- Количество слайдов: 22
Opening Question: What is one activity that you do / have done / have seen done where students are engaged in the learning process? http: //2. bp. blogspot. com/xtw. UHp. VH 5 II/TZEQ 3 t 7 uqg. I/AAAAABU/Tf 4 Bu. K 0 T r. DA/s 1600/bored-class-average-teacher. jpg http: //www. 21 stcenturyschools. com/excited_stud ents. jpg
Definitions of Blended Learning: Heather Staker, Innosight Institute: “Blended learning is any time a student learns at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home and at least in part through online delivery with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace. ”
Station-rotation model, KIPP LA Empower Academy Flex model, San Francisco Flex Academy From: “Classifying K-12 Blended Learning”, Heather Staker and Michael B. Horn, Innosight Institute, 2012
Definitions of Blended Learning: Catlin Tucker, teacher and blogger: “…A formal education program in which a student is engaged in active learning at least in part online where they have some control over the time, place, and/or pace and in part at a brick and mortar location away from home. ”
What is Blended Learning? Te a exp cher ert ise Stude nts’ in nate curio sity ols o O e T n nli pen / o ce ness n atie ded P min Engaging Efficient Effective F 2 F envir onment http: //forsythwoman. com/blog/wpcontent/uploads/2011/06/strawberry-smoothie. jpg
Te ac Co inp he nte ut r k nt- s: Ro now spe Fe le-m ledg cific ed od e As bac elin se ss k an g me d nt ts: e pu dg n l I owle e cia l kn edg o S nta owl ng are er kn odeli a P Foundational Inputs: Biological factors Psychological factors Knowledge through reflection Pe le -m medi Ro cial edia So er m Oth
14. You find a desperate chemistry teacher who is willing to buy aqueous solutions of Na. OH for $5 a liter, as long as the solution has a p. H of at least 10. 50 (more basic is ok, less basic is not). You have 225 m. L of Na. OH solution with a p. H of 12. 10, and access to free water and a stirring rod. a) How much water do you add to your original base solution to maximize your profits? b) What is the most money you can hope to make in this scenario? 15. Alfie mixes equal volumes of two Li. OH solutions, one with p. H = 8. 0 and the other with p. H = 11. 0. What is the p. H of the resulting solution? 16. Find the p. H of a solution made by adding 55. 0 m. L of 0. 0030 M HCl to 9. 0 m. L of 0. 020 M HNO 3. 17. How many grams of Ba(OH)2 are needed to make 395 m. L of p. H 10. 38 solution? 18. HF is a poisonous weak acid that has historically been used to etch glass. It has a Ka= 7. 2 x 10 -4. What is the p. H of a 0. 020 M solution of HF? 10
What did you see in the video that is similar to what you might see in a brick-and-mortar classroom assignment? What did you see that is different? 16
Angular Momentum Light and Vision Circular Motion Friction Work, Energy, and Power
Students learn about light, reflection, and refraction by conducting an analysis of different safety mirrors and reflectors Students learn about angular momentum and how it pertains to braking. Students learn about circular motion by building a wheel Students analyze different tire treads and skid marks to learn about friction. Students learn about work, energy, and power through an in-depth examination of and construction of a bicycle drivetrain.
Inquiry and Experimentation: How much more energy must a cyclist exert if she rides 300 m with two stop signs than a cyclist riding the same distance in the same amount of time with no stop signs? http: //sf. streetsblog. org/wp-content/uploads/2009/03_26/Bike_stop_sign. jpg
Project Learning: What factors make bicycling accidents more likely at certain intersections than others? Students can analyze electronic data and engineer a bicycling safety device based on their analysis. http: //www. streetsblog. org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Crash. Stat. Kids. jpg
Service Learning: Students can devise service projects: building bicycles from spare parts, and donating them to local bike charities; or teaching bicycle maintenance to other students. http: //farm 5. static. flickr. com/4133/5165379130_c 4 f 61 ec 3 e 8. jpg