- Количество слайдов: 22
Open Management n n Introduction Open Approaches for Management Issues in Open Management Conclusions Network Management 1
Introduction n Open Management n n Automated Network and Systems Management in a Non-Proprietary, Widely Accepted Standard Fashion. OSI Management (ISO/ITU-T). Internet Management. Not Limited to CMIP and SNMP. Network Management 2
Why Open Management n Interoperability n n Portability n n Ability of individual components within an open management environment to exchange information (i. e. , interworking) Ability to easily place management functions in various platforms. Integration n Integration of lower-level, individual (e. g. element management) systems to achieve higher-level, integrated management (e. g. , service management). Network Management 3
Manager-Agent Model Management Operation MA R MO Response Event Manager Agent Communication Protocols Network Legend: MA: Manager Applications MO: Managed Objects R: Real Resource Network Management 4
Management Components n n Manager Agent Management Communication Protocol Management Information Base (MIB) n Collection of Managed Objects Network Management 5
Object-Oriented Management Model ORB v Objects: Application, Service, MO, . . . v ORB: Object Request Broker Network Management 6
Open Approaches for Management n Manager-Agent Model n n Object-Oriented Management Model n n ISO/ITU-T OSI Management (CMIP) IETF Internet Management (SNMP) X/Open XMP/XOM API OMG's CORBA Specific Management Domain n ITU-T TMN Network Management 7
OSI Management Common Management Information Protocol SMI/GDMO SMFs MAs SMASE MO . . . SMASE CMISE ACSE CMISE ROSE OSI Protocol Stack . . . SMASE ACSE CMIS/P Link ROSE OSI Protocol Stack Link Network Management 8
SMFs Systems Management Functions Applications SMFAs CM FM PM SM AM Object Management Attributes for Representing Relationships Alarm Reporting Management Event Reporting Management Log Control Security Alarm Reporting Security Audit Trail Objects and Attributes for Access Control Accounting Metering SMFs State Management Workload Monitoring Test Management Summarization CMIS Get Set Action Cancel Get Event Report Lower Layer Services Network Management Delete Create 9
Internet Management Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP MA SMI Set/Get. Next Req. Get Resp. Trap Manager R MO Agent UDP/IP IP Network (Internet) Network Management 10
What's New in SNMPv 2 n No more Trap PDU, 3 New PDUs: n get. Bulk. Req, Inform. Req, SNMPv 2 -Trap n Added Security 18 Error Status Values SNMPv 2 SMI / SNMPv 2 MIB M-to-M Communications Table Operations n . . . n n Network Management 11
CMIP vs. SNMP CMIP SNMP GDMO Object-Oriented 7 Service Primitives Internet SMI Object-Based 5 Messages Connection-Oriented Connectionless Event-Oriented Scoping/Filtering Polling Get. Next Global Naming (X. 500) Security Mechanism OSI Seven Layers Local Naming (OID) Community Name Internet TCP/IP Network Management 12
X/Open XMP/XOM n n X/Open = Portability XMP n n n Provide CMIS and SNMP Service API. Recognizes Both GDMO and SNMP MOs. XOM n n n Maps ASN. 1 data to a uniform data structure "om_object". Provide API for the manipulation of om_objects. Base for XMP Interface. Network Management 13
OMG's CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture n Object Management Architecture Application Objects Common Facilities Object Request Broker Object Services Network Management 14
ΣΧΕΣΗ ΤΜΝ & ΤΗΛΕΠ/ΚΟΥ ΔΙΚΤΥΟΥ Operation System TMN Operation System Δίκτυο Επικοινωνίας Δεδομένων DCN Σύστημα Μεταγωγής Σύστημα Μετάδοσης Work Stations Σύστημα Μεταγωγής Τηλεπικοινωνιακό Δίκτυο Network Management 15
ΣΤΡΩΜΑΤΑ ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗΣ ΔΙΚΤΥΟΥ × × Επιχειρησιακή Διαχείριση (BML) × Διαχείριση Δικτύου (NML) × Διαχείριση Στοιχείων Δικτύου (EML) × Στοιχεία Δικτύου (NE) Διαχείριση Υπηρεσιών (SML) Network Management 16
ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΙΚΗ TMN ΣΤΟΝ OTE TMN A΄ Επίπεδο Δίκτυο Επικοινωνίας Δεδομένων Αθήνα TMN B΄ Επίπεδο …… BML SML NML SML, NML EML TMN Γ΄ Επίπεδο, 42 Θέσεις EML Στοιχεία Δικτύου Network Management 17
Issues in Open Management n n n n Standardization is always in progress. Options in standards will be an interoperability barrier. Interoperability Testing. Interworking among standards. XMP/XOM API Complexity. Coexistence with Legacy systems. . Network Management 19
Potential Solutions n n n International Standard Profiles (ISPs). Agreements and Specifications of NM Forum, OMG, X/Open, OSF, . . . IIMC (ISO/ITU-T and Internet Management Coexistence) A New CMIS API. Open Management Edge (OME). Network Management 20
Conclusion n n Open management is a big trend. From element management to service management. OSI management systems emerge. TMN: a focal point Network Management 21
End of Fifth Lecture Network Management 22