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Stages of “Sofia Metro Extension Project” from OP Transport
STAGE I: Section “Road junction Nadezhda (МS 5) – Central Raiway Station – Sveta Nedelya sq. – Cherni Vrah blvd. (МS 11)” : Length: 6, 4 km and 7 metro stations, two underground parking lots - 800 spaces Cost: 247 million euros incl. 185 million euros by OP Transport – 157 million euros by European Regional Development Fund and 28, 8 million euros by the National Fund. Co-financing by SM - 61, 9 Mln euros+VAT. Start - 2009. Putting in operation – autumn of 2012. Approval by the European Committee - 21. 09. 2009. STAGE ІІ: Lot 1 (Section “Obelya- Nadezhda – Road junction Nadrezhda”) and Lot 2 (Section “Mladost І - Mladost ІІІ – Tsarigradsko Shose blvd. ” Lot 1 – Lenght 4, 2 km and 4 metro stations, including: 1, 35 km on overhead road with 1 station and 2, 85 underground with 3 stations and a buffer parking lot under Lomsko Shose blvd. with 600 parking spaces. Lot 2 – Length 2, 5 km with 2 metro stations and a buffer parking lot under Tsarigradsko Shose with 1300 Parking spaces. Total amount of investments: 212 mln. euros CAW and 99 mln. euros rolling stock, out of which: By OP Transport -250 mln euros incl. 200 mln euros by the Cohesion Fund; Co-financing by SM - 61 mln euros + VAT. Application Form – submitted to MA in November 2010 and to EC in February 2011
Main natures implemented at the section of Stage I of the project - Excavation works Concrete works Reinforced concrete segments Shutterings Reinforcement Water-proofing Torcret Reinforced concrete diaphragm walls Reinforced concrete pilots Water sewerage Power and weak current pipe networks Lining and flooring Railway road and third rail Supply of TPS by Siemens and other Power equipment by “Telefonika” Germany “Telefonika” Equipment for dispatch connections by Erricson Equipment of relay premises Week current systems Dispatch control and radio connection El-mechanical part (escalators, lifts, ventilators, power tables, etc. ) ventilators, etc. ) - 750 000 m 3 750 170 000 m 3 170 11 800 pcs 60 000 m 2 38 000 t 38 90 000 m 2 65 000 m 2 46 000 m 2 6 500 m 1 4 500 m 1 6 000 m 1 2 500 м 2 supplied for 12, 8 km, installed - 2, 2 km km, - 70% supplied - 8 base stations + optic were supplied for 7 stations. 70% produced stations. 75% of the equipment was supplied 60% of the equipment was supplied 50% produced, supply - December 2011 produced, 60% supplied
Optimal schedule of execution of Project’s Stage І : - main schedule ; - execution
Technological scheme of construction of the tunnels by the German mechanized tunneling machine Herrenchneht in this section – “Road junction Nadezhda – Central Railway Station – Sveta Nedelya sq. – P. Evtimiy (МS 5 -II – MS 9 -II)
New Austrian Tunneling Method - the tunnel under Cherni Vrah blvd. - 780 m Completed structure of the tunnel – May 2011 11. 2010 03. 2011
Technological solutions for construction of stations Construction in strengthened ditch Construction by trench (Top Down) method
Lavov Most station (МS 7 -ІІ) (65% constructed) Construction scheme in the section of subway connections and on the platform (cut-and-cover and trench method) Completed part of the structures before the passing of the tunneling machine through the station – April 2011
NDK station (МS 9) (75% completed) 2 km long completed railway road in section МS 9 -II - МS 10 -II Architecture Design Preparation works before starting of the architectural works of the platform – May 2011 Part of the completed railway road
Station MS 10 (Hemus) (80% completed) Architecture Design Implementation of architectural works on the platform - May 2011
Constructional scheme of Lozenets station and the execution of this station by the Top Down Method – April 2011
Construction of MS 8 -II at Sveta Nedelya sq. according to modified New Austrian Tunneling Method – Phases of construction of platform with opening of 21 m and height – 16 m - April 2011
Stage ІІ – Progress of Lot 1 and Lot 2 Investments amount of the signed contracts of Stage ІІ Real execution and planned execution in the schedules up to April 2011 Lot 1: “Obelya – Road junction Nadezhda" 64% of the contracted works – amount of investments, rolling stock excluded 114 mln euros ( 178 mln euros incl. rolling stock) – amount of the signed contracts - 68, 5 mln euros Lot 2: “Mladost – Tsarigradsko Shose blvd. ” – investments amount rolling stock excluded - 98 mln euros (131 mln euros rolling stock included) ( 61% according to the schedule)(rolling stock excluded) Executed volume of CAW – 45, 3 mln euros 68 % (64% according to the schedule) (rolling stock excluded) ; Executed volume of CAW – 74 mln euros
Stage II. Main natures implemented at the section of Lot 1 and Lot 2 from Stage II of the project - Excavation works Concrete works Reinforced concrete segments Shutterings Reinforcement Water-proofing Torcret Reinforced concrete diaphragm walls Reinforced concrete pilots Water sewerage Power and weak current pipe networks Lining and flooring Railway road and third rail Supply of TPS by Siemens and other Power equipment by “Telefonika” Germany “Telefonika” Equipment for dispatch connections by Erricson Equipment of relay premises Week current systems Dispatch control and radio connection El-mechanical part (escalators, lifts, ventilators, power tables, etc. ) ventilators, etc. ) - 680 000 m 3 160 90 000 pcs 000 42 000 m 2 4 500 t 500 140 000 m 2 48 000 m 2 110 000 m 2 45 000 m 1 6 500 m 1 7 600 m 1 1 500 м 2 supplied for 4, 4 km, installed - 1, 0 km 4, km, 1, 2 TPS contracted 30% supplied incl. 2 base stations + optic supplied 50% produced for 2 stations. 60% produced stations. 40% of the equipment was supplied 40% 40% produced, supply - December 2011 40% produced,
Optimal schedule of execution of Project’s Stage ІI : - main schedule ; - execution
Layout and longitudinal section of the route of Lot 1 (section “Obelya – Nadezhda overpass”)
Construction of trestle section and of the tunnels in the section Obelya station and Nadezhda overpass (55% completed) Construction of the trestle Obelya station – Lomsko shose blvd – 04. 2010 – 03. 2011 Construction of tunnel between МS 3 -II and МS 4 -II by cut-and-cover method – 11. 2010
Construction of Nadezhda station and Han Kubrat station under Lomsko Shose blvd. (68% complete) Construction of Nadezhda station before the start of architecture works - April 2011 Han Kubrat station before construction of the roof slab’s structure - January 2011
Layout and longitudinal section of the route of Lot 2 (section “Mladost 1 – Tsarigradsko Shose blvd. )
Construction of the section “Mladost 1 – Tsarigradsko Shose blvd. ” (64% completed) Construction of single-road tunnels under Al. Saharov blvd. – July 2010 – March 2011 Construction of buffer parking lot at Tsarigradsko Shose blvd. with 1300 parking spaces to the metro station under the same boulevard of the route “Mladost – Airport” March 2011
Mladost 3 station (70% completed) Execution of the supporting structure of the station according to the cut-and-cover method – May 2011 Draft of the Architecture design of Mladost 3
Solution of main transport, social and ecological issues of Sofia with Stage І and Stage ІІ of the Sofia Metro Extension Project included in OP Transport Increase of the share of metro in the public transport system from 16% to 32% 3, 5 km/year (OP Transport) 3, 5 км/год 1, 7 km/year 1, 8 км/год 0, 4 km/year 0, 4 км/год Reduction of the traffic with 25% incl. the reduction resulted by the buffer parking lots at the end stations of the metro in this project Time savings - 65 000 hrs/day Reduction of the air pollution with 70 thousand tones harmful substances per year
Public benefits of the completion of Stage І and Stage ІІ of Sofia Metro Extension Project (sections from Line 1 and Line 2) - Number of transported passengers - High transport capacity - High speed of travel - Duration of trip to the city center - Share in the public transport system - Traffic reduction - Reduction of traffic accidents - Reduction of green house gasses - Reduction of the noise level in the city - Saved time of the citizens of Sofia - Annual direct and indirect economic effect - 400 thousand pass. /day - 50 thous. pass. /hr - up to 80 km/hr. - 10 -12 minutes - 38 % - 25 % - 18 % - 70, 5 thousand tones/year - 15 -20 % - 130 thousand hrs/day - 42 mln euros
Site visits at the project’s implementation by the European Parliament and the European Committee - 2009 - 2011 European Parliament - 1 visit; European commissioners – 3 visits; Representatives of the EC - 2 visits; Printed issues of the EC and EP – 3 visits Head of the Committee of Regional Policy in the EC Danuta Hubner - 2011 European commissioner for Regional Policy Paweł Samecki - 2009
Measures for information and communication In compliance with Regulation 1828/2006 of EC there are planned and undertaken are the following: - Official events for opening and ending of the project; - Put up a billboard at the site of each section of the project, during its implementation; - Put up a permanent explanatory plaque that is visible and of significant size no later than six months after completion of project (at each metro station); - Constant publishing of information regarding the implementation of the Project. - Printed information materials regarding the project and its progress. All the information and events are coordinated with the Managing Authority of OP Transport in advance. They are informing the public about the assistance obtained from the EU Funds.
Official starting ceremony 14. 12. 2008 The event was highly reflected in the mass media – national and local newspapers, central emissions of the news on the national TV and radio channels.
Design and location of a billboard put up at a construction site of the Project. Billboards are two-sided, located on cross section and hense visible from the people passing near the location.
The Sofia Metro Extension Project is a difficult project which is implemented in an urban environment. It’s First Stage is representing the central part of Line 2 and a great part of it passes through the center of the city. Although the implementation of the project is planned and executed without full closing of streets, inevitable was a reorganization of part of the public transport. To limit the negative reaction of the public, Metropoliten prepared a press releases before the planned reorganization along with schemes of the new direction of the public transport Lines.
The tunnel boring machine, branded with the symbols of the EU funding and the OP Transport before the ceremony of its official accepting. The ceremony took place on 08. 12. 2009 in the factory of Herrenchneht, Germany in the presence of the Prime Minister of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov.
Printed materials, prepared for different events and occasions. They contain a lot of information regarding the progress of the construction process, as well as present pictures of construction sites and 3 D plans of station’s architecture designs.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Eng. Stoyan Bratoev, Ph. D “Metropoliten” JSC Sofia, 17. 05. 2011