- Количество слайдов: 25
ORO Findings on Privacy, Confidentiality, and Information Security Peter N. Poon, JD, MA, CIPP/G Office of Research Oversight
Background of Findings • Findings from the last 12 ORO Research Information Protection Program (RIPP) Reports • Site visits from July 2010 to March 2011 • Research programs of varying sizes and complexity • These are sample findings
Of the following situations, which did the ORO RIPP team make the most noncompliance findings regarding? 1. Use of non-VA, non-encrypted thumb drives 2. Posting passwords on or near computer 3. Failure to log-off or enable password protected screen saver when leaving work area 4. VASI not stored in locked file or cabinet when not in use
Herding Cats 4. VASI was not stored in locked file or cabinet when not in use: 10 Findings • Non-VA, non-encrypted thumb drives: 2 • Posting passwords: 0 • No log-off or screen saver: 6
Complete the following sentence with the best answer: Storage media such as CDs and DVDs… 1. Must be locked in secure storage if they contain VASI 2. Must never contain VASI 3. Must be encrypted if they contain VASI 4. Must never leave the VA if they contain VASI
Where Are My Keys? ? 3. Must be encrypted if they contain VASI: 5 Findings
VASI residing on non-VA owned equipment (OE) requires the approval of a supervisor AND: 1. Approval by the facility ISO 2. Waiver by the VISN ISO 3. Waiver by the VA CIO (Assistant Secretary IT) or designee (ADAS OCS) 4. Approval by ORD
Elephant in the Room 3. Waiver by VA CIO (Assistant Secretary IT) or designee (ADAS OCS) : 5 Findings Exceptions: • MOU/ISA for system interconnections • Contract with a vendor, with security controls
Non-VA IT equipment (e. g. , owned by the Academic Affiliate or Nonprofit Corporation) at a VA location: 1. 2. 3. 4. Must never be used for VA research Must be donated to VA if used for VA research Must meet all VA standards if used for VA research Must be accounted for in a VA property accountability system if used for VA research
No Gatecrashers 4. Must be accounted for in a VA property accountability system : 8 Findings
HIPAA Authorizations must state that treatment, payment, enrollment, or eligibility for benefits cannot be conditioned on the individual: 1. 2. 3. 4. Signing the authorization Participating in the research Not withdrawing from the research Not revoking the authorization
Starting at Square One 1. Cannot be conditioned on individual signing (“completing”) the authorization: 8 Findings
Using identifiable information to recruit subjects for VA research requires the IRB to approve both a waiver of HIPAA authorization and a waiver of informed consent 1. True 2. False
House Rules TRUE 5 Findings
Which of the following is a HIPAA identifier? : 1. 2. 3. 4. Subject X’s date of birth Subject Y’s date of medical treatment Subject Z’s date of research intervention All of the above
A Rose is a Rose 4. All of the above: 6 Findings VHA Handbook 1605. 1, Appendix B § 2. b(3): All elements of dates (except year) for dates directly related to an individual, including birth date, admission date, discharge date, date of death.
What’s wrong with the following Privacy Policy statement? : “The facility may use or disclose PHI for research without written authorization from the individual for reviews preparatory to research, provided that the information is being sought solely for purposes preparatory to research or research itself. ” 1. You need an authorization to use/disclose PHI for preparatory to research 2. You need an authorization to use/disclose PHI for research itself 3. You need a waiver of authorization for preparatory to research 4. Nothing is wrong
Hiding in Plain Sight “The facility may use or disclose PHI for research without written authorization from the individual for reviews preparatory to research, provided that the information is being sought solely for purposes preparatory to research or research itself. ” 2. You need an authorization to use/disclose PHI for research itself: 9 Findings
How many times did the ORO RIPP team find that the ISO or PO did not conduct a thorough review of the protocols? : 1. 2. 3. 4. 0 4 7 9
Drill, Baby, Drill 4. 9 Findings
At the current time, local research records may be destroyed…. 1. Never 2. 5 years after the study 3. Whenever the data is not needed anymore 4. According to FDA or sponsor guidelines, whichever is longer
The Venus Flytrap 1. Never: 7 Findings For waivers of HIPAA authorizations, the IRB must document that the use/disclosure of PHI involves no more than minimal risk to the individual’s privacy based on … “an adequate plan to destroy the identifiers at the earliest opportunity consistent with conduct of the research, unless there is a health or research justification for retaining the identifiers or such retention is otherwise mandated by applicable VA or other Federal requirements. ” VHA Handbook 1200. 05 § 37. b(3)(a)2
Fantasy Finding If I had a dollar for every time HIPAA is misspelled….
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act = HIPAA