- Количество слайдов: 36
One Five Feb 19 Feb 26 Two Three Six 12 March 19 March 5 March 26 March 20 Feb 27 Feb 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 March W Ash Weds 21 Feb 28 Feb 7 March 14 March 21 March 28 March T 15 Feb 22 Feb 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March Maundy Thurs F 16 Feb Family Fast Day 2 March 9 March 16 March 23 March Good Friday M Week: Four T Easter Sunday
This Lent we’re challenging you to give it up! As you give up fast food, treats, biscuits or even apps, the money you raise transforms into something amazing for the poorest communities. And this Lent, donations to CAFOD will be doubled by the UK Government, up to a total of £ 5 m. That means you can make double the difference! Lord, whatever I give up this Lent, transform my heart and the lives of others. Amen Share our animations to show the things you give up… transforming!
“. . . like a tree that is planted beside the flowing waters. ” Psalm 1 People from Karen and Choolwe’s village in Zimbabwe planted a community vegetable garden after CAFOD supporters funded the drilling of a borehole in 2012. Health club teacher, Memory, says that malnourished children cannot concentrate in class. But with fresh fruit and vegetables, their diet has improved and students’ grades are getting better. Lord, this Lent, give us the water of life to refresh our hearts and our world. Amen Watch and share our video for Lent and begin to plan your Family Fast Day fundraising.
“Raise your voice like a trumpet. ” Isaiah 58 Isaiah, the prophet, shouts to the people all the ways they have not been serving God. What injustices should I be shouting about? Lord, give me courage to speak out whenever I see injustice. Amen Contact your local CAFOD volunteer centre to ask how you can speak in your parish to help people in poverty.
“…neither shall you gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard. You shall leave them for the poor…” Leviticus 19 In the Old Testament, farmers did not gather all of their crop. They left some for the poorest people. How will you share Earth’s produce more fairly? Lord, help us to share the Earth’s riches more fairly. Amen Look out today for opportunities to share.
“The Lord is close to the broken-hearted. ” Psalm 33 Kyin Nu from Myanmar was broken-hearted after Cyclone Nargis destroyed her village some years ago. Looking back, she says: “My faith helps me through these times… What gives me hope is God is the only one who can save…” Lord, make me ready to listen to the brokenhearted. Give me wisdom and compassion. Amen Look out for anyone who is sad today and say an encouraging word to them.
“And the people of Nineveh believed in God. ” Jonah 3: 1 -10 When Jonah spoke God’s message, the people of Nineveh believed him. They changed their attitude and their lifestyle. God asks us to care for our planet and help protect the poorest people, who are the most affected by climate change. How can we persuade others to believe this message? Creator God, help me to show by the way I live how precious your creation is. Amen. Find a way to reduce waste today.
“On the day I called, you answered me, O Lord. ” Psalm 137 Do I give my worries and cares over to God? Or do I struggle on, trying to solve everything myself? In today’s Gospel, Jesus says, “Ask and you shall receive. ” Bring your needs and the needs of others to God in prayer today.
Today is CAFOD Family Fast Day “…be reconciled …then come back and present your offering. ” Matthew 5: 23 -24 Many of God’s family live in extreme poverty due to unfair trade systems, conflict or the impacts of climate change. We can help change this by prayer, speaking out, living simply, and by taking the challenge this Lent to give it up! Lord, help me to work for a world where everyone has a fair share. Amen What will you give up today?
“Give and there will be gifts for you: a full measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over…” Luke 6: 36 -38 This Lent, you can make double the difference to our brothers and sisters living in poverty. Throughout Lent, your donations to CAFOD will be doubled by the UK Government, up to a total of £ 5 m. Today’s Gospel calls us to be generous. How can you be generous today? Lord, open my hands to receive your gifts and to share them with others. Amen Visit our website to watch and share treats turning into toilets, fast food into fresh food, apps into taps…
“…they do not practise what they preach. ” Matthew 23: 1 -12 Jesus criticised the Pharisees for not practising what they preached. But do I act as I expect others to? Fairtrade Fortnight started yesterday. If I expect others to act justly, supporting fairer trade is one way to show that I mean what I say. Lord, help me always to live by the values that I claim to have. Amen Buy something with the Fairtrade mark and thank your local shop for stocking it.
“Anyone who wants to be great among you must be your servant…” Matthew 20: 17 -28 Jesus, the Son of God, chose to serve. In our leadership, we too are called to serve others. CAFOD partners - like Oscar Romero, who spoke in defence of poor and oppressed people - are inspiring examples of servant leaders. How am I called to lead and serve others? Servant King, give me the courage to serve. Amen.
“At his gate there lay a poor man called Lazarus…” Luke 19: 20 Jesus told the story of the rich man and Lazarus. Compared with most of the world, our country is rich. Around one in ten people in our world lives in extreme poverty. Before he died, St David told his monks to “do the little things”. What small step can I take today to share what I have been given? Lord, thank you for the riches you have given us to share. Amen Plan a fundraiser with our give it up A-Z of ideas
“There was a man, a landowner, who planted a vineyard…” Matthew 21: 33 -46 Jesus has travelled to Jerusalem and here he tells a story about vineyard workers who kill the owner’s son. He is speaking of his own death. Around the world, people defending human rights today often face death at the hands of those who disagree with their views. We pray for those who risk their lives to stand against injustice. Defend them, Lord. Amen Read one of our stories of human rights defenders and tell someone else about it.
“No prophet is ever accepted in his own country…” Luke 4: 24 Jesus’ neighbours had known him for years and believed he had nothing to teach them. How wrong they were! It’s easy to underestimate those closest to us. Do I recognise that everyone is special? Lord, help me to treat everyone with dignity and respect. Amen. Make someone feel special today or say hello to someone you don’t usually speak to.
“Lord, teach me your paths…” Psalm 24 We all need good teachers, both in school and in life. In many communities around the world where people are denied a good education, CAFOD partners are helping. Ke Kachok runs adult literacy classes in his village in Cambodia: “My village has 40 students… most can now read, write and do maths. As a result, some have started running small businesses. ” Lord, thank you for the chance to go to school. May every child have access to a good education. Amen. At the end of today, take a minute to look back and see what you have learned.
“Whoever keeps these commandments and teaches them will be considered great in the kingdom of heaven. ” Matthew 5: 17 -19 If I use my skills, that is great. But if I teach two others a skill today and they teach two others tomorrow, who teach two more the next day… by the tenth day, 1024 people will have learned that skill. If we lead by example, we can change the world. Divine Teacher, show me how to teach your ways by word and example. Amen Explain to others face to face or on social media why education is so important to poor communities.
“O that today you would listen to his voice!” Psalm 95: 7 CAFOD partner, Mada Association, supports Hrar Women’s Association in Lebanon. The high number of Syrian refugees in the country often causes tension but here Syrian and Lebanese women make and sell chocolates together. This raises their income as well as reducing intolerance in the area. Women, especially mothers, are key in changing and developing communities. Why might this be? Lord, bring justice to all women whose rights are ignored. Help us to create a fairer world. Amen
“You must love your neighbour as Mark 12: 28 -34 yourself. . . ” Do I love, whatever the cost, or only so far as it is convenient for me? Who do I consider to be my neighbour? Lord, remind me of my neighbours both near and far. Amen Act as a good neighbour to those you meet today.
“They will build houses and inhabit them…” Isaiah 65: 17 -21 After Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, our partner, Cordaid, helped communities to build new, safer homes and prepare for future typhoons. When Typhoon Hagupit hit a year later, the houses survived and everyone benefited from the disaster training: “Everyone was smiling, everyone was more prepared than ever, we were safe, we were alive. ” Lord, thank you for my home. Bless everyone who does not have a safe house to live in. Amen
“The LORD of hosts is with us; the God Psalm 45 of Jacob is our stronghold. ” Ronaldo, 17, lives in Puentecitos in El Salvador. Our partner, Solidarity CVX, has supported Ronaldo’s parents and other farmers nearby to improve their crops, raise their income and develop the community. Here, Ronaldo is helping to lead Stations of the Cross in his village. Pray the Stations of the Cross from the secondary school pages of our website.
“He will guide them to springs of water. ” Isaiah 49: 8 -15 In an area where scorching sun is a daily challenge, people in Isiolo, Kenya are working to bring Isaiah’s vision to life for their community. They now have a greenhouse irrigated by a solarpowered pump and can grow enough tomatoes to feed themselves, with some left over to sell. Lord, help me to care for creation and to speak up for communities affected by climate change. Amen Go to our website and watch a film about the Isiolo project.
“They have made themselves a calf of molten metal and have worshipped it…” Exodus 32: 7 -14 In today’s reading, while Moses went up the mountain to talk to God, the people worshipped a golden calf. What do I focus on most? Do I ‘worship’ the things that I want, or am I ready to let go of them when necessary? Lord, show me how to be centred on you and on the things that really matter. Amen Give up a treat that costs money, like going to the cinema or buying something new. Go to our website and watch your treat transform into toilets!
“His way of life is not like others’, the paths he treads are unfamiliar. ” Wisdom 2: 15 The reading from Wisdom today says that people who are trying to live as God wants will stand out as different. Yet we’re bombarded with adverts that tell us to look like this, act like that, buy this product in order to fit in. Do I have the courage to live differently, to challenge our consumer-driven society? Lord, you created every person as different. Help me to treasure my difference. Amen. Giving up your phone for a day (or longer) is different! Visit our website to see what it can turn into.
“Neither do I condemn you. ” John 8: 1 -11 If, like Jesus, we are rooted in love, our natural response to others is compassion. When we see suffering overseas or closer to home we are compelled to act. Compassion is one of the values that underpin CAFOD’s work. What are the values in my life? Lord, help me never to condemn another person. Amen. Decide three values that matter most to you.
“Do not hide your face from me. . . ” Psalm 101 U Win Myi, a fisherman in Myanmar, told us: “I take my boat a long way from the village at night and sing. . . when I get depressed, I sing gospel songs with a very loud voice…and it helps… I feel singing helps me to be at one with God. I found it is a good way to discover God. Singing is a spiritual thing. ” Sing a song today… and look out for God! Think of ten reasons, not connected to consuming, to be happy today.
“He has sent his angel to rescue his servants who, putting their trust in him, defied the order of the king…” Daniel 3 The Book of Daniel tells a story of God rescuing three men from a fiery furnace. We may not face a furnace, but the criticism of others can sometimes seem as bad. From what do I want God to rescue me? God of the impossible, help me to trust you. Amen Small actions make a difference. Count the light switches in your house - for each one, put 10 p in your collection box.
“Here now is my covenant with you: you shall become the father of a Genesis 17: 3 -9 multitude of nations. ” God made a covenant with Abraham and he became father of many generations. What kind of covenant are we making with the Earth? How will the next generations remember us? Our choices today can be a promise to them of a habitable, fruitful planet. Lord, may future generations remember my generation with a blessing. Amen.
“The waves of death rose about me…” Psalm 17: 2 -7 Tomorrow is the anniversary of Oscar Romero’s death. The psalm writer reminds us all that even if death threatens us, God is there. Archbishop Romero knew this and gave his life for others. Reflect on Romero’s words: ‘Aspire not to have more but to be more. ’ Find out more about Oscar Romero by watching and sharing the video on our website.
“Faithfully he brings true justice. ” Isaiah 42: 1 -7 There is still injustice in our world. As the Body of Christ, it is our job to continue Jesus’ mission. This Lent, CAFOD supporters have gone the extra mile to support the communities where our partners are based and make the world a more just place. Jesus, you said, “He sent me to bring good news to the poor”. Make me good news too. Amen. Tell us what you have done this Lent so that we can use your story to inspire others: schools@cafod. org. uk
“Before the cock crows, you will have disowned me three times. ” John 13: 21 -38 Peter is going to get it wrong. He will deny that he knows Jesus. But after the resurrection, Peter will be reconciled with Jesus. His experience will make him an even better leader. We all get it wrong sometimes. But it’s okay as long as we repent and make a change. Lord, forgive me and help me to forgive others. Amen.
“I have reached the end of my Psalm 68 strength. ” In LEDCs, there are people every day who reach the end of their strength: women exhausted after carrying water for miles; farmers whose crops fail; children without enough food or medicine. Thanks to your donations, our partners support people at the end of their strength and help them to find a way forward. Put some money in your collection box and, as Easter approaches… …make plans to send it in to us.
“This is my body… do this as a memorial of me. ” 1 Corinthians 11: 23 -26 Taking part in the eucharist commits us to serve others. Jesus makes this clear in today’s Gospel as he washes the disciples’ feet before the Last Supper. Pope Francis said: “In the eucharist the Lord makes us walk on his road, that of service. ” Do I let the eucharist motivate me to serve others? Do an act of service for someone else today without being asked.
“They crucified him with two others, one on either side. . . ” John 18: 1 - 19: 42 Even as he was dying, Jesus spoke with the repentant thief and gave him hope. It is not easy to show compassion all the time; it takes courage and determination. Draw the outline of a cross. Write on it the names of people you know who are suffering and in need of hope. Pray for them at 3 pm, the hour Jesus died.
“This day was made by the Lord; we rejoice and are glad. ” Psalm: 117 How often we limit our expectations of God. Yet the Lord who can rise from the dead can do more than we can ever imagine. Let’s rejoice today with our Lord who has conquered death and entrust our world and all its people to his care. Jesus is alive! Alleluia! Eat a Fairtrade egg, sing an Easter ‘Alleluia’ and look for Jesus alive in yourself and others today.
Picture credits: See notes fields on each slide. Where not specified, credit CAFOD.