Скачать презентацию ONS in Motion Central New Jersey Summer 2013 Скачать презентацию ONS in Motion Central New Jersey Summer 2013


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ONS in Motion Central New Jersey Summer 2013 Message from the President Mary Brandsema, ONS in Motion Central New Jersey Summer 2013 Message from the President Mary Brandsema, RN, MSN, OCN, CHPN Happy summer to the CNJ-ONS! I hope this message finds you gardening, spring cleaning, starting a new course, having a makeover, organizing renovations, or working on transformations you're hoping to make. You will also find ONS is transforming as well! You might see a particular growth in our chapter membership as a result of the New ONS Chapter Membership Model that will go into effect on July 1 st of 2013. Details on the new model can be found at chapters@ons. org. Speaking of transformations at the CNJ chapter level, I am happy to report your board has been meeting diligently to build upon the chapter’s strategic plan to lead the transformation of cancer care that incorporates the aim to promote excellence in oncology nursing and quality cancer care. As chapter members, you are always busy, tirelessly taking care of your patients. I urge you all to make sure that you take care of yourself! You can rejuvenate your energy by doing the simple things like eating healthy fresh foods, finding a sacred place to take a few minutes to meditate or take a walk to soak in the smells of the season. Whatever you choose to do… I want to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer! Inside This Issue Message from the President News from National Virtual Community Facebook Fundraising Congress Experience Membership Recognition Chapter Events Oncology Nurse’s Month Special Recognition Oncology Resources Melanoma Foundation New Address

Page 2 News from National New ONS Chapter Membership Model Chapter membership will be Page 2 News from National New ONS Chapter Membership Model Chapter membership will be included in the ONS National membership starting July 2013. ONS members that have not signed up with a local chapter will be assigned based on the zip code of their preferred mailing address unless otherwise specified. Ten dollars of the combined membership dues will be transferred into chapter accounts on a quarterly basis. For more information on this new membership model, please visit our virtual community website at www. centralnj. vc. ons. org and look for Chapter Membership Model Transition where most of your questions should be answered. If you have further questions, email chapters@ons. org. Chapters will continue to use the current process for member recruitment until July 2012. CNJ ONS Virtual Community Stay up to date on Chapter activity through our Virtual website at www. centralnj. vc. ons. org If you would like something posted, please email Lizzie at onsmartinez@verizon. net CNJ ONS Facebook Post pictures, share stories, events, and celebrations so that we can all get to know each other better. Please visit www. facebook. com/group. php? gid=138758170201 Fundraising Bernadette Kelly plans fundraising events throughout The year to keep our chapter strong. She has asked for Assistance in selling raffles at our dinners and for any Suggestions on fundraising. Please email her at bkrn 101@aol. com We all need to pitch in and help one another.

The Congress Experience Washington, DC By Lizzie Martinez The 38 th Annual ONS Congress The Congress Experience Washington, DC By Lizzie Martinez The 38 th Annual ONS Congress was once again, a wonderful experience. If you have not had the opportunity to attend an ONS Congress, I highly recommend that you plan to attend next year in Anaheim, California. Oncology Nurses from around the World and various venues come together to share expertise and experiences, gain knowledge, network, and meet with pharmaceutical and product representatives to gather information and resources to share with their colleagues and patients. Page 3 Leadership President Mary Brandsema President-Elect Donna Colabroy Secretary Evelyn Ferguson Treasurer Laureen Lightfoot Nominating Chair Lizzie Martinez Member at Large Lynn Moran Pedrick We set our alarms to be up at the crack of dawn and to bed late to learn, see, and do as much as possible. The President of ONS gave an inspiring speech through the Star Trek series as we started out present day on the USS Enterprise and then went into the future and back to present day so that we were inspired to all become leaders in Oncology care. The President invited a soulful singer to sing, “I believe I can fly” but our ONS President changed the words to lead. Time was also put aside to see Washington, DC, have fun with friends, and take in the sights. Membership Cathy Barry Newsletter Lizzie Martinez PR Marcell Colmer Fundraising Committee Bernadette Kelly Chair Program Chair Diane Doherty

Page 4 Congress in DC By Lina Dy I would like to impart to Page 4 Congress in DC By Lina Dy I would like to impart to my colleagues about what seemed to be important to us especially Oncology/Radiation related issues from the recent Oncology Nursing Congress in Washington DC. It is the 7 th Vital Sign: The Role of Nutrition in Oncology Nursing and it is published in Nursing Currents ( June 2012 Vol. 1, Issue 2). This article focuses on team-directed comprehensive care using a team approach to improve patient outcomes. " All patients diagnosed with or undergoing treatment for cancer should have a baseline nutrition screening to identify nutritional risks and deficits. " ( Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) www. eatright. org I found this issue very important for us nurses dealing with patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment. I will make copies on this topic and hand it out to everybody at our next meeting. I hope this will be of help for us and for the betterment of our patients. We are the “KEY” To success!

Member Recognition Page 5 Graduations: Eleanor Mc. Comas’ Granddaughter, Mariellyn Holroyd, graduated May 11, Member Recognition Page 5 Graduations: Eleanor Mc. Comas’ Granddaughter, Mariellyn Holroyd, graduated May 11, 2013 from Alvernia University in Reading, Pa. , with a Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy which was a 5 year program. ONS Congress Scholarship Recipients: Congratulations to the 2013 Congress Scholarship Recipients, Lina Dy & Lizzie Martinez. Congress was without a doubt a plethora of learning opportunities. As our Chapter moves forward into the year, be sure to take advantage of the BSN/MSN Scholarships. Certifications: Mariellyn Holroyd is also getting fully certified for the Berkeley Dive and Rescue Team. She helped rescue about 100 persons stranded during Hurricane Sandy which was the scariest thing she has ever done. Celebrations: Bernadette Kelly-My son Mike is a Pediatric Hematologist Oncologist at Tufts Floating Childrens Hospital in Boston. He solved a clinical case: a 6 year old girl with bone and joint pain and abdominal distention-and it was published in the April edition of the New England Journal of Medicine and he was first author!!!! Jeanne Stouts’ daughter, Laura Gartner, is the owner and artistic director of the “Downtown Dance Academy” on West Water Street. Her school was named “Best in Ocean County” three years in a row (2010, 2011, and 2012) in the yearly Asbury Park Press reader poll that takes place every Fall.

Page 6 Chapter Events SAVE YOUR BREATH Our efforts to educate the youth of Page 6 Chapter Events SAVE YOUR BREATH Our efforts to educate the youth of the Ocean County community in our annual Save Your Breath campaign was an absolute success! We educated approximately 100 school age children about the ill effects of smoking and chewing tobacco through interactive educational stations. The Mayor of Beachwood stopped by to say hello and the children provided us with positive feedback through evaluations. We have more work to do in the arena of smoking prevention and you can get involved through advocacy as we partner with the Ocean and Monmouth Health Alliance in their fight to increase smoking ordinances in the local townships. I encourage all members to write their local representatives in this effort. It’s almost effortless as the script is already written. You just need to sign and send. CHOOSE YOUR COVER July 13, 2013 Our partnership with the Ocean and Monmouth Health Alliance is bringing us right into the summer months as we work towards planning the annual Choose Your Cover event on July 13 th! This event has grown as the years have gone by. As we have fun in the sun, we as oncology nurses all too well the perils that those dangerous sun rays bring. As a chapter, we are looking forward to bringing free cancer screening to the community and opportunity to educate the community about skin cancer and ways to prevent it! – To volunteer for event along the multiple sites on the Jersey Shore, please notify Mary Brandsema at Mbrandsema@meridianhealth. com

Happy Oncology Nurses Month Member Recognition Marsha Opalach A tribute to Marsha Opalach, RN, Happy Oncology Nurses Month Member Recognition Marsha Opalach A tribute to Marsha Opalach, RN, BSN, Med Page 7 In May, Louise Damiani roasted Marsha Opalach. The CNJ-ONS recognized Marsha for her outstanding contribution and dedication to the nursing profession. Marsha obtained her Diploma in Nursing at Beth Israel School of Nursing in 1974, went on to obtain her BSN, and graduated Summa Cum Laude from Jersey City University in 1980 followed by her School Nurse Certification in 2000 and her MSN in 2012 through the University of Cambridge. Marsha worked as a Registered Nursed at Beth Israel Medical Center, Assistant Head Nurse at Jersey Shore Medical Center, and at Centra. State Medical Center In-patient Oncology Unit for the past 27 years. Marsha’ s strong passion for oncology led her to obtain her National Oncology Certification and her Certification in Hospice and Palliative care. Not only has Marsha served as the N. E. District Leader of HPNA, Marsha is founder of the Central New Jersey Chapter of HPN and has served as President from 2010 to current. She remains a longtime active and dedicated member of the CNJ-ONS. Marsha ‘s other passion is her love for the children! She is a Certified School Nurse and served a term as Executive Board member of the Ocean County School Nurses Association. Marsha is known for her dedication to the Girl Scout troop of Jackson and for being a Board Member of Education, School Nurse, and Cancer Navigator for the District of Jackson as a member of the Jackson Optimist Club. Her commitment to the children continued as she served as Medical Cocoordinator of Camp Quality for kids with cancer, organizer of a weight management program for children, and a s Chair of a teen pregnancy task force. We love you Marsha for a life time of hard work and dedication!!!!! You are a role model for the profession!!!

Page 8 Oncology Resource David’s Dream David Caldarella is a stage IV head and Page 8 Oncology Resource David’s Dream David Caldarella is a stage IV head and neck cancer survivor. He knows First hand the financial impact that a diagnosis of cancer can have on The healing process. He started his foundation as a pay it forward. He works diligently to fundraise so that his organization can provide Financial assistance to those who are diagnosed and going through cancer treatment. He has provided gas and food gift cards, paid medical Bills, mortgages, assisted storm Sandy victims just to name a few. He not only provides financial assistance, but reaches out to each person that applies and is a wonderful support system letting a patient know that he has been there and is a survivor. If you have a patient that is in need of some assistance or would like to make a donation, please contact David Caldarella at david@davidsdreamandbelieve. org

Enright Melanoma Foundation Announces Free Enright Sun Safety Certification Course Page 9 Education and Enright Melanoma Foundation Announces Free Enright Sun Safety Certification Course Page 9 Education and early detection are critical to melanoma prevention. Are your employees certified in CPR? Each year, there are more new cases of skin cancer than the combined incidence of cancers of breast, prostate, lung and colon. Take preventative action -get yourself certified and have your staff certified in sun safety by a recognized organization. The Enright Sun Safety Certification (ESSC) is a training and online certification program that has been developed by melanoma professionals to teach you about the dangers of too much sun exposure. This program has been made possible by a grant from The Horizon Foundation of New Jersey. This course, designed by leading physicians, is not only for individuals, but also for lifeguards, camp counselors, coaches, daycare providers, and other outdoor recreation educators who influence children and teens. This information will allow you to provide the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to instill life-long sun safety behaviors for yourself, and in the children under your care. This recognized certification can be listed on your resume or entered as part of your college applications as well. In addition, everyone ages 12 and over can benefit from the important information presented here, and therefore it is encouraged that this free course be shared with as many individuals as possible. Thank you for taking the time to become Sun Safety Certified and sharing this information with others. Please take a photo holding your Enright Sun Safety Certificate and email it to info@enrightmelanomafoundation. org to be featured on our Facebook page! Go to the website to do the course : http: //www. enrightsunshinesafety. org/ Oncology Nursing Society Central New Jersey Chapter POB 163 Oakhurst, NJ 07755