Скачать презентацию Определение которое стоит перед определяемым словом называется препозитивным Скачать презентацию Определение которое стоит перед определяемым словом называется препозитивным


  • Количество слайдов: 7

Определение, которое стоит перед определяемым словом, называется препозитивным. e. g. I looked at his Определение, которое стоит перед определяемым словом, называется препозитивным. e. g. I looked at his smiling face. Определение, которое стоит после определяемого слова называется постпозитивным. e. g. The door of the room was open.

1. By (a) adjectives or (b) adjectival phrases, which characterize the person or non-person 1. By (a) adjectives or (b) adjectival phrases, which characterize the person or non-person qualitatively or express the speaker’s attitude. a) The sand glittered like fine white sugar in the sun. b) He stood and raged within himself with sour despair, unable to move or say a word. 2. By pronouns or pronominal phrases, which help to identify or define persons or non-persons. e. g. The woman by no change of face showed that his words meant anything to her.

3. By numerals, ordinal or cardinal, which state the number or order, or serve 3. By numerals, ordinal or cardinal, which state the number or order, or serve to identify persons or nonpersons, as in: e. g. He arrived just three weeks ago. Robert has always been the first boy in his class. 4. By (a) nouns in the common case singular or (b) prepositional nominal phrases, which characterize the person or non-person either qualitatively or from the point of view of its locative, temporal, or other features. a) It happened on a December evening (декабрьский вечер). b) He was a man of very regular habits.

5. By nouns or pronouns in the genitive case. e. g. He caught the 5. By nouns or pronouns in the genitive case. e. g. He caught the sound of the children's voices. 6. By statives, although these are rarely used as attributes. They usually postmodify the headword, though may occur as premodifying. e. g. No man alive would ever think of such cruelty. 7. By (a) participles I and II and (b) participial phrases, characterizing the person or non-person through an action, process, or reaction. a) He made his way down the creaking stairs. b) There was a tiny smile playing about the corners of his mouth.

Examples of prepositive attributes reaching considerable length are met with in usual literary style. Examples of prepositive attributes reaching considerable length are met with in usual literary style. The younger, Leander, was above all young, it seemed to him, charmingly, crashingly so, with only a slightly greater than usual grace and a deep reserve to distinguish him from any of his friends who had joined them.

Such attributes can acquire enormous proportions in humorous writings, so that whole sentences with Such attributes can acquire enormous proportions in humorous writings, so that whole sentences with subordinate clauses are squeezed (сжаты) into them, as in the following example: Here are two possibilities only, and the threadbare variations are endlessly woven around them: the "I-ain't-askin'-no-questions-justtell-me-what-to-do" kind and the "My-God, -Henry, -you-must-believe-me" kind (which can also be described as the "Why-the-devil-can't-you-leave-my-wife-alone. Can't-you-see-she's-distraught" kind). They merely serve to show the unity of the syntactical formation functioning as an attribute