Operational maintenance Ancillary works • Work on meeting the aircraft - will be executed after each landing. • Work to ensure that parking - the waiting until the next departure more than 2 hours; - plane placed on the implementation of maintenance or storage; - plane is moved to another parking lot. • Work to ensure that departure of the aircraft - immediately before each flight; - after the forms service; - at a delay of up to 12 hours of departure.
Operational maintenance Form A 1 is satisfied: • before every flight unless required to do a form of A 2 or B; • at a delay of flight prepared to fly an airplane from 12 to 5 days; • before the flight after the periodical maintenance; • at regular fueling during training flights. • • • Form A 2 is satisfied: once a day after the scheduled flight; in a raid at least 5 hours after a previous form A 2, B; when preparing the aircraft for flight after being idle for more than 5 days if the aircraft is not placed on storage; before the flight after special maintenance; after controlling for aircraft overflight.
Operative Maintenance Line Maintenance B – is carried out: - Once in (15+5) days of regular operation (at performance at least one flight a day), if the next periodic maintenance is not required -before the flight after storage - before the aircraft operation after it’s receipting from the manufacturer
Periodic Maintenance It is appointed to: On flying time in hours – after every (300+60) и (5400± 300) flying time and values multiple to this sizes Cycle of periodic maintenance on flying time Flying time Works, which are carried out with periodicity (flight time) 300 600 900 1200 1800 600 900 + + 1200 1500 1800 ……. 5400 + + + …… 5400 +
7 - Біла
CAUTION AND EXTIRPATION OF ICE FORMATION Icing is formed on the surface of aircraft at ambient temperature lower than +5º C There are four types of ice formation: Rime and crystalline hoarfrost Is formed rapidly and is defined by not high consistency of cohesion with surface of aircraft Rime: from +5º till -10ºС; Hoarfrost : From -10º till -25ºС Granular hoarfrost Is formed at ambient temperature from -4º till -7ºС Friable structure with white-matted colour Is characterised by low adherence with case Ground surface icing Supercooled rain drops, drizzling rain or snow Is formed at temperature from 0 till -3ºС Dense ice deposition with durable adherence with case Combined deposits Are formed during changeable weather and temperature oscillations From +5º till -5ºс
CAUTION AND EXTIRPATION OF ICE FORMATION For prevention of ice formation is applied handling the surface of aircraft with special liquids which lower the temperature of water freezing «АРКТИКА» - 52% water solution of «ethylene glycol» + small quantity of emulsifier ОП-7 or ОП-10 for increasing penetrant function. Freezing temperature low than -37ºС. Decomposition period 24 hours «АРКТИКА» 200 – 70% water solution of «ethylene glycol» . Freezing temperature low than -55ºС. Decomposition period 2. 5 days ABC-3 Mk. 2 (England) – water solution of «polypropylene glycol» . Depending on concentration freezing temperature -60ºС. Decomposition period 5 -7 days