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Oil and the Middle East Notes Oil and the Middle East Notes

Why is the Middle East valuable? • Oil • Suez Canal provides a waterway Why is the Middle East valuable? • Oil • Suez Canal provides a waterway to Southeast Asia • Birthplace of three major religions – Judaism, Islam, Christianity

The Suez Crisis • General Gamal Abdel Nasser emerged as Egypt’s leader after the The Suez Crisis • General Gamal Abdel Nasser emerged as Egypt’s leader after the overthrow of King Farouk • Nasser was angered by US and French refusal to aid in the Aswan Dam because of ties to the Soviet Union • Nasser ordered the nationalization of the Suez canal – Nationalization = the government take over of a private organization

Nasser being received in Cairo after nationalization of the Suez Canal Nasser being received in Cairo after nationalization of the Suez Canal

French and British Response • Britain and France protested • October 29, 1956 - French and British Response • Britain and France protested • October 29, 1956 - Secretly, they arranged the Israeli advance into the Sinai peninsula supported from the air by France and Britain (Operation Musketeer) • 10 days the Israeli’s had control of the canal

U. N. Responds • Egypt had the right to occupy the canal zone if U. N. Responds • Egypt had the right to occupy the canal zone if open to all nations shipping • US had to reprimand its allies and USSR their’s. • Britain and France had to withdrawl • Israel withdrew their troops

Suez Canal Video Suez Canal Video

The Oil Boom • After WWII, large oil deposits were found in the countries The Oil Boom • After WWII, large oil deposits were found in the countries around the Persian Gulf • After WWII, Middle East leaders demanded a larger portion of oil revenues – Iran and Iraq nationalized their oil industries – Others gradually increased their percentage of ownership

OPEC • 1960 - Middle East countries founded OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) OPEC • 1960 - Middle East countries founded OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) • OPEC ensured oil producing countries fair prices • Soon the members of OPEC realized they had political power as oil consumption rose around the world

The Oil Crisis of ‘ 73 • During the Yom Kippur War, OPEC announced The Oil Crisis of ‘ 73 • During the Yom Kippur War, OPEC announced it was reducing oil production • It cut off all oil shipments to those countries helping Israel • The Western world suffered a massive energy crisis • Inflation became a problem • Prices gradually declined after 1981

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Instant Wealth Produces Problems • By 1975, countries in the Persian Gulf had the Instant Wealth Produces Problems • By 1975, countries in the Persian Gulf had the highest per capita income in the world • Arab society became confused over Western wealth and Islamic tradition

Afghanistan • Soviets try to influence in 50’s – Communists elected – Almost overthrown Afghanistan • Soviets try to influence in 50’s – Communists elected – Almost overthrown so USSR invades in ’ 79 • Gets stuck – Considered USSR’s “Vietnam” – Mujahideen funded by US • American allies • Holy Warriors • Later the Taliban

Russia Invasion of Afghanistan Video Russia Invasion of Afghanistan Video

Iran • Wealth and oil fuel conflict – Islam vs. Western materialism • The Iran • Wealth and oil fuel conflict – Islam vs. Western materialism • The Shah 1950’s – Dictator – US supported • Nationalists overthrow – BUT US returns shah • REVOLUTION! – Ayatollah Khomeini » Strict Islamist » Hostage affair

Hostage Situation • The Shah went to the U. S. for medical treatment • Hostage Situation • The Shah went to the U. S. for medical treatment • In 1979, a group of young Islamic extremists seized the American embassy in Tehran and held hostage 60 Americans for the return of the exiled shah • The hostages remained in Iran for 444 days being released when Reagan became President and threatened to use the military

Iran Hostage Video Iran Hostage Video

A Religious Revolution • January 1979 - Faced with overwhelming opposition, the shah fled A Religious Revolution • January 1979 - Faced with overwhelming opposition, the shah fled Iran • The Ayatollah Khomeini established a Islamic theocracy (government based on religion) • Hatred of the United States fueled Khomeini’s policies

Israel-Palestine Conflict Background Video Israel-Palestine Conflict Background Video

Middle East Conflict Video Middle East Conflict Video

Battle Strategies Recap • Israel – Military presence along the West Bank – Invasions Battle Strategies Recap • Israel – Military presence along the West Bank – Invasions into Lebanon and neighboring nations that are allowing Hamas and the PLO to live – Blockade of West Bank fuel supplies until attacks on Israelis cease • Palestine – Intifada (boycotts, rocks, attacks) – Rocket attacks – Sniper attacks on Israeli troops – Suicide bombers – Terrorist attacks by PLO and Hamas

Suicide bombers disrupt peace in 2000 • Suicide bombers were introduced by the PLO Suicide bombers disrupt peace in 2000 • Suicide bombers were introduced by the PLO in 2000 • Bombings, killings and attacks are a daily occurrence • Hamas emerges as an aggressive group along with the PLO • PLO and Hamas begin to fight for power

Current Relations • Israel turned 66 years old on May 8 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Current Relations • Israel turned 66 years old on May 8 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! • Still no peace in sight • Construction of a protective wall along the West Bank • U. S Presidents continue to mediate peace efforts

Homework – Pages 590 - 593 • Fold a piece of paper into 4 Homework – Pages 590 - 593 • Fold a piece of paper into 4 ths • Put the title of each section (red and black) at the top of each box (eight total) • Write a 2 -3 sentence summary for each section ( YOUR OWN WORDS, not the book) • Draw a picture to represent the information in the box