Opening the modern intellectual school.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 10
Opening the modern intellectual school Prepared: Zhumabekov Nurbol
Project Description Education is considered as an important sphere of society in Kazakhstan. Every year educational requirements increase to pupils who wants to continue studying and to be well-educated. Therefore, construction of modern intellectual school is necessary in Zhanakorgan region. In case of opening this school, supposed pupils can study in good condition in own region, intellectual pupils of region will increase authority of region’s educational department and also creation of new workplace
Project Description Equipped with modern facilities, smart classrooms, interactive whiteboards, advanced laboratories for physics, chemistry, biology, nanotechnology and biotechnology, as well as the offices of robotics, technical modeling, technology and the arts.
Project requirements a. Fits within the budget b. Starts on time c. Successful passing the exams of pupils and qualified teachers Project boundaries a. Location: Zhanakorgan region b. Pupils: knowledge of 3 languages c. Teachers: high category of qualification Project constraints and limits a. Budget b. Schedule c. 300 school –desk and 100 beds for pupils
Type Costs of project Benefits of project Costs and Benefits Summary description The initial estimate is $5000, 000 - creating modern educational center in this region(Zhanakorgan district) - opening the new labor place - pupils can study in good condition school (those who want to study in an intellectual school they do not move to the city) - pupils can participate all competition at level of regional , republic, international etc - increasing this district’s educational indicators (all intelligent pupils of district will stay here and will show their achievements by this district )
Initial defined risks a. Lately starting the construction cause of another projects of architect b. Location of school may change. c. Lack of qualified teachers. d. Execution of documents may take more time than established e. Equipment is bought from abroad, South Korea. The shipment may take more time than established
Work–breakdown structure
Project oriented organizational structure
Project schedule
Project Budget
Opening the modern intellectual school.pptx