Скачать презентацию Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply Facilities Скачать презентацию Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply Facilities


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Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply Facilities in Sub-Saharan Africa For Public Relations Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply Facilities in Sub-Saharan Africa For Public Relations 1

Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply Facilities in Sub-Saharan Africa For Public Relations Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply Facilities in Sub-Saharan Africa For Public Relations 2

Adoption of Appropriate Technologies Rural Water Supply Project in Sub-Saharan Africa Problems in current Adoption of Appropriate Technologies Rural Water Supply Project in Sub-Saharan Africa Problems in current technologies n. Costly mechanical borehole drilling (especially for shallow groundwater)    n. Many hand pump types are repairable on community level but setting up of a spare Murama TA, Rwanda parts supply chain is difficult due to the unproductiveness of the work in many countries and the need to import spare parts and consumables. n. Operation and maintenance of a treatment plant with rapid filtration is costly because of needs for chemicals and skilled operators for appropriate adjustment. For rural water supply in developing countries, adoption of “appropriate technologies” with the following advantages compared to the current technologies Mtuwara District, Tanzania is expected. ・ Suitable to the local conditions ・ Use of the locally available resources ・ Limited initial investment, and possible fast diffusion with a small budget 3 ・ Low cost on O & M, and high sustainability

Adoption of Appropriate Technologies – Promotion of Rope Pump with Improved Traditional Well Ethiopia: Adoption of Appropriate Technologies – Promotion of Rope Pump with Improved Traditional Well Ethiopia: Water Sector Capacity Improvement Project in SNNP State Characteristics • Prevention of water contamination • Low production, setting up and repair costs • Easy manufacture, construction and maintenance • Materials from users’ own backyards • Practicable coupling with traditional well 4 Technical Issues • Inefficient for deep wells • Limited discharge; suitable for around 100 users or less • Difficult quality control against counterfeit

Adoption of Appropriate Technologies - Treatment with Slow Sand Filtration Slow sand filtration : Adoption of Appropriate Technologies - Treatment with Slow Sand Filtration Slow sand filtration : treatment system of low cost and easy operation  Sierra Leone: Project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Kambia District Rapid Sand Filtration System Destroyed during the Civil War Acceptable Water Quality Skilled operators and constant dosing of chemicals are required “Slow Sand Filtration System” Easy O&M Low cost treatment Sustainable under New Local Government Slow Sand Filtration Pond and Pump House, Rokpur Treatment Plant 5 Through this project, approximately 11, 000 people are benefited with safe water supply. The development of Slow Sand Filtration System to the other towns is being planned. This way of switching purification system is considered to be a national standard for rehabilitation of town water supply system.

    Need for Water Rate System to Spread Rural Water Supply Project in Sub-Saharan Africa     Need for Water Rate System to Spread Rural Water Supply Project in Sub-Saharan Africa Cost Recovery as a Rule – Users’ Responsibility to Bear the O & M Cost - For Hand pumps: costs for replacement of parts, repair of breakdown, renewal of hand pump, etc. - For Piped Water System: operation cost (power/fuel, repair), personnel cost Delay of fee collection causes stoppage of water supply, and this situation → Makes users return to previous, unsafe and far water sources; → Leads to health problems, such as an outbreak of cholera; and → Deprive the opportunities of productive activities and schooling due to the needs to fetch water from a distant source. Why water rate is not firmly established? l No awareness of the necessity to pay on the part of the people  l Mistrust on fee collection and financial management 6 Projects towards: • Motivation to pay for water • Enhancement of management capacity

Spreading Water Rate System Motivation to Pay Water Fee with Hygiene Education Senegal: Project Spreading Water Rate System Motivation to Pay Water Fee with Hygiene Education Senegal: Project for Safe Drinking Water and Community Activities (PEPTAC) Improve Sustainability of O & M Encourage Willingness to Pay for O & M Improve Users’ Hygiene Consciousness Conduct Hygiene Education for Users Development of educational tools and sharing them with other donors – picture story in local languages - Intelligible hygiene education with picture-story in local language (Senegal) 7 Making the community aware of the importance of paying for the use of facility through a trial calculation of economic losses, such as the cost of medical treatment as a result of drinking unsafe water. 7

Spreading Water Rate System Capacity Development for Financial Management Rwanda: Project for Improvement of Spreading Water Rate System Capacity Development for Financial Management Rwanda: Project for Improvement of Water and Sanitation in Eastern Province (PURA-SANI) Setting Rate Fee Collection Capacity Development of Tap Manager for Reliable fee collection Periodic money transfer with reporting Users’ Independent O&M Financial Management / Investment Capacity Development of treasures in Water Users’ Associations Controlling Water Supply Cost Tap managers collect water fee by the container at the public taps  8 Smooth and Transparent Fee Collection Reliable Financial Management Collected money is regularly transferred on the fixed day of a week Training for Treasurers - Keeping records and evidences of payment following the manual for bookkeeping - Reporting monthly

Maintenance of Hand Pumps Rural Water Supply Project in Sub-Saharan Africa Operation & Maintenance Maintenance of Hand Pumps Rural Water Supply Project in Sub-Saharan Africa Operation & Maintenance of Borehole with hand pump Why it has not been sustainable? ØNo repair technician nearby ØNo outlet of spare parts available near the users ØNo support from the government for isolated villages ØLimited government capacity to support communities 9 Proactive Approaches in JICA’s Projects Capacity Building of Local Mechanics n. Training, keeping and improvement of technical skills n. Monitoring of the tool kit leasing system to prevent worn-out or losing tools Setting up Spare Parts Supply Chain n. Training and establishment of outlets n. Improved sustainability through the provision of seed stock to create the revolving fund Strengthening Cooperation among Local Government, Communities and Local Mechanics n. Qualification and validation of technical skills and performance

Maintenance of Hand Pumps Project for the Sustainable Operation and Maintenance for Rural Water Maintenance of Hand Pumps Project for the Sustainable Operation and Maintenance for Rural Water Supply (SOMAP) The Project has wholly supported the O & M component of the National Rural Water Supply Programme , developed Guidelines and a Manual, and demonstrated their effectiveness in Zambia. Spare Parts Supply Chain   n Establishment of Spare Parts Supply Chain n Set up spare parts outlets at Commercial Utilities for the rural town water supply n Provision of seed stock parts to create the revolving    fund   Revolving Fund Spare Parts Wholesaler ⑤Parts ④Pay Spare Parts Outlets (Commercial Utilities for Town Water Supply or District Offices)    Parts  ⑦ ⑥ ③   :Payment Community ② ① Seed Stock 10 Spare Parts Outlet established under SOMAP Project (Mumbwa, Zambia) PROJECT (SOMAP) Sensitisation

Maintenance of Hand Pumps Training of Mechanics and Monitoring Their Performances through Tools Lending Maintenance of Hand Pumps Training of Mechanics and Monitoring Their Performances through Tools Lending System Project for the Sustainable Operation and Maintenance for Rural Water Supply (SOMAP) Introducing New Management System and Training under the Project Issues on Area Pump Menders n Keeping the necessary technical level n Wear and tear or loss of repair tools makes the repair work impossible n Lending tool kits to area pump menders from the storage at the Area Health Center. Monitoring their performance through submitted records.   Repair n Development of the SOMAP Model, which combines the repair work with a spare parts supply chain. Community Sensitisation Area Pump Mender (APM) Report on Repair Lending Tool Kit Area Development Committee (A D C) Training /Orientation PROJECT (SOMAP) 11 District Council Training

Licensing to Trained Pump Mechanics Project for Promotion of Sustainability in Rural Water Supply, Licensing to Trained Pump Mechanics Project for Promotion of Sustainability in Rural Water Supply, Hygiene and Sanitation in Zambezia Province, Mozambique t Training of Mechanics ID Card for Licensed Mechanic Validity: 1 year 12 r po e R Mechanic Re pa ir Allocation of mechanics based on the community list District / Region Three Way Agreement Community Re-training / Cancellation No Proper Perform ance? Yes Extension of Validity: 2 years l Issuance of licenses carrying a validity period to mechanics l Extension of license or re-training based on the evaluated performance l Coordination among LGAs (District/ Region), communities and mechanics (Three-way Agreement) l Improvement of skills of mechanics l Enhancement of the O & M system and improvement of the monitoring capacity of LGAs (District / Region)