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Orange Money Branchless banking: progress & potential for new business models Aurore NOUMAZALAY – Marketing @ Orange Money European Microfinance Week 2011 - Luxembourg, Nov 3 rd 2011 Confidentiel groupe
Orange Money is launched in 8 countries, with already more than 2. 8 million customers Cameroon Mali Launched in September 2011 launched in May 2010 Senegal Launched in June 2010 Ivory Coast Kenya Launched in Dec 2008 + 1 million customers Launched in Oct 2010 Niger Launched in June 2010 Madagascar Launched in Sept 2010 Botswana Orange Money countries Launched in August 2011 Orange AMEA footprint 2 Orange group
Orange Money launched in partnership with leading banks on African Market … ü Partnership to issue electronic money and to apply compliance framework ü Partnership to distribute Orange Money services across the bank & MFI distribution channels … and innovative merchants accepting Orange money as a mean of payment üOrange Money used to pay for Orange bills, electricity bills, TV programs, school fees …. 3 NIGELEC Orange group
access Orange Money’s basic value proposition is to transfer, pay & buy with the mobile Need to hold an Orange line to open a wallet Compatible with all mobile handsets Account open free with no minimum amount basics money in Orange Money Account Salary disbursement National Money Transfer money out Merchant Payment Link with account at financial Institution (bank, MFI) Airtime Top up Services available at agents: cash in, cash out On line account management: balance enquiry, mini statement 4 Orange group access Bill Payment
Our ambition is to attract the unbanked and deliver financial services on top of Orange Money transfers payments Orange Money is the primary “financial account” + money transfer services + mean of payment at acceptance network account savings credits insurance 5 Bank/MFI provides financial services for OM customers = interest bearing account + credit @ lower interest rates Insurance company provides micro-assurance for OM customers = health …. Orange group
MFI have been traditionally considered as users of Orange money platform or cash managers in the agent network INTEREST FOR MFI’S ROLE BENEFITS FOR MFI 6 Improve service to existing customers through the MNO mobile banking platform MFI integrates technically to MNO’s platform to offer mobile based loan disbursements, repayments and saving deposits to customers Get additional revenues as MNO cash agents MFI branches are part of the MNO agent network and ensure cash liquidity for agents/customers Orange provides mobile based money transfer to unbanked & payment acceptance network MFI pays fee to MNO MFI receives commission from MNO MFI optimizes internal processes costs Orange group
MFI should reinforce financial capacity and ultimately gain new customers through extended partnerships with Orange MFI brings SAVINGS CREDITS ü Banking/MF license üDesigns credit products for qualified customers → High volumes of cash from MNO & improves credit portfolio capacity MFI gets Extend business portfolio leveraging MNO customer base ü Banking/MF license ü B 2 B 2 C product design solutions for MNO to help them offer savings on interest bearing accounts → Collects information on users savings & financial behaviors → Reaches new customer segments for credit Orange brings Brand, capacity to manage large scale technical, distribution networks & marketing programs 7 Orange group
Orange Madagascar: innovating with saving & micro-insurance § SAVINGS - Orange Madagascar has launched a first live test in October § Value proposition: ü Customers earn interest on their Orange Money account ü Opt out service ü Interests ü 4 are paid on a monthly basis to 6% depending on account balance § § INSURANCE – coming § life insurance § Subscription @ OM agents § 8 Partner is MICROCRED (MFI & Bank) All payments/disbursements on mobile Orange group
Thank you aurore. noumazalay@orange. com Confidentiel groupe