OSCE { Prepared by Mamyrova Asselim 408 group
OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, fr. Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe) - The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the world's largest regional organization dealing with security issues. It brings together 57 countries located in North America, Europe and Central Asia. Former name - "The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe" (CSCE) (Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe - CSCE). {
"The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe" was convened at the initiative of the Soviet Union and the socialist countries of Europe as a permanent international forum of representatives of 33 European countries, as well as the United States and Canada, to develop measures to reduce military confrontation and strengthening security in Europe. The meeting was held in three stages: 3 - 7 July 1973 - Helsinki - Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 18 September 1973 - 21 July 1975 - Geneva - making proposals, amendments and approval of the text of the Final Act, July 30 - August 1, 1975 in Helsinki, Finland, the head of the 35 states have signed the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Accords). Going back to the history
In later times there was to be a lot of meetings but I want to highlight the most significant December 2 -3, 1996 - Lisbon meeting of Heads of State and Government of the OSCE participating States. Adopted a Declaration and the Lisbon Summit Declaration "On a Common and Comprehensive Security Model for Europe of the XXI century", which emphasizes the need to build a united, peaceful and democratic Europe without dividing lines. Adopted a document on updating the CFE Treaty (the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe). At the initiative of Russia participating States have committed themselves to exercise restraint in its military efforts, including the levels of armaments and their deployment. Adopted "Conceptual framework of arms control" and "Development of the Agenda of the Forum for Security Co-operation", which consolidated the role of arms control as an important tool for ensuring stability in Europe. In the work of the OSCE still clearly reveals an emphasis on conflicts existing in the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia.
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The main organs of the organization are: Summit (Summit) - periodic meeting of Heads of State and Government of the OSCE. The Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs - Annual (except year summits) meeting of Foreign Ministers of the OSCE participating States. The Permanent Council under the supervision of the Chairman (English. Chairperson-in-Office, Ci. O), holds the post for a year. Conducts regular political consultations and decision makers (meets weekly in Vienna). The Forum for Security Co-operation - regularly discusses issues of arms control and CSBMs (meets weekly in Vienna). High Commissioner on National Minorities Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Representative on Freedom of the Media - oversees the development of the situation of the media in the 56 OSCE participating States.
Acting Chairman (Chairperson-in-Office, Ci. O; he becomes Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Presidency) - oversee the activities of the OSCE. Coordinate the work of agencies / institutions of the OSCE. Represents the organization, oversees and facilitates the resolution of conflicts and crisis situations. In 2010, the OSCE Chairman-in was representative of Kazakhstan (the first time for the republics of the former USSR), in 2011 - Lithuanian Foreign Minister Azubalis. In 2012, the OSCE chairmanship passed to Ireland, and in 2013 was transferred to Ukraine. At the meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council in early December 2013 in Kiev, chairman of the OSCE in 2014 was chosen Switzerland headed by incumbent President Didier Burkhalter
The Secretary-General - Secretariat is headed. Appointed by the Council of Ministers for a period of 3 years: Hёink Wilhelm (1993 -1996) Giancarlo Aragona (1996 -1999) Jan Kubis (1999 -2005) Marc Perrin de Brichambaut (2005 -2011) Lamberto Zannier (2011 -)
The official languages of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe are: English, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, French.
OSCE unified budget consists of two parts: the budget of the Secretariat and institutions, and field operations budget. Consolidated budget of the OSCE in 2008 amounted to 164, 168, 200 euros. At the same time, the budget of the Secretariat and institutions was equal to 55, 692, 200 euros, respectively, the budget field operations amounted to 108, 476, 000 euros. Consolidated budget for 2009 was adopted at the level of 158 676 700 euros. Of these, the budget of the Secretariat and institutions - 56, 652, 900 euros and field operations budget - 102, 023, 800 euros. Consolidated budget for 2010 was approved in the amount of 152, 109, 800 euros. Budget of the Secretariat and institutions 52, 736, 000 euros and field operations budget - 99, 373, 800 euros. FREE BUDGET
The organization aims to prevent conflicts in the region, crisis management, the elimination of the consequences of conflict. Basic security measures and address the main objectives of the organization: "The first basket, " or political-military dimension: control the spread of weapons; diplomatic efforts to prevent conflicts; measures to build trust and security; "Second Basket", or the economic and environmental dimension: economic and environmental security. "Third basket", or the human dimension: [6] protection of human rights; development of democratic institutions; monitoring of elections; All OSCE participating States have equal status. Decisions are taken by consensus. Decisions are not legally binding [7], but are of great political significance. Staff of the organization - about 370 people employed in the governing bodies of the organization, as well as about 3, 500 employees working in field missions.
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One of the most important post-Cold War began to OSCE human rights and the settlement of international conflicts. OSCE Mission participated in the settlement of conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Tajikistan and others. Russian diplomacy has traditionally viewed the OSCE as a counterbalance to NATO and had pinned great hopes on it in ensuring European security, bypassing NATO. However, the shift in the focus of its activities in the area of human rights protection, including the former Soviet Union, the OSCE has complicated its relations with Russia. In 2004, Moscow has accused the OSCE of "double standards", "unwillingness to take into account the realities and peculiarities of the individual states, " and called to reorganize the OSCE and "bring her back to first principles. "
In December 2006, the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov first announced the possibility of entering the Russian Federation, the OSCE, if she will not survive the focus of its activities to monitor compliance with human rights in the military-political cooperation and the economy. During his speech in Munich in 2007, VV Putin noted that the current OSCE has become a "vulgar instrument ensuring the foreign policy interests of one or a group of countries in relation to other countries. And this task is being accomplished and the OSCE's bureaucratic apparatus, which is not connected with the state founders, tailored for this task and decision-making procedures used t. N. non-governmental organizations. " In October 2007, the CIS countries have made to the OSCE draft resolution limiting the functions of its structural unit - the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The resolution was rejected. Over the 2005 -2007 period. Russia has consistently reduces the size of their contributions to the OSCE budget. In March 2008, the OSCE refused to send observers to monitor the presidential elections in Russia. In response, the Russian side said that the OSCE has put forward to the Russian conditions that were not made by it in relation to other states. OSCE motivated its decision breaches the principles of democracy in Russia - arbitrary removal from the election of the opposition candidates, the absence of debates and so on.
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Building a democratic society - a conscious choice of our people, and in its next annual address to the people of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev stated unequivocally that the consistent political modernization will continue. At the same time, priority will be given to the preservation of harmony and stability in the society. "The high international reputation of Kazakhstan has allowed our country to become chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. This is - a great honor for us. This - the highest responsibility to chair the OSCE in a difficult period of modern history. Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the most influential security organization will be held under the motto: "Trust. Tradition. Transparency. Tolerance. " We will work together to look for ways to solve many of the pressing issues that will develop joint mechanisms for the prevention of possible crisis situations. We intend to expand strengthen the consensus in the field of fundamental issues of security, as well as on the development of the Organization. We will do everything to ensure that the OSCE was the structure that recognizes the diversity of the world of the XXI century ". The decision on Kazakhstan's chairmanship has become a powerful catalyst for further political liberalization of the country. Only in the last two years, taking into account the recommendations of the OSCE were substantial amendments to the law on mass media, elections, political parties, local selfgovernment.
In order to achieve a more effective, coherent and coordinated policy in the field of human rights, with the involvement of government agencies, NGOs and international organizations successfully implemented the National Action Plan for Human Rights 20092012. Adopted another Concept of Legal Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010 -2020, which is a programmatic document, defining the most important priorities for the development of all areas of national legislation, the system of law enforcement and the judicial system. Presidential Decree of 29 August 2008 № 653 approved the State program "Path to Europe" for 2009 -2011. Thus, Kazakhstan is taking concrete steps to implement international standards into national legislation. This was confirmed by the outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of the UN Council on Human Rights in relation to Kazakhstan in February 2010. The relevance of the topic due to the role and importance of the OSCE to the global community, as well as an important mission presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in this authoritative organization in 2010. Object of study is the legal relations arising from the cooperation between Kazakhstan and the OSCE. The subject of the study are the norms of international agreements, treaties, conventions, declarations, protocols, charters; The Constitution, laws, presidential decrees and other legal acts in the field of international cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as educational, scientific and special literature and media.
The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of areas of cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the OSCE at the present stage, their role and importance to the international community. This objective can be achieved by solving the following tasks: - To consider the international legal status of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe; - To study the system OSCE bodies and institutions; - Highlight the background of participation of Kazakhstan in the OSCE; - To analyze the acts of the OSCE and their place in the system of sources of international law; - To consider the ratification of the acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the OSCE and international agreements; - Familiarize with the Declaration of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly; - To carry out a legal analysis of the mechanism of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the OSCE in various fields: military, political, humanitarian, economic and environmental; - Identify the problematic aspects of cooperation between Kazakhstan and the OSCE, and to give their vision of their solutions.
Kazakhstan in the first years of independence, needed the support of world powers and authoritative international organizations, including the OSCE. However, the international community was interested in a constructive foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by the will of the owner of the story was the fourth largest nuclear arsenal. With this in mind, Kazakhstan made a conscious choice in favor of a balanced approach in its foreign policy, the core of which was the strategy of multi -stakeholder partnerships. In this sense, in the unique in its geographical scope dialogue platform OSCE hopes are pinned. That is why the invitation to join the Organization to make the leading Western countries, was seen in Kazakhstan as a step towards the formation of a new European security architecture, in conditions of equality and non-dividing lines [15, p. 6]. Since the official nomination in 2003, Kazakh diplomacy, despite the objective and subjective difficulties, consistently promoted bid for the OSCE chairmanship.
The decision on the presidency is a recognition of the real achievements of Kazakhstan in the sphere of building a democratic society and a liberal market economy. Consensus OSCE participating States based on the recognition of loyalty internal policies of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, has ensured ethnic and religious harmony, political stability in Kazakhstan society. Being one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world with a significant proportion of ethnic minorities, Kazakhstan in the difficult years of the transformation of the social order and the change of the model of economic relations was able, unlike many post-Soviet states to maintain peace, stability and harmony in the society. Comprehensive experience of Kazakhstan to preserve and promote interfaith harmony is of great interest for the entire OSCE community. He was one of the motives for the nomination bid for the chairmanship in the OSCE in 2009. [16] Model of Kazakhstan is a prime example of the peaceful coexistence of different religions and faiths. From the outset, promoting their bid for the chairmanship of the OSCE, Kazakhstan saw it as a means to further strengthen the strategic course of carrying out profound democratic and economic reforms. Using the formula of "economy first, then politics", Kazakhstan has achieved significant success, which in itself makes it worthy of the OSCE chairmanship.