to Orujlou and Vahedi (2011) there are many factors in describing attitudes including: • students’ past • Religion • Their family associations • Where they work • Where they live • What their goals are • How much money they make • Where they went to school Orujlou & Vahedi, 2011, p. 997) Learning Styles Proponents argue that learning styles are… • Excellent tools for teachers to use in designing instructional activities to meet student learning needs • Are important for learners to identify in order to recognize their strengths and thus expand their learning potential. (Oxford, 2003, p. 271 -278)) Opponents, argue that learning styles are… • Conceptually confusing • practitioners • Encourage a cultural tendency to look for explanations for behavior and attainment in the e wrong place (Scott, 2010, p. 5 -17)
Age Motivation The critical age hypotheses is challenged in numerous ways. o The measures of success is not defined o Adults have higher cognitive abilities. The new research is extending the search more into attitudes. Orujlou and Vahedi (2011) speak of attitudes as “as an important factor that we are only now beginning to investigate…”(p. 997). “One reason for the apparent inconsistency in research finding is that some studies define relative “success” as initial rate of learning (where, contrary to popular belief, older learners have an advantage) while other studies define it as ultimate achievement (where learners who are introduced to the L 2 in childhood indeed do appear to have an edge. ” Saville-Troike 2012, p. 87 Samad, Etemadzadeh, & Far “emphasized the dynamic dimension of motivation and believed that “research should evolve over time. ” The essence is that motivation concerns the fundamental question of why people think and behave as they do, and we should never assume that we know the answer”(Samad et al, 2012, p. 433). Learning Styles There is still a debate raging about the effectiveness of learning styles upon student learning, and recent research doesn’t provide a clear answer. As Scott (2010, p. 5) explains, “Research conducted over the last 40 years has failed to show that individual attributes can be used to guide effective teaching practice. ” Dunn, Pratt-Johnson, and Honigsfeld (2008, p. 33) counter, “ELLs need many varied opportunities to master the language and content necessary to succeed in school. Listening to the teacher needs to be supplemented with a range of learning-styles based instructional activities. ”
Age Motivation Learning Styles “Textbooks on child development often claim that by the age of five or six children have already mastered the grammar of their native language, and that although they expand their vocabularies in school and add literacy skills, for the most part children have acquired language before they go to school. ” Snow and Fillmore, 2000, p. 7. “Teachers who respect their students’ home languages and cultures, and who understand the crucial role they play in the lives of the children and their families can help children make the necessary transitions in ways that do not undercut the role that parents and families must continue to play in their education and development. ” Snow and Fillmore, 2000, p. 12. “Teachers are responsible for selecting educational materials and activities at the right level and of the right type for all of the children in their classes. ” “All children have a long way to go developmentally before they can function as mature members of their speech communities. ” Snow and Fillmore, 2000, p. 7. “As they progress through the grades, children will acquire the grammatical structure and strategies for the more sophisticated and precise ways of using language that are associated with maturity, with formal language use, and with discussing challenging topics. ” Snow and Fillmore, 2000, p. 7. “Teachers who do not recognize the validity of other ways of speaking can undermine their students’ confidence in their own communicative abilities. ” Snow and Fillmore, 2000, p. 5. “Teachers need to understand how to design the classroom language environment so as to optimize language and literacy learning and to avoid linguistic obstacles to content area learning. ” “American school culture is greatly concerned with individual differences in learning ability, and judgments about ability are often based on teacher evaluations of children’s language behaviors. American educators take seriously the idea that people differ in abilities and aptitudes, and they believe that such differences require different treatment in school. ”
Age Motivation Learning Styles “Language learning, whether it occurs in a naturalistic or an instructed context, is a slow and laborious process. Children acquiring their first language take between 2 and 5 years to achieve full grammatical competence, during which are exposed to massive amounts of input. The same is undoubtedly true of second language acquisition. If learners do not receive exposure to the target language, they cannot acquire it. ” Ellis, 2008 “While it is probably true that teachers can do little to influence students’ extrinsic motivation, there is a lot they can do to enhance their intrinsic motivation. ” Ellis, 2008, p. 5. “Teachers can cater to variation in the nature of their students’ aptitude by adopting a flexible teaching approach involving a variety of learning activities. They can also make use of simple learner-training materials designed to make students more aware of their own approaches to learning and to develop awareness of alternative approaches. Studies of good language learners suggest that successful language learning requires a flexible approach to learning. Thus, increasing the range of learning strategies at learners’ disposal is one way in which teachers can help them to learn. ” “…the best motivational intervention is simply to improve the quality of our teaching: • *instructional clarity • *explaining things simply • *teaching at a pace that is not too fast and not too slow. ” Ellis, 2008, p. 5
Age Motivation Learning Styles “In general, older, learners, especially those with experience in the study of their own or other languages, are more receptive to isolated grammatical instruction. ” Spada, 2013, p. 198. “Teachers should not prevent learners…from combining a concern with language use with worry about formal accuracy in terms of specific language items. ” “…. for some learners at least, feedback that comes during communicative interaction may have a positive effect on motivation. ” Spada, 2013, p. 189. “Other factors such as individual learning styles and previous experience learning languages can also lead to different preferences for learning” Adult learners, in a variety of language learning contexts, have been shown to be more aware of integrated FFI as feedback on language form. ” Spada, 2013 “The importance of isolated lessons will be determined by differences in the specific language feature that is being taught as well as by differences in learners' and teachers' characteristics, abilities, and preferences”
Start With These Ideas. 1. With each activity, ask yourself, “How can I use this to help my students develop more language? ¡ Ho 2. Create an environment where a student’s home language or L 1 is included and valued 3. Become a second language learner yourself. la!
Here is a checklist that we’ve compiled for you to possibly use in the classroom Levine’s Key Ideas to Remember While Teaching
In a nutshell, here is what you can take away. Age- There is still debate on the critical period on the linguistic and language development in the ability to acquire a second language. As educators we have to take into consideration the age group of the students we are working with and what strategies we will use. Motivation-“Learners need quality instruction, input, interaction, and opportunities for meaningful output, not only to make progress, but also to maintain motivation for language learning”(Orujlou & Vahedi, 2011, p. 995). Learning Styles-While the research may not lead to a conclusive answer, learning styles may still be a valuable resource for you to use when teaching. Nevertheless, keep yourself updated with the latest and most reliable research. Consider, even, working with researchers to share your experiences.
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