- Количество слайдов: 13
Open House 2015 -2016 Ms. Dreumont Mrs. Ripley Mrs. Traylor
Planners Objectives will be written in planners daily Behavior/conduct will be in planners daily · Green-Stamp · Yellow-Warning- 5 points off weekly conduct grade · Orange/Red- Conduct mark- 10 points off of weekly conduct grade *Please read and initial daily in your child’s planner
Xtra. Math and IXL are math programs that will be used in the classroom along with district math curriculum Xtra. Math- Practice of addition and subtraction facts IXL- Is organized by skill and covers money, time, graphs, addition, subtraction, measurement, and much more on a first grade level. High achieving students can also access other grade levels when they master first grade skills Xtra. Math and IXL can be accessed at home. Your child’s teacher will give you login and more information for home access. https: //www. ixl. com/math/grade-1
I-Station is a computer based reading support program. Students will be given a monthly assessment at the beginning of each month to determine their tier. Tier 1 - On grade level or above Tier 2 - In need of moderate intervention Tier 3 - In need of severe intervention I-Station covers spelling, comprehension, alpha-decoding, fluency, phonics, and vocabulary. I-Station will determine your child’s level and place them accordingly. Students will be on different levels and will access I-Station according to their tier. Students who are on Tier 1 will access I-Station during their specials computer lab time once a week. Students who are Tier 2 or Tier 3 will access I-Station in computer lab and also in the classroom. ***Home access is also available for I-Station
Reading Logs Please read a minimum of 20 minutes each night. Please log the book, minutes read, and initial nightly. 600 minutes must be read for the 1 st and 2 nd 9 weeks to meet reading goal Questions to ask your child while reading at home:
Accelerated Reading (AR) In order to be eligible for the end of year AR Party all 9 weeks reading goals must be met: 1 st 9 weeks: 600 minutes read in reading log and signed 2 nd 9 weeks: 600 minutes read in reading log and signed 3 rd 9 weeks: 10 non-fiction books read and a 85% or higher avg. 4 th 9 weeks: 15 non-fiction books read and a 85% or higher avg. Students will take a STAR Reading test to determine the range of books that they may check out in the library. AR tests are 5 multiple choice comprehension questions over the book. Students will begin taking AR test once they have reached a reading level of 10 or higher. *Students can not take AR test at home but parents can log on and see the scores and results of tests that are taken at school.
Spelling · Starting September 14 your child will receive a weekly spelling list that will also have dictation sentences. Your child will also have nightly spelling homework in addition to reading and phonics. Spelling homework will consist of: · · · Monday- write spelling words 3 times each Tuesday- write 5 sentences using spelling words Wednesday- write words in ABC order Thursday- study for test Friday- Spelling/dictation test
Thank you for coming and let’s have a great year!