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Open. SAF Developer Day Meeting Logistic Open. SAF Developer Day Meeting Logistic

Meeting Venue Host: Huawei Technologies Date: JUN 3 rd – JUN 4 th 2009 Meeting Venue Host: Huawei Technologies Date: JUN 3 rd – JUN 4 th 2009 Technical meetings: Venue: • • June 3 rd, 4 th Huawei Base, Bantian, Longgang District, Shenzhen 518129, P. R. China Meeting room: • Huawei Training Center J 2(room number TBD) -2 -

Suggested Hotels: Futian Shangri-La - Located in the heart of Futian business district, Shezhen Suggested Hotels: Futian Shangri-La - Located in the heart of Futian business district, Shezhen (+86 755 8828 4088) - http: //www. shangri-la. com/en/property/shenzhen/futianshangrila - Huawei Rate RMB 943 per day including Breakfast and free internet access. (15% service fee not included) Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Shenzhen - Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza is located in the Futian business district(+86 755 3500888 ) - http: //www. accorhotels. com/gb/hotel-6558 -grand-mercure-oriental-ginzashenzhen/index. shtml - Huawei Rate RMB 460 per day including Breakfast free internet access. Other available hotels please contact Richar for details (Richar will update this list when he confirmed the price with the hotels). Only these who book rooms via Huawei agency(mailto: zx 5337@huawei. com) can get the Huawei Rate. Please send your infomation, check in and check out date to us. -3 -

Map from Futian distinct to Huawei Base • About 30 minutes by car • Map from Futian distinct to Huawei Base • About 30 minutes by car • Huawei will offer a bus from “Futian Shangri-La and Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Shenzhen” hotels to meeting Venue at 7: 20 am • Futian Shangri-La set off at 7: 10 am • Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Shenzhen set off at 7: 20 am • You can also get Huawei Base by cab, less that 100 RMB. -4 -

Social Events l Social event (hosted by Open. SAF,Tue JUN 3 nd 17: 30~20: Social Events l Social event (hosted by Open. SAF,Tue JUN 3 nd 17: 30~20: 00) Attendee: all Dinner: Delicious Chinese food, Chinese alcohol and beer Location: Huawei VIP Guest Restaurant l Contacts: Richar Zhang +86 755 28976276 or +86 13424187711 (mobile) email: zx 5337@huawei. com Cheryl Xu +86 755 28976790 or +86 13923760117 (mobile) email: xtt@huawei. com -5 -

Directions to Pavilion Hotel • From Shenzhen Airport • Take the red color taxi Directions to Pavilion Hotel • From Shenzhen Airport • Take the red color taxi (not green color, green color taxi is not allowed to downtown) to the Futian Shangri-La hotel. It is about 35 KM and take about 100 RMB. • The taxi driver may just know hotel’s Chinese name, which is ‘xiang ge li la’. • From Hong Kong Airport Option 1(recommand): • Take shuttle bus to Huang gang Customs(45 -minute drive, Rate 150 RMB), transfer to taxi to the Pavilion hotel. • There also some shuttle bus (not luxury car) can take you direct to your hotel in Shenzhen, ask the shuttle agency when you arrive at Hong Kong airport(60 -minutes drive, Rate 180200 RMB). Option 2 : • Do not go through any passport control at Hong Kong airport, just go to ferry for Shenzhen. You do the PRC paperwork (documents available on the ferry) and on arrival to Shenzhen (Shekou Ferry), you go through passport control with the ready paperwork (and valid visa) and you are in China ! • Once arrived to Shekou Ferry, take the taxi to the Futian Shangri-La Hotel. It is about 30 KM and take 80 -100 RMB. • The easiest and fastest way from Hong Kong airport to Shenzhen Shekou Ferry is to take boat. Do not worry if you enter Hong Kong at airport. It is just takes you a little more time to Shenzhen. There a lot of trains and buses to Shenzhen from Hong Kong Downtown.

Directions to Shenzhen Ferry from Hong Kong Airport Directions to Shenzhen Ferry from Hong Kong Airport

The Map of Huawei Base Meeting date: June 3 th&4 th Meeting place: J The Map of Huawei Base Meeting date: June 3 th&4 th Meeting place: J 1 Training Center Meiguan Expressway F A F 1 Chong Zhi Road E N J Jia Xian Road C Wu He Road B G D -8 -

Google map of Huawei Base F 2 Social Events F J Meiguan Expressway J Google map of Huawei Base F 2 Social Events F J Meiguan Expressway J 2 meeting Venue -9 -