onomy bal Ec e of Glo Futur sion -vi RU ng term arios t and lo scen Shor
RANEPA Union • • Gaurav Khosla Evgenia Malikova Gulnara Latfullina Alina Nazarenko Evgenia Gudaeva Inna Shumskaya Ekaterina Bogatova • • Current situation in GE The short term prospects for GE The long term prospects for GE Current situation in Russia The short term consequences for Russia The long term consequences for Russia The consequences for Russian industries
Some Important Economic Crisis • 1929: Wall Street Crash • 1991: USSR collapse • 1997: Asian Financial Crisis • 1998: Russian Financial Crisis • 2007 -08: Subprime Mortgage Crisis • 2009: The Great Recession / the Long Depression
Current situation(trends) in global economy • • Economies Continuous struggle for recoveries Credit ratings for Emerging Markets GDP forecast for BRICS Commodity Demands Low GDP High Inflation $ Political Unrest in Islamic Countries Unfavourable CAD and BOPs
Prospects for g e (short term) 1) People are encouraged to take risk, so everyone practically will be an owner of a small or big company. 2) Companies will become more and more international like (result of globalization). The labor market will be by most part “brain’s market” and it will be international. People will have to deal with self-promotion to get more prestigious job (social networks and so on). 1)Our planet will be overcrowded 2)”Brains” will be thing that costs most. 3) Middle class will be smaller and smaller 4) Banditism and terrorism will grow and become international problem 5)People will have to deal with selfpromotion to get more prestigious job (social networks and so on), so such advertising companies may dissappear completely 1) International organization wil have to addapt to globalization and a new international laws should be created 2) We’ll have to stop pollution, and international politics will play a crusial role in it 1) Robots will be used in industry, 2) Technology is getting smaller and easier to use. Intellectual technologies are priority: support decision making systems fast development 1) We’ll continue to pollute our planet and situation will become critical 2) Resource problem (lack of minerals+polluted water, air)
Prospects for g e(long term) 1. There will be countries-manufactures and countries for living 2. intellectual technologies will be available to everyone 3. Middle class growth. Global social situation will become more stable. 4. We’ll have to find new resources ->we are back for Nuclear energy 5. Technological boom is over. People will be adapting recent technological inventions in different fields: to solve environmental problems, medicine, business, social problems solutions etc. 6. Evolution of travel services market and bissiness trip market- > people can work and handle business remotely. 7. Internet will connect the entire world-> people will not have to go to the place of their work – they can work remotely all around the world, no communication
Current situation in Russian Strengths economy SWOT Analysis Geographical proximity and historical links to emerging markets Large domestic markets
Consequences for R e (short term)
Consequences for R e (long term)
Consequences for R firm/industry
Summing up
Thank you for attention