
  • Количество слайдов: 49


 • Company based in Brantford. • Dan Cole - Owner and Manager. • • Company based in Brantford. • Dan Cole - Owner and Manager. • Mike Triska – Engineering and Energy Audits. • Installation crew of 4 headed up by our master electrician with 6 yrs experience in PV and small wind.

 • A brief overview of solar energy is required in order to make • A brief overview of solar energy is required in order to make sure the over all concept of today’s presentation is understood

Solar Energy Solar energy is a renewable resource that is free, readily available, environmentally Solar Energy Solar energy is a renewable resource that is free, readily available, environmentally friendly and necessary for all life on earth. Solar energy can be used in many ways - to provide heat, lighting, mechanical power and electricity, which is what we are focusing on here today.

Photovoltaics (PV) § dc electricity is generated from sunlight by using photovoltaic (PV) solar Photovoltaics (PV) § dc electricity is generated from sunlight by using photovoltaic (PV) solar cells.

§ These cells are semiconductor devices, usually made of silicon, which contain no liquids, § These cells are semiconductor devices, usually made of silicon, which contain no liquids, corrosive chemicals or moving parts. The PV panels require little maintenance, do not pollute, and operate silently, making photovoltaic energy a very clean and safe method of power generation.


MONOCRYSTALINE CELLS: § High quality starting § § § material (same a computer chips) MONOCRYSTALINE CELLS: § High quality starting § § § material (same a computer chips) Highest cell efficiency (14% to 17%) Most expensive Original type of PV cell Depends on direct sunlight (not so good on cloudy days) Most sensitive to heat

POLYCRYSTALINE CELLS: § Most common type § cell efficiency 13% to 15% § Less POLYCRYSTALINE CELLS: § Most common type § cell efficiency 13% to 15% § Less expensive to manufacture than mono § Less temperature sensitive

THIN FILM CELLS: § Thin layers vacuum § § § evaporated onto glass Cell THIN FILM CELLS: § Thin layers vacuum § § § evaporated onto glass Cell efficiency currently 5% to 8% New technology Silicon and other materials (e. g. first solar CIGS) Less sensitive to temperature Works better in indirect light than crystalline cells Potentially much cheaper

§ Using an Inverter, the DC electricity from the Solar PV is converted to § Using an Inverter, the DC electricity from the Solar PV is converted to AC, then its fed through a meter, in the case of FIT, to measure the amount produced, and then it is all sold to the grid.



ANTI-ISLANDING PROTECTION (UL 1741, IEEE 1547, CSA C 22. 2 No. 107. 1 STANDARDS) ANTI-ISLANDING PROTECTION (UL 1741, IEEE 1547, CSA C 22. 2 No. 107. 1 STANDARDS) § Grid-tied inverters that meet the above standards § § will shut off if they do not detect the presence of the utility grid to prevent and ‘Island’ An inverter designed for grid-tie operation will have anti-islanding protection built in; it will inject small pulses that are slightly out of phase with the AC electrical system in order to cancel any stray resonances that may be present when the grid shuts down. Required by ESA-SPEC-004

§ This brings us to the question… § This brings us to the question…

What is a Feed in Tariff? § Basic terms – you generate renewable electricity, What is a Feed in Tariff? § Basic terms – you generate renewable electricity, the Ontario Power Authority buys it from you through your Local Distribution Company.

§ Ontario's feed-in tariff is North America's first comprehensive guaranteed pricing structure for renewable § Ontario's feed-in tariff is North America's first comprehensive guaranteed pricing structure for renewable electricity production. It offers stable prices under a long-term 20 yr contract.

§ The FIT Program was enabled by the Green § § Energy and Green § The FIT Program was enabled by the Green § § Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009 which was passed into law on May 14, 2009. The Ontario Power Authority is responsible for implementing the program. FIT came online the end of September 2009. There have been over 21, 000 applications submitted and 14, 000 approvals and 1, 800 contracts offered. 99% of these are for Solar PV.

Goals of FIT § help Ontario phase out coal-fired electricity § help replace generating Goals of FIT § help Ontario phase out coal-fired electricity § help replace generating capacity from soon to be retired nuclear plants § boost economic activity and the development of renewable energy technologies § create green industries and jobs.

§ The program is divided into two streams - FIT and micro. FIT. The § The program is divided into two streams - FIT and micro. FIT. The FIT Program is for renewable energy projects over 10 k. W, any projects under 10 k. W are classed as Micro FIT.

§ The made-in-Ontario FIT Program combines lessons learned from FIT programs in Germany, Spain, § The made-in-Ontario FIT Program combines lessons learned from FIT programs in Germany, Spain, Denmark. § Canada is far behind many other countries in the deployment of renewable energy

FIT and MICRO-FIT PRICE SCHEDULE – SOLAR PV (From: http: //fit. powerauthority. on. ca/Page. FIT and MICRO-FIT PRICE SCHEDULE – SOLAR PV (From: http: //fit. powerauthority. on. ca/Page. asp? Page. ID=924&Content. ID=10543) (AS OF 13 AUG 2010)

What is required to participate? § Proper location is critical. § Rule # 1 What is required to participate? § Proper location is critical. § Rule # 1 - stick it where the sun shines! § For every k. W of PV we need 100 sq feet (10’ X 10’) of south facing sloped roof or 200 sq ft (10’ X 20’) of flat roof

§ unobstructed by trees or any other obstacles that cast a shadow § Ground § unobstructed by trees or any other obstacles that cast a shadow § Ground mounted on racks at a 30 to 50 degree angle, unobstructed by trees or other obstacles that cast a shadow.

§ Access to the grid is required to sell your green electricity. § That’s § Access to the grid is required to sell your green electricity. § That’s rule # 2 - plug it in and get paid for it!

§ So, let’s assume someone is interested in getting paid to help save the § So, let’s assume someone is interested in getting paid to help save the planet with a south facing roof of 1000 sq ft.

What is the cost? Micro-FIT § Price range for 10 kw system is between What is the cost? Micro-FIT § Price range for 10 kw system is between $7. 50 -$10. 00 per watt installed, and connected to the grid. § Includes site assessment, design, applications, permits, inspections, installation and connection – turnkey solution. § Assessment includes a RETScreen Analysis.

RETScreen Renewable-energy and Energy-efficient Technologies (RETs) RETScreen Renewable-energy and Energy-efficient Technologies (RETs)

Overview § The RETScreen Clean Energy Project The Analysis Software is the world’s leading Overview § The RETScreen Clean Energy Project The Analysis Software is the world’s leading clean energy decision-making software. It is provided by the Government of Canada as part of Canada’s recognition of the need to take an integrated approach in addressing climate change and reducing pollution. RETScreen is a proven enabler pollution. RETScreen is a proven of clean energy projects worldwide.

§ RETScreen allows decision-makers and professionals to determine whether or not a proposed renewable § RETScreen allows decision-makers and professionals to determine whether or not a proposed renewable energy project makes financial sense. If a project is viable —or if it is not—RETScreen will help the decision-maker understand this: quickly, unequivocally, in a user-friendly format, and at relatively minimal cost.

RETScreen Partners § National Aeronautics & Space Administration's (NASA) Langley Research Center § Renewable RETScreen Partners § National Aeronautics & Space Administration's (NASA) Langley Research Center § Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) § United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) Energy Unit of the Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE)

RETScreen Partners RETScreen Partners


We know the basics… § what PV is and how it works, § what We know the basics… § what PV is and how it works, § what a feed in tariff is and how it works, § the legislation behind the program, § what kind of site we need, rules 1 and 2, § how much a system will cost, § how much electricity we will produce…

What about the $GREEN ? What about the $GREEN ?

Price Schedules § Micro FIT- <10 kw = 80. 2 cents per k. Wh Price Schedules § Micro FIT- <10 kw = 80. 2 cents per k. Wh § Roof Mount (ground mount – 64. 2 cents per k. Wh) § Average price to purchase electricity in Ontario is 12 -13 cents per k. Wh § This is where the term sell high, buy low fits in.

Example 9. 72 k. W system (Micro- FIT) § Initial cost is around $75, Example 9. 72 k. W system (Micro- FIT) § Initial cost is around $75, 000. 00 -85, 000. 00 § 100% financed at 5%-6% mortgaged over 11 years § System generates approximately 11. 5 -12 MWh of § § § green electricity per year $9, 000. 00 -$10, 000. 00 per year in revenue dependant on the site. Payback is about 8 -10 years, dependant on financing, exact initial cost, etc. Remaining 10 -12 years of 20 year contract is profit. ROI between 10 -13% Emission reduction of NEGATIVE 11 tonnes of CO 2 per year

Each 10 k. W system equals negative 11 t. CO 2 § -11 tonnes Each 10 k. W system equals negative 11 t. CO 2 § -11 tonnes of CO 2 is equivalent to : § 9 acres of carbon absorbing forest. § 2. 2 cars or light trucks taken off the road § 4, 310 litres of gasoline not consumed § 22 barrels of crude oil not consumed § 10. 6 people reducing their energy consumption by 20%.

Just Think…. § What if we had 10 of these systems… § -110 tc. Just Think…. § What if we had 10 of these systems… § -110 tc. O 2 § 115 -120 MW of GREEN electricity equals § 90 acres of forest § 22 cars or light trucks off the road § 43, 100 litres of gasoline not consumed § 220 barrels of crude oil not consumed § 106 people reducing their energy consumption by 20%.

§ 100 systems…. § 1, 150 -1, 200 MW of GREEN electricity equals § § 100 systems…. § 1, 150 -1, 200 MW of GREEN electricity equals § 900 acres of forest § 220 cars or light trucks off the road § 431, 000 litres of gasoline not consumed § 2, 200 barrels of crude oil not consumed § 1, 060 people reducing their energy consumption by 20%.

§ For the final portion of the presentation we would like to take it § For the final portion of the presentation we would like to take it one step further and show you can take advantage of the Feed In Tariff as a community with a program we have developed called Power for Faith and Healing

§ Our vision is program that serves several purposes § To additional financial incentives § Our vision is program that serves several purposes § To additional financial incentives for non profit groups by forming a purchasing co-op to decrease the financial costs of participating in the FIT. Bulk purchasing equals discounted pricing on equipment

§ To help educate non profit groups and the general public regarding the generation § To help educate non profit groups and the general public regarding the generation of electricity through the use of photovoltaic panels, about greenhouse gas emissions, and our current electricity source.

§ When we do this in a community based planned, organized, and methodical manner § When we do this in a community based planned, organized, and methodical manner we will strengthen our communities through mutual involvement in a project that promotes green electricity generation and energy conservation in our churches, mosques, synagogues, libraries, schools and other places of community.

Summary § By promoting the use of renewable energy to produce clean electricity, we Summary § By promoting the use of renewable energy to produce clean electricity, we are able to generate income, reduce harmful emissions and create jobs. By coming together as a community we will enable individual non-profit organizations to achieve these goals more easily and sooner.

Solar PV for Residential and Commercial Off Grid, Grid Tied and Emergency Backup Let Solar PV for Residential and Commercial Off Grid, Grid Tied and Emergency Backup Let us show you how to put $GREEN back into YOUR budget! www. directcurrent. ca

Ask Us about OUR incentive, Power for Faith and Healing for details on how Ask Us about OUR incentive, Power for Faith and Healing for details on how to make the most of Ontario’s Feed In Tariff (FIT) Program for your Charity or Non-Profit Organization.

Questions? Questions?