Скачать презентацию Oscillation OPERA CNGS 1 Project with Emulsion-t Racking Apparatus Скачать презентацию Oscillation OPERA CNGS 1 Project with Emulsion-t Racking Apparatus


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Oscillation OPERA/CNGS 1 Project with Emulsion-t. Racking Apparatus Outline: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Oscillation OPERA/CNGS 1 Project with Emulsion-t. Racking Apparatus Outline: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC Status of the installation of the electronic detectors Results of the commissioning of the electronic detectors & DAQ Brick production and detector filling: status CNGS first Physics run Event selection & Brick finding Brick processing & Emulsion analysis Looking at CNGS events in OPERA bricks Conclusions 1

1. Status of the installation of the electronic detectors October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 1. Status of the installation of the electronic detectors October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 2

Electronic detectors installation & commissioning completed SM 1 Veto Target tracker BMS October 18 Electronic detectors installation & commissioning completed SM 1 Veto Target tracker BMS October 18 th, 2007 SM 2 Spectrometer: XPC, HPT, RPC, magnet LNGSC 3

Completion of HPT installation -March 2007: HPT 9&11 -May 2007: end of mass production Completion of HPT installation -March 2007: HPT 9&11 -May 2007: end of mass production -June 2007: HPT 10&12 • • gas system SM 2 completed July 07 cabling SM 2 completed June 07 all TDC inside the main DAQ all cables calibrated Main remaining problem: Pickup noise from magnet coil for HPT inside the magnet: • filter the data onto the pulse width basis • filter the supply of the front-end board with ferrite October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 4

VETO installation The VETO consists of 2 planes of 32 Glass Resistive Plate Chambers. VETO installation The VETO consists of 2 planes of 32 Glass Resistive Plate Chambers. Each plane is read-out by 2 planes of orthogonal copper strips (X, Y). October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 5

VETO commissioning Current monitor: Water vapor gasflow Flow rate monitor: • important for humidity VETO commissioning Current monitor: Water vapor gasflow Flow rate monitor: • important for humidity control • working continuously since 210 days October 18 th, 2007 Noise map: • All the GRPCs are working, but the pick-up has to be optimized • A detailed efficiency study using cosmic & beam events is underway LNGSC 6

DAQ computing architecture CNGS DB (Oracle) Gateway DB CNGS Early Warning • Time coincidence DAQ computing architecture CNGS DB (Oracle) Gateway DB CNGS Early Warning • Time coincidence between subdetectors (merge sort) • Event classification wrt the beam UTC • Event header production Beam syncronizer • Decodes CNGS early warning • Flag the DAQ cycle wrt the beam DAQ manager • X-Y coincidence • L-R coincidence • N planes coinc? • 992 sensors TTdaq … TTsensors October 18 th, 2007 Root Event builder • Alignment • Data analysis • Brick finding ASCII-2 -Root Raw data DB • post. Gres (DAQ) • Oracle • Connects the DAQs • Send flagged cycles • Writes GPS dates BMM ASCII Event DB (Oracle) RPCdaq • Majority trigger • Same DAQ for RPC-XPC-VETO • 54 sensors … RPCsensors LNGSC • Trigger cross-check? • Tests procedure • 105 sensors HPTdaq … HPTsensors 7

Computer room inside the Hall. B Control room Currently in Hall B: • DAQ Computer room inside the Hall. B Control room Currently in Hall B: • DAQ servers • Gateway server • DAQ-MMS Database DAQ live time > 95% During the CNGS run DAQ DB: migration to Oracle completed October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 8

DAQ: event building concept Δt between consecutive hits 10 nsec binning Trigger for sub-detectors DAQ: event building concept Δt between consecutive hits 10 nsec binning Trigger for sub-detectors : • free running mode at the hardware threshold for TT, RPC & Veto • Common stop formed by using RPC signals (dedicated electronics) for the HPT TT RPC Event building : by sorting in time individual hit from sub-detectors: • for each sub-detector in the dedicated sub-detector DAQ machine + filtering algorithms • between sub-detectors in the event builder machine + filtering algorithms HPT 100 nsec October 18 th, 2007 600 nsec LNGSC 9

Time stamp resolution Strip number Time difference With position correction Sigma : 9 nsec Time stamp resolution Strip number Time difference With position correction Sigma : 9 nsec Without fiber transmission correction down going muon : side view October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 10

Up-going muon selection using the time stamp Down going Up going 2006 data: Cosmics Up-going muon selection using the time stamp Down going Up going 2006 data: Cosmics and beam data Beam events v/c Only cosmics data: • 44 days of data • expected 2 • observed 1 Up going muon from atmospheric ν v/c October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 11

2. Results from the commissioning of the electronic detectors & DAQ October 18 th, 2. Results from the commissioning of the electronic detectors & DAQ October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 12

VETO commissioning CNGS rock muon Cosmic muon Veto 1 resolution ~2 cm October 18 VETO commissioning CNGS rock muon Cosmic muon Veto 1 resolution ~2 cm October 18 th, 2007 Veto 2 resolution Y Veto 1 vs Y TT Y Veto 2 vs Y TT ~4 cm LNGSC 13

Target Tracker efficiency 1 p. e. using cosmic ray tracks 2 p. e. 3 Target Tracker efficiency 1 p. e. using cosmic ray tracks 2 p. e. 3 p. e. 99% Trigger rate: • 1 p. e. 20 cps per pixel • 2 p. e. 10 cps per pixel October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 14

10<B<40<Gauss inside the TT corridor side R=ON/OFF Mgnetic field influence on TT response rock 10

RPC efficiencies using cosmic ray tracks RPC SM 1 XPC SM 2 SM 1 RPC efficiencies using cosmic ray tracks RPC SM 1 XPC SM 2 SM 1 SM 2 Inefficiencies mostly located in first SM and due to HV/gas distribution failures: maintenance scheduled at the end of brick insertion on SM 1 to avoid interference with BMS All problems have been cured October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 16

RPC spatial resolution Cluster size using cosmic ray tracks Tracking resolution ~ 1. 3 RPC spatial resolution Cluster size using cosmic ray tracks Tracking resolution ~ 1. 3 cm, Misalignments < 1 cm October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 17

RPC/XPC timing system for HPT σRPC XPC 1 XPC 2 RPC 11 RPC 12 RPC/XPC timing system for HPT σRPC XPC 1 XPC 2 RPC 11 RPC 12 RPC 13 = 3. 5 nsec RPC 20 RPC 21 RPC 22 Efficiency vs time σXPC October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC = 5. 3 nsec 18

Status of reconstruction for HPT - Reconstruction running stable for data and MC events Status of reconstruction for HPT - Reconstruction running stable for data and MC events - Timing corrections implemented - Alignment ongoing, starting from TDA measurements - Resolution of ~500 mm in single planes for cosmic data (see plots below) - Alignment will bring improvements (300 mm prototype measurements) - 80% track efficiency for cosmic data Trigger efficiency vs track angle October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 19

3. Brick production and detector filling: status October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 20 3. Brick production and detector filling: status October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 20

Brick components Emulsions: delivered in GS material for 154000 bricks (including CSd) : 75% Brick components Emulsions: delivered in GS material for 154000 bricks (including CSd) : 75% Lead: no room for finding new funds (Funding Agency Meeting, March 23, 2007) • present production rate is 32000 pcs/day (~ 2. 5 drum/day). • the production rate has been increased following the stability of brick production (BAM) and detector filling (BMS) rate. • Lead mechanical quality is now good and stable. Air flow is still needed to secure single sheet pick up in BAM piling stations. • Lead radioactivity + no surface migration observed + family equilibrium restored following the expected T 1/2 ~4. 6 months October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 21

BAM Running with 2 shifts/day Lead Loading BAM in Dark 5 Piling/Pressing stations 1 BAM Running with 2 shifts/day Lead Loading BAM in Dark 5 Piling/Pressing stations 1 Wrapping station Drum loader (1 drum = 234 bricks) October 18 th, 2007 Achieved milestones: • 10 Kbricks by last SPSC • 2 drums/day in May 20 Kbricks by end of may • 2. 5 drums/day in June • 3 drums/day from oct 1 st • all technical aspects under control • but resource dependent ! LNGSC 22

Brick production summary ~60000 bricks inside the detector October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 23 Brick production summary ~60000 bricks inside the detector October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 23

Completion of the Detector filling End of April 2008 June 10 th July 25 Completion of the Detector filling End of April 2008 June 10 th July 25 th October 24 th 2008 SPS schedule for physics: May 10 th November 10 th October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 24

Brick Manipulator System Portico Loading station and brick drum Spatial precision o(0. 1 mm) Brick Manipulator System Portico Loading station and brick drum Spatial precision o(0. 1 mm) on ranges o(10 m) using digital camera vision Digital camera for positioning Manipulating platform Draw bridge for brick insertion Vacuum sucker vehicle to retrieve bricks Electric jack to insert bricks October 18 th, 2007 Storage Carrousel LNGSC 25

BMS : Insertion performances Running with 2 shifts per day - Max daily rate BMS : Insertion performances Running with 2 shifts per day - Max daily rate 815 - Daily rate from 21/10/06 to 21/06/07 Running staff: 1 expert and 1 operator per shift Verified performance (without failures or waiting time in drum exchange): insertion of 500 bricks in one shift October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 26

4. CNGS first Physics run October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 27 4. CNGS first Physics run October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 27

OPERA request to the SPSC June 2007 CNGS run in 2007 Hypothesis: • 3 OPERA request to the SPSC June 2007 CNGS run in 2007 Hypothesis: • 3 weeks of CNGS commissioning: 38 (half intensity, 1 CNGS cycle) , 39, 41 • 3 additional weeks of physics run : 40, 42, 43 • super cycle with 3 CNGS : 39. 6 sec • intensity as in the 2006 run : 1. 7 1013 pot/extraction (70% of nominal high intensity) • 70% efficiency of the machine complex Bricks at the start of the run Bricks at the end of the run Integrated p. o. t Bricks with interactions 58749 505 tons 71687 616 tons 0. 43 1019 pot 180 (~6/day) 10 charm decay • 2006 CNGS run : ~. 1 • nominal CNGS year : 4. 5 October 18 th, 2007 1019 pot LNGSC 28

SPS & CNGS commissioning CNGS/OPERA Allocated time Research Board July 2007 Repairing completed week SPS & CNGS commissioning CNGS/OPERA Allocated time Research Board July 2007 Repairing completed week 38 • Horn & reflector cooling system refurbished Commissioning: • week 39: low intensity CNGS alignment • week 40: intensity increase up to 3. 6 1013 pot/cycle fix for strip lines SPS commissioning for 3 CNGS cycles • Friday, October 5 th, at 5: 30 pm start physics beam ØBeam very stable ØBeam stopped on October 13 th for alarm on the control system for the ventilation Ø work going for recabling a new control system, beam should be back not later Friday October 19 th October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 29

CNGS performance Tue Extraction 1 Mo Fri 5/10 Commissioning Physics Integrated flux: 6. 72 CNGS performance Tue Extraction 1 Mo Fri 5/10 Commissioning Physics Integrated flux: 6. 72 1017 pot 1. 94 1013 pot Extraction 1 Fri 5/10, 18: 00 October 18 th, 2007 Nominal high intensity 2. 4 1013 pot Tue 9/10, 18: 00 LNGSC 30

CNGS event selection by using the GPS Timing Information TOPERA – (TSPS + TOF) CNGS event selection by using the GPS Timing Information TOPERA – (TSPS + TOF) < Tgate GPS time stamp intercalibration ~100 ns Tgate slightly larger than the extraction length (10. 5 ms) Beam time structure shown with an enlarged windows around the first extraction TSPS TOF=2. 44 ms TOPERA +- 52 ms Spill length Searching events in O(ms) windows just yields a narrow peak of the order of the spill width (10. 5 us) with practically no CR background: O(10 -4) CR background October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 31

Absolute Time Comparison 2007 data: • 393 CNGS events (all categories) • using the Absolute Time Comparison 2007 data: • 393 CNGS events (all categories) • using the same calibrations as last year Cross check ongoing @CERN Status for this run: same hardware than in 2006 (Kicker synchro) New calibration campaign 2007: July 2007 with a portable atomic Cs clock capable of providing a 1 PPS signal synchronized with UTC and stable at the level of few ns over several days ü Measure the timing signals at various points of the chain at CERN and LNGS compared to the 1 PPS of the Cs clock absolute calibration transported in all the single points, check the calibrations performed last year with independent method ü Precise timing: implement a fast digitizer recording the proton current at the level of the BCT Latest news: CERN will provide a new GPS receiver, an atomic Cs clock and the hardware/software for tracking the LNGS GPS system with a resolution of 1 nsec to be installed at LNGS October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 32

5. Event selection & Brick finding October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 33 5. Event selection & Brick finding October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 33

CNGS event selection Data processing: • data are extracted from the DAQ data base CNGS event selection Data processing: • data are extracted from the DAQ data base every 12 hours • all events are processed through the OPREC reconstruction package • In time events are selected and stored on a dedicated file Brick finding: • all in time events are scanned visually and sorted by categories: Ø in target event CC or NC like (according to the muon id) Ø magnet interaction Ø rock muon • in target events are analyzed through the brick finding package Ø each step of the reconstruction for the muon is checked manually Ø iterative process including; v neural network for the wall finding v hadronic shower parametrization v probability estimate for the vertex location in each brick v exact configuration and alignment of the target at the time of the event (BMM data base) Ø at the end the list of bricks is provided for each event Accumulated statistics for 6. 72 October 18 th, 2007 1017 pot LNGSC • 24 CC like events • 8 NC like event • 3 events in the scintillator 34

CNGS events outside the target Data = 331 MC = 303. 5 Magnet 1 CNGS events outside the target Data = 331 MC = 303. 5 Magnet 1 Vertical beam angle October 18 th, 2007 Event vertex location defined as the first hit of the 3 D track Magnet 2 Fit: 3. 4 ± 0. 2 degree LNGSC Muon candidate energy spectrum 35

CC like event « Opera baby » Pμ : 7. 87 Ge. V/c Xtalk CC like event « Opera baby » Pμ : 7. 87 Ge. V/c Xtalk in MAPMT: • ~60% of the nb of hits • ~3% of the nb of PE October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 36

Hadronic shower parametrization 11451 p. e. tot 1579 p. e. muon Predicted brick Fitted Hadronic shower parametrization 11451 p. e. tot 1579 p. e. muon Predicted brick Fitted muon track Wall 5 Tray 24 Cell 6 prob= 0. 9 Wall 6 Tray 24 Cell 6 prob= 0. 09 October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 37

NC like event Pwall >93% October 18 th, 2007 Bricks: wall 3 tray 28 NC like event Pwall >93% October 18 th, 2007 Bricks: wall 3 tray 28 28 27 29 cell 7 cell 6 cell 7 prob= LNGSC 0. 67 0. 13 0. 08 0. 05 38

Interaction inside the TT SM 1 SM 2 October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 39 Interaction inside the TT SM 1 SM 2 October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 39

6. Brick processing & Emulsion analysis October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 40 6. Brick processing & Emulsion analysis October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 40

X ray marks CSd alignment & CSd brick connection CS-doublet Brick films alignment brick X ray marks CSd alignment & CSd brick connection CS-doublet Brick films alignment brick 2 7, 5 cm X-ray machine • 6 lines for alignment (crossing point) • 1 line (inclined) for plate numbering 8 cm 3 1 4 1 shot Xray October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 41

Chemical plant 1 6 5 Almost ready • Main control unit powered, working • Chemical plant 1 6 5 Almost ready • Main control unit powered, working • Demi water ready, 20° C ok 2 • Filtered water available, 20° C ok 2 • Collection tanks secured 1 3 4 • A nice chemical Lab set aside 5 (small operations, & quality check! : thanks to LNGS Chemical Service) • Big preparation tanks 6 3 4 October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 42

Brick processing lab Progress report: • Climatization resumed, ok! • Safelight darkroom ok • Brick processing lab Progress report: • Climatization resumed, ok! • Safelight darkroom ok • 5 proc. lines cabled to front-end (6 th suspended) • Lines # 1, 2, 3 tested, ready and operational in automated mode Lines # 3, 4, 5 to follow soon; some refinement suggested by tests October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 43

European Scanning System • R&D on 20 cm 2/h European Scanning System completed successfully European Scanning System • R&D on 20 cm 2/h European Scanning System completed successfully (end 2004) • 30 ESS distributed among 11 labs ( 22 ESS in 8 Italian labs ): Bari, Bern, Bologna, Lngs, Lyon, Napoli, Salerno + Neuchatel, Roma, LNF, Padova • Integrated in a online computers network : including DB, manager , on line computation , plate changer …. . October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 44

Scanning in Japan CSD scanning SUTS status: • first unit ready : 20 cm²/h Scanning in Japan CSD scanning SUTS status: • first unit ready : 20 cm²/h • R&D in progress in order to reach 60 cm²/h ØX 50 lens ØOptimized FPGA code • 5 units in preparation 300 cm²/h The 1 st S-UTS (20 cm 2/h) Brick scanning Vertex finding performances: • Single track scan back : • Vertex finding: • νμCC : 15’ for vertex finding nx 10’ for vertex studies • νμNC : 2 -3 x CC vertex finding time October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 45

Automated Track Reconstruction and Vertex Search track search in the CS doublet Following the Automated Track Reconstruction and Vertex Search track search in the CS doublet Following the electronic detectors predictions scan-back efficiency 93. 1% scan-back tracks followed backward film by film volume scan angular residuals between base-tracks and fitted volume tracks (vertical tracks) October 18 th, 2007 position residuals between base-tracks and fitted volume tracks LNGSC vertex reconstruction 46

CSd & Brick : track location rehearsal Using nearly horizontal cosmic muons: Track following CSd & Brick : track location rehearsal Using nearly horizontal cosmic muons: Track following inside the brick Difference wrt TT prediction for tracks located in the CSd σ= 5 μm Transverse position difference (found – pred) σ= 3 mrad Transverse slope difference (found – pred) October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC σ= 10 μm Longitudinal position difference (found – pred) σ= 11 mrad Longitudinal slope difference (found – pred) 47

7. Looking at CNGS events inside the OPERA bricks October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 7. Looking at CNGS events inside the OPERA bricks October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 48

Looking at CNGS events First located vertex Interesting di-muon event CS film development Brick Looking at CNGS events First located vertex Interesting di-muon event CS film development Brick film development CS scanning Brick transportation LNGS BARI CS scanning predictions LNGS BARI SB started Track disappearance Quasi-online reconstruction and event confirmation October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC Wed. , Oct. 10 th Thurs. , Oct. 11 th Fri. , Oct. 12 th Sat. , Oct. 13 th, 1. 30 p. m. Sat. , Oct. 13 th , 2. 52 p. m. Sun. , Oct. 14 th, 11. 50 a. m. Sun. , Oct. 14 th, 5. 25 p. m. Sun. , Oct. 14 th, 5. 42 p. m. 49

Muon track following Difference wrt the CSd prediction x=27 μm, y=6 μm Fill factor: Muon track following Difference wrt the CSd prediction x=27 μm, y=6 μm Fill factor: • 82% for base tracks • 100% including μ-tracks muon candidate followed back from film 57 to 30 track disappearance in film 29 stop confirmed in 4 consecutive films (last measured film 26) Grain density Mean value: 22. 5 RMS : 3. 3 4 μm October 18 th, 2007 2 mrad LNGSC 50

Vertex parameters Could be a Charm decay candidate ! VTX ID 17 Downstream Tracks Vertex parameters Could be a Charm decay candidate ! VTX ID 17 Downstream Tracks 8 Upstream Tracks 0 Avg. Track Distance 6. 0 micron X 100932. 9 Y 21913. 3 Z -36190. 8 in lead between films 29 and 30 depth ~ 40 micron October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 51

Tracks association wrt CSD tracks track 71 found also in CS 1 -CS 2! Tracks association wrt CSD tracks track 71 found also in CS 1 -CS 2! CS 2: -0. 0075 -0. 0804 SB track film 44: -0. 0099 -0. 0944 track 689 film 44: 0. 0324 0. 1715 compatible with track found in CS 1 -CS 2 ? CS 2: 0. 0270 0. 2027 October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 52

Lookig at CNGS events 2 nd located vertex Nice quasi-elastic event • CSd prediction Lookig at CNGS events 2 nd located vertex Nice quasi-elastic event • CSd prediction received @Naples on Monday morning (high fog CSd) • track found in the brick : Δx = 56 μm , Δy = 25 μm (wrt CSd predictions) Δθx= 9 mrad, Δθy= 10 mrad • track followed until plate #37 • fill factor with base-tracks : 100% October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 53

Vertex found: Quasi elastic event Nuclear fragment Muon track Nuclear fragment October 18 th, Vertex found: Quasi elastic event Nuclear fragment Muon track Nuclear fragment October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 54

Looking at CNGS event 3 rd located vertex @Nagoya Event : 179264151 • films Looking at CNGS event 3 rd located vertex @Nagoya Event : 179264151 • films shipped on October 12 th, delivered on October 16 th @Nagoya • CSd scanning on october 16 th (2 h per CC like event, 12 h per NC like) event 179264151 Ø CSd track: difference wrt TT prediction Δx= 17. 3 mm , Δy= -2. 1 mm Ø scan-back on October 17 th : first vertex found and confirmed October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 55

Vertex found : 5 prongs event October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 56 Vertex found : 5 prongs event October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 56

8. Conclusions The brick production is launched and the detector could be filled before 8. Conclusions The brick production is launched and the detector could be filled before the physics run in 2008 Caveat: ü the schedule for the detector filling is tight and the resources limited any problem will now induce delays impossible to recover The concept of the OPERA detector is now fully validated from the electronic detectors emulsion analysis The τ hunting is starting from now on and for ~5 years ! The OPERA collaboration is grateful towards the staff members & the management of the LNGS for their constant support October 18 th, 2007 LNGSC 57