Скачать презентацию Organigram of the CMS hardware group in Karlsruhe Скачать презентацию Organigram of the CMS hardware group in Karlsruhe


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Organigram of the CMS hardware group in Karlsruhe Group leader: Th. Müller Technical coordinator: Organigram of the CMS hardware group in Karlsruhe Group leader: Th. Müller Technical coordinator: P. Blüm Sensor quality test Bonding & test center Frank Hartmann Stefanie Freudenstein (diplom) C. Menge, Th. Punz (students) + N. N. Hans Jürgen Simonis Tobias Barvich (techn. ) 50% Pia Steck (techn. ) Irradiation NN Wim de Boer Alexander Dierlamm (Ph. D) Alexander Furgeri (Ph. D) Module qualification & diagnostic Integration & long-term test Stefan Heier (Ph. D) Valery Zhukov Tobias Barvich (techn. ) 50% NNs Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Guido Dirkes (Ph. D) Stefan Heier (Ph. D) Manuel Fahrer (Ph. D) Thomas Weiler (Ph. D) M. Waldschmitt (diplom) B. Atz (techn. ) Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik

1) Readiness of the testing rooms and storage spaces • Testing & Storage for 1) Readiness of the testing rooms and storage spaces • Testing & Storage for QTC & IQC: ready! • Bonding & Testing space: ready! • Storage module: • Space assigned -- Cabinets ordered in workshop • Space for pre-prod (~50 modules) ready! • Testing & Storage for petals: • for pre-prod (ready when needed) • for production: available summer-fall (staged) Assembly & Testing & Storage in new hall! Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 2

Operations layout at Karlsruhe ~6000 sensors Logistic center Integration center Quality test center Hall Operations layout at Karlsruhe ~6000 sensors Logistic center Integration center Quality test center Hall 245 1600 modules 5 % (present 100%) Visual inspection modules for 50 petals Bonding & test center LAB 010 storage Integration on petal 5% Probing Bonding repair LAB 013 Longterm test LAB 326 1% Irradiation Cyclotron, LAB 325/6 qualified & operational Irradiation restart April (hopefully) Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Fast test Diagnostic LAB 013 (Petal) LAB 316 Bonding qualified & operational Test station operational X-check in progress (already done with Ac in ex-line 1) Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik Repair Clean room (~30 m 2) tender (to be ready Nov 2003)

2. ) Readiness of Readout I (ARC) Purpose: reception and testing of hybrids! • 2. ) Readiness of Readout I (ARC) Purpose: reception and testing of hybrids! • hyb tested: 2 • reprod: • x-calib: • Db integration: • LED: • software ver: fine waiting for calib. module yes Ac LEDs ordered for x-calib 6. 0 b • Aachen LED array and high voltage card ordered for full cross calibration with KA (FED-based) readout systems. Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 4

2. ) Readiness of Readout II FASTTEST (FED-based) Purpose: fast testing after bonding modules 2. ) Readiness of Readout II FASTTEST (FED-based) Purpose: fast testing after bonding modules tested: ~15 modules tested (prototype, expressline 1, expressline 2) reprod: fine X-calib I: see above X-calib II: Officially waiting for calib. module Db integration: Done, … to be commissioned LED: 4 LED arrays included Cooling: active cooling with Peltiers possible LED readout at -10°C possible cosmics calibration Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 5

Fasttest II Already moved to final area (bonding lab)! Bonder • ESD • Facemask Fasttest II Already moved to final area (bonding lab)! Bonder • ESD • Facemask Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 6

2/3. ) Readiness of Readout III Diagnose (FED-based) Purpose: diagnostics of faulty modules tested: 2/3. ) Readiness of Readout III Diagnose (FED-based) Purpose: diagnostics of faulty modules tested: ~5 modules tested (prototype, expressline 1, expressline 2) reprod, X-calib II, Db integration: same state as fasttest (II) LED array: (1050 nm and 950 nm) Movable LASER: for single strip/pitch scans (1050/650 nm) • possibility to set probe needles, • tests with a 90 Sr source • cosmics • high resolution IV • possibility to introduce CV. Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 1 7

2/3. ) Readiness of Readout DAQ CMS-System Purpose: Module testing • development towards petal 2/3. ) Readiness of Readout DAQ CMS-System Purpose: Module testing • development towards petal readout system modules tested: ~1 module tested reprod: fine X-calib: Not yet Db integration: YES software ver: Lt_v. 82 installed and tested with Db for one 'old' module. Update to v. 90 and x-calibration is foreseen (responsibility of V. Zhukov) This setup will be finally used for the petal assembly! We need another one for the petal longterm testing! Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 8

4) Readiness of the LT single module set-up! • We have NO dedicated SINGLE 4) Readiness of the LT single module set-up! • We have NO dedicated SINGLE LT teststation! • KA LT Plan! Use of the Fastteststation (II) with active cooling! • • • – 1/day: last bonded module for LT over night – 1/week: last bonded module for LT over weekend 4. 1) General comments on software! Fastteststation soft 4. 2) is the LT single module set-up commissioned? FASTTEST YES 4. 3) number of hour of running for the longest run performed 20 h 4. 4) list of missing equipment to enter into production! Ready 4. 5) Are results obtained with ARC and LT in your lab in agreement? – – Basically YES, final x-calibration still to be done! • The final production LT will be done on petal basis. Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 9

Stability: Calibrated with cosmics HITMAP: ~ 20 hours run (7000 events @ 0. 1 Stability: Calibrated with cosmics HITMAP: ~ 20 hours run (7000 events @ 0. 1 Hz) Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 10

Add. Comments on Cross Calibration ARCS <=> Karlsruhe (for all stations!) • Several modules Add. Comments on Cross Calibration ARCS <=> Karlsruhe (for all stations!) • Several modules tested in Aachen and Karlsruhe. • Full comparison with TEC Expressline I, already presented in several prior meetings (and partially by analysing Expressline II modules) • Many basic and analysis results already shown in several meetings! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. pinhole tests, basic defect analysis TEC Expressline I & II single shot test beam Test of irradiated hybrids --- modules forseen ( active cooling) Ongoing scratch and high leakage current tests Starting of bond tests in high magnetic field @4 T Aachen Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Karlsruhe Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 11

Add. NEEDS for petal assembly and petal LT • • 1 FED 1 FEC Add. NEEDS for petal assembly and petal LT • • 1 FED 1 FEC 7+1 OEC LV (ordered), HV, LLN cooling plant (ordered) • actual need for prototype petal: – 4 optical hybrids + 1 OEC (already in house, but requested for X 5) – Optical cables – Interconnectboard inc. CCUM Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 12

Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 13 Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 13

New Hall Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 14 New Hall Apr 03, Frank Hartmann Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik 14