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РИ-121 Стецко Владислав.pptx

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ONPU Ministry of Science and Education Department of Foreign Languages From subjects: English By ONPU Ministry of Science and Education Department of Foreign Languages From subjects: English By Theme : Types of fume work performed by student of group : RI-121 Vladislav Stetsko Odessa 2012

Target : to tell about types of fumes, and the separation of these species Target : to tell about types of fumes, and the separation of these species at levels

 Acceleration points obtained in differentiation rate over time. Given that the first transfer Acceleration points obtained in differentiation rate over time. Given that the first transfer function does not depend explicitly on time, product differentiation is made according to the rules of complex functions where angular acceleration input level second transfer function or analog acceleration point B.

For mechanisms similar velocity Vq has a variable value that depends on the position For mechanisms similar velocity Vq has a variable value that depends on the position of the leading executives F 1. If the number of so-called generalized coordinates p, clearly defining the position, and hence the movement (speed and acceleration) links, equal to unity, the degree of mobility mechanism w 1.

Structural formula for determining the number of degrees of freedom (mobility) w planar mechanisms Structural formula for determining the number of degrees of freedom (mobility) w planar mechanisms was first proposed by PL Chebыshevыm Solids that do free motion in space, with the number of degrees of freedom. Rolling two units - actuated, always w 6, less the number of constraints imposed by the type of kinematic pairs.

The basic types of kinematic pairs divided by the number mobilities thirty millionth of The basic types of kinematic pairs divided by the number mobilities thirty millionth of their links. Odnopid-Vyzhnыe kinematic pair with w = 1 are represented by three species. Rotational kinematic pair links make relative rotary motion in a pair of spiral - helical motion in which axial movement and rotational movement linked.

In translational kinematic pair links make rectilinear translational motion. These three types are the In translational kinematic pair links make rectilinear translational motion. These three types are the most common one moving pairs in technique. Species of the two motion kinematic pairs slightly, but most use the technique has actuated cylinder in which there are two independent relative movement parts: translational rectilinear axis and rotation around the axis pair.

 Three energetic actuated in one of the options - the so-called spherical pair, Three energetic actuated in one of the options - the so-called spherical pair, in which managers make independent rotation around the three axes. Linear and pointed kinematic pairs represent design options four and five mobile kinematic pair

To lower kinematic pairs should include translational, rotational, helical, cylindrical and spherical kinematic pair, To lower kinematic pairs should include translational, rotational, helical, cylindrical and spherical kinematic pair, all kinematic pairs in which collision parts occurs on the surface or plane. Therefore, the lower kinematic pairs are able to withstand higher loads, the higher kinematic pairs, linear and dotted kinematic pairs. The number of degrees of freedom spatial mechanism can be determined by a formula.

When analyzing the number of degrees of freedom mechanism w should not forget that When analyzing the number of degrees of freedom mechanism w should not forget that the imposed kinematic pairs of communication should not overlap. These overlapping relationships called redundant, because removing them from the mechanism does not cause a real boost. Excess connections can be obtained in the design, ie assigning species pair of flat mechanism.

There may be cases, for example, a cam mechanism c Pushers, equipped with roller, There may be cases, for example, a cam mechanism c Pushers, equipped with roller, for which the calculation of the number of degrees of freedom gives w 1, while actual w = 1. Roller used to reduce friction and its rotation does not affect the forward movement of plunger. Such mobility is called passive and positive effect on the possibility of reducing depreciation.

Passive mobility is often used to Passive mobility is often used to " self-adjustment" links, uneven load reduction and depreciation kinematic pairs. Most of the mechanisms used in vehicles, with one degree of freedom. An example of a mechanism for w = 2 can serve as a mechanism for differential vehicle. Mechanisms with three or more degrees of freedom inherent manipulators, the number of degrees of freedom is equal to the number of independent actuators

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