СРС 1 нефтегаз Бойко А 404 гр ПФ.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 13
Oil and Gas industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan
There are more than 200 oil and gas fields in Kazakhstan!!!
Kazakhstan holds vast hydrocarbon reserves, including potentially the third largest oil reserves in the world, following Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Proven sea and land hydrocarbon reserves of Kazakhstan are estimated at about 30 billion barrels.
The majority of hydrocarbon reserves are located in the oil- and gas-rich regions of Kashagan Tengiz Karachaganak
The discovery of the Kashagan Field in 2000 is considered to be the largest oil field discovery in the last 30 years. The Kashagan Field, located 80 kilometers south -east of the city of Atyrau in the northern part of the Caspian Sea region, is operated by Agip KCO. The field is estimated to hold a maximum of 38 billion barrels of oil, of which 13 billion barrels may be potentially extracted by reinjecting acid gases.
The Tengiz Field (located along the north-east coast of the Caspian Sea), whose estimated commercial oil reserves are about 6 billion barrels, is operated by Tengizchevroil whose major shareholders are Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Kaz. Munai. Gaz and LUKArco.
The Karachaganak Field (located about 150 km east of the city of Uralsk in the north-west of Kazakhstan and operated by Karachaganak Petroleum Operating) holds 50 billion cubic feet of gas, 5. 2 billion barrels of liquid condensate and 1. 4 billion barrels of oil available for commercial extraction.
Proven gas reserves in Kazakhstan amount to 3, 000 billion cubic metres and estimated gas reserves amount to 5, 000 billion cubic metres. The majority of the gas reserves are located in the west of Kazakhstan, close to the Caspian Sea region.
The major gas fields are Amangeldy, in the south, and Zhanazhol in the west near the city of Aktobe.
Owing to high foreign investments made by nearly all major international oil companies (Chevron-Texaco, Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total. Fina. Elf, British Gas, Statoil, Eni -Agip, Philips Petroleum) oil exploitation in Kazakhstan went up from 530, 000 barrels a day in 1992 to more than a million barrels a day in 2005. It is assumed that the total value of investments in the sea areas of the Caspian Sea region will increase from US$ 3. 8 billion in the years 2003 -2005 to US$ 16. 8 billion in the years 2011 -2015. Foreign investments in the oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan are made on the basis of production output sharing, exploration and production licenses and joint-venture agreements.
Kaz. Munai. Gaz: the national operator Kaz. Munai. Gaz exercises control over Kazakhstan's oil and gas management, including control over compliance with oil extraction and trade contracts. Moreover, Kaz. Munai. Gaz is actively involved in developing the strategy for the use of hydrocarbon reserves, pursuit of the national policy for the oil and gas sector and holding tender proceedings related to operating in the oil sector. In addition to that, the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources may use the services of Kaz. Munai. Gaz in preparing expert's opinions on oil projects, maintenance of oil wells, monitoring extraction, transport and processing activities in respect of hydrocarbons, and other issues involved in operating in the oil and gas sector.
The major subsidiaries of Kaz. Munai. Gaz are: Kaz. Munai. Gaz Exploration & Production Kaz. Trans. Oil Kaz. Trans. Gas Atyrau Refinery Kazmortransflot Atyrau International Airport Eurasia-Air Helicopter Company Kaz. Trans. Com Telecommunications Company
The End =) Thank you for attention Boiko A. 404 gr. TF
СРС 1 нефтегаз Бойко А 404 гр ПФ.ppt