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“OH NO, WHAT IS HAPPENING TO KEYBOARDING? ” ABEA Conference July 29 -30, 2014 Jim Brock Arkansas Department of Career Education james. brock@arkansas. gov
WHAT ARE CURRENT STANDARDS? • Keyboarding in Grade 7 or 8 • Computer Tech: Introduction (or approved substitution) required for all CTE Completers • Computerized Business Applications (or Computerized Applications I & II) required for all Business and Marketing Completers • Computerized Business Applications (or Comp. Apps I & II) also required for Standards of Assurance, (EAST will also count for the technology standard).
WHAT DO THE COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS SAY? • Digital Tools beginning in Grade 2 • Type a minimum of one page in a single setting in Grade 4 • Type a minimum of two pages in a single setting in Grade 5
HOW TO ADDRESS THIS? • Collaboration with ADE to push keyboarding down to elementary and developing technology courses for middle school • Committee of teachers brought in to develop courses for middle school (teaching much of CBA content in Grades 5 -8) • Committee of teachers developed a course for high school above and beyond CBA content since it would be covered in middle school • Commissioner's Memo went out, then was retracted. • Email from me went out to all principals and superintendents in June 2013, explaining that these courses are still available --- “The Jim Short Memo”
SO NOW WHAT? • Even though STANDARDS OF ASSURANCE HAVE NOT CHANGED, you may still choose to implement our new course and move keyboarding down. • In order to make these changes, you must have multi-year transition plan, with keyboarding before technology courses.
THINK ABOUT THE PARCC ASSESSMENT • PARCC will be given beginning at Grade 3 • PARCC will also use technology throughout the design and implementation of the assessment system. The overall assessment system design will include a mix of constructed response items, performance-based tasks, and computerenhanced, computer-scored items. The PARCC assessments will be administered via computer, and a combination of automated scoring and human scoring will be employed. • Source: http: //www. parcconline. org/assessmentsystem
K-4 • Keyboarding may be taught below Grade 5. • There are no required frameworks if taught below Grade 5 • Proficiency is determined locally • If this keyboarding will eventually replace your Grade 7/8 Keyboarding must have approve from ACE. A copy of approval is sent to ADE Standards. • Licensed teachers or parapros may teach keyboarding at Grade K-4 • Course Numbers • Tools for Learning for grade level (if licensed teacher) • Study Hall (if paraprofessional)
GRADE 5 • A new course, Input Technologies (355910), may be taught in grade five. This course shall enhance and refine the beginning technology skills students learned in the lower grades. • The minimum required amount of time to teach this course is forty minutes per week or its equivalent during the school year. • Qualifications to teach this course are: • Hold a valid Arkansas teaching license with a Business Education certification of 031, 032, 033, 034, 036, 037, 224, 225, or 250; or • Hold a valid Arkansas teaching license, complete the ACE-approved professional development, and receive the endorsement (419). • Bold numbers are only if taught in Grades 7 or 8 • This course is about equivalent to first nine-weeks of CBA • This course maybe be embedded in the general classroom if teacher holds licensure for course.
GRADE 6 • A new course, Technologies Communications (366910), may be taught in grade six. This course shall continue to enhance and refine the beginning technology skills learned in the lower grades, but shall also include instruction in business communications. • The minimum required amount of time to teach this course is forty minutes per week or its equivalent during the school year. • Qualifications to teach this course are: • Hold a valid Arkansas teaching license with a Business Education certification of 031, 032, 033, 034, 036, 037, 224, 225, or 250; or • Hold a valid Arkansas teaching license, complete the ACE-approved professional development, and receive the endorsement (419). • Bold numbers are only if taught in Grades 7 or 8 • This course is about equivalent to first nine-weeks of CBA • This course maybe be embedded in the general classroom if teacher holds licensure for course.
GRADES 7/8 • Grade 7/8 A new course, Introduction to Business Communications and Technology (377920) for grades seven or eight. This will be an introductory course that will teach beginning technology skills necessary in the workforce and everyday personal communications. • This is the combined frame works of the last two courses • The minimum required amount of time to teach this course is sixty clock hours or one semester. • Teachers must hold a valid Arkansas teaching license with a Business Education certification of 031, 032, 033, 034, 036, 037, 224, 225, or 250. This course will be a CTE foundations course for all programs of study. • This course would only be necessary if Grades 5 -6 courses were not taught (equivalent to first semester of CBA)
GRADES 7/8 • A new course, Information and Communications Technology (377910), may be taught in grade seven or eight. This course shall complete the required technology curriculum. • The minimum required amount of time to teach this course is sixty clock hours or one semester. • Teachers must hold a valid Arkansas teaching license with a Business Education certification of 031, 032, 033, 034, 036, 037, 224, 225, or 250. • This course will be a CTE foundations course for all programs of study. • This course is equivalent to second half of CBA
GRADES 9 -12 CORE COURSE • A new course, Technology Design and Applications (460100), may be taught for grades nine through twelve, replacing the current courses, Computer Business Applications and Computer Applications I, II, and III, which are part of the required 38 units to be taught in all high schools. • The required amount of time to teach this course is 120 clock hours for one unit of credit. • Teachers must hold a valid Arkansas teaching license with a Business Education certification of 031, 032, 034, 037, 225, or 250. • Students must have had CBA, CA I & II, or middle school sequence to be enrolled in this course. • This course replaces CBA or CA I & II in programs of study for completers
COURSE SEQUENCE Keyboarding 355910 Input Technologies Grade 5 (40 min a week or equiv) 366910 Technologies Communications Grade 6 (40 min a week or equiv) 378920 Intro to Business Communications and Technology Grade 7 or 8 (semester class) 378910 Information and Communications Technology Grade 7 or 8 (semester class) 460100 Technology Design and Applications Grade 9 -12 (year long course)
TRANSITION PLANS • Must include multiple years • Plan is district wide, all schools should be part of planning • Keyboarding must be in place before technology courses • Current courses must remain in place, until students can be cycled out • Must be submitted to: • • • Jim Brock, Business and Marketing Technology. #3 Capitol Mall #502 Little Rock AR 72201 501 -682 -1768 James. brock@arkansas. gov
PLANNING YOUR ATTACK • First plug-in the courses you know are being offered next year (Keyboarding, CBA, and CT-Intro) • Next plug-in Keyboarding in grade 4, or earlier if you wish, repeat keyboarding at that grade across the school years. • Next, when the 4 th graders of 2014 -2015 become 5 th graders in 2015 -2016 they can then take 355910 Input Technologies (rose block to rose block) • Repeat Input Technologies across. • Complete this process. Remember when Grade 4 keyboarding students get to the grade you currently teach keyboarding, you can drop it from that grade.
TRANSITION PLAN THINKING THROUGH PROCESS Key Input Tech Input Tech Comm Key Tech Comm I&C Tech CBA TDA Key Input Tech Key Key I&C Tech CTI CTI CBA Key CBA
TRANSITIONS • • Submit transition plans to: Jim Brock Business and Marketing Technology. #3 Capitol Mall #502 Little Rock AR 72201 501 -682 -1768 James. brock@arkansas. gov
REMEMBER • No transition is required, standards remain the same • We see this as best practice however QUESTIONS?
FINANCIAL LITERACY COLLABORATION • Introduction to Finance (492240) • Personal and Family Finance (493190) Will be combined into one course 2013 -2014 Financial Literacy • Course code will be announce later • Course codes will remain one year • Will count for completer in FACS and Business Completer programs.
CHANGES IN MARKETING COURSES • All instructors with 250/225 certification can teach the Marketing courses • CTSOs Either DECA or FBLA, can have both but only one required.