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“Opening Your Eyes to New Business” Occupational Accident Insurance with and without Legal Liability “I never knew it was over a $100 million dollar premium industry” Andrew Mc. Millin Texas Independent Agent
Why Occupational Accident Insurance? • • Difficult Class Codes Small-Medium Size Businesses Affordable Premiums Price Buyers Fluctuating Payroll (Seasonal Payroll) Employer Controlled vs. Employee Controlled Family Owned Business Not Happy with Current System “Everybody has some type of account that needs this type of solution. I feel bad that some of my clients have been over paying for so long without me bringing them an alternative solution” Texas Independent Insurance Agent
Defining Occupational Accident Insurance with and without Liability? • OCC/ACC– American Fidelity Insurance--AFO • OCC/ACC with legal employers liability – Vanguard Insurance Plus Coverage--VIP “Being a small family restaurant I’m constantly looking how to decrease my overhead cost. I want to give my employees and family members coverage and Occupational Accident Insurance was the best alternative for me” Paul Dockter Small Restaurant Owner
Examples of Difficult Codes • • • 24 hour convenience stores Furniture Manufactures-Assembly Cabinet Shop Steel operations Carpentry Furniture Movers and Storage Farming/Harvesting Packing Sheds Mobile Home Delivery Nursing Homes Nursery and Landscapers “Having a seasonal business one constant issue I faced was paying for Workers Compensation when my payroll dropped in half. Having monthly reporting gives me the flexibility I need. ” Jauvier Estrada Houston Landscaper
American Fidelity Occupational Accident Program(without Legal) • Provides employers with indemnifications for a period of either 104 or 156 weeks from an employee’s date of injury, which covers the employee’s medical bills and time off from work due to an on-the-job injury. The Coverage can only be provided to Agents with a Group 1 License. “It’s better than having no coverage at all. Could not afford workers compensation and my wife kept telling me we had to have some type of protection. ” Robert Hayes Owner of a Auto Mechanic Shop
Republic Vanguard Occupational Accident Program (Includes Legal Liability) • Provides, in addition to medical and disability, Employers Liability Coverage for the selected period of 104 or 156 weeks. This Coverage can only be provided to Agents with a General License- Property and Casualty “This VIP product has saved my business over 50% in monthly premiums. I feel I have more control of my benefits and I still protect myself and organization. ” Dave Bourhous Steel Fabricator Corporation
Agent Benefits How does OCC/ACC benefit my agency? • • • New Market Opportunities Increase Commission Cross-Selling Current Customers Increase Customer Base If You do not present OCC/ACC Someone else Will “Showing this alternative saved me this account. The added bonus is that I increased my commissions. ” Clay Hill first Non-Subscription policy he ever sold.
Non-Subscription Express Top 10 Quoted Class Codes in August 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Restaurants Auto Repair Carpentry Cabinets and Furniture Clerical Home Healthcare Landscapers Motels Plumbers Farming Industry ADDRESSING THE BENEFIT • Difficult Class Codes • Seasonal Industries • Family Operated Business • Industry Driven “I have achieved my goal of providing occupational injury coverage for a wide range of exposures to the small to medium size businesses. The employers now has the opportunity to pick the policy that best insures their needs with competitive premiums. ” Edmund Dabrowski, Combined Group Chief Underwriting Officer.
Providing the Agent the Competitive Advantage • • • Non-Subscription Express Quoting Engine Direct Underwriting (CG controls the Underwriting Pen) Dual Price Quotes Expanded Class Codes Competitive Premiums “I tell my CSR’s to quote Occ/Acc with and without legal every time. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. We might not close the deal on Occ/Acc, but we sure get to see the account for all his other insurance needs. ” West Texas Independent Agent who wants to remain Anonymous
Non-Subscription Express Quoting Engine • Internet Driven for Real-Time Quotes • Only Tool in the Market that Quotes both Occ/Acc with and without Legal • Adjustable Commissions • Lower Policy Fee’s • Preliminary Underwriting “FIRST IN WINS” “Giving Combined agents tools to be successful is one of my top priorities. By leading and designing the Non-Subscription Express we have given our valued agents the tool to be the market leaders. We will set the industry standard for Occupational Accident Insurance with and without legal. ” Blake Stock, CEO Combined Group
Policies Purchased from Combined…Serviced at Combined • • TPA paid by Anchor Claims Medical Claims via online for real-time reporting Loss Control on Staff Underwriting and Claims paid, done 100% In-House “When submitting my first claim I already expected a runaround. I felt lucky it went so easy. After I submitted my second I realized that is the way they service my account. ” Occupational Accident Customer
Hear from you Soon Lance Johnson • 1. 800. 275. 3193 ext. 831 • 469. 892. 9831 Ljohnson@combinedgroup. com If you do not have your login and password for Non –Subscription Express please contact Lance directly.