Скачать презентацию On April 27 2014 was held on 18 Скачать презентацию On April 27 2014 was held on 18

Report Kidsoft 2014.pptx

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On April 27, 2014 was held on 18 -th children's computer festival Kidsoft Detailed On April 27, 2014 was held on 18 -th children's computer festival Kidsoft Detailed information about the festival: www. kidsoft. ru, http: //shic. ru/news/novost/5371/, http: //vk. com/kidsoft

The history of Kid. Soft The first festival was held in 1995. It was The history of Kid. Soft The first festival was held in 1995. It was a contest of computer programs. Over time, we added new nominations and in 2014 of 12. Appeared 2 new nominations - Mentors and Robotics. Has expanded the geography of the contest to 6 regions of the Russian Federation and Belarus. Thus, Kidsoft has the status of an international festival. In 2014, the festival was held on the 18 th time and will be held annually by 2 times.

Statistics of the festival more than 1, 000 participants attended the festival took part Statistics of the festival more than 1, 000 participants attended the festival took part 6 regions of the Russian Federation for competition is submitted more than 2000 applications to participate in the final selected 330 works 27 members of the jury are competent specialists 12 nominations of the contest the duration of the festival - 6 hours press release 2 printed and 10 Internet media

Фото-отчет Фото-отчет

Layout of the e-mail lists (300000 addresses) Layout of the e-mail lists (300000 addresses)

6, 000 flyers distributed in mailboxes 3 city districts 6, 000 flyers distributed in mailboxes 3 city districts

Gift certificates Gift certificates

Questionnaire form Plaque to describe robots Questionnaire form Plaque to describe robots

Video report Video report

http: //vipvrn. ru/festival-kidsoft-v-voronezhe/ http: //сообщество-интернет-разработчиков. рф/kidsoft http: //www. happyit. ru/фестиваль-kidsoft-в-воронеже http: //samopoznanie. ru/trainings/festival_molodjozhnogo_kompjuternogo_tvorchestva/? date=138321 http: //vipvrn. ru/festival-kidsoft-v-voronezhe/ http: //сообщество-интернет-разработчиков. рф/kidsoft http: //www. happyit. ru/фестиваль-kidsoft-в-воронеже http: //samopoznanie. ru/trainings/festival_molodjozhnogo_kompjuternogo_tvorchestva/? date=138321 http: //bvf. ru/forum/showthread. php? t=1028342 http: //bvf. ru/forum/showthread. php? t=1028340 http: //несидидома. рф/воронеж/событие/5522/Фестиваль_детского_и_молодежно http: //gribsch 3. ucoz. ru/gb http: //softkey. info/ http: //riavrn. ru/afisha/lectures/kidsoft/ - размещение в Афише http: //riavrn. ru/news/voronezhskie-deti-srazyatsya-v-masterstve-vladeniya-kompyuterom/ http: //www. novosti-v-kontakte. ru/воронеж/3366 -27 -апреля-2014 -года-в-воронеже-состоится-18 -й-фестиваль-детского-и-молодежногокомпьютерного-творчества-kidsoft. html 1. http: //www. dataart. ru/blog/2014/04/priglashaem-na-festival-kidsoft/ 2. http: //it-talk. dataart. ru/partners-events-vrn/2014/04/priglashaem-na-festival-kidsoft/ 3. http: //club. dataart. ru/? p=822 4. https: //twitter. com/Data. Art_Enjoy/status/456691535484956672 5. https: //www. facebook. com/Data. Art. Enjoy/posts/314875948659821? stream_ref=10 6. http: //vk. com/dataart_enjoy? w=wall-24458631_941 http: //vk. com/junost_vrn http: //abireg. ru/n_38769. html Пост релизы http: //riavrn. ru/news/na-festivale-kidsoft-voronezhtsy-dvigali-predmety-siloy-mysli/ http: //shic. ru/news/novost/5371/